messages to augustdreams:
(click here to add new message):

from candora :
I was here. I appear to be writing a reflective lament of missing all the many friends and diaries I used to love here. I am living in Altamonte now, are we still neighbors? Are you writing elsewhere? I hope all is well. :)
from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from klaxon :
I hope it does too, thanks! ^_^
from moonbaby8u :
alive to most and dead to some..I love my life for once in a full moons time..wouldnt have it any other way and wonder why I ever wanted or had it any other way!
from picean-dream :
Sure, I'd like to read it!
from moonbaby8u :
well...what the holy are alive and well....THANK GOD!Ha....
from candoor :
what's this about zombie chickens?... a friend's boyfriend just made a movie about them and it was just released in NYC and LA... and it's a musical... i have strange friends... so how are you, my friend? :)
from himeros :
I'm so glad you're writing again! Can I have a password to your other diary? *hugs* Steve
from picean-dream :
Zombie chickens? I certainly do hope to be not be plagued with them. How odd. How very odd indeed. You said you have another diary but never mentioned its name, I'm terribly curious!
from moonbaby8u :
why of course you can! Augustdreams Kinkyfun (bawhahahahaha)
from picean-dream :
Yay! Wondered what you were up to these days. Happy New Year to you!
from moonbaby8u :
OMG...she is still alive!!!Welcome back!!
from picean-dream :
Notes are acting funny tonight so I hope this doesn't post twice! Thanks for adding me, and yes, I'd like to read the other diary as well!
from antipodean :
Hey old diary buddy! It's been a long time - years, it feels, since I posted :0 Good to be back though. Hope all is going well in the life of augustdreams :D
from picean-dream :
I scrolled down a little on you notes to see if I had left a note yet, but I don't think I have. So, welcome to guineapigluv! And, as we have quite a few things in common (that you have the nerve to actually talk about) I'll be adding you-hope you don't mind. BTW, you are beautiful.
from omniscia :
Hi there. Just wanted to let you know that I've locked my diary. If you want to read it, the user name is omniscia and the password is decide. -Keri
from omniscia :
Thanks for adding me! :D I almost fell off my chair laughing yesterday when I read your comment about selling painkillers to the junior high deviants. Send some my way, please!
from pumpkin144 :
my antivirus suddenly doesn't like your comments. anyway, i hope you have a great bday! the vacation sounds like it will be great! good luck with the money woes... you can always move here if you want. our government has actually done something about how crappy minimum wage is. *yay*
from impetuousme :
hey, today is Thursday, 3/1. I just resent the e-mail I sent you last friday. Not sure what the deal is, maybe it went to spam. Hope you get it this time. xxxooxoxoxo --- Sam
from malijoven :
Go read my current entry, it has big news that I think you will love!
from picean-dream :
Welcome to guinea pig luv! Nice diary, will read more soon!
from for-you-only :
Pussy licking and freak fucking? Sounds like you know what's up. *wink*
from for-you-only :
Welcome to the pussylicking diaryring. :) ~Phoenix
from sillycake :
I am writing a novel that is loosely based on my life. I want to make it as humorous and realistic as possible. Wish me luck. Oh, and I love the quote you chose from my diary for your buddy list. Haha! I really did frighten those children.
from sillycake :
Congratulations on finishing the book! I am writing one, too, and am excited about one day completing it. Good luck. Let us all know when it will be published. =)
from timdangerous :
Happy 300th entry! I miss you ya know!
from impetuousme :
hey, how come you don't write to me anymore? I don't even know what your e-mail address is these days... ???
from thenorseking :
Hi, Nicole, I know it's been ages since we last talked, and I'm sorry that I took so long to contact you again. I tried sending you a Christmas card this year, but it seems that you no longer use the previous e-mail addy that I used to write to. I basically had to join Diaryland in order to send you this message (I'm not sure if I will start composing any entries...I have so much to do lately with all my websites!). My e-mail addy is still [email protected]. I am pleased to see that your book is on the verge of being published and I'm hoping to find you happy in your life and that the fuzzies are all doing well. I don't know what else to say other than that I miss talking to you. Please feel free to contact me. Love and friendship, Chris
from candoor :
ok, so I actually reached out here... forgetting - are you on myspace?... and I think I have your current number, but not sure... maybe I'll text to see... love you, miss you, hope life is smiling :)
from onewndrmuse :
Where are you? Why have you stopped writing?
from salamimami :
nicole!!! how are you? it's been so, so long since i've been on here. i've been sucked into myspace (well over a year ago) just like everyone else seemed to be. it's been so long i had to think for a minute on how to leave you something, lol. i should try and get back into this. so much i'd like to say without everyone seeing it, and no one i really know uses this. i hope everything's going good with you. :)
from amazinfuckup :
I love the color of your background.
from mistresslink :
thank you for the card :) ps crunchie bars are gross, flakys beat them hands down
from kommkayriel :
Thank you for your note, my friend. I will be emailing you very soon. I hope you are doing very well. Much love... XOX
from captainron :
Hmmm, you just might be too distracting to take sailing. I'd probably hit a rock.
from radiogurl :
Thanks for your note - and I promise, there is NOT a problem with me and MC. This is somebody else we both know, on the one hand - and another person he DOESN'T know except by name, on the other hand. MC and I both agree on the situation, by the way; that we're frustrated at having to keep out of it but knowing it's our only option.
from vibinghigh :
I tried to email you but it came back. Just wanted to let you know I went back and started reading all your entries from the beginning. I'm still in 2001 but I'm really enjoying it. I really like the way you write. Hope you have a great weekend!
from vibinghigh :
Thank you so much for the nice things you said in your note, and for adding me as a favorite too. :-) I'm in the process of posting my old (2003 +) entries and linking to them through the *backstory* link on my diary, in case you'd like to check that out.
from mistresslink :
aw, thanks :) i didn't really think anybody still read me. i go so long between entries lately.
from captainron :
Thanks for letting us know you're still in one piece :-)
from malijoven :
I don't think I got your e-mail. [email protected] Just in case.
from captainron :
What Moo said, me too.....
from the-moo :
*HUG* xxx
from innocenttear :
hi i was just know on your archive page? there's each year and month right?. is there anyway you could tell me how to do that?
from captainron :
Glad your feeling better {{{hugs}}} Hopeyou enjoyed the nap :-)
from captainron :
Looks like the dland address isn't working... Try RonCandC37@(Removethis)
from captainron :
Thanks for the note, but I didn't get an email...
from captainron :
Um, Pssst I hate Oprah too.... Ron PS please feel free to flash me anytime... I bet after the last sunburn, you have some very interesting tan lines :-)
from captainron :
People who annoy me... The ones who don't treat you like you should be treated...
from captainron :
I hope today is a better day... {{{hugs}}}
from mangofarmer :
Holy crap, I'm such a schmuck. Happy Belated Birthday!
from filterbaby :
Chiller is an amazing time. I worked at the Jersey convention a couple of years ago. Great people, good fun! Enjoy yourself!!! :)
from captainron :
I hope that today is a very special day for a very special person. Happy Birthday lady!!!
from angelgirl76 :
Hey! My 30th bday is on the 20th too! I was born at 7:10 pm... what about you? Who's older? lol.
from captainron :
Awwww, That sure looks painful. Want me to rub some aloe on it?
from ruchiii :
Thanx a million for ur valuable advice...particularly at this point of my love when I am buffeted by pangs of Love...but shyness is my psychological problem and I jst dont know how to overcome it and approach him...this accentuates my misery...and also my LOVE for him.
from hibiscus101 :
thank you hun:)
from frittata-f :
I misspelled my own damn name in the post below. I've moved into my new dland digs. Love, Blanche
from mireillie :
Hey, I'm like so totally moving! I will be fritatta-f.dotyou know the rest. The misspell's on purpose. I would have been nakednonfire, but Andrew, the bastard, won't acknowledge my emails requesting my password because my old email addy doesn't exist anymore.
from amedeah :
Thank you do much for your comment. Yes, I think e-mail would definitly work, I've actually been thinking about it already. Also some of the girls who used to be in the dorm and moved on, still call every once in a while there to talk to the staff. So it's not complete cut-off, but still, the policy annoys me :) Me and my rebel ways ! I hope you are doing well, huggles~xxxxx
from kommkayriel :
Hello, my gentle friend. I am noting you with my email address, as you requested. It is: [email protected] If it doesn't work again, note me and let me know, and I will figure something else out for you. You can also find me on MSN Messenger with that same address, if you happen to have Messenger, that is. I hope it works this time. Chat to you soon, my friend. xox
from captainron :
Not as cute as you Nic :-)
from candoor :
wow, the layout jumped off the page at me (in a great warm fuzzy exciting way)... we've gotta talk one of these days :)
from antipodean :
I adore your new layout =) Just so you know, your entry on butterflies brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful, beautiful.
from hibiscus101 :
i'm back! heehee. i have wanted a butterfly on my ankle forever and that last lil paragraph just makes me want it even more. i've always seen a butterfly as a sign of freedom. b/c i feel change(growing up and such) is a form of freedom. now i have litle more to see it as:) thank you!
from hibiscus101 :
from golfwidow :
1. Butterflies are for making more flowers. I don't know why they're not hardier. I wish they were. They're the only bug I'm not actively afraid of. 2. I like your new template, it's really pretty. 3. Get Haloscan comments; they're free.
from captainron :
I like it also... You too...
from radiogurl :
I love both the layout and the butterfly commentary. It is beautiful alone, but also a haunting analogy of the children's and animals' lives snuffed out too soon. Despite their unnaturally short lifespans, they instill beauty in the world.
from malijoven :
I frickin' love it! It totally looks like something a designer would have done. Good job!
from kommkayriel :
Damn, and I thought I was eloquent in speech. Fine sentiments indeed, Tim. Life is indeed precious. Any life. Perhaps butterflies realise that more than most others, because their time is so short. I must say that my day is infinitely improved by seeing but one butterfly float gently past me. And, although the butterfly itself may not comprehend, nor know it has brought such joy to another, I am sure it's short, frail life is given so much more meaning because of that joy it has given to another. Do not weep for the butterfly, and it's short, frail existence. Rather thank them for the beauty they show, the beauty a world must possess if it is to remain hopeful. Do not weep for the butterfly, smile for them. I am sure it gives their lives greater meaning.
from timdangerous :
Every life is indeed precious, and every one has a purpose, albeit difficult to understand or see why they must go down, and a particular road. There are times when it is beyond me why a life continues when it is trampled on so, but those are lives that are surely an inspiration for others, a light upon a weary traveler's path, to say the least. Blessed are those who hold the light, for they alone in the end shall inherit all which is good. I could have also said, "I understand" but then again, you already knew that, didn't you? Peace, love and happiness be with you my freind. --Your Pirate.
from pumpkin144 :
the new layout is nice, but i do like the last one with the forest better. though it had more to do with the actual forest than the colours etc. bravo on your first layout! it looks like fun. ;)
from kommkayriel :
Just wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, filled with love and passion. I hope you have a great day. @}--->---- xox
from gumphood :
I took the villian test and it told me I was too evil to take the test. I agreed and destroyed it! HAHAHA
from sixweasels :
I am getting caught up here and I'm so happy to read about both Dave and Minerva. Lots of good, loving things coming your way, and much deserved!
from planetcookie :
Hello. I haven't been on Diaryland in a long time, but I've decided to come back. I read a few of your entries, and I am deeply sorry for your loss. I must say, though, that Minerva is quite adorable and I happy you have a new friend. Best wishes, my dear. Keep your chin up. *hugs*
from pumpkin144 :
thanks for the note in the gbook. i'm feeling a little more optimistic as i'm not as tired as when i wrote that last entry. 10 weeks left. *whew* and i completely relate to your entry about minerva. when i first got pumpkin i sometimes felt that i was betraying the puppy we'd had before. and it's always sad to think about the day they won't be around. so it's just best not to think about it and just hold on to all the great times you'll have between now and then. have fun in kentucky!! *HUG*
from sesomatto :
Hey there, I don't update my diaryland diary (we're LJ friends, I'm pinkphatty_wut), but I always liked reading your journal, and I loved reading about cute little Aph. I just logged in again for old time's sake, and read that Aph has moved on. I'm so sorry to read that... I remember reading about how much you loved her, and how much she loved you in return. I'm so sorry for your sadness and pain. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad to see that you found a new little furry ball of love. She'll never replace Aphrodite, I'm sure, but she'll certainly be good company. =) And she's too cute for words! Take care, and I hope every day is a little bit easier, in regards to your grief. =)
from restlessly :
I keep thinking I left comments for you, but they don't seem to be showing up. Anyway, on your latest entry, I just had to say - I don't really like Quentin Tarantino. Maybe I just don't get him, or the appeal of his movies or whatever.
from workcrush :
Hey, it's Vicki. Just wanted to let you know that this diary (The Pink One) is no longer locked. I'm just not advertising that fact on my other diary (The Blue One). So you can just click on over whenever :-)
from wistful-blue :
Thank you so much for your note sweetie. I hate to dump all this (very old) garbage at your door now that the sun is breaking on the horizon for you. Then of course, there's the fact that no matter what I think or say, my opinion carries no weight with the extended family. Dwelling on the situation does nothing but increase the frustration, so I've reverted to my old coping mechanism: Ignore it and it'll go away. Unfortunately, in this case it's the only sane thing to do. *Hugs & kisses* Love, cat
from soft-fairy :
Hey, fact: i rlly like ur diary. Iv been going threw it n jus kept on reading it. Happy holidays :-)
from batten :
I love you. This too shall pass. Remember that you're much stronger than anything you're given to bear. Have a very merry Christmas and remember that our old loves walk with us into the next year to keep us safe and warm. Your heart is buffered by much love, darling girl. Big hug to you. -J
from some-trouble :
I'm not sure when you'll get to read this, but I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful time over the holidays! Take Care, Jo X
from hibiscus101 :
*Happy Holidays*
from batten :
Baby girl, hang in there. I love you. Aph would be so proud of the way you're going on. Hell, we all are. Sweetness, it's the holidays. This is the time you love those who are near, mourn the ones you've lost and cling to those who are a little further away... Weep all you want. But then dry your tears and dance a little. Aph loved it when you were happy and giggly. So channel that. I'm sending you all my happy thoughts and prayers for this Christmas season. Wrapping you in love, -Jenn
from kommkayriel :
I have been a fan of yours for most of this past year, but had never left you a note until now. I wish you a Merry Christmas, my friend, and hope the New Year works out well for you, and is filled with peace, joy, and love. See you next year!!
from f-i-n :
The forrest on your page is so pretty. Im sorry you couldn't go to the UK.
from candoor :
I am just coming out of a week-long flu-bug induced stupor and trying to dedicate this weekend to catching up on writing and cleaning the place and doing laundry... so much excitement, I can barely contain myself... and how are you? :)
from restlessly :
You're going to England?!
from gumphood :
hah. You are not kidding. Honestly. I never put that together. You should do something crazy before you come to your senses.
from onewndrmuse :
I'm so sorry to hear about Aph. I don't have a lot of time to keep checking on people's journals since I've been in Germany and I'm really sorry to hear such terrible news when I finally get a chance. My best friend, Katie, had to do the same for her dog Morty this summer and I know how hard it can be. I hope you feel better.
from mllerouge :
Oh Nicole! After all this time, I just popped in on a whim and was so sad to find out about Aph. Jeff and I just lost our cat, who was like a child to Jeff - just as you must feel about Aph. One of the things that Jeff did was to take a photo of Garfield, have it framed, and now it's on the nightstand with out wedding photo. He says it helps. I know how much pain this can cause, and I don't know what else to say, except that there are people out here who care about you. Hang in there, it gets better.
from viks :
hello, i read on vickys diary you recently lossed yuor dog, im very sorry, mine passed away in May, she came to live with us when i was 5 so there is a big gap in the house and heart. Im thinking of you xxxxx
from sixweasels :
I'm catching up and as I read I'm in tears for you. We all experience this heartbreak differently, but I know the reality of your hurt even if not exactly how it feels. She's there with my Stacey-Dog, and I'm so glad you got to be with her until the end. Know you have my love and sympathy, and that she's still an angel watching over you. Hugs.
from larrielou :
I'm so, so sorry to hear about your loss, Nicole. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. My thoughts are with you.
from desmondj :
I'm so glad I got to meet Aph. I'm sorry for you, 'cause I know how she'll be missed, but I'm happy that Aph gets to move on. I firmly believe in a fabulous afterlife, and in my heart I know Aph is there. But dude, it fucking sucks, doesn't it? I'm so sad.
from the-moo :
HAHAHA i enjoy the quote you picked for me.. somehow it's funnier when you write it! *hugs* xxx
from boann7 :
thanks for the nice note and encouragement. soothing.. that is exactly the feel i was hoping for in the layout. =)
from wistful-blue :
Yes, new e-mail is up and running -- I've just been very bad about replying lately. My apoogies for being so lax. :-) -cat
from mistresslink :
you are so sweet! thank you!
from hibiscus101 :
thanx for the add:)
from hibiscus101 :
from desdemonia :
I'm glad you liked it :) Happy Halloween !
from alanajar :
Ha! I still have my Bloom County Book. I was always a Bill the Cat fan and I had a secret crush on Steve Dallas. That's kinda weird to have a crush on a drawing, no? Anywho, I have the Beavis and Butthead Do America movie script book and a liitle remote that says "shut-up assmunch!" and "this sucks, change it" and "Don't make me kick your ass!". I like to play it at my kids. I'm a good mom like that, I know. ;) I just wanted to ask, are we related? Like maybe twins seperated at birth??? Heh.
from candoor :
lol, I just came here to say exactly what I said in the previous note... wow, talk about being in a rut (so why do I find it so amusing?... cuz the honesty is a smile for me especially since you inspire it)... hugs for you, shower and work for me :}
from candoor :
just waking, so much to do (got no clean clothes, which should make laundry a priority, huh?)... words all around me piling up... wish I had more time... coming here to thank you again for your words, that was priority first... hope you're feeling better and loving yourself tonight :)
from hibiscus101 :
oh yes ive been known to break out into the howard the duck song on occasion*he's howard the duck.*air guitar! woohoo
from wistful-blue :
DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAAAAAAAA!!! You've officially been added to my list of "guest posters," which means: I would LOVE for you to write an entry for my diary (at your own convienence). This is not obligatory, just an open invite if you're ever interested...and you know I would be over the moon if you decide to do so. :-) Thank you and good night. :-D Love, catnips
from mistresslink :
thank you :)
from jacqueline21 :
Hey girl! I am doing pretty well, how are you? I haven't had much time to catch up on diary reading either. :( I love your new template by the way:)
from enchancea :
Thanks for joining the old-soul diaryring!
from wistful-blue :
PS: Oh yeah, just in case you don't have *my* e-mail it's [ [email protected] ]. I've got you in my addy book now! :-)
from wistful-blue :
I'm sorry for assuming...I just hadn't heard from you in so long and (no) I didn't have your new e-mail -- otherwise I'd have sent the note thataway. I stick my foot in my mouth so often, I was worried I'd said something off-color -- yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm so sorry you're hurting so deeply :-( I guess I keep thinking: "He'll come to his senses and jump on the next plane to Florida" and *poof*! You won't have to hurt anymore. And I think you're wrong, you *do* know when it's love -- for *YOU* because you're a loving person. It would be impossible to connect with so many people otherwise, so I hope when the pain (finally) starts to recede, you remember that. *Hugs, kisses & love* cat
from wistful-blue :
I just wanted say: I'm deeply sorry for whatever I did or said tu offend or upset you, and I hope you know I wish you nothing but the best in life. -cat
from candoor :
badsnake makes a good point... and mistresslink is very wise... and as soon as my budget recovers, we've all gotta do something crazy (everyone is welcome :)
from mistresslink :
thank you. it is really difficult. and while i have the option to stay friends with mine, i can't. i can't for a lot of reasons, including self-respect, but mostly because it would just hurt too much to see him and know that he doesn't think i'm good enough to be what we were anymore. i wish with all my heart that things had happened in a way so i could save this friendship, because he's one of only two great friends i've had since grade school. but if i want to heal, i'm going to have to let him go. i hope you have more success with it than i expect to. thanks for your note. -britt
from badsnake :
Hey, Nic. I just checked in for the first time in a long time. So sorry to hear sadness. I just have to say (noting that I have not read your diary for a long time, so I may have incorrect assumptions going) that if your boy truly is under the influence of an abuser, it can be like being brainwashed. And one of an abuser's favorite things is to separate their victims from their sources of emotional support, like friends and family. I've written back to e-mails you've sent to manualmode but haven't gotten replies. Do you get them?
from f-i-n :
hugs and kisses
from sunnflower :
I don't blame you at all for being upset. B of America has turned into a heartless machine. It's good to have compassion for others but even though there are other people suffering in the world you still need to forge ahead with your education. I believe you will find a way to work this out. Look for a student loan.
from blueballsday :
Hello, sweetheart :) *smooooch* I just wanted to send you love and kisses. I've worked more hours this week than I ever have in my life and I'm absolutely wiped out but now the busy time is over I'm *finally* getting a rest, which means I get to spend the weekend emailing you :) I love you sweetheart xxxxxxx
from blueballsday :
Hey sweetheart :) *smooch* I just got home from work and I'm so drained I'm going to sleep for a while. But I wanted to send you all the love and kisses in the world. Have a wonderful time, sweetheart - I love you :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from candoor :
HUG :)
from blueballsday :
*Giggles* How dare they not have any blue haired icons on your guestmap? Oh well, I'm still down there, sweetheart :) I love you and I could do with snuggling up with you tonight. Stay safe, my beautiful girl xxxxxxxxxxxx
from candoor :
I am not sleeping... I should be sleeping... I napped at world last night... I amost never do that... I was sleeping, but Rasputin woke me because we suddenly needed to pay for the cookie dough we sold for Precious' school chorus... I fell back to sleep and he woke me again... to sign the check... now I'm awake... I should be sleeping... somebody bonk me on the head :}
from desmondj :
WOO! Ok, I can plan on that.
from batten :
You know that if you're still feeling really broken, I'm a sailor and ex-theater geek so I'm very good at fixing and jury-rigging things. You come lie on my comfy sofa and I'll ply you with wine, cheesy 80's movies, furry bastards and a shoulder to cry on until you're over the worst. Love you baby-girl. Hang in there. -J
from nymphopussy :
hey, im trying to change my template, but for some reason i can't get "last 5 entries" to work no matter what i try. what did u do for urs?-mary-
from loner-blues :
Awww, you're so sweet. I'm just reciprocating you know :-) No matter how things are going for *you,* you're always reminding all of us lucky enough to be your friends that we have your love and support. What can I say dah-ling? You bring out the best in me!
from sixweasels :
Just wanted to say I'm thinking about you and can really understand (living a parallel in some ways at the moment) what both you and M are going through. Hugs.
from captainron :
You seem to be handling your situation as well as to be expected. Love is never easy, but eventually it will all work out. In the mean time, enjoy your new "friend". Looks kind of scary to me...
from chikyblonde :
I have a question about your B.O.B. (and i thought i was the only one who used that!!!), how much was it, where'd you get it, is it worth it?!?! Im in desperate need of one.
from hhmadness :
Hey its Madness...LOOOOOOOOOONG time. I sent you some emails awhile back but one was returned as unsendable and the other I never got a reply to..I have missed talking to u...Hope all is okay. I had to dig this address up as it has been awhile....My email is the same and I am back at FE where u are missed.
from at13oclock :
*biiiiiiiiig hugs* Much love, darling! My thoughts are with you!
from gumphood :
Stay strong and everything will be okay.
from desmondj :
I'm glad I got to meet Woodstock. She was awesome. If I get this loan that I'm going for, I just might rush down there. I might be down in Florida for New Year's, and maybe we can work something out. Meanwhile, think of my new hammock that takes up the entire front porch of my apartment. Think of how nice it is to swing and read in the fresh air of the city. Think of my cats who think the hammock is their new toy, and how funny it is to watch them play. And think of Miller who loves to fall asleep in the hammock, even with one paw and half her face hanging out. Love you.
from thekirks :
hugs to you hon..
from at13oclock :
Nicole! I'm back! I've missed you so much!
from thekirks :
I'm so happy you survived the plane trip:) and are having a great time.
from sixweasels :
I'm so happy to read such wonderful news in your life. You deserve all the love that has come your way, and I'm glad you've found him. Sending good, "be healthy" thoughts to Aph.
from timdangerous :
I've only now returned home love. I will soon be sending you an abnormally long email. we must talk! I am so happy for you ! It's been a terrible week for me so forgive me love for not responding sooner? xoxox
from candoor :
I've been so busy with life I'm not even rambling, but I stopped by to see how you were... hope all is well in your world :)
from simplysara :
Hey sending love your way! I've just discovered that I am going to be a Momma. Pray for me? It's all in my latest update! Miss ya!
from kind-reviews :
Hi. Your review is done. Thanks for requesting!
from sixweasels :
Just wanted to send a big hug your way. When you feel like you are weak for still hurting, turn it around and remind yourself how strong you are for becoming the wonderful person you are today in spite of what happened to you. Many people aren't able to do that. You're amazing, and kind, and yes, I'm glad you're giving some of that kindness to yourself.
from lunablossom :
I'd love the password to your diary if you are giving it out. You can e-mail it if you want, if not no hard feelings but I will miss your great posts. -Luna [email protected]
from wifemotherme :
911: PLEASE share the name of your new toy stat!You have my number - and J is still adamit that I cant ask for help... ; )
from candoor :
there is so much to learn from everything we've written... I hope to have the time to read and re-read it all :)
from restlessly :
I just got my cheaper IDD service recently and it was a good thing I didn't go dial-happy and start calling you in the middle of your nights! Hope you recover soon! Thanks for sharing gorgeous pictures with us. Love your hair (next time we talk I'm gonna ask you about haircare tips) - did you lose weight? :) And Aph is her usual cute self!
from themoodswing :
Look how long your hair is! Doesn't it drive you nuts?? Sorry to hear you're a sick chick again. I hope you start to feel better soon *sends warm healing vibes* xoxo
from thekirks :
Thank you so much for your encouraging notes:) I appreciate them so much and they keep me writing. Thank you.
from wifemotherme :
Happy Fuzzie's Moms Day!
from candoor :
sometimes I wonder if I spend too much time writing, too much time online, too much time alone, too much time in my mind... and then I remember that I am not alone in my mind :)
from silent-songs :
Hey! Yeah that place is good to eat at. I've been so many times. lol. But I'm glad I get to go back cause this time I'll be with my friends. Our high school band is performing at the parade at Magic Kingdom. I only have to wait 2 more days and then we'll be there for a week. YES!! lol. Anyways... you're diary is cool. Very interesting. ♥ Em
from loner-blues :
Oh, that's very sweet Nicole! Thank you! That one's going in my notebook of quotations. :-) -cat
from loner-blues :
I read this quotation and thought of you: "I truly feel there are as many ways of loving as there are people in the world and as there are days in the life of those people." --Mary S. Calderone
from mugbug226 :
I know it's late, but I wanted to wish you happy birthday. I hope you had a good one with much love from Aph (ha, like that doesn't happen ANYWAYS) and all the people in your life. Oh.. and be glad there weren't any scissors involved with the credit cards. heheh
from canosmyth :
No, you cannot have the password. ;) I will unlock it later today.
from thekirks :
Thank you so much for your note. It meant alot to me. I kind of feel like my writing is pretty boring, just writing about my mundane life:) You brightened my day!
from themoodswing :
You have problems with PayPal's customer service? That's a shame. The few times I've had to contact them I've found them to be good. Maybe they need a good buttkicking? ;)
from herdarlinsin :
"All seven and we'll watch them fall. They stand in the way of love and we will smoke them all with their intelect and their sabouiafair, no one in the whole universe will ever compare. I am yours now and you are mine and together we'll love through all space and time so don't cry, one day all seven will die." I love this song. You have to download it now lol Haha.. Seven - Prince.
from herdarlinsin :
Thanks for being a woman, indeed. Praise be to all the women, that love women. lol I say that because I'm lesbian. Haha, funny me. And us women do have the best orgasms. Always. Hope your time in Isreal, or Jerusalem, wherever it is you are, is going well, condsidering. I wonder what life is like there, compared to hear. Aside from the drug wars and other crap in the U.S, I reckon there wouldn't be much of a difference with the wars people are having on each other. Babies shooting babies, etc. Life is becoming a little depressing. Thank god for the occassional sex fix. lol I'm kidding, but sex is the perfect high.
from batten :
Thank you soo much for my e-card today. hug hug hug. Tell us all about your new job... Love you madly. -J
from herdarlinsin :
Oh lord, you're going to quote me. God help us all lol. The last time someone quoted me they put soemthing about me having too much self sex. Ugh. Anyway, I await your quote. :)
from loner-blues :
For some reason, my diary is not unlocking after the little redesign I did last night (ARGH!), so until the problem's corrected -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. I'm so sorry for any inconvienence this may cause. -cat
from chikyblonde :
of course! it's petie - cassie
from goingloopy :
Thanks for the compliments on the layout :) And I didn't take all the pictures. Only some of BFRB takes most of the photos, because she's the one who could win contests. I'm more like that old story: if you put 700 monkeys at 700 typewriters, in 700 years you'll get Hamlet? I'm just a monkey who gets lucky once in a while.
from themoodswing :
That wee bat is adorable! Good luck with your application. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm looking into volunteering at the local RSPCA shelter but I dont know if it's a good idea - I might keep bringing cats home. My mum definitely wouldn't like it. hehe
from mugbug226 :
I had something witty and clever to say, but then I was interrupted and I'm back to my normal non-witty and clever ramblings... oh, well. I just wanted to compliment you on your new layout (that seems very html UM-imparied, if you ask me). Maybe you could teach me how to get away from my diaryland standard background. It's starting to make me nauseous. ;o) Have a great Easter.
from demons-r-us :
Absolutely...I just hope I live up to your expectations of rocking. The username you need to use if "friend". The password: 1257804. Enjoy (I hope).
from ghostiness :
Aw! I'm so excited for you! Don't stress out over the story, but of course I'd love to be able to read the second installment. I've started writing a wacky thing for myself, and I've done like, 4 chapters in two days. Of course, I've also had NOTHING to do, and you have a life and stuff. Hee. *huggles* Don't panic, babes. :)
from hamiltonian :
Yeah its a journal... devilspawn
from herdarlinsin :
So miss. How are you today? Since I can't update my diary, I figured I'd go a round and leave people notes on their diaries. Clever no? Well it's this or go and occupy myself with naughty natured things, and I'm just too tired for that, although if I get really really bored and don't stop thinking about sex, then I just might occupy myself after all. I'm hungry.
from herdarlinsin :
Thank you for the guestbook note. I'm sorry I didn't notice it until just now. Please forgive me. - Chrissy
from usmcsis :
i just read ramona's world a couple of months ago! i loved ramona when i was growing up, i totally wished i lived on klickitat street! and when i found out that b.c. had written another ramona book while i was in the midst of growing up i had to have it! and it was just as good at 27 as the others were at 7. :) enjoy ~ cindy
from breakangel :
Oh, good luck on your interview. I think that's every low-paid, outdoor-working employee's dream: an office job. I know I have nightly fantasies about working behind a desk, having my own office-purchased computer and doing paperwork. Of course I have no idea what goes into 'doing' paperwork, which is probably why I don't have an office job...yes, anyway, good luck! May the hiring gods smile upon you during (and after) your interview.
from hamiltonian :
good luck with the interview.. tomorrow I will find out if I am hired or not.
from hamiltonian :
did you used to have a journal on another site or read devilspawn? curious
from gumphood :
from batten :
Feel better, dammit. (wry grin) Big hug and much love and healing thoughts coming attcha. Love, me
from itineration :
i am alive. back from vegas, done with livejournal, writing here now; remove me from your list and then add me to your list : )
from thekirks :
Thanks so much for your comment about my pics! much appreciated:)
from angelicagirl :
Hey you, it's been a while. I just saw your message in my gbook and wanted to say thanks (: Just knowing that people actually still bother to dust the cobwebs off my diary long enough to read it cheers me up, heh. I must resume trying to catch up on everyone's diaries ... I haven't been around too much. Take care <3
from batten :
Thanks for the card, baby girl. Big hug. Happy belated V-day. -J
from radiogurl :
I like the thought of crotch-nibbling wolverines, but think they already exist in Hollyweird.
from simplysara :
Happy Valentine's to you andf the fuzzies. And the IRS sucks moose cock I assure you! Lovins your way!
from candoor :
sending love your way for Valentine's Day :)
from ghostiness :
*claps happily* I'm so excited! Seriously, you have me all antsy. Hee. I'm still working on finishing up a few things to send to you for comments, too.
from impetuousme :
thank you for what you posted. you are too kind. and thank you for being so optomistic on your site. that helps he world shine.
from mangofarmer :
Buffalo, eh? Heh. Also, I too wouldn't mind doing Brad Pitt in his Troy costume. Day-um!
from pumpkin144 :
no probs! it's [email protected] ...funny forwards only please. ;) and while we're at it, i don't think i have yours... hope the ailments aren't getting you down! *hug*
from gumphood :
Now we are just scaring each other.
from thekirks :
I actually think I used to have you on my buddy list under a different diary! Can't remember which one though:) Thanks for adding me!
from gumphood :
Return of the Dead 3? Who are you. Are you talking Day of teh Dead?
from ghostiness :
Hee! That was funny. Animals are odd, but so adorable. And that program is...interesting. It's like Photoshop-for-Free :) And you're so pretty. Love, Rach
from bohemianlife :
Wonderfully brilliant as always! (it's me irishblueyes by the way...) ♥
from antipodean :
Beautiful entry. I could not have put that better myself. Writing is feeling, imagination, passion, exploration. It is not regurgitation. And yes, I also agree that writing becomes a necessity, or perhaps always was. When I am not writing something, I begin to feel like a beached sea creature. Extreme simile, yes, but certainly true. I only wish I could get to a point in my life where writing is more than a side project slotted in somewhere between work, sleep, relationships and sheer laziness. But it always seems as though the more free time I have for writing, the more I suffer from 'writer's block' and procrastination. Oh, what a paradox.
from vickithecute :
Hey, I just had to lock my diary (temporarily, I hope) bcs a coworker of mine got access to it. It's still open to all dlanders though...the user name is vicki and the password is cute
from forestdream :
Chicken! I've shifted diaries, to I'm thinking of you, glad you're still standing, and hope you feel better soon.
from raen :
It'll probably be unlocked later tonight. I bought a domain name and it made me feel like speeding up that makeover I wanted to give my diary. I locked it so people couldn't see how badly screwed up it looked as I was changing code. :) It was a real mess at one point. The couple of updates I've done while locked were just things for my menu and pages I updated and/or re-entered as a new entry. Don't worry, nobody's missing anything. :) I think I'm done though and I'm going to do a little entry about the new look and what it means and such. Drastic change, though. One of those cases where some people will appreciate my new simpler look, and others might miss all the "junk" I had here and there. :D
from lauralgood :
hey lovely one! I have got to get that book! I can not wait to read it. Great luck with the articles. I know the universe will smile down upon you and with your talent and hard work there is little that can not be accomplished. Hugs and love. Laural
from vickithecute :
Hee - y'know, the banner ad displaying as I read your note was the one about the sock monkeys.....just an odd coincidence but it amused the heck out of me...
from antipodean :
Thank you so much for your concern and your virtual shoulder to lean on. As usual, I have overreacted to things, assuming that one day of boredom was a portent of endless boredom. It turns out, the admin staff were away so I drew the short straw on the mail. I had a lovely lady helping me to finish them off today and I'll now be able to get onto research assistant stuff, which is what I signed up for. Once again, thank you :) Your words are a beacon of reassurance.
from antipodean :
Cool list of animal groups - always good to be educated as well as entertained :)
from hamiltonian :
If want nuts (fruits included) go to California.
from fan4 :
Thanks for the tail-wagging, aph! :)
from fan4 :
get well soon
from lauralgood :
hugs love. love the new layout. Laural
from wifemotherme :
2 days? ...and I miss you already. PS: Alaxander is the worst movie ever made
from sunnflower :
Wow, you really did make a change in your template. I like it. Happy New Year! I really enjoy your movie perspective. I too love lots of films the critics may slam. I like what I like.
from salamimami :
Wow, I really need to keep up on this Diaryland thing. =P I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a GREAT new year... you deserve all the health and happiness in the world, Nicole. (Whether the health part ever kicks in, you and I will never know though...) I miss you and hope everything's going good!
from ghostiness :
Aww, no worries! I haven't been droppin' notes enough lately either, so we're even *giggle* I hope you're doing good, and the ratties send their love back too :)
from themoodswing :
Love the new design! It's so hip it has trouble seeing over its pelvis ;) Hitchhiker's rocks my world.
from golfwidow :
Your new design is so cool you could store a side of beef in it for a year.
from candoor :
merry happy new year to you and hope this year you find dreams come true :)
from some-trouble :
Happy New Year! I hope 2005 is a fabulous year for you. XXX
from wifemotherme :
5 Days? You already? Miss you and wishing you good vibs!
from antipodean :
A merry Christmas to you, and a beautiful, happy New Year :)
from some-trouble :
Hiya, I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Xmas. I hope you have a lovely day! From Jo XXX
from omorfia :
Merry Christmas, young kitten-type-person! :) Give kisses to all the babies for me .. and have yourself a gay old time :p
from fan4 :
Merry Christmas!
from wifemotherme :
Have a very Marry Christmas and a Blessed new year!
from lauralgood :
I must say I am rather excited about it too! Love Laural
from mangofarmer :
I really do love the new layout. Also, thank you for the Christmas card! :)
from gumphood :
I love it too. I liked the other one, I love this one...kudos.
from wifemotherme :
LOVE the new layout!
from omnipre5ence :
I do happen to look a little like the man in your template..
from marebear78 :
Thanks for the note. Your stuff is way fun; I will be back for sure!
from reviewgump :
Now, I know that, well, you like halloween. But you are writing Christmas entries with a spooky background. A town call malice.
from himeros :
Thanks for the note. It makes me feel a lot less depressed to know that there are caring people like you out there. I guess I'm not totally a bad person, inconsiderate definitely. I'm thinking of writing a journal entry where I list some good things I've done. Ciao!
from captainron :
Wow, very pretty :-)
from himeros :
Interesting diary!
from wifemotherme :
Yay! Pictures! I love pictures and your as beautiful as I knew you would be, but I didn't need a picture to be sure of that. The fuzzies are too cute for words!
from irishblueyes :
Well you are beautiful and the fuzzies are adorable as well! And I'm glad to hear that you're feeling so happy!
from etherealrevu :
your review is up!
from themoodswing :
Awww I feel the love! hehe The Stalker is actually an ex-friend who I fell out with over 2 years ago. I've moved diaries at least 3 times because she kept reading, but she'd always find it again. Pathetic, huh? 'Stalker' is perhaps an extreme view, but, well, if you haven't let go after 2 years you're getting close to being one. *snuggle* Hope you're well my love xoxo
from at13oclock :
Thanks doll! I don't think that you do, but I'll email it to you anyway! Thanks to you and Aph for being so sweet! *mwah!*
from usmcsis :
omg! i just spent over half an hour on that friggin grow thing. please help me! :P
from fight-club16 : this is Valerie, from ethereal-reviews. I was just wondering if you would still like that review (I'm sorry it's been such a long wait!) or if you'd like to be taken off the list. If you can drop me a note or sign my guestbook back, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
from lauralgood :
hugs. thanks for the kind words. now when are you coming to visit again?? smiles.
from sunnflower :
Happy Thanksgiving. Cold sliced cookie dough is good!
from lauralgood :
your note made me really happy! hehe. I like you a lot. do keep us posted on your lovely visit! Love Laural
from captainron :
Happy Anniversary. Thanks for sharing :-)
from at13oclock :
*big hugs to you and all of you fuzzies* Congrats on the four year aniiversary!
from foolosophy :
awww thanks mate :) im ok, just a drunken sad entry haha its all good!
from omorfia :
i can't stop snorting with laughter at the hello back to the plastic chair. HILARITY! :)
from rndmreview :
Hi. This is just a promo note from RANDOM REVIEW. Just letting you know that we are currently taking requests for reviews. If you'd like a review, just come and visit, read the rules and request. As easy as that! Thanks!
from bodily04 :
I'm still here, albeit not very often, keeping up with you and sending you my best wishes that you'll get better soon. Look after yourself, I'll be thinking of you :) xx
from hhmadness :
Hey, Good to hear your getting better. As for this..Madness... I know it seems otherwise but I'm really not sexually attracted to farm animals...It will be our secret and never see the light of day on FE. Hope things only get better from here.
from restlessly :
I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly again. Gosh, I think it's a miracle that despite all your difficulties you're one of the sunniest people I know. If I'd been you I would have descended into a horrible whiny mode long ago. Thank you for that pretty e-card you sent me for Eid. I can't believe you remembered! :) Many of my non-Muslim friends who have known me all my life still don't remember - they don't send me cards for Eid, but send me Christmas cards. Despite me telling them time and again, "I appreciate your sentiment, but you know what? I don't celebrate Christmas." So your Eid card touched me beyond belief. Please tell Aph there are LOADS of goodies to eat during Eid (and we celebrate it for a month! Hehe). Eid comes after Ramadan after all, and we make up for all the fasting we did during that month. From different rice cakes to supplement various dishes, to assorted biscuits (pineapple tarts.. mmm) and cakes - we have it ALL. :) Wish I could send some over.. if I can figure out a way, I will. :)
from soffs :
Yeah! Computers have a habit of giving me occasionally hard time. Luckily I've been able to use my old computer, so I've been able to ask some advice from other people. :-)
from lauralgood :
I love long hair on women....smiles. Love Laural
from jacqueline21 :
"Of course, a large portion of the population also made 'I Still Know What you Did Last Summer' a box office hit, so we won't worry too much about their opinion.".........That is the greatest thing I have read all day!:)
from lauralgood :
hugs. love laural
from lauralgood :
get well soon, my friend. i do love you. Love laural
from antisthenes :
nicole. hamstar escaped. my fuzzy one ran away :(
from gumphood :
Yeah see. That's a digustingly good costume. I won't even tell you what I went as.
from wifemotherme :
Happy H Day baby!! I hope your up feeling better and out having some fun (the good, bad and naughty kind) Smooches!!!
from mangofarmer :
Happy Halloween! :-D
from widescreen :
Found it.
from widescreen :
I'm away from my home computer at the moment, but when I get back, I'll send you the URL for the group. Plenty of helpful and generous vamps in the clan I'm in.
from batten :
Yo babycakes, you okay? You haven't updated in a few and I get worried when my little sister is incommunicado for this long. Send up a flare or I'll have to call out a couple of hotties from the National Guard. Love you madly. Big hug. -J
from jacqueline21 :
Hey;) I really enjoy the way you use quotes from the actual diaries on your profile. (I may copy that technique if you don't mind!:) It seems so inadequate to try and describe people's diaries in my own words. What better way than to use their words? :)
from cats-corner :
Username and password are at the top of the entry darlin'...but just in case you can't find them: UN - morgaine; PW - gwydion. I kind of worried about that...whether or not people would notice them...maybe I should make the font bigger? -cat
from mugbug226 :
I'm so surprised this lady hasn't been fired yet. I work with a girl like her, and it just seems like they move up the ladder with ease while the people who actually work get stomped on. I'm glad you're going to be getting better with the meds, take care of yourself! xoxox
from bodily04 :
Hello hon. I'm sorry I've not been around lately (no net access at uni) - I'm trying to keep up with you but keep getting to you a couple of days behind. I'm so sorry you've had another ignorant git make you cry, but please don't let it affect you for too long. You and all those who care about you know that you'd never skive, and whilst you still don't deserve that shit, that's the most important thing right? xxxx
from candora :
I sent a couple of emails to your hotmail address and one returned... I'll keep trying :)
from themoodswing :
My dear girl, you should come and live in Australia. Anyone can get health insurance. We have it pretty good here, I have to admit. I just hate this ever growing feeling that the American government is trying to sink their claws in to us and that one day we'll wake up and suddenly find ourselves under their rule. Ugh. John Howard doesnt want us to be away with the British rule, however he doesnt have a problem with letting America stick its nose in where it's not wanted. We may be under British rule but we're a free country, much more so than America is. I seriously hope we dont lose that. (PS Come to Australia!! :))
from czarandom :
Keep in mind that since she violated a confidential file, she is subject to discharge and alwsuit should you begin to feel vendictive :). On another note, you put the fun in fungus. Feel better soon ;)
from sixweasels :
Thinking of you. That woman is clearly a raging bitch, but I know that doesn't make her mean comments hurt less. Hugs.
from chikyblonde :
do they know anything about your medical conditions? Maybe you could tell them but not necessarily tell them everything. I know if it happened to me I would be just as upset and emotional so don't feel bad!! And I'm definately not a confrontational type of person but I suppose it could be a good tool for growing. Maybe approach her alone the next time you see her and just let her know that you heard everything she said about you and how much you didn't appreciate the "lack of professionalism and respect" you thought she had for you and vice versa. And leave it at that. Definately don't go gossip about it...that makes you a better person right there by just going to her first. Hey, when your sick you need to focus on taking care of yourself!!! And at least you care enough about yourself and your body to give it a time out when it needs one rather than pushing yourself and making it worse. I respect you Nicole. I really do and it kinda irritates me how selfish, mean-spirited, and ugly that girl acted towards you. At least you know who you really can count on not only in your personal life but in your work place too. Pamper yourself and really consider confronting her about the situation. I had to take an anger management course before and the key to confrontation is just don't accuse them but rather use alot of "I's" Like I was hurt, it bothered me when I heard this said, etc...that kinda keeps it from getting ugly. and if it does, walk away. Ok, nuff of my two're loved and cared for and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. And thanks for your bit of advise to me. It really did help. Now go have a great day!!!!
from candoor :
will a good hair brushing help? :)
from cats-corner :
Thanks Nicole. :-)
from schlepplist :
(It's Molly here.) Man, tell that HO that she can go piss on a tree! And seriously, if I meet her at Christmas, I'm gonna bite her. Also, mom and I are coming at, Dec. 20-Jan. 1, or something. Can we do the hotel for Universal then? Let me know, 'cause I gots to make plans! Will you be able to take time off or no?
from hamiltonian :
I believe that Kerry is the lesser of two evils. He of all the candidates can repair the trouble of the bush administration. After he is done in 4-8 years I am for drastic change, the whole debate charade really is pathetic by the Democrats and Republicans.
from candoor :
thank you hugs... I have not been in a social place offline lately... too busy and too scatter-brained... your caring means even more when I'm away :)
from dulligirl :
Thanks for advice on the cold. I'm a bit better now, thank God. I existed mainly on the 'quil, meaning Day & Ny. But the Vicks vapo rub, while of the devil, is also from the Gods.
from lauralgood :
hey I would love to know your experences! I will share mine too. Would you like to go first or should I? Hugs. Love Laural
from hamiltonian :
from at13oclock :
Thank you... (o^_^o) <---- (my blushing face)
from go-thing :
Thank you! I actually made another one today before reading your note. It's like we're *makes silly hand gestures* Ya know? I read your diary all the time (and I felt quite creepy just then) and you are super rad. Thanks for the note *dances*
from july28 :
Yes, a chicken that growls - I thinks she's unique! Yesterday she head- butted my son on the backside when he went in to make a wee ramp for the chickees to climb in and out, which he said was way scarier than the growling could ever be! Love to you and Aph xx
from cats-corner :
Thanks Nicole. :-)
from sunnflower :
Paychecks are always welcome sights. We thought my husband's would be electronically deposited today but alas, it looks like it will be in on Monday. That makes the weekend landscape look a bit different but who doesn't like Popeye's chicken and cable TV.
from list-alive :
Alright, this is all I had time to come up with for now, but here is a button for my site that you wanted.
from mugbug226 :
Thanks for the note. I read your 105 things yesterday, and I loved it. I wish I could compile things and remember like you... my brother does that too. I need some echinacea or something...
from list-alive :
You've been added. :) And no, I don't have any buttons, but I suppose I could make one. :)
from list-alive :
Hello, I've recently opened a new listing site, and I would like to list you!
from ghostiness :
Hey chica! Thanks for your super-sweet note. *hugs back* With the few of us good chicks left, we should make it through alright. *grin* I hope all is well, and send Aph squeaks from the ratties!
from cats-corner :
:-) Yes, I seem to be having many encounters with the "spooky" lately. Well, Des and I refer to it as "freakiness," but I think it's pretty much the same thing. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment Nicole; I deeply appreciate your belief in my abilities. -cat
from cats-corner :
If you'd like to leave notes again, I don't mind. -cat
from laurelote :
Ooh, your new layout is fantastique! Perfect for getting us all into that Halloween spirit. Aph sounds like such a perfectly sweet dog and companion... I loved the entry about her well-being. ;) I don't know if you missed my last note, but I'd love to have your LJ username if you don't mind sharing. *hugs*
from onewndrmuse :
AWESOME layout! It IS that time... the Nightmare Before Christmas time!! I'm sooo excited!! Much love! Christine
from irishblueyes :
Very cool new layout! It fits your love of Hallowen perfectly and dizzy-dame does have a great diary and does great designs as well!
from july28 :
That was quick! Nice to know she is happy and well, like yourself.... She's such the perfect dog for you! Take care, Fran xx
from july28 :
Hi Nicole, I knew there was something wrong about your entries lately, and I've figured it update on what Aph is doing! I wanna know!!!
from mugbug226 :
Howdy (and a big howdy to Aph too)! It's been so long and I was so glad to see that things are going well with Universal. It's great that the hurricanes haven't blown you to Kansas, also. Hope things continue to look up... and hope that party was great. ;o)
from stoic21 :
i'm still deciding whether or not he's likeable enough... well the fact that i'm thinking about it concludes the decision to be made!! that charlie brown thing is so true! we had this "puppet" kiddies show and it was this really fat cow, that owned a dairy and she spoke afrikaans and today she's ultra thin- defined waist and all, a cellphone and she speaks english, so something's just lost and i'm not talking about all her weight!
from themoodswing :
Thankyou for the lovely note you left me. It's nice to know someone thinks of me as 'theirs' *purrs at you* :) Your talk of Halloween reminds me of how much I want to come to the US one year to experience the Halloween festivities. We dont really do Halloween down here, although some kids do go trick or treating (they dont dress up though). As you probably know, everything is 'backwards' down here, so our Halloween is really May 1, but not many people here seem to know that. All the cool novelty shops have Halloween stuff in and I'm going to buy myself a cool witch's hat tomorrow and play with all the bags of fake blood :)
from czarandom :
I agree about chuck shultz, the holiday specials always depressed me. I usually ended up feeling the given holiday was demystified by the cartoon. It's almost as if it took away the magic
from pumpkin144 :
heh, i was cake or death. heh. and then i was also the autumn scene! weeeeeee!! glad to hear you've survived the latest hurricane. hope no more come your way for a very long time! *hug*
from peachsncreem :
lol yes i got the tail wags :P im doing another run soon. the run for the cure its for breast cancer lol and its small too its only 5 k but they are all for a good cause. at least you guys are safe, it sucks that palm tree is gone but your power is working :D kendra
from czarandom :
I may have.... What happens is web crawlers recursively follow links on webpages and in doing so, can search the web for e-mail address to spam people with. These webcrawlers, unfortunately, can be operated by anyone. As for the blog, I may lock it again, but look at my profile page and you'll find the pwd. I plan to be posting a few things once i get this healthcare ethics paper done, one dark, one personal, one optimistic :)
from antisthenes :
Oh man, so in a few hours I will be at the airport, going to Vegas. Hope that I don't die. I am only twelve hours away from Scrabble and love, hugs, kisses, noses rubbing together and possibly even (safe) pre-marital sex! Maybe I'll get a package from Amazon marketplace when I return home? Or maybe just a friendly email? Take care of yourself, untherapist :)
from usmcsis :
glad to hear you made it through jeanne safely. we'll be getting the after effects of her starting this evening. take care.
from themoodswing :
Oh darling *gives you a snuggle* I hope you find a pill that will work for you. I'd offer the use of mine but they are pissweak and your body would laugh hysterically at them hehe *smooch*
from lauralgood :
I wonder if they are strangers or just people you don't remember you have loved. Hugs. Laural
from jensanimals :
Thanks for the note. I have not been on to much lately to update, so I am glad to have a new reader. Yours is definitely a must read and I am adding you to my list.Hopefully things will settle down for me soon and I will be able to update more.
from peachsncreem :
ahhh lol what agreat entry hehe, i loved that carrot tops hair one BAHAHAHA he is soo scary i have someone in my high school that looks almost identical to him :o
from irishblueyes :
Back you might have suspected I was just futzing around with the layout always. And I hate for people to see it in the inbetween stage, I'm just a weirdo like that...! I would never lock you out!
from themoodswing :
Thankyou for offering to look up that fibroidy thingy for me love. Are you seriously unable to get the Horrbile Histories sticker and activity books there? That bites :( have a look at or Two very cool Aussie book stores that both list the awesome books. They do international orders and with the Aussie dollar being around 30 cents less than the US, you'll save some money. Or I can get them for you if you like. :) And I'm glad to hear your throat is getting better. I like that you write about your health because I TOTALLY relate to what you say. A while ago you wrote about having bloodtests and I thought "YES! I'm not the only one!" When I got my cfs/weird virus thingy 2 years ago I lost a lot of friends because they thought I was faking it to get attention. Ugh *rolls her eyes* While I'm not glad that you're sick, I'm glad that we're in it together and there's at least one person who believes me :) *licks your cheek*
from themoodswing :
Not just sticker books, activity books too *holds up her Vile Victorians Activity Book* There's a funny cartoon in here with Queen Victoria posing for a photo and the photographer says, "Come on, smile" and she says "I AM smiling", and she's going on her usual sour face. haha I found that hilarious :)
from thedrink :
I don't think I have your new email address,...send it on over!!
from ghostiness :
I'm so blessed to have such an uplifting presence in my life. I love you, and thank you so much for your note in my li'l guestbook. *hugs to all of ya* May the next 5 hurricanes leave you in peace.
from themoodswing :
Yes, you've been neglecting me all this time! ;P hehe You know those Horrible Histories books we love so much? You can get them in STICKER BOOK format too! *waves her Terrible Tudors sticker book in the air* YAY! :)
from stoic21 :
that throat swallowing thing is so absoolutely true! i love your diary!
from themoodswing :
Oooh that's a good UTI tip. I'll remember that in case I'm ever unlucky enough to suffer one again. *snuggle* Hope you feel better soon love.
from foolosophy :
oh dear, it seems the religious freak has struck again eh? i wonder if its the same one that was hassling me for a while, i argued back a few times, basically telling them where to go... with much harsher words :p and then once i actually got interested in a decent religion based argument they wouldnt message me anymore :( haha! and three hearty cheers for sinners!
from icedmilk :
Hey, the shoutbox isn't only for non-dland. It's just a more convenient place. :) You'll be added to the pending list soon.
from bodily04 :
Heh it's [email protected]. It is indeed hard but I do feel better equipped to deal with it than I did. I think we'll be OK. I've just read your entry about your friend and my thoughts are with you and her. Keep us updated. She's lucky to have such a good friend in you xx
from at13oclock :
My poor, darling Nicole! First Charlie, then Frances, and now Ivan the Terrible! If you ever need a rest, feel free to contact me! I'll be in Maryland for a while...
from ghostiness :
Heehee! Dangling chads. Those crack me up SO much. Dunno why, really. Hee. Anywho, this year they'll probably install those electronic voting machines so they can change your vote with no paper trail whatsoever. *wink*
from thedrink :
I'm very glad to hear everything is alright. I'm sending big hugs and good thoughts to you and her today.
from laurelote :
Thanks so much for your comment... I am trying to keep a positive attitude about the whole year, and so far it's working pretty well. ;-) My Livejournal name is ladylaurelote... and for some reason I don't think I do have yours, so you can just comment at LJ or leave me a note or whatever with it. I definitely want to keep up-to-date with you and Aph!
from ghostiness :
Thanks for the snuggly rat note... and I hope that your touch of angry writing wasn't actually directed at me lol. If it was at Spritopias, he's just telling me facts I "missed." I love him anyway. Hee. Hugs and love to all of you! And I hope you're safe.
from hamiltonian :
The quotable Lauralgood! I ahve quoted her too!
from lauralgood :
mind? I am so flattered! Thank you so much. You made my day. I hope I can do the same for you one day! Love Laural
from bodily04 :
Hey, you're welcome hon, glad you liked it. I wanted to say thanks for not one, but two lovely entries today - your words still make me think and smile and realise how lucky I am, both to know you and to lead the life that I do. And I would LOVE to come see you one day in Florida - never say never! Looking forward to hearing from you. L x
from p-o-y :
Welcome to Pieces Of You!
from peachsncreem :
*hugs* hope you get better soon, you should try buckleys taste awful but it works :P glad you and all the fuzzies non-fuzzies alike are safe
from foolosophy :
glad u and the fuzzy ones are ok :)
from wickeddreamz :
hi just wanted to say that i love your site well i am on here as well (DDD) where i saw your name originally and thought about looking into this ***drink deeply and dream****
from at13oclock :
I hope all of you will be alright with this Hurricane crap! You are in my thoughts all the time!
from gumphood :
Good luck weathering the storm.
from bodily04 :
Guess what? I'm back from Paris!! Back in sunny England now, although I'm still not quite feeling ready to get back into the swing of diary entries - I feel like I just have too much to say! So I thought instead I'd leave a note to say hi and to check you're OK. I've just seen a news report on Hurricane Frances - I'm thinking of you and sending good luck sweetie. Take care of yourself and the fuzzies and let us all know you're OK. Love Lisa xx
from themoodswing :
You know, as much as I dislike the Catholic Church, I find myself having to agree with them about those fruit chew packets. There's something kinda creepy about those pics, which isn't to say I didnt find them hilarious, because I did. I just think that maybe theyre not appropriate. But, I think the Catholic Church has more important issues they could focus on within their own ranks, rather than bitching about cartoons on lolly packets.
from onewndrmuse :
mmmm... oh, banana, you're so tasty and sweet and erotic. Wait, I didn't mean to say that! I kid, but it's silly to associate happy fruit with sex. You definitely have to have sex on the mind to see it, then it's abundantly clear. Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping good updates. But now with college wanting my constantly online, I'm good to go and stay updated. Much love, Christine. ^_^
from gumphood :
wait. Who had the headache? Not a baby? Do they get headaches? I am confused. (takes pills)
from evilestone :
I tried to send you an email and it bounced back. [email protected]
from candoor :
I was going to call tonight, since my ride dragged me from a party early, but I wondered if midnight was too late... so I didn't.
from omorfia :
*SOB* why can't III live close to florida? i want some nicole oral dammit. *sniff*
from lauralgood :
oh you. love you lots. i need cocoa now! love laural
from lauralgood :
Good think Lovely Nic...I am a certified ant checker. I will be over tonight to check for them. Smiles. Stay happy. love Laural
from antisthenes :
I'm glad to hear that you're okay, and hope that all of your loved ones down there are as well. Also, what the hell is up with amazon marketplace, girlfriend?
from molzo :
The latest entry I wrote was supposed to be titled "nastygirl", but I already named something that, and I can't have two entries named the same thing! So, I changed the name, BUT, I went and read the real nastygirl entry, and it is gross and funny. You should read it here: It's funny.
from fairygodmum :
My prayers are with you all and the surrounding families. You are awe inspiring how you keep your cool while things are settling down. Hugz, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from bodily04 :
I'm so glad to hear you're safe hon, and thank you as well for that sweet note. When are you coming to england? Will you be anywhere near me? I would LOVE to see you!!! Hugs xxx
from at13oclock :
I'm soooooooooo happy you and the fuzzies are alright! Andrew and his sister lost his entire roof and the car, but they are both alright! I just feel better knowing that all the people I care about here and there are alright! ~Haddy
from chubbychic :
Thank you very much, sweety! I keep forgetting to tell you that I ADORE your layout. I think its one of my faves on d-land.
from ghostiness :
YAY for electricity. But oh, honey, don't marry it. It's way too flighty...especially in Florida. It'll get divorced and re-married faster than Britney Spears in Las Vegas.
from omorfia :
SO glad to hear you're okay. When this sort of this thing happens, i worry about the animals .. (when do i not worry about the bloody animals?) .. but i know just from bad storms over here or new years eve with the fireworks, we have so many dogs escape. Anyway! I came here to say I'm glad you're relatively unscathed. :) *mwah*
from themoodswing :
Hi love. I'm glad to hear you're okay! How did Aph react to the storm? This will sound weird, but I would like to experience a hurricane. We dont have them in my part of Aussie. I think it would be an incredible (and, of course, pants-shitting) experience. Again, glad you're okay. I was thinking of you! *cuddle*
from foolosophy :
ive seen the devastation caused over there on the news and i cant beleive it, so glad ur ok! :)
from ghostiness :
Hope you stay safe! *love and prayers from Tejas*
from purplebanana :
Ha - I love that you left me a note explaining about your double comments. That's something I would probably do. Thanks, also, for your lovely loveliness; it makes me feel good to know that people are enjoying my diary. So thanks.
from lauralgood :
worse part, Lovely Nic? She is a woman and thinks that way. I don't get it. Love Laural
from pumpkin144 :
no worries! ;) and halloween universal style sounds pretty damn tempting... i have been trying to get to florida for a while... maybe one of these days. take care! *hugs*
from planetcookie :
Greetings from a fellow Sunshine State-r (if that makes any sense-lol)! It is dry here so far in Miami, but let us see about this evening. The weather forecast said it might rain due to Hurricanes Bonnie and Charlie. Yippe-eye-yo-kaiyee! Lol! Take care! How's Aph?
from foolosophy :
glad that ur bloods are kinda getting better, hope ur lots better soon :) im sorry i still havent done a 50 things about me yet, i suck, i am truly the slackest guy on the planet... ill take my laptop over to the girls place tonight and make an attempt at it! :)
from candoor :
obviously it is time for me to try to catch up on your diary, huh? (with the best of intentions I am repeating the mantra: follow through, follow through, follow through :)
from lauralgood :
mmm how nice. I love your words. Love laural
from desdemonia :
Ack ! Sorry about your rugs... I hope the repairs weren't too expensive. Good luck with the doc ! Love you~ *huggles n kisses* Marie~
from timdangerous :
I hope you are feeling better. luffya, miss ya. I wanna have your children. Okay, well take out your trash anyway. *grin* Can I come and fix stuff?
from hamiltonian :
Your layout is the best. Well done all round!
from the-book-bag :
I REALLY don't deserve such kind thoughts and words from you. -cat
from peatal :
That's the way to tell Evil Manager Woman! Go you! Hope you find a new job you really like soon!
from foolosophy :
you are a true champion! and yeah i think i do love you, stick it to the fuckers i say, well done :) hope u find a new job thats what u want soon! I just wish i had the guts to tell my boss the same thing sometime, ah well :p cheers, Stu :)
from themoodswing :
I admire you so much. Of all the jobs I've quit - and there's been lots - never once did I have the balls to say "Fuck you" like you did. I'm proud of you, kid :) I know you probably feel like crap now but dont get too down. You need to get your health back *snuggle*
from onewndrmuse :
I love you! Man, when you get pissed, you sure stop being the sweetheart I know! But, ehh, I like what you told the evil bitch. At least you had the balls to say what you wanted. I hope you feel better. Much Love, Christine. ^_^
from molzo :
I just tried to call you, but the number didn't work. I wanted to tell you how much I love you in person...but no. Oh well. I still love you, and Disney can piss on a tree for all I care!
from lauralgood :
I still love you. Keep your head up. Thinking great thoughts for you. Laural
from desdemonia :
hmmm don't think it's a new address : [email protected] if it doesn't work you can try [email protected] Love you !
from angryskunk :
Hello! I've been a fan for a long long time (albeit a quiet and watchful fan), and I just wanted to say how cool I think you are. When I read the entry about telling off the boss--WOW! You may feel that you're floating right now, but you are headed in ONLY the right direction with your self-esteem when you stick up for yourself like that. So, thanks for being so entertaining and just being you. My diary is defunct but if you're ever curious I'm at If you have an LJ we should friend each other! :)
from angelicagirl :
I've had a nasty cold this week, so I had to call in sick on Wednesday. This morning when I went to work (looking and souding utterly terrible) one of my friends told me that one of my coworkers, when called in to replace me, said, "yeah, I can pretend to be sick too, if it'll get me a day off." People really piss me off lately, so I definitely hear you. Millie and Rori send you lots of fuzzy snuggles :)
from desdemonia :
Oh Sweetie, I'm happy that you made a decision that will be good in the end for your health. Know trhat you are loved more than you know ! (I still need your address !!!!) ;p *loving n huggles* Marie~
from antisthenes :
I love you even if you are a rude, anemic, white-blood-cell-deprived, unemployed wreck at the moment. In fact, I think it makes me dig you more. I also love how the cable bill is on the same level as the water and gas bills :)
from mangofarmer :
*hugs* Quitting Diznee was probably for the best. I know you'll find something better. :)
from clarity25 :
I'm sorry to hear about all that stress with you're job situation. I truly hope everything works out in the end and you find a better job, that's less taxing on you. Best wishes and love..
from lauralgood :
I am glad you enjoyed it! Love Laural
from opusshrugged :
thank you (& aph) so much for the note you left in my guestbook regarding my Irie ... it brought a smile & i needed one.
from purplebanana :
Ha. I come to your diary because of your nice note, and I see pictures of London. I think, does she live in London? And then my thoughts are whisked away to the hospital, and THEN to bitching about other diaryland people! A girl after my own heart!
from simplysara :
Dont let the dipshits get to you. Concentrate on getting well soon. Youre in my prayers!
from gumphood :
so who has been being mean to you?
from simplysara :
Hey Missy. Hope you're feeling better. How do y'all tell how people find you on google searches? I never figured that out. And why do people always make others stick to categories? Gay-Straight-Bi? I think love by any other name is still love no matter who its with or for. Don't let people get to you. They're all idiots. Take care! Sara
from sunnflower :
Emails of Russian boxers - you are a cool kid. Hey, you should think about adding comments to your individual diary entries. Then people like me can add their comments to specific journal jottings. Just a thought. :)
from desdemonia :
hey sweetie, can you resend me your address ??? We're both seemingly loosing our address books :) Love n huggles~
from gumphood :
dude that's just an awesome random thougt. Thanks.
from the-book-bag :
No...I'm not okay, but oh well. *wry smile* -cat
from leslieirene :
Hi! Awesome to hear from you!!!! I was an angel for awhile, and my patient died. :( It was so sad. Then, my own sister was diagnosed, and I told the angels, and she had a regular angel, as well as a card angel! It was great for her! Now, I'm trying my very best to get back to angel a Senior Citizen. It's hard because of all the publicity, but I'm glad that it's so popular! I am trying to get my private entries organzied; I cocked them all up, and as soon as Sammy puts them all in one place, I'll email you the password! It shouldn't be too hard for Sammy. Have a wonderful week, and this is your month, too!
from themoodswing :
You're reading a Horrible Histories book! I only discovered them a few weeks ago. I haven't got any yet but I intend to get them all *history nut* :)
from leslieirene :
Are you like me, and like to write some private entries? I find them quite liberating-especially the last one I just did! What do you think of them?
from onewndrmuse :
I LOVE that book "The Measly Middle Ages"!! I also have the "Vicious Vikings" one. I know there is one about mummies somewhere, but I never bought it when I saw it (now I just don't see it). Thank you soooooo much for the card. It was super random and sweet and game me a big grin. Believe me, watching Monty Python is nothing to apologize for! Speaking of that, one of my goals in life, other than having a Siamese cat named Wang Chung Noodle, is to get a tiny python and name him Monty. Okies, I have to speed off to work now. Much love, Christine. ^_^
from clarity25 :
Thank you so much for your supportive note and your offer to help. That meant alot to me. I feel somehow less alone in all this..I know in time, my brother will be out and all of this will be in the past..right now it's just really hard. Thank you for caring..
from anginthebox :
I just wanted to thank you for reading some of my entries. I just finished reading your most currents and they're great!! I also love your consistency and dedication to your diary! You're archives go all the way back to 2000!
from sanetwin :
I have a pile of books beside my bed that were a gift from a friend. i love finding a page that has been turned over and over again, that is earmarked and a little more tender than the others. It just connects me more with that person and what I'm reading.
from onewndrmuse :
Have you ever read the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede?? They're great fun. I remember reading for the first time back in 4th grade and loving them. I found them again in the basement the other day and have started reading them again. They are a lot of fun. If you get a chance, look into them! Much love, Christine. ^_^
from sunnflower :
That's just how I feel about books too. I love dropping into a different place by opening the covers of a new title or old favorite. I can't believe your boss would ask you if you had other options besides FLMA - now that's just not nice.
from planetcookie :
I'm so sorry to hear that you're ill. I hope you recover well and soon. It had been a while since I updated. By the way, I've read and own Autobiography of a Fat Bride! I LOVE IT! It's hilarious!
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your favorites (and for your kind words). I was thinking exactly the same thing today when I found your diary - hurray, a new fave! You beat me to the punch however - I am such a procrastinator - but I have added your wonderful diary to my favorites list as well.
from moviegrrl :
smacks self upside the head - if I'd bothered to read your entries I'd have realised you weren't well. sorry for badgering you. The original Astroland pic was full colour, so....I'll keep you posted!!!
from lauralgood :
I will pick out the best ones for you, love. send me your email again to [email protected] just to make sure you get them. love laural
from sunnflower :
I found your diary from iwantoomuch's favorite list and I am glad to have discovered it. I want to read Diary of a Fat Bride too. I have had it in my hand several times but didn't buy it.
from candoor :
Time is right, I like your words... hope you and your body start getting along better one of these days :)
from moviegrrl :
hey babe - did you ever get my email about your redesigned page???
from desdemonia :
Knives and sharp pointy objects are the best !! ;p Collecting them can be quite expensive though :/ lol Love you and miss you... I'm sorry I'm sooo bad about calling !!! I promise I'll try more, but right now I have to pay my phone bill first. *huggles* Marie~
from irishblueyes :
Thank you sweetie and I hope you are feeling better very soon! ♥
from redsirenbody :
love you, too. hope you are feeling better. L
from his-holiness :
Y'r damn skippy I dig on the Snarkout Boys (& the Snarkout Girl). Daniel Pinkwater is the bee's knees. And, in addition to stringy rocks, people also want prosthetic foreheads on their real heads. Thank you for dropping the line. I'll be sifting through your old entries tryijng to find something to use aginst you when this whole lawsuit really starts getting ugly, and I look forward to talking to you more in the future. Take care-K
from clarity25 :
I truly hope your feeling better today and please get well soon. You're in my thoughts.:)
from bodily04 :
I've just managed to get access here so I'm sorry this note is a little poor thing, being ill again. Please look after yourself and let us all know when you're feeling better. I'll try to email soon but I'm receiving evil glances from irate French people wanting to use the net now. Get better soon, I'll be sending healthy thoughts your way :). Lisa xx
from simplysara :
Well, when it rains it pours. I never understood the whole walking pneumonia thing. Seems like every time I get it the least thing I am doing is walking. Hang in there girl... it'll get better soon. It has to damn it. It just frigging has to. I'll tell the Big guy I said so too. <wink wink> Huggles to you and All the furry friends for me!
from the-book-bag :
I'm sorry you're sick. :-(
from onewndrmuse :
I wonder if you ever get tired of hearing people saying "Feel better!" So I'm not going to say that. I'm going to say "Have many dreams filled with anteaters and fuzzy dogs and pretty birds." Not that creative, but, ehh, no one ever accused me of being that. Have a restful sleep! ^_^
from irishblueyes :
Oh sweetheart, I hope you are feeling better soon! I'm sending all the good vibes I can muster up your way! ♥
from lauralgood :
oh darling. I will be sending you get well thoughts until you are all healed. love laural
from nypizzas2 :
I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you, but thank you for your note (your doggie is adorable too!) and for filling out the survey. As always, you rock my socks. Hope you feel better and the body starts cooperating with ya.
from zaziel :
Hail, Sir Auguste Du Reve! You have been duly inscribed in the Dooty Nadog Book of Honor! Morituri te salutamus! Amor vincit omnia! Ars long, vita brevis! Mens sana in corpore sano! Credo quia absurdum! De gustibus non est disputandum! �pater le bourgeois! New brak in dahang!
from simplysara :
I wanna hear more about your neew furry friend! Sorry youre not well. I've been praying for you. Hope ya feel better soon, hun.
from clarity25 :
Cool quizzes, I enjoyed filling them out! I did draw that sketch and thank you so much for the compliment! It meant alot!
from the-book-bag :
Thank you Nicole, but there really isn't anything that anybody can do.
from raresilk :
Hi, it's me, Leslie. Thanks so much for that very kind comment! It meant a lot to me. You are so nice to take all that time to write that. Blessings to you! Love, Leslie
from zaziel :
Did you leave a Yellow Missive in georg's guestbook? As a k'nigget of the Diaryland Order Of The Yellow Nights And Days Of Georg, it is your somewhat sacred dooty to reply to georg at least once and use the word yellow or a synonym for yellow. Whether you mention shrubberies or the air-speed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is up to you. BTW, how do you like Imajica?
from simplysara :
Hey chica, Sorry you're having such a tough time. My best friend has endometriosis so I can kind of understand what you're going through. Spoil yourself with lots of rest and tons of cuddle sessions with Aphrodite! Thanks for thinking of me... I was beginning to think no one was out there anymore. Your note brightened my day! Lots of warm fuzzy wishes sent your way! Sara, Chewy, Barklee, Fat Ass, Ears and J.C. oh.. and Herbie the goldfish! Scaley lovins too! LOL
from sixweasels :
Ow - what a horrible day. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs.
from foolosophy :
50 facts about me, hmmm.. ill try, im not sure i can come up with 50 facts haha, looking at myself i think im simple, but know deep down im not, so i guess i just wish i was haha, oh dear, am i making any sense?? :p anyways, ill have a go tomorrow for you :) hope ur feeling better *hugs* stu :)
from eustilly :
thank you! you're the first person to even say anything about it. my guestbook has been dead for months and my dland friends are apparently MIA. :( thank you thank you thank you! P.S. It was supposed to be a Galaga layout, but it is not quite ready....
from clarity25 :
I think we all hide parts of ourselves from other people, it's natural. I have so many fears too inside that I don't show. I try to appear as though I have it all together, but often times I feel like I'm falling apart.I can relate. Also, The end of your entry was really sweet. I hope you feel better. -Clarity
from irishblueyes :
Thank you so much for your sweet note, I can't tell you how much it means to me to know people like you, who are so kind and caring! ♥
from batten :
Y'know even the strongest people are terribly afraid and uncertain. Anyone who denies this is lying. Courage is being able to keep going in spite of that fear. And you, my darlin' girl are one of the most courageous people I know. I'm praying you feel better soon. Love you. -J
from desdemonia :
Sweeite, everyone hides a part of themselves from others... how could you ever stay sane if you had all your guards down? (as romantic and wonderful as it sounds) Know that you are loved, from close and afar... and that people understand ! *huggles n kisses by the ton* Marie~
from onewndrmuse :
I love you! ^_^
from dulcevania :
Trust me you're not alone. I work in a field of mostly men and a majority of the time you have to act stronger than you feel. I know it's not quite the same situation, but I can sympathize in other ways, too, I promise. I hope you feel better and my prayers are with you. (I know that may sound dorky, but they are.) *HUGS, Dulcevania.
from foolosophy :
*hugs* hope u are feeling better soon!
from omorfia :
we'd make a right old pair :) 'fake it 'til you make it' is my motto when it comes to the strength & intestinal fortitude stuff. Baby .. let me tell you this much .. the strength you allow us to see in here - the strength of your kindness, words and beauty - it's you. Simply you. There is no faking that. And it's a strength most people couldn't even dream of possessing. (((hugs)))
from leslieirene :
Hi! Thanks for linking me on your extras page! I really appreciate that. Love your diary and your sense of style! You are very unique! Leslie :)
from antisthenes :
Oh, man. This could constitute note page abuse. Hopefully I can get an out of court settlement.
from antisthenes :
Sometimes I am afraid that I will die while masturbating, and that my parents will come downstairs to find my dead body and scream, and then break into laughter, because, come on, who dies like that? But you know what? I can't let it get to me- because if I do, if I stop downloading internet porn then, by god, the terrorists have already won.
from antisthenes :
Sometimes I get the feeling that if the average layperson were to come across my yard and see me busy at work, they'd probably say something along the lines of, "He's just riding his lawnmower in circles.." And you know what I'd have to say to them? I'd say, "Well, Mr. Cynic, you may be right. But you know why I'm riding my lawnmower in circles, big man? For America. If I don't, then the terrorists have already won". Then I'd probably run him over or something.
from antisthenes :
Anagrams are fun. Anagram machines equate to lame! Palindromes are even MORE fun, but here are some anagrams for my name (Adam Raymond D'Amalfi). "Malady of arid madman", "I am a modal farm dandy"
from clarity25 :
Hi, Thank you for your sweet note. I came to check out your diary. I read your "105 things about me" list and man, I immediately liked you! It had me laughing and crying! I could really relate with what you wrote! I read through more of your diary and you'll definitely be on my favorites list as well. I'm really glad you stopped by my diary. -Clarity
from irishblueyes :
I hope that you are feeling better soon! And I loved your virtual fact it looks pretty similar to mine, cute and curvy! ♥
from good-evil :
Your review is up! You can view it here:-
from queentrixie :
I send you strength for dealing with evil relatives and order you to not let them make you fell bad. Also, I will curse them with itchiness in undisclosed paces if you wish. But I have to say... llamas? I so didn't need that visual.
from antisthenes :
Hey, thanks for all the wisdom and kind sentiments you've give me over the whatever it has been, even if I've lacked the capacity to do likewise :) I'll keep reading.
from laurelote :
Whoa! I just changed my layout to the Mind the Gap one, and then I went to catch up on your entries from when I was away and it was Mind the Gap all over again. Strange. Anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Aph! I'm sorry I missed it. Give her kisses for me!
from ghostiness :
Again I say aww! Thank you for the note (I love long notes, no need to worry about ranting). I don't know how many mags you'd sell with me on the cover, but thanks for the supporting of the viewpoint against these dumb ads. I won't be finding much of that with people I know. Long live right-wing conservative Tejas! < /sarcasm> *huggles* Anywho, thanks, babe. You seriously rock.
from foolosophy :
THanks I like your righting too :) cheers, Stu
from lauralgood :
Thanks for giving me a lift. Life is such a silly thing sometimes. I know I will be back to normal soon. Thank you so much. Love Laural
from ghostiness :
Awww, you poor thing! I didn't know you were in Florida! Eeew! Now I can't even complain, hehe. Texas hasn't even broken 100 yet! Today it was like 70 outside. Of course, it's been raining for the past 2 weeks straight, but eh. I'd love to give you a pillow, but you'd have to come to my house and leave one first. That was the backstory behind that thing. Love to you and the fuzzies! ~Rachel
from razor-vixen :
Thank you for the lovely note! It made me smile. Those page hits you are getting today? Ya that's me! Thought I would check you out...and I will definately keep reading! Dontcha just love that gump-guy?!
from omorfia :
that was a beautiful entry. not that i expect any less from such a beautiful soul.
from lauralgood :
Lovely Nik: your words to her could not have been more true. This internet is much more than just faceless people behind a keyboard. There is love here. Yours, Laural
from restlessly :
Hey! Thanks for the cute card. I'm just really glad that you did receive the package after all - and that everything seems to be fine. I should give up trying to surprise people when I can't take the suspense myself! LOL Much love & kisses to you and the fuzzy ones & have a great week ahead!
from gumphood :
hey. Russian? How are you learning Russian?!!?
from onewndrmuse :
Happy Birthday Alph!!! Mwah! ^_^
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much Nicole. You're equally amazing and sweet, if not more so. *HUGS & KISSES* Love, cat burgler
from nypizzas2 :
Thank you so much for your kind words my dear. Your sweetness and rockingness know no bounds. And a very happy birthday to Mighty Aphrodite. :)
from redshoegirl :
Hope you had a good day Aph, and stuck your paw up at that vet. You keep provin' them wrong, girl xx
from sixweasels :
Happy Birthday to Aph!
from salamimami :
Happy Birthday, Aphrodite!!! Love, Morgan, Jax, and Bella
from desdemonia :
A BIG Hug to Aph on her Birthday. I hope her day is filled with cuddles and yummy treats ;p Love~ Marie~
from peachsncreem :
from the-book-bag :
I'm flattered that you fancy me...although, I think I'd be far less impressive in person. :-) I am imagining Aphrodite's tail wags as we speak. :-* <---That's for Aph. :-* <---That's for Woodstock. :-* <---That's for Captain Jack. :-* :-* :-* <---And those are for you. Love, cat
from lauralgood :
Great dog, Aph!! Be kind to your owner, she is a special one. Hold her close when she needs your love and know that she loves you more than you know. Good cat catching to you! Love Laural
from wifemotherme :
You managed to find the joy in cleaning a bathroom! That is a talent only allotted to the pure of heart. Your such a joy to me and I don't even have to look to find that. Happy Birthday to Aph!
from bodily04 :
Ok, I'm not great at advice but it's least I can do after you've let me in and after your wonderful words the other day. I'd say that honesty is often the best policy, especially in situations like this. If they're worth their salt they'll stick around and help you through this. You're a wonderful girl and I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to be there for you. I would :) Lisa xxx
from the-book-bag :
Thank you Nicole. You're wonderful, you know that? Oh and I am slowly but surely making my way through ALL of your entries, but I will make a special stop at the entry you left. :-* Love, cat
from irishblueyes :
I agree with my lovely Laural (as usual) I think that you have to be honest and tell them how you are feeling. And as you said, if they really care for you,they will not only appreciate that you talked to them, but they might be able to help you work through it. Not to mention being upfront with them will enhance your entire experience!
from lauralgood :
Lovely Nik: it seems to me there is not much choice, love. You must be upfront with them. There is no shame in fear of any kind be it intimacy or otherwise. It will strengthen you guys. Please think on it. Oh and IM me sometime or email me: [email protected] or the other one you have is fine too. L
from suggest :
you've been suggested as a great diary:)
from lauralgood :
Thank you for your kind words, Lovely Nik. Tell Gump he named you well. Love Laural
from bodily04 :
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling great again chick, hope you're well again soon! I look forward to the private entry.....Lisa xx
from gumphood :
You know expense is what hampers exploration, and its sad to me that we aren't going to the moon. It furthers technology and wonder. But, I suppose. I am sorry that things are acting up, though I dare not pry any further than that. Lovely Nik. BTW, i cut everyones name down unless the request not to. What's acceptable and not? Nik. Nicky? Knick. Nicolie Havaboulan? Nicstrodamas.
from onewndrmuse :
It's been so long since I've left you a note!! Anyway, I hope you're doing well... I'm still trying to catch up on entries >_< It isn't because I've been lazy... I swear! With summer on the way, I'll be much more up-to-date. ^_^ Much love, Christine. ((Hug the fuzzy ones for me!))
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the note you left yesterday. Do you actually own/breed anteaters? How interesting! By the way, love your diary design, it was one I always thought about using but never got around to...
from serenaville :
Hearty thanks for your thoughtful note in my diary!! I am quite warmed. I'm also very pleased that you took a minute to not only let me know you'd stopped - but that you mentioned how you found me, besides. That is so rare on D-Land, in my experience. I'm overjoyed that you'll be returning... more to read, on a more regular basis, will follow soon. Please bear with me, meanwhile! Take care. :)
from the-book-bag :
P.S. It really wouldn't be worthwhile to keep track of how often I use "Maggs," as I'm so rarely in the mood these days. :-(
from the-book-bag :
I'm so sorry you don't feel well Nicole. :-( *Gentle massage* *Puts you into a nice warm bath* *Lots of warm [but soft & gentle] hugs and kisses* I hope your flare doesn't last too long. Love, catbert
from bodily04 :
Hi Nicole, thanks very much for the note, feel like I was fishing a bit now but I really wasn't! It was lovely to find your words anyway. My email address is sillymoose85@hot - it would be lovely to hear from you. Lisa xx
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much Nicole. *HUG* *KISS* *HUG* *KISS* *HUG* *KISS* *HUG* *KISS* *HUG* *KISS* Love, cat
from queentrixie :
Hi Minion! I love my minions, especially ones who offer me sunshine and free rides. Not only can you have Miami, but I will also make you the offical person in charge of all policy recommendations involving animal and fishes and crawly things and such. Also the person in charge of finding the offical title for that position because I had it, but then I lost and it isn't under the couch.
from ghostiness :
Hah! Oh, you poor thing. *pat pat* I wondered why John Mayer would be associated with toe-stubbing, but I thought "to each her own". Glad to have helped correct that, though :-D
from salamimami :
I know you've given me the password before, but I forget!! Could you send it to me? ;) Love ya!
from gumphood :
hey. I like it. ROck. I have a meeting. ack.
from lauralgood :
I knew there was a reason I put that site in my diary...destiny it was. I hope you have sweet dreams as well. Laural
from lauralgood :
hey you gorgeous woman you! I am so happy you left me a note! I am going to add you to my favorites for the following reasons: I love that you love your dog; I love that you love the Lost of my favorites too; and I want to brush your hair AND fall asleep with my head on your lap. You sound divine! Exciting! Wonderful! Thanks for letting me read your words. Laural
from gumphood :
hey rocket man. What's going on with you. I am here just to let you know thanks for the add. I hope you enjoy everything you see.
from desdemonia :
Thank you so much sweetie :) My aunt actually has an extra computer that she's giving me that I will bring to my guard job soon... hopefully I can get internet connection installed there as well :) Love n huggles~ The kittens send snuggles and miews
from omorfia : my friend snizz did hip me to these :) i thought you might get a giggle out of it!
from simplysara :
You're most welcome for the review. I was honored to give it. I hope youre feeling better soon! Sara
from the-book-bag :
Awwww thank you Nicole. You are so sweet. :-* :-D -cat
from denzoner :
thank you for the very kind words. the kind words about my writing and my design. i really appreciate it.
from themoodswing :
Aph is a 3am Wee-wee Specialist ;)
from themoodswing :
A house-warming guinea pig! That would be cool. I've never had a guinea pig. I'm hoping to be able to take my kitty with me when I move but I think I'll be going some to find a place that will let me have pets. *sigh*
from kamikazesoul :
hey, I'm curious to know what's in your private entry. I'm pretty sure it won't shock me... can I please have the username/password? ([email protected])
from mugbug226 :
Guido looks strangely familiar... hm..
from ghostiness :
Aww! I got your loverly card! Thank you very much, I lurve it. Hopefully there'll be no more tornado warnings! Gah. That was scary. And man that beach looked good. Love to all the fuzzies and of course you! *hugs* Thanks, chica :D
from themoodswing :
hehe The bunny looks so happy after he's pooped those beans. Must have been giving him awful grief :p
from mangofarmer :
I love the Easter story! I can't handle the suspense. Finish it soon, oh please oh please oh please! :-D
from irishblueyes :
Hey, thanks for the note on the pic and the stickers. I think they're fun! I don't think I have the password for the private entries...but you can drop it by my email ([email protected]) And be careful around those tornados...gosh the weather seems to be just horrible everywhere with these storms lately. Be safe! :) Kris
from peachsncreem :
hey thanz for the message it really perked me up lol, i know life will be GREAT after but its the now thats taking forever i still have 2 years left after this summer, its rotten
from desdemonia :
Hey Sweetie, can you send me the password ? I forgot what it was. *Huggles* [email protected]
from peachsncreem :
hey babe im proud of you and sounds like you had fun lol and im really gald your happy it perked me up knowing that since i had a crappy day with some buds...grrr i dont like this part of high school it sucks well ttyl and thanks for sharing
from bodily04 :
Thanks for the lovely note :)......I had a big talk with said friend today and we seem to have sorted some things out. More on the way soon. Thanks also for the private entry password, it was a privilege to read. Lisa xx
from the-book-bag :
Stupid diaryland...won't let me see your private entry. :-( Would you mind sending me the link directly? [email protected]. (Lots of curse words ensue). Thank you Nicole. :-D -cat
from wifemotherme :
sex??!!! Quick send me the pw! If I am not getting any I might as well read about someone who is!
from ocean-review :
your review is done. enjoy.
from peachsncreem :
hey suga and aph, lol i really want to check on this private party lol but i dont have the username and password lol. please let me see :P
from omorfia :
heya honeubunch *she croaks all hoarse* of course i want to see your private parts ;) i have totally forgotten the password naturally .. (my old emails have been deleted for the most part) - would you mind sending it to me again? *MWAH* .. though no tongue this time, sorry .. i don't want you catching whatever the hell it is i have :)
from the-book-bag :
OHMYGOSH!! You added me to your favorites list!!! YIPEE!!!! *Happy dance* (I know...this is really a pathetic display of excitement, but I don't have much to fill my life). :-D -cat
from bodily04 :
Hi there, I'd like to read your entry too if that's OK. My email address is [email protected]. Lisa xx
from bkbagunplugd :
I'd love to read your private entry if that's all right with you. My email is [email protected]. Thank you. -cat
from the-book-bag :
Haha! Jimmy had the nerve to bug you too? What a twat! He left me some stupid, pointless note after I left a note for unclebob (nothing negative in the one I left I might add). So I told Jimmy: feel free not to leave me anymore notes. :-D He left me another note, but I never bothered to read it...just deleted it on the spot. Cool. We've both had a Jimmy drive by. :-) -cat
from desdemonia :
Hey sweets' Caprice sends huge purrs over your way and the little ones just want more food at the moment though ;p Thanks for your support you are such a wonderful friend ! I loved speaking with you as well :) *huggles* Marie~
from raresilk :
Just wanted to let you know that your review is up! Thank you for your continued patience. Enjoy! Sara
from redshoegirl :
That was lovely...I never really though of it like that! Look at me, going round the sun, on the most beautiful, glittering planet in the galaxy! Lucky us!
from laurelote :
Beach birds... how frightening! Drop a piece of food, and they're all over you. *shudder* I found the layout at Aikendesigns... I was getting desperate, then suddenly I saw it and knew I had to use it. Hehe!
from acidreviews :
your review is up
from molzo :
Mmmm...beach. And also, "Mine, mine, mine, mine!" Hey, are you interested in a fluffy kitty? Because I have three, all fixed and front declawed that would love it in Florida. If you want one, you just ask. I'll pay for shipping!
from desdemonia :
you can call anytime, I work until midnight ! Huggles~
from blacsunrise :
HA! I thought those evil gulls I saw do a flyby over the local crack house looked as if they had your stamp of approval on their heads! ha ha glad you had a nice time. Love you!
from desdemonia :
I thought I was the only one that "bizarre" about guys touching me. And like you I have the same dilemna about not wanting to make a big deal out of it and just letting things build up and up and up and finally escaping through a break-up... I don't know how to escape from it... So I understand perfectly how you feel. Hope you're alright, give me a call whenever you have time, ok ? Marie~xx
from mangofarmer :
Merde sainte! indeed. I just checked my stats, and I've got some weird French ones too. Weird.
from the-book-bag :
At least the book store guy notices you...I can't even get mine to LOOK at me. :-) -cat
from irishblueyes :
Hey there...nope you're not the only one, I'm getting them too and also I heard from rainforme and she's getting them too. It is weird, I wonder if anyone has contacted andrew about it...surely we're not the only three! Have a great rest of the weekend! ~ Kristina
from omorfia :
heya baby .. i'm sorry you're mama isn't well .. it's too scary for words, having your mum *potentially* being really ill. it's weird we're going through a similar situation at the exact same time. i can't wait to hear all about the new addition to the home & heart of nicole!
from peachsncreem :
*kisses* well see now everything is fine no need to worry like you do haha.
from onewndrmuse :
:: HUGS :: I hope everything turns out all right. They usually do, so we have lots of hope! Love, Christine.
from themoodswing :
Oooh, that does sound scary, but I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds. Those meds should take care of any potential problems. Keep your chin up *tickles it* :)
from themoodswing :
I'm sorry to hear your mama isn't well at the moment. I will send her lots of warm fuzzy vibes :)
from irishblueyes :
Thank you, you're too sweet. That site is very funny though!
from guttermind :
Wow, thanks for making me one of your faves! Hee hee, it's been a while since anyone liked my (disjointed) writing. And as for the recent furor, a year ago I vowed to stop writing about Iraq but it's hard to ignore the atrocities that are committed and only now are being uncovered. It truly makes me feel ill.
from peachsncreem :
DUDE! you work there ooooo wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow...ok im done WOWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!1 LOL thats amazing i wish i worked thre what do you do there?
from peachsncreem :
diznee as in disney world WOW wish i had u for a kid lol. i made my mom brownies cleaned the hosue etc, but then again being 15 cant afford much lol. well i have paddling practice ill talk to you later
from the-book-bag :
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY NICOLE!!! Give Aphrodite a hug for me. -cat
from mangofarmer :
Gih... all that low-carb garbage annoys the crapola out of me.
from mugbug226 :
Well, I'm really interested in the ChemoAngels program, but.. I'm not old enough! I think it's really cool that you put it on your site, though. I'll keep it in mind when I "grow up," and maybe by then I'll be able to send a few packages, too. Take care!
from peachsncreem :
aww what a great present maybe shell learn to use the toilet too lol. what are you guys going to do today then?
from peachsncreem :
happy mothers day, what did aph do for you? lol
from themoodswing :
You gotta love how the family of that 21 year old female soldier say that she's a scapegoat and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Can people seriously be that fucking ignorant? My brain hurts just thinking about it. Her family should get in trouble for being so stoopid.
from wifemotherme :
Wishing Aph's Mommy a Very Very Happy Mothers Day!!!!
from guttermind :
Ta for writing me a note, you are much too kind. I've been an awful, awful person lately and it's beginning to show. When I'm over being a stupid bastard, I'll remember you were there to cheer me up :)
from mugbug226 :
3. What is the air speed velocity of two African swallows carrying a coconut between them? This is a question only Monty Python can truthfully answer... ;o)
from themoodswing :
If those antibiotics are making you barf you might need to go back to your doc. Something's not right there (apart from them costing $57...eeek!).
from irishblueyes :
Hey, thanks for answering the questions, they were great. I love that Gin Blossoms album too. In fact it was my first cd, I think when I was a sophomore in high school. Just re-bought it a few months ago in fact. Oh, and you can host pictures for free if you go to Just sign up for a username and all that jazz and it's free and works well!
from themoodswing :
My dear! I have made a better Tassie Devil link. It's much clearer than the other one. You're most welcome to come have a look and pinch it if you like :)
from irishblueyes :
Alright, I have decided to ask everyone the same questions, even though I know that's not too original. So here they are - Tell us about the 1. song/album 2. book 3. movie that has meant the most to you or changed or influenced you the most.
from irishblueyes :
Thank you so much for your questions, they were wonderful...hope you enjoy the answers!
from eustilly :
I finally posted the exciting conclusion to my California adventure! Notice no mention of cool dogs I met...dogs like Aph the Wonder Dog. (Unless Christina Aguilera counts as a dog!) Where in FL do you live?
from euphorically :
i have been reading a little of your diary. your layout is something lovely and very fancy! cirque du soleil inspires me, for one reason or another!
from redshoegirl :
You're coming too England!! Ooh, whereabouts? For how long? This country kicks some ass, I think you'll find. And, if you fancy some rodent lovin while you're here, my mice will be only too happy to oblige. And can I pinch the neat blurry links effect? I can take it direct from the HMTL (right click, view source), so no monkey with wrench efforts required! x
from themoodswing :
My dear girl, I would be honoured if you used my Tas Devil link :) *smooch*
from for-you-only :
I love your layout! And you're a funny person. Oh, and if you'd love to give me a small peice of html knowledge, what is the keyword that you put in a:hover text decoration; that makes your link blur when you hover your cursor over them? Example; the keyword to make it underlined when you put your cursor over a link is "underline" (naww) - I'd be so greatful if ya let me know! Hope to hear from you! ttfn ( ta ta for now)
from some-trouble :
Thanks for the note - it really helps knowing that other people understand. :o) I love your new layout, but then I would seeing as I'm in London - lol. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling too well at the moment. I hope you get better soon!
from soffs :
I love your new layout. *loves London's tube*
from desdemonia :
I love your new layout sweetie. Subway trains are my favorite place to think and daydream. I loved San Francisco for it. *huggles* Marie~
from redshoegirl :
The tube! The london tube! How exciting!
from omorfia : .. it's legal. it's fab. *mwah*
from complicated8 :
Hey! Thanks for the note. Yeah, mom isn't as worried about it now as she was before, not since I told her I would go and stick too the after party until someone came and picked me up. plans of her driving me so I wouldn't have to be stuck w/my keys and such, have fallen through, so yeah, no idea what I'm going to do. Thanks for being willing to give a character reference =) *hugs*
from planetcookie :
Why, yes, Stinky Dead Horse Carcass is, in fact, quite unstable. LOL! How have you been? Oh, I read your ode to a toilet and it had me in tears from how hard I was laughing!
from beangeled :
Glad you liked the card :) Love ya loads!!! Take care.
from at13oclock :
Happy Birthday (a day behind, but hey!)
from salamimami :
Ohhhhhh Myyyyy Goddddd... I HATE that "Dominic the Donkey" song!!!! Every year at Christmas my boss puts the country station on at work, and they play it AT LEAST 7 times a day... I get the stupid "jiggity jig, he-haw, he-haw, it's Dominic the Donkey!" part in my head ALL DAY! lol. So I feel your pain... but back to the reason I'm here... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!! :) :) :) I sent you something in the mail, but it'll probably be a day or two late. :-/ But I didn't forget! Hope your day's great. *hugs*
from parlance :
:) You too!
from reallyme566 :
Happy Birthday! Here's hoping it is filled with all sorts of wonderful things.
from onewndrmuse :
Hehehe... I love that song "Dominic the Donkey"!! Oh, I just bought your birthday card tonight >_< But I promise it will eventually arrive in your mailbox! Look out for it!
from parlance :
Oh, it was your birthday? Sorry I didn't catch it. We've never really talked before, but happy belated birthday :)
from timdangerous :
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
from thisisjohn :
hey, haven't stopped by here in a long while! (looks like i sound like everyone else *wink*) um hi. i was just at cry.diaryland, and yeah, that shut down. that was cool that you applied, i didn't know you would be interested in something like that. long time no talk. take care nicole.
from mugbug226 :
You want to know something funny? I clicked on the link you want for your birthday, and I swear I saw that same thing at Walmart for $12.00 parading as a back massager. In fact... *go looks by recliner* Yeah, it's the same! Happy early birthday ;o)
from peachsncreem :
been awhile since i red your diary but OMG haha you really want something different for your birthday eh lol that was funny i looked at the page and laughed hehehe. well ill wish you a happy bday in 2 days then lol ttyl girly
from complicated8 :
Hey! I haven't been by your diary for a long while so I thought I'd stop by and say hi! I adore your new layout! It's blue and I like!
from pumpkin144 :
hmm... guess i must have misread your entry. my bad. well then, i'll just have to wish you a happy bday again on tuesday. ;) it's only 17 more sleeps til my bday. and tell aph that if my major credit cards aren't still full in june then maybe she'll get a fun toy. pumpkin wanted to let you know that her bday is in july. ;)
from pumpkin144 :
happy belated birthday! hope you had a fatasmic time! that little bit from barker's story is really inspiring. i know what you mean about how wonderful it is to read something and be inspired into your own creations. you read something magical and those little lights in the sleepy corner of your mind start flashing saying "i've got a brilliant idea! quick! pay attention to me NOW!!!" problem is that sometimes those little lights start flashing in the middle of a lecture, or when i should be doing homework. hope your little cold goes away soon! take care!
from desdemonia :
Happy Birthday my dear ! So sorry I didn't know it was your b-day I would've sent a little package :) Love n huggles for you and the furries~ Marie~
from onewndrmuse :
Just dropping by to say "hello." I've been uber-busy, but I still think about you and your animal friends. Hope everything is going well. ^_^
from sunnigummi :
Oh yeah....and I forgot to mention that I found your diary through a survey. I was quite intrigued by what you said. I can relate.
from sunnigummi :
Loved reading your list! I thought I was alone on some of the things I liked and ways that I felt. Thanks!
from quirkyeq :
Hey - I always check in on your diary for a little dose of sanity in my world.. as you seem to make sense, unlike most people round here... So, well, thanks, I guess..! Quirky EQ x
from reallyme566 :
You are so sweet to make such an offer. I am so blessed to have so many friends who are willing to take me in when the home situation gets too stressful. I am making my room into my new refuge and that helps, it just gets a little lonely sometimes.
from purplemama :
Thanks so much for leaving a message in my notes! *HUGS* It's nice to know that someone "gets" what I'm saying and doesn't think I'm a kook! *L*
from antipodean :
Wow :) I am For once, I am at a loss for words... Okay, let me begin by congratulating you on the publishing deal. To be published (or even waiting *impatiently* to be published) is the most amazing achievement - and an achievement well-deserved. You'll definitely have to let me know when your book is released in Australia :) Secondly, I should say that I am honoured - absolutely honoured - that my words have helped in some small way to keep you on 'the path'. You don't know how completely you have made my day - my year, even :) The last thing I will say is this: You are an amazing woman. Thank you - not only for inspiring me to stand by my 'path' as a writer, but also for reminding me of the value and meaning of this thing that we do, and the buzz that resounds in our hearts.
from reallyme566 :
scarily enough i have seen said smurf orgies. not by choice - it was playing on the big screen of one of the bars i frequent. rather frightening in a hilarious sort of way.
from onewndrmuse :
I'm so glad not everyone is close-minded about gay marriages. I couldn't agree with you more on the issue. Although I'm heterosexual, there is still a possibility that one of my children may be homosexual. There is ALWAYS that possibility. When I become a mother, am I going to love my child less? I couldn't let something so silly to condemn my child's and my relationship. What if my sister or brother suddenly realize that they're homosexual?? Once again, family bonds are just going to have to outweigh something like that. I can only hope that America realizes that to ban gay marriages is directly against their right to pursue happiness. Peace Out, Christine. Postscript: gives the fuzzy ones (and not so fuzzy ones) a hug for me!
from mugbug226 :
I love your latest entry, and I'm glad someone out in the world of botox and diets (maybe even botox-diets) sees an issue with it. Be well. ;o)
from pumpkin144 :
dude, i usually want to put my foot up the collective ass of the media EVERY night. i think i'm gonna have a fit if i see one more stupid old navy commercial... grrr... it really makes me wonder about the state of the society we live in.
from pumpkin144 :
you testify sista! i agree with you fully. how 'bout i get up on the soapbox for you? i don't think i've EVER bought one of those terrible magazines (even when i was a teenager and "17" was all the rage), so me arguing it might be more effective. ;) oh yeah, i know this is a bit late but i haven't been online much the last couple of weeks... i'm really sorry about your uncle. i know how you feel. it's tough. *hug*
from omorfia :
hey baby. i've only just got back to the internet world .. i'm so sorry to hear of your uncle passing (((hugs))) it sounded like he was a good man. lots of love to you x0x0
from laurelote :
Thanks so much for the e-card you and the furry friends sent! :-)
from desdemonia :
I'm sorry you've lost a loved family member, I hope that you feel better soon as well. I'm sending all my love and prayers over your way, Kisses n huggles~ Marie~xxx
from beangeled :
I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle. But since I believe, like you, that there's indeed something after death, I think he's up and well there. Take good care of yourself and the fuzzy ones! *huggles*
from salamimami :
I'm so sorry to hear that, Nicole... especially on top of you not feeling well to begin with. But you're right; I'm sure he's gone to a better place. *hugs* I owe you a letter... maybe I can get to that this week. Sorry I haven't already, I've been so busy... but keep your head up, honey. I know you will. :)
from batten :
Baby, I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do. I'll call you Sunday evening, okay? Hang in there. Love you. -J
from laurelote :
I'm so sorry for the loss of your uncle... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
from irishblueyes :
Is that for real, did someone really hack into your diary? That can't be you.
from wifemotherme :
Brwhahah! Your hysterical! Thanks babydoll I needed a laugh today!
from beangeled :
Go Nicole! You'll get that job ;) I know it. You could bring Aph and Woodstock to the interview. They'll shut Evil Manager Woman up ;)
from redshoegirl :
::doing victory dance with both mice:: Good for you Nicole! I'm inspired by your wonderful bravery! You're the best!
from batten :
I'm so proud of you. It's hard to stand up for what is right a lot of the time especially when you don't feel great. You kick ass, baby-girl. Love you. Hugs to the furries. -Me
from pumpkin144 :
congrats in conquering evil assistant manager woman! that must be a great feeling! i know what you mean about confrontations... i just hate it too. that's why my apartment is falling down around me and i'm really not fighting my landlord on it much. hope you're starting to feel better soon! *hug*
from salamimami :
Congrats on getting a semi-victory, lol... well you're pretty much always winning since you don't lower yourself to her level, but you know what I mean. =P I got your letter, thank you so much. It was sweet. :) I'll work on one ASAP, I promise, and have it out to you soon. Hope you're feeling better, sweetie. You deserve it more than anyone--especially after this past week. :) *hugs*
from wifemotherme :
I am so proud of you!!! Wow! I wish I could stand up for myself the way you did. I really pray you get the new post - I know how bad you want to be closer to the animals. Big Hug!
from reallyme566 :
I hate the fact that there are people like your manager out there ... it is distressing to hear that someone could treat others so badly. i am glad that you are taking steps to stand up for yourself. good luck tomorrow.
from beangeled :
Go for it Nicole! Kick.Her.Ass!!! :) I'll think of you on Tuesday.
from timdangerous :
I will always be on your side, if not at it. Love always, tim
from onewndrmuse :
happy leap year day. good luck with the evil manager lady. kiss a lizard for me. ^_~
from timdangerous :
go get 'em grrrl! I'm on your side.
from mugbug226 :
Woohoo, I wish you luck. Diaryland saves the day... I hope evil manager woman gets her booty kicked. Good luck!
from redshoegirl :
Go you Nicole. I'm so proud of you for fighting back against your horrible bully of a boss
from pumpkin144 :
i sure hope evil manager woman gets dealt with. she sounds like a real condescending nightmare! i had a prof like that. i just stopped going to class. still got a decent mark too. mean people suck! good luck getting the nonsense sorted out. *hug*
from omorfia :
yes. good. this is an idea. :) too many 'managerial' type people think they can do anything they like to their staff and not have to answer for it.
from omorfia :
heya babycakes (((hugs))) i'm thinking of you - and putting out 7 different kinds of good vibe-ish type thingos. *mwah*
from oinkoink :
I'm very sorry that you are in emotional and physical pain--and that it is worsened by putridly stupid people...the stench of their decaying brain cells reaches me here in the cretinous land of Las Vegas. Hmm, quite morbid, but I shall leave it. Heh. I have been in somewhat similar situations, in which I was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally, and then told by my should-be supporters that it was somehow my fault. The kinds of people who blathered such things to me and to you are emotionally insensitive. This lack of empathy is guaranteed to give them problems in the present, and it will hamper their lives in the future. I hope that helps you a bit...<<hugs>>
from pumpkin144 :
go in there and say to them "i'm trying to see things from your point of view but i can't seem to get my head that far up my ass"... and see what they say to that. *hug*
from onewndrmuse :
I'm keeping you, your fuzzy ones, and your job in my prayers! You deserve to work where you love and I would not want to hear you giving up your job with animals. Good luck, hun.
from mugbug226 :
I'm sorry to read that you got a call from evil manager woman... she sounds evil. I hope that everything works out, and I'm sending plenty of good thoughts and prayers your way. Good luck, and I hope you feel better
from laurelote :
Your outlook on life is so refreshing. It's wonderful to hear somebody who is able to deal with so many hinderances and yet appreciate the many blessings we all have in life yet tend to overlook. ^_^
from mugbug226 :
I read your favorites on your profile before I came and left a note... I remember the Brave Little Toaster. What a great movie. It makes me tear up everytime! Anyways, thanks for the wonderful note. Any hope helps! Thanks for adding me toyour favorites, and I hope you don't have any more headaches... ;o)
from peachsncreem :
hey baby girl!! i hope you have an awesome valentines day and if need be ill help you throw the lady to the lines...but lets forget about the beef *sigh* poor cow....anyway lol ya your right its awesome to get mail from friends i live so far away from mine now and jsut last week i got an xmas card but it didnt matter i was sooooo happy to get it well have a good day *hugs*
from salamimami :
Hey hun!! Thanks for the note... can't wait to get your letter. :) Yes, my email's still the same. I'd LOVE to hear from you--gotta fill me in on all the details! It's glad to hear you so happy... I'll talk to you soon! *hugs*
from batten :
You're allowed to whine anytime you feel like it. Forget the asshats (TM Sixweasels.) YOu do a good job when you're there and that's what counts. Personally I'm impressed that you don't whine all the time. If I were in your shoes I'd be a little puddle of pity-party. (grin) You are a strong, brave and wonderful woman. Don't ever forget that and don't let the bastards get you down. Love you. -J
from redshoegirl :
That a self indulgent whine?? Haaaaaaa heeeeeeeee heee!!!! You should check out my whines...and I've never even heard of strep throat! Nicole you are a strong rocking woman and you kick the sorry ass of all around you. Plus, the giant tortoises' opinion is all that matters xoxox
from onewndrmuse :
Thank you for the loooooooooong note! I love reading your notes. They're always filled with perky advice sprinkled with original humor. Unfortunately, my report cards aren't made the same way as yours were. And since they don't need to be signed, I never bother showing my parents. I so jealous of your beautiful Floridian weather right now... I'm off of school because of snow and sleet and messy, messy slush. I'm a snow person -- I love it. But I'm most definitely not a slush-and-ice person. I really long for days filled sunshine and birds and big puffy clouds. Now I'm on a tangent! Hah, well much love to you and your fuzzy ones. ^_^
from peachsncreem :
that entry was so pretty...and im glad i met you too yet you said your parents i assumed you were over 20 is that correct? wow it must have been amazing to watch the launch
from batten :
Ha! I knew it! You can't be spending all NY eve on the phone with someone if they're ONLY a platonic friend... (grin) I'm happy for you, baby girl. Couldn't happen to a better person. You SO deserve joy. Sorry I missed your call. I was taking care of Pat in W-burg that weekend. I'll touch base with you soon. Big hug to you and the furries. Much love, -J
from redshoegirl :
A boyfriend and a girlfriend is surely just greedy! ;-) Not to mention woodstock and Aph! I'm so happy for you deserve to be happy and well loved!! xxx
from salamimami :
I'm SOOOOOOO happy for you, Nicole! You've got the best of both worlds going on there, eh? ;)
from onewndrmuse :
Awwww!! I'm so happy for you! I know exactly what you mean about not really being able to describe your feelings properly. That seems to be a common symptom when in love. I hope he's the one!
from peachsncreem :
lol hey loved your writing today it was so fricken funny and lol i loved #5 the best lol and i couldnt agree with you more
from salamimami :
Wait... I'm confused, lol. Email me with details if you get a chance! =P
from peachsncreem :
omg he sounds amazing, you are one lucky girl and yes go PATRIOTA!! lol i may be canadian but i still want the pats to win :D, your walk is coming up soon wish i could have sponsered you but im a poor high schools tudent :(
from timdangerous :
I am SO happy for you! If other people are so shallow as to leave because of something you do in your personal life then you don't need them as readers any damned way. Piss off indeed! Yeah, you tell 'em baby! Damned skimpy! *hug*
from molzo :
Hey, my roommate is in the hospital. His brain is swollen and bleeding, and the doctors don't know why yet. Would you please pray for him?
from raen :
I added a quote from you on my Favorite Quotes page (favquotes.html) - just letting you know. :)
from peachsncreem :
she sounds awesome and i LOVE her name
from peachsncreem :
wow thats awesome of you and i would spare money if i had some lol. but how big is aph? what kinda of dog?
from peachsncreem :
haha trout wearing galoshes what an interesting thought but they have no feet so it may be hard for them. and cement shoes well i jsut bought some for my english teacher so he can take that trip its supposed to be nice but in my case the shoes only cost $50 just like the 50% on my last project that i worked on kendra
from irishblueyes :
Thank you for the compliments on the pictures! I do really quite love all my pregnancy pictures. And you are right about the collage art diary ring, but I guess one of us would have to have a gold account in order to start one...I have been thinking about getting never know! =) Kris
from desdemonia :
Hi sweetie, no problem for the card, it was my pleasure. I didn't get yours though, but that's probably because I moved too much in the past months and you sent it to an old address :) Hope to get a letter from you soon though, Love~ Marie~
from madchester :
Yay for Jim Rose! I'm still working on getting the link up on my diary, as I have no HTML knowledge whatsoever. But don't worry, it'll be up there soon!
from sleepydust :
Hiya - I'm new to diaryland (and also an M.E. sufferer) so just thought I'd pop in to say hi. Just wanted to say that your entry about your tortoise was really thought-provoking and I was really impressed by your writing style. Will be sure to read more. Huggles xx
from beangeled :
Hey hun, I'm so so sorry that I couldn't be there and help you when you needed it the most. Damn me, but I couldn't even send a note or a g'book entry your way! I'm sorry for that, but I'm soooo busy right now, that I'd lose my head if it weren't attached ti my body. But please remember, that I'm always here for you if you need me alright?? Give teh fuzzy ones a hug :) Take care!
from ktdream :
I just wanted to say I really found your entry interesting.. maybe I'll read more.
from reallyme566 :
I never know what to say .. I have only just started reading but already I can tell that you are a very strong and caring person. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and I have faith that things will work themselves out. Take care of you.
from mangofarmer :
I got the letter and pin yesterday! Thank you so much, dear dreamer of August-like things! :) After I teach this flute lesson tonight maybe I'll have $ to get some stamps and I will write back. I hope you feel better soon! *hugs*
from irishblueyes :
Library Felons Of The World Unite! I'm glad to know I'm not the only idiot on the Library Witness Protection Program...stupid tempting books, they get you every time!
from onewndrmuse :
I hope your puppy makes it through. It's amazing how much love you've invested in that bundle of fur. Not many people are capable of that much unconditional love. Well, I didn't really write this to mope around and be sappy. Speaking of turtles, my little sister has this crazy obsession with them. Personally, I think they're cool and all... but I'm definitely a mammal lover. I just like soft bundles of fur to cuddle with. Anyway, I hope you're all good down in the sun. Peace Out and Lots of Love.
from restlessly :
Hey you! :-) Am scratching this out via my PDA (the only kind of working *personal* computer available to me now) so I really hope this works. It was REALLY nice talking to you today (as always <g>), wish we could do it more often. Finally got caught up with your latest entries. BOO to that vile woman you encountered. And I'm really sorry to hear about your friends. My kindest thoughts/best wishes/prayers/love goes to them. It's just the least I can do.
from timdangerous :
You ask, you get. *snap* Well wishes/prayers/vibes and all are on the way. Youse da bomb, AND a QT 3.14 !
from antipodean :
Thank you for your beautiful words :) I know this might sound corny, but has anyone told you how wonderful a person you are? Even though we've never met, I can see through your words how incredibly caring you are - it reaches across the world. You have a big heart & a gift for making people smile. There's no doubt your friends are going to get through these tough times with you behind them. P.S. Congratulations on getting your work published - I'm sooo completely happy for you :) -PJ
from scorpio123 :
hang in there its hard. best wishes to your friends. i just found out about three months ago that my mommy had ms, so i know how it feels, and best wishes to you all! -vanessa
from peachsncreem :
its ok shell be fine and im going to stick with you dont worry. i can be your shoulder to cry on.
from soffs :
You're forgiven. :)
from timdangerous :
Hey, anything for my mermaid! *Rawr!* *kissy huggy and other mushy crap*
from laurelote :
Thank you so much for your comments, they made my day! ^_^ Wow, congratulations on getting published - that's fantastic! Anyway, I love your diary and I'll definitely be reading. Thanks again! ~ Cheers, Laure ~
from peachsncreem :
awwww sweetie i hope you dont csry or anything cause that would be awful. your perfect just the way u so who cares about mean awful rude people you have plenty of great people already like me on your side. so cheer up *hugs and more hugs*
from soffs :
from timdangerous :
You want I should wack 'er?
from omorfia :
((((nicole)))) honey, i'm so sorry. it must be something in the air though - i've had 2 run-ins with REALLY rude HR people in the last couple of days. It makes you wonder how people keep their jobs. Really. Lotsalove! x0x0
from redshoegirl :
I love you Nicole! Hugs! You make me giggle even when you feel like poo! That woman deserves a slapping. Maybe we could arrange it with the fates for her to get all your illnesses? I think that would work. Hope tomorrow turns out better, and that you find a nice zoo. Love Meg x
from preciousgift :
from onewndrmuse :
How can you be so sweet and funny when you're feeling like regurgitated form of cat food?? Heh, well you amaze me. I hope you'll get better quickly. ^_^
from desdemonia :
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! Got Bronchitis too ?? I had it a week and a half ago and had to go to the hospital... poop to hospitals... It was scary: first time they couldn't help me out with my asthma ! Anyway, that was my new year :) hope yours was a bit better. All my love~ Marie~xxxxxxx
from irishblueyes :
Hi. Just wanted to thank you for the congrats on the 100th entry. I have really enjoyed reading your diary as well, and hope to be able to read many more entries in the future. By the way, hope you are feeling better. =) Kristina
from chikyblonde :
Liked you life lessons. Here's a little one maybe you could consider adding to the one about gorilla's really do throw poop: Inmates & gorilla's really do throw poop.
from batten :
I tried calling you NYE to wish you a happy New Years but the phone was busy forever. Love you, kiddo. Gotta go.
from just-me-90 :
Hey! Thanx for welcome-ing me into our ring! Mad Love--Lex
from hot-crumpets :
I'm so proud of you for resolution No. 4 sweetheart xxx How about a resolution to scare away all giant snails? :)
from laurelote :
Thanks for joining my (Captain!) Jack Sparrow diaryring, mate! ^_^
from peachsncreem :
your welcome for adding you. i like your diary its funny. what do u think of mine so far its kinda mlah at the begginning but in the middle its great lol and my flying car is broken and can oly run on the ground right now so that kinda bites hehe
from ghostiness :
Aw, thank you. I don't mind rants. I rather enjoy them. Thanks for the sentiments... I'm actually okay with myself, those ads just make me wanna punch somebody. *hugs* Happy New Year's Eve to you, and may your 04 be 0-some. (awesome, that was a lame attempt, I apologize)
from beangeled :
Cheers to you Nicole! You rock :)
from peachsncreem :
man i hope you get your flying car i LOVE ur writing its so fun and i always think about stuff like that in history....i get bored in that class like hello its history but in a hundred years and more our grandkids and what not will be saying the smae thing about us/ how could they live without robots geez it must have been heck there lol love ur writing going to read more peachs or kendra lol
from onewndrmuse :
:: raises her glass :: Toast to the new year and old friends. Hope you feel better!
from batten :
Feel better. SOON! [email protected] Love you. -J
from timdangerous :
i hope you feel better soon love. i/m throwin good vibes your way babe. *furry kisses*
from beangeled :
Sorry, your message to [email protected] cannot be delivered. This account is over quota I just wanted to send you a greeting card *sobs* ;)
from omorfia :
MERRY CHRISTMAS! And thank you SO very much for my card *bearhug* .. that last entry was just lovely. I used to help my nan also .. and her tree / decorations had a particular scent .. you made me smile :) I love you! x0x0
from preciousgift :
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
from peatal :
Merry Christmas!
from some-trouble :
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas hon. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful day together! Love, Jo XXX
from onewndrmuse :
Merry Christmas (Eve!)!!! I hope the stars shine brightly and your Christmas tree lights even brighter. I hope you surround yourself with everyone you love and realize what a great person (and friend) you have been these past years. Lots of love, Christine.
from queentrixie :
Hon, do you have Ash's number? Cuz' I would so give him call.
from iwantoomuch :
Thank you (((((Nicole)))))! Merry Christmas to you and may 2004 bring you much health and happiness and donuts and other yummy things. xoxo
from adoptme :
Thank you so much for the link!
from bestiary :
P.S. I hope you get well soon :)
from bestiary :
Thankyou, thankyou for your wonderful words :) I wish you the merriest Christmas and most fabulous New Year ahead. Take care, and say hi to Aph and Woodstock for me.
from wifemotherme :
I would call and check on you if I had your number hint hint hint ; )
from batten :
I'll even spring for a plane ticket round trip if you think you can take a weekend off....
from onewndrmuse :
You have a talent you haven't mentioned in any of your entries yet: the talent to send the warmth of your friendship across hundreds of miles!! You are so sweet to be so supportive when you aren't at your best and it is rare to find people like you. Thank you so much. Remember, send me your address so I can send you a Christmas card this year!
from wifemotherme :
your so sweet to show me concern when your feeling so sickly. You are such a dear! Things are on an evenkell today so i cant complain - but its only 9am LOL
from mangofarmer :
*happy get better soon hugs*
from redshoegirl :
Hey nicole...have you heard of the Keeper? Or the mooncup ( I have one and it kicks ass!! And a friend of mine with Endo says it is MUCH better for the comedy volume periods. Plus, it stops turtles choking on tampons (not sure if that actually happens). But yes! Investigate! Please? And the thong/period idea is just so stupid.
from omorfia :
just wandering through diaryland aimlessly, thought i'd say hi. how are you kitten? :)
from mangofarmer :
Yay for mail! Thank you so much for the awesome letter and pin. That pin is so cool! It's going in my pin collection. Well, er, I mean it's going right next to my neon yellow "Flutes do it best!" pin! :) *hugs*
from restlessly :
Oops. Just realised I made a typo in my earlier note. Evil Manager Woman should abbreviate as EMW. Sorry. Been a long day.
from restlessly :
Muchas gracias - for leaving a sweet note for me, for telling me you like my design (might change it soon) and for that wonderful thing you wrote about me (really, I don't deserve it) in your favourites list on your profile. MUAH MUAH MUAH (loads of hugs and kisses)! Anyway, just caught up with your latest entry, and hearing you mention the EVW again made me realise something? You know what? You should find something you like - and be your own boss. That way you don't have to work to anyone's schedule, and no one can't give you grief if you don't happen to be feeling too well. Then again, maybe I'm just projecting my own dreams on you here *sheepish*. Loads of rest, and hoped you tried honey and that it helped! :)
from mangofarmer :
Bees suck. I can say this, even thought I've never had the misfortune of being stung by one. Maybe that makes them even more sucky. Or something. Yeah. Bees suck.
from redshoegirl :
Hey you of the evil piss-taking body. They had excerpts from stiff in our paper a few months ago now, I loved it. Although it did turn my stomach a little. But hey, your stomach is probably upside down by now, so turning it is probably a good thing xxx
from onewndrmuse :
Thank you so much for the note. I can't even really begin to express my appreciation for the support. I am not usually one to talk about my family life, because I always feel like a spoiled, suburban, teenage girl who cries any time she doesn't get her way -- so, usually, I don't complain to any of my friends. But it's so comforting to know that someone is listening. Thank you again. I hope your body will stop playing mean tricks and you will feel better. ^_^
from scorpio123 :
aww thanks so much for the awesome b-day wishes. loved the poem, despite them.. ehh...uniqueness! well have and awesome day! and i still love your layout!
from wifemotherme :
I heart you too! Really I do! Your such an uplifting darling wonderful wimsical human and you make the world a nicer place to live. We live so close to each other and I do hope some time the day will come when we can met and I can give you this big ol hug I have been saving up for someone as endearing as you! Hostly - Your somekinda wonderful
from ghostiness :
I heart you. No, really, I do. Thank you very much for your uplifting notes, and don't worry about taking however long it took to add me to your buddy list. I forgot to add my gay boyfriend for quite a bit. I felt bad. But he's okay now. Also, the camera's really old compared to some newer stuff, but 's a Kodak DC215 Zoom, if that helps. 's a few years old. Anywho, thank a lot for your friendly notes, and I can't wait to read this poem you're cookin' up. *hugs to the both of ya* me shut up now.
from wifemotherme :
I hope you feel better! Bummer about the carrier thing but as always I learn much from your writting and that explains alot about why I myself seem to get it 230,234 times a year! (((((((((*NIC*))))))))) kiss the Alpha for me - but please - no tongue
from officegal :
your porn names are so so funny. i havent read you in a bit. i hope all is well:) kisses to aphrodite for me:)
from onewndrmuse :
Thanks for the note. I've had a pretty good week, but your note just sent it into an "awesome!" type of week. Thanks, hun! Oh, I want to add something to your list of happiness -- someone laughing at your joke. One of the greatest things in the world, I sweat it. I'm sending lots of love to you and your fuzzy ones! ^_^
from scorpio123 :
aww your totally awesome.. i really trust you and all, but my partents would kill me!! thanks a bunch, but all i need from my birthday is happy thouihts in my gbook! thjanks so much again ! much love and kisses, vanessa
from eustilly :
thanks for the warm, october wishes! happy late halloweenie to you, too, and to aph! the bill gates game is hilarious. it's such a geeky photo of him...what picture isn't geeky of him, though?
from timdangerous :
RE: Mr. right... I could say a thousand million things right now, all of which could be clever, smart and/or cute. I will not however, as I choose to simply love you. *hugs*
from onewndrmuse :
Haha, I liked the Interview with Satan. Very clever and festive. ^_^
from irishblueyes :
thanks for the note about liking the entry, i'm so glad you enjoyed it. and i'm sorry to hear about your breakup but it sounds like you are handling it beautifully.
from wifemotherme :
I dont know what to say, except I am sorry. I do know once again I really admire the way you handle lifes curve balls. I know for as much as we are alike I sure do want to be more like you when I grow up. I think I have the wrong email and I.M. screen name for you so if you have time please email me that info. I love ya! [email protected]
from onewndrmuse :
I'm sorry to hear about you and Mr. Right, but I'm glad you're not tearing yourself into pieces just because your convictions are different from his own. You're one of the sweetest people I know and I know that you're destined for happiness in some shape or form. Give the fuzzy ones kisses for me! I'm sending lots of love to you!! ^_^
from dizzy-dame :
Hey, this is Frazzled Imp. Due to certain people in my personal life not having the common sense that god gave a banana feeling the urge to delve into my journal, I�ve decided to pack my bags, and move to a new location. Since this move isn�t intended to thwart my regular readers who have nothing to do with me on an intimate basis, I�m just making the rounds and letting you know where I�ve gone. You�re still welcome to come read, if you�d like. You can find me at: Take care!
from onewndrmuse :
Congratulations on being almost published!!! That's so exciting! I have all the faith in your writing skills that they will take this far! ^_^
from wifemotherme :
Do you have aol or AIM? I would like "chat" with ya sometime.
from hot-crumpets :
Hopefully Seesaw will help you feel a little better, sweetie - if he doesn't eat you first :) xxxx
from blacsunrise :
Thank you so much. I love you and the Fuzzies. A little metaphorical butt-kickin could be good.
from onewndrmuse :
As for using "monkey" as many times as you can, use "purple space monkeys!" That's a spiffy, little phrase that always bring a smile to my lips.
from beangeled :
Whoa and when will the babies come? And if they're there can you take pictures? I'm so excited ;) I'd love to see anteater babies :)
from beangeled :
Hey hun, hope your foot gets better. At least you didn't trip over the fence. That's the kinda thing, that would happen to me ;) Oh and about the babys (you know which I mean ;): How the hell did that happen? LOL
from mangofarmer :
What does "frangible" mean anyway? ;) :)
from antisthenes :
Put some new meaning into that there "eye of newt" phrase. No, don't really. That's just horrible. I'm sorry.
from wifemotherme :
hehehhe! and yes you can tell them the truth - there is a wanker in the Little Mermaid movie -on the MINISTER! (I will skip any Catholic Jokes.) Any chance you are going to get to go to the Fright Night stuff going on at the parks? I would KILL to go!
from beangeled :
Sorry it took a while to get back to ya, but I'm a lazy ass ;) I'm so happy that you enjoyed the entry and also my layout. I always have to smile when I see it. Well the e-mail about my vacation... One day when you'll least expect it I'll send it to ya ;) As I said I'm a lazy ass.. Hugs to you and the fuzzy ones :)
from hot-crumpets :
*Giggles* I could help count its toes.... :) You made my morning! Steve and I have some cunning plans involving Dave and a digital camera for later on, so watch out for those, sweetie :) Hope you got my email last night - the beanies that were on were so scary that we had to change the channel almost straight away! Argh! I bet they don't have toes.... ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed your day! Love you too :) xxxxx
from wifemotherme :
OMG I am 10 years old too!!! I am so happy to have a someone the same age as me as a friend, normally I get stuck with much much older ;) I know I dont tell you enough but I absolutely adore you! I actually squealed with glee when I saw the new ant eater layout and I should have left you a note then -but I am lazy...or wait, did I? Ok I am also absent minded. PS its about time for another entry on stupid questions your asked while working - those always crack me up! ((((*HUGS*))))
from desdemonia :
Nicole ! Thank you for the card, it really makes my day each time I open it again :) I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll be writting soon !
from grimm0826 :
Hee hee...I totally agree about the Hollywood scene. Also, love the new template. It's outstanding!
from mllerouge :
Bad, bad Tracy .... I forgot to ask you how YOU were feeling. I hope your spell has passed. Does the impending change in weather make it worse? It does for my Mom. She hurts so much worse when a giant low pressure system comes through.
from onewndrmuse :
Thank you so much for the sweet note! He and I have come to mutual terms of not being a couple, but it's such a relief, because we manage to be 100% honest with each other without hurting feelings -- which is worth more than 100 boyfriends. I sincerely hope you and the fuzzy ones are doing well and I love the nifty new layout!! Lots of love, Christine.
from mllerouge :
Yea! I LOVEEEEE the new layout. That is just soooooo you!
from preciousgift :
Cute layout; Jule did good! Hope you're having a great week-end.
from grimm0826 :
The terror of the loose change??? I love it! :-)
from frazzled-imp :
*laugh* And I've been meaning to drop you a note to say that I'd added you, and how much I've been enjoying your journal. (Or did I, and I just can't remember?) The only problem is, I always pull a total spaz when I do that (case in point), so I wind up putting it off. Anyway, hot cocoa and animal crackers? Who could resist?
from mllerouge :
Woooo hooooo! I'm SOOOOOO passin the loose change story on to Jeff. (The king of "I'm afraid of loose change.") Take a bow sweetie!
from hot-crumpets :
Hee hee! I knew that loose change was big trouble, sweetie! One of the most unexpected lines I've ever read in my life - '"Alright then," The change said happily' - hee hee! Thank you for starting off my day with a giggle! I'm going to go and exorsise my purse now! xxxx
from mangofarmer :
*hugs and ice cream and happy thoughts* Feel better soon, dear dreamy August-like one. :)
from hot-crumpets :
*huge hugs* My sweet friend; you know that I love and adore you, and I would do anything to take all of this away from you. Please don't feel you have to email me until you feel up to it - I know your cramps will be wiping out your sitting ability pretty much, and I understand completely. Just remember that I'm thinking of you, sweetie, and I am always here for you xxxxx
from blacsunrise :
Thanks.....Its a good one, If I may say so myself. Im well, caught a bit of a cold but its going away. Thanks so much for the notes and the e-cards, they really help. Im sorry I havent gotten back to you sooner, kinda gotten caught up a bit in the hectic-ness of trying to find a job. So, yeah. Love you lots and Ill send some CA sunshine and love your way. Bob says meow cause well, he doesnt say much else, quiet type ya know. Hes very stowic now a days!
from preciousgift :
Thanks for the note. Man, I'm soooo ready for Halloween. Good thing about having kids is that you can dress up no matter what age and get lots of candy without being called a moron. =) Thanks for linking me & give Aph a big hug and kiss from me. Later.
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetie :) I just got back from my looooong journey but I wanted to send you love and hugs before I crawl into bed. I'm so glad that you liked my story! I'm really pleased that you liked my pink hair so much, too ;) I promise you a good, long email in the morning, sweetheart. Take care of yourself :) Love you! xxxxxxxxxxx
from hot-crumpets :
I'm having problems with one of my email accounts (on hotmail) while two others are OK, I can get into the exclusive one you use but my main acount won't budge an inch! I hope that you got my email from a couple of days ago alright, sweetie. Just let me know if it didn't get there xxxx How are you feeling? We're both sending you love and hugs, and I'm getting you a cheesy Manchester postcard today! Woo-hoo! Take care, sweetie. Love you! xxx
from batten :
I loved the pic! You looked like a mischevious kid, which is pretty much exactly what you are and is part of why we get along so well. Pete looked at me this weekend and said "you're just a kid up to no good, aren't you?" and I had to agree with him. I doubt we'll ever grow up but there's no harm in that... FLA may have to wait. It looks like I'm going to have to go see Granpa in Montana and my sister in CA this fall and those are very very expensive trips. Please be feeling better. Give my love to Aph. And here's a huge hug from me, baby girl. Love you. -J
from dork-reviews :
Hi, this is Ruth of dork-reviews, juuust droppin' in to tell you your review is up. ;)
from smoog :
Gives new meaning to the phrase "cold fusion", doesn't it?
from salamimami :
No random thoughts here; I'm too tired to think. But wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading all of your random thoughts. :) Made me smile... feel better, sweetie.
from etherealrevu :
*pets head* Yay for random H.P. Lovecraft (or maybe August Derleth) review requests!! --Samantha
from ghostiness :
Hey!! Thanks so much for thost signs you left me, they really made me feel happy, hee. I'm really happy for you...gettin' married and all. Woo barefoot! I'd get married barefoot or in my Converse. Anyway, thanks a lot, and I enjoyed reading your diary. I'll be back as well. :)
from mllerouge :
You know what's scary? If I cut an pasted that survey into my own diary .... none of my friends would know the difference. Except for the part about Aph, of course. Are you sure you're not my long lost twin sister?
from hot-crumpets :
Am I not your close friend then? *Sob* I'm so glad you're back online, sweetie - I have two really cheesy postcards of twons near where I live in my bag to post to you today so you can laugh at where I work and about how they try to make bad towns look good! Tee hee! I promise I'll mail you tonight, I've so much to say sweetie. I'm off to work now and not looking forward to the journey. I'm glad the phone connecting went OK with o disasters! You take care of yourself, sweetie, and keep your throat nice and warm. Love you, sweetie xxxxxxx *sends Blue Hugs* :)
from antisthenes :
It was about five o' clock in the afternoon; I had gotten off of work some two hours before, and the drive home was nothing short of my own, impersonal hell. Not that it mattered anymore; I was home, now (obviously). I threw my jacket over the chair, and slouched down next to the table, leaning my head against the cool wood surface; Howard was on the couch watching "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" or "Surprised By Design". One of those god damned shows- they're all the same, anyhow. I didn't notice it at first, but, after lifting my head up, I came to see that there was a small, white jar on the table. I regarded it quizzically; I had never seen it before. When asked, Howard said that he thought it was mine, and that it was there when he woke up this morning. Leaning my head in to closer inspect it, the jar made a visible 'hop' about an inch in the opposite direction, away from me. I jerked away quickly, startled, and then told Howard to come over to view it with me. Howard sat down to the right of me, and leaned in to inspect the jar. It did another hop, away from Howard, and he too was startled by this. He turned to me, and it looked as if he were about to say something. Unfortunately, all that came out of his mouth was "AIIEEEEEE!", as it was at this time that I stabbed his face.
from antisthenes :
I read your entries for today, then sat around for about five minutes, staring at the screen and trying to remember what it was I was going to do. Oh yes, a note story for augustdreams, that's the ticket, so, without further ado..
from zara75 :
I love that quote about the dancing. Lot of sense in that :)
from silent-stars :
your diary is fantastic.
from omorfia :
heheh .. some patriotic dancing, perhaps? *mwah*
from salamimami :
I'd love to dance! ;) Thank you so much for the letter. Brightened my day as always. *grin* I wrote you one back, and it got sent out today, so you should be getting it soon! *big hugs*
from ravenheart :
Hello! -And thanks for adding me to your favorites as well and for mentioning me in your diary! :) I have put you up as my favorite link of the moment in new entry. Take care.
from mllerouge :
Better look out girlfriend, I just might take you up on that! Actually, I have a vacation savings account going, and that's one of the places I'm thinking of taking them. (But it's not growing very darned fast, so we'll see.) It would be next summer, but I'll let you know if I make it happen - so we can come see your armadillo!
from wifemotherme :
Have you seen 28 days yet? My sister called and told me about it over the phone in the middle of the day -just the plot. I had a nightmare that night FROM HEARING ABOUT THE DANG MOVIE. ok just wanted to tell you that. Hugs to you and rubs to Apha
from beangeled :
Thanks for the lovely message Nicole. And thanks for just being there. It's not quite reassuring to know that even with 70 I won't know what men are all about. On the contrary it's nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't understand men ;) Much love to you and the fuzzy ones :)
from salamimami :
I agree! I rented that movie the day it came out--I had been wanting to see it for awhile--and started watching it that night but got bored. I forced myself to watch the rest the next day since after all, I already put pretty much time into watching the first half & spent money on it. Everytime I thought I found some sort of plot, I lost it again... and that girl's laugh! OMG, it doesn't get more annoying than that. And what about that ending? I'm still confused. You're right... Toy Story is definitely better.
from antisthenes :
Hello there, master. Popped in to say: Holy Crap, what's with the power outage thing? Yee-haw!
from mulher :
At a certain point, I want you to remember (law school geek that I am) that you still have rights and that you can assert them. Believe me, it's worth repeating to you because you are person who is worth it.
from antisthenes :
It's so incredibly easy to make life hard, and just as incredibly hard to make life easy. I am full of wisdom (and chiasmus').
from onewndrmuse :
Glad to know you're safe! Give Aph a hug for me ((I'd send treats... but the time they'd get there, they'd probably be rotten!)). Hahah.. I liked your little poem about the rain and pee. I'm relieved to know your sense of humor is still in tact! I'm sending you lots of love and hope for better days! ^_^
from omorfia :
heya babycakes .. sending you a hug - give mr right a pinch for me (not fair he burden you with crap at this point in time) .. i'm glad you're safe & well - floods are terrifying. Give aph & woodstock big kisses for me :) I hope you're feeling better after all this crap. You are too sweet a person to have to deal with this, truly. You must be going to win lotto or something. ;) x0x0
from wifemotherme :
*Hugs* safe and dry here! Sending Alph good vibs for the eye. Think it could be pink eye? I am sorry about Mr. Right. Trouble in paridise you say? I can relate more than you would belive. love ya! Hang in there you have been in my thoughts and prayers even when I was too caught up in my own BS to note you.
from on-a-whim :
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I stopped by on your diary and enjoyed reading what you have to say. Keep it up!
from hot-crumpets :
*Hugs hugs* I love you, my dear friend. And I'm so proud of you, you know that. I'm glad my email got to you ok yesterday (I've had a few problems with hotmail this week) - and I hope I did OK with the Blue's clues :) I still want to make wax cakes to fool Mr Salt! I've been thinking of you, sweetie xxx
from mangofarmer :
from scorpio123 :
hey hun! me and my friends are starting up a new advice site. It is called just-ask-us and can be found at We will answer just about anything, and give our honest opinion. It would be greatly appreciated if you would check it out. If you need help, and an opinion, we would be more then happy to do so. Thanks a bunch! Just-Ask-us Vanessa, Allessia, and Kathleen scorpio123, hottamalie02, kathieroxy11
from mugbug226 :
I found your diary from Mangofarmer.. and I really enjoy it. I'd walk Johnny Depp's plank any day as well.. ;o)
from mangofarmer :
Dearest dreamy August one, that sounds lovely. I guess as a crazy cat lady, I'll have to keep my cats indoors so they don't bother your dogs. ;) Have a great night, and keep your chin up, you WILL get through this. :)
from hot-crumpets :
*Hugs* Hello, sweetie :) I have only just arrived home, it's gone 11 pm and I am exhausted and feeling awful, but I had to send you hugs before bedtime. I'll mail you tomorrow night when I come home from work. Dave sends his ducky love as well :) Look after yourself and give the fuzzies a hug from me xxxxx
from mulher :
As my mother would say, whoever did this terrible thing, may they know the wrath of many fiercely excited fire ants.... power to you sweetie, and remember -- consulting an attorney is never a bad idea because you can bet your ass the corporation has already consulted their stable of in-house lawyers ... look out for number one!!!! Trust me on this one, I work for in-house lawyers!!
from redshoegirl :
Hello sweetie, I've been ignoring you for ages cos I thought you were locked...I'm so glad you're not. From today's entry I thought it might be a problem with mr right, I'm so glad it's not, but ewwww, what happened to you is awful. I'm so sorry on behalf of the legal system that it is not an easy simple thing that really does defend innocent women, but it isn't. Love and prayers for you my pal, Meg xxx
from omorfia :
did you get my email? i sent it to the centralpets address .. a BIG hug for you babycakes .. i'm thinking of you. x0x0
from mangofarmer :
*hug* I don't say that enough.
from skyler406 :
I hope everything is ok...hes a dirty old pig...take care
from pnkbeauty :
OMG, Nicole... Why you? You are THE most wonderful, smart, funny, intelligent, amazing person in the world. You deserve none of this. I wish you lived next door so I could give you the BIGGEST hug and just stay with you all day long. (I'm not feeling too great either. I just said my goodbyes to Chris at the recruiting station and watched him drive away for ten weeks minimum. :-/) Thank God for your strength though; I know you'll be okay. If you feel like venting and cursing some more, you know my email. =P I don't know what else to say.. I'm not good with this stuff. I hope you're doing okay, sweetie. I love you lots.
from onewndrmuse :
Oh my god! That's terrible to hear about that guy! I'm glad to hear that he got fired, because that kind of sexual harassment should not be tolerated on any level. I want to know what gives guys ideas that they can just do that! Especially in a work environment! I hope you feel better. Kiss your fuzzy ones for me! Love, Christine.
from nicronsart :
Oh baby I'm so sorry that happened to you. That bastard deserves to be castrated. Perhaps tied up and beaten with a sledge hammer a couple million times. Love you very much WonderTwin and if you EVER EVER EVER need to talk you can call me..I'm always home. Any hour and time no matter what.
from hot-crumpets :
Sweetheart, if I could do one thing right now I'd hop on a plane and be right over to hug you and do anything I could to make you feel better. Words can't describe how angry and upset I feel for you right now. I wish that I could do something, ANYTHING, to help. And I know I've been awful by not emailing over the weekend, I've just had a really bad spell of health lately and I've hardly been on the computer these last few days, but I PROMISE I will email you today, whatever it takes, even if someone has to chain me down and hold me upright. I love you, sweetheart. Please remember that xxxxx
from chocorange :
hugs..some people are just nasty xxxxx
from mangofarmer :
from desdemonia :
Hey hun ! I've been moving so haven't had access to a computer, I'll be sending you an e-mail soon though I promise !!! I'll tell you everything about this move and how everything is going Love n huggles to you and the furries Marie~xxxxx
from starlight42 :
I found you through Jo's diary (some trouble)- just bored here on DL. Anyway, I loved your tourist questions! And I hope those people leaving you random nasty questions stops soon. :)
from lorisporch :
No only is Aph the coolest dog ever...You're the coolest ever! An you win the "my job is cooler than your job" content, anteater paws down!
from hot-crumpets :
*Hugs* hey sweetie :) I'm so sorry I've not finished your email yet. I've had a tough week health-wise and I've not been online much. I promise it will be worth the wait though because it's full of Blue's Clues bits! xxx
from celtickatt :
And Stabbing Westward. We both like them too. Thanks for the note about the bad guys ring! :p
from what---if :
Don't worry about it. Everyone gets a little behind. Take your time. Look out for #1. We'll be here. :) Luvs, Raen
from hot-crumpets :
Thank you so much for the postcards, sweetie! They really cheered me up!I am half way through writing your email - I am going to finish it tomorrow night and send. I promise Blue won't be getting any more sunburn - Mrs Pepper is composing a song to sing at her about not forgetting her sunblock! *hugs hugs* Take care, sweetheart. I love you! xx
from darkfairy13 :
Glad you're better <3
from omorfia :
we've got the beet ... ohmigoodness! i just can't stop laughing!!! am i the only retard laughing at that? excellent stuff .. and i'm glad you're back to your regular ways. love you tonnes x0x0
from tigergladys :
Swimming tigers!! Swimming tigers!!
from iron-review :
The catty goths were absolutely fantastic. Heh. Anyhow, Iron-Review is on its way to being back in business, so you should be getting your review sometime soon. Thought I'd let you know.
from pnkbeauty :
"The Lost Boys" was supposedly my favorite movie when I was little! I knew all the words, watched it a million times a day... yet I don't remember EVER watching it in my life. Weird, huh? Now my "Dirty Dancing" obsession, I remember, but not that... just thought I'd share that I like it too! Or, uh, I did... :-/ I think.
from chocorange :
Yay, go you for standing up and giving them the finger! I hope you're feeling fabulous, love, Carrie xxx
from preciousgift :
YAY! It's nice to not have to enter the password. :) I'm happy for you telling them how it's gonna be and nice new layout. :) Have a great week-end!
from wifemotherme :
You really do rock!!! I love the new layout. So Happy you unlocked too. Its impowering to be able to face your fears, and i am proud of you!
from beangeled :
Since I didn't find the link to your guestbook(and am too lazy to search for it) I'll leave ya a note. It's good to see you back with a sweet new design :) You never mentioned you read Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child books. I like them a lot. I even held a presentation on them in class. After 10 mins everyone fell asleep. But it was rather good, maybe a bit too long with two hours ;) Would you recommend Utopia? Hmmm yeah, that's me when there are books I could talk for hours ;) Take care and give the fuzzy ones a hug from me!
from beangeled :
Two weeks of the most horrible exchange student in the world and then no Internet connection because of the idiots at the firm of my dad. I come back and want to read your diary and it says password protected! I've only been gone for like 10 days! Well anyway I'd love to get the password Nicole, if you want to give it to me, that is. If not, weeeeeell then I want Imhotep back ;) Just kidding. Hope you're alright. Love and Hugz
from celtickatt :
I just thought I'd let you know that your badguys ring seems to be having problems. Every time I try to open my rings page it asks for your password.
from thisisjohn :
I would like to know the password, if you do not mind. email = rejecttheworld @ hotmail . com, thanks.
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) I'm so sorry I've not been able to mail you as I'd planned to but as soon as I'm a bit more energised I promise you a nice, long, fun mail :) xxxxx I lpve you, sweetie!
from mangofarmer :
Yay for the good job-related news! I wish I had health insurance, hehe. If I told you the last time I went to the dentist.... ewwwww. No cavities though anyway, so I guess that's good. After all, a mango a day, keeps the dentist away! :) *hugs*
from onewndrmuse :
I'm glad to have my daily dose of my pet-loving friend once again! ^_^
from restlessly :
hey.. i've been a real horrible friend, not keeping in touch and all. thanks for that e-card you sent a LONG while back. something major must've happened that you're passwording your diary? i certainly hope everything is fine. anyhow, drop me a line so that i can figure how best to keep in touch!! hope you and the fuzzies are doing well! :)
from nicronsart :
My Dear WonderTwin..why did you lock yourself up...slip me the password baby [email protected]
from onewndrmuse :
Why the cut down on reading?! I miss you and Aph!
from chocorange :
oooh please can I have a password!!
from skicaramel :
What's this? You're locked? Please send the p-word, I'm just trembling with excitement now!
from darkfairy13 :
Thanks for adding me to the locked list sweetness :-) I'll keep on reading (and of course I always leave positive notes) :-)
from hot-crumpets :
HUGE congratulations, sweetheart! I knew you'd get it! I am nt very happy because I spent half an hour tring to get you a gift certificate last night but they won't even let me do THAT because I am not a resident of the US! Is there any other way that I can easily give you some money to use on I', getting cross with them now! Thank you for the lovely postcard, sweetie :) I'll mail you soon! xxx
from hot-crumpets :
Y and I were having impure thoughts about animated characters only yesterday ;) And my parrot doesn't swear but she lies! She says "No I didn't!" and "You did it!" Hope you got my email on friday OK and I'll be mailing you *properly* very soon :) xxxxx
from onewndrmuse :
Amen about the Johnny Depp boarding your plank! He's 40 years old!! I can't believe it... but he's got a sex appeal like no one else. ((Well... Jude Law is actually my lust-worthy actor, but that's cuz we share birthdays!))
from pnkbeauty :
I second that one!! The movie doesn't look THAT interesting, but just to see Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom as dirty, sexy pirates... hmm... ;) And I got your letter today; thank you so much!!
from timdangerous :
"...Where demons in business suits shove an entire swarm of africanized bees up their asses." -- Gawd I love you!
from beangeled :
Do you have any idea how I could delete my survey? I just can't get rid of it. ARGH!
from hot-crumpets :
Argh! Having loaded up my cart with 3 items for you, it told me I couldn't use it because I do not live in the US! So I am buying you a gift certificate instead :) Let me know what email address I should send it to to make sure bulkmail folders don't swallow it :) xx
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) Thank you so very much for the message you left me last night. I feel completely shattered this morning and exhausted, but in other ways I'm feeling better. I can't thank you enough for all your support, sweetie, and I promise you a nice, long mail later today :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx And now: To go and buy up half your wish list for you!
from beangeled :
*gives you a big,long hug* Meh not the one Imhotep would give you, but hey I tried! I hope you can eventually change the things you want to change. For now just know, that there are others, who've realized they need to change things, but don't because it's too hard. Take care :D
from mangofarmer :
from hot-crumpets :
I'd gladly give you all the hugs you need, sweetheart. I may not be near you, but I hope you can feel them. Everything you said makes perfect sense to me. I understand and identify with very part of it. I'm got to crawl into bed now, but tomorrow night I'll mail you and do my best to hug you xxx Love you, sweetie :)
from timdangerous :
*raises hand* I was one of those 18 year olds.
from mangofarmer :
I would LOVE to go to Florida , oh dreamy August-like one. Just let me work a little while longer on getting that lucky lottery ticket. ;)
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) Thank you so much for the lovely email. I'm going to reply a little later but I just wanted to thank you in the meanwhile. It meant so much to me, sweetie *hugs* By the way, I've just bought a TV card for my PC and you can record bits of video onto CD ROMs via the thing. I was wondering if you'd mind me copying a bit of one of *our* Blue's Clues onto CD to send you so you can see our presenter at last? :) xx
from timdangerous :
*HUG* I just wanted to, so yeah. *G*
from onewndrmuse :
Speaking of HP, my friend works at the library and they only have 36 copies of the book ((only>!)); however, they have over 90 holds on the book!! Can you possibly ever imagining that kind of success for even 15 minutes of your life? It's crazy! Hehe, but I probably am right there being a geek with ya! Hope you're having a fun time ^_^
from beangeled :
You know that one time at band camp? No seriously, if crying over HP means you're a geek, I probably am one, too. I haven't read the fifth one, since my mum currently reads it, but then after her I'm next :D My dad can't read English anyway. You know the day after I posed that little snippet of your superhero entry, something happened, where I really, really wished, that I could be that superhero. Guess I'll post an entry about it, as soon as I've got time. Give Aph a kiss from me and fight that nasty allergies!! Take care
from banefulvenus :
thanks so much for the note! Good luck on the job!! :)
from mangofarmer :
"Band Geek, Interrupted".... *tear* Hehe.
from pnkbeauty :
Hey! I just had something sent to you the other night, and I wasn't planning on telling you, but I realized that I don't think I signed my name on it. :( (Wouldn't want anybody else taking the credit for your gifts!! =P) So... when you get two things in the mail from Amazon, they're from me. :) Hope you like them (and don't have them yet!).
from hot-crumpets :
Thank you for the lovely note sweetie :) And also for the Blue postcard that I only got last night because the junkmail folder gobbled it up! But I rescued it and I gave hotmail a spanking! But it seemed to like that so I told it to go away :/ I need to mail you, too - Luckily I have nothing urgent on this weekend so I'll get the time to write you a nice long (and silly) email at some point! take care, sweetheart! *hugs* xx
from banefulvenus :
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) I'm so glad you had such a good weekend! I did too... but now I'm all on my own again and sad :( I'll mail you as soon as possible, and I can't wait to hear all about your weekend :) Love you, sweetie! xxx
from mangofarmer :
Ooooh cool survey! I might have to try it. :) But I must disagree with the placement of ketchup potato chips on that list. They do indeed taste very weird at first- just like ketchup! But there so nice and salty and good that "you can't eat just one!" Those lucky, lucky Canadians that can get them on a regular basis (I've never seen them around here). *sigh* Hehe. :)
from onewndrmuse :
Hahahah... your survey was entertaining to say the least! I'm glad things are going better for you. ^_^
from omorfia :
mmmmm .. tomato sauce flavoured chips! I LOVE EM! You really must give them a go. As for rum & raisin ice cream - when you come & visit me, i'll take you to charmaines. The BEST icecream in the world. Even their rum & raisin is good. Do you like rum & raisin chocolate?
from antisthenes :
How goes the good fight, kiddo? Forget that I know nothing of any such fight, and that you're considerably older than I. You've got moxie.
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) How are you feeling? I'm so sorry I've not been online the last few days. I will mail you as soon as I'm back on my feet this week. I'm so glad Aph is OK - I wish there's something I could have done to help xxx Take care, sweetie and love to the fuzzies!
from prettykay :
im so happy that aph is okay. your entry really touched me, being a huge dog lover myself. i have a puppy, but she's really like 6 years old, but i love her to death. her name is hannah. if aph would have died or anything i think i would have cried to hear the news. so happy for aph to be alive! have a great evening, dear.
from beangeled :
I'm so glad Aph's alright :) Give her a big hug from me! And thanks for the lovely note you left me, I always enjoy hearing from you :D I really gotta post that Stockholm entry ;) I don't have a lot of photos from it. I hate photos with me on them. Let's see if I'll post any ;)Take care
from omorfia :
ohmigosh! i'm so glad aph is ok! .. give her lots of hugs for me (i'd ask you to give yourself a smooch for me too, but that'd just be weird). heh. *leaving quietly*
from some-trouble :
Aph rocks, I'm glad shes gonna be ok. Hope you're feeling better too. XXX
from mangofarmer :
Give Aph a hug for me. I hope she's okay.
from timdangerous :
If I should ever find myself sinking to the ocean's floor, and someone pulls me from the jaws of fate by pressing their lips to mine to give the gift of life, and if I should open my eyes and find myself in the arms of my rescuer, I pray that you are the first thing I see. Whenever I think of the salty sea, I think also of thee. *kiss*
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetie :) I hope you got the email I sent you yesterday - just let me know if not and I'll send it again :) xx Love you, sweetheart!
from banefulvenus :
thank you so much for the note! Your site rocks!!!
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetie :) Thanks for the lovely postcard! I emailed you to your new address when you sent it to me last week - did my mail not get through? :( Stupid thing. I'm sorry if it didn't arrive - I'll mail you tomorrow night and hopefully that WILL get through - I have a lot to tell you and a lot to praise you for :) More tomorrow! take care of yourself, sweetheart - I'm off to bed! xxx
from hot-crumpets :
Oh sweetheart, I'm so, so sorry about all this. Please mail me when you're feeling a little better to put my mind at rest that you're OK? I haven't meant to be quiet, I didn't get online properly while I was at Y's. I wish I was with you right now to take care of you, sweetie. i'd give anything to fly to you right now xxx
from blacsunrise :
I got it but it seems to have gotten lost in the fray. Could you send it to me again? Thanks! I know Im not *really* alone, its just hard. Thanks for being here for me. I love you too, Laurenne
from mangofarmer :
I hate those stupid Magic Eye puzzles too. They used to put one in the comics every Sunday, and I would waste valuable Garfield-reading time on that stupid thing. Never once could I get one of those to work. Anyway, a mudslide would be nice right about now.... mmmmmmm. Hehe. Have a wonderful night/day/whatever! :)
from onewndrmuse :
That's so frightening! We could have lost you and what would happen?! I'm soooo glad to hear you're alright right now! I hope to hear more cheerful updates of recovery soon.
from mangofarmer :
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetie :) Thank you so much for the postcard! I got that just before I went to bed last night and it really cheered me up :) I still owe you a proper mail - work's worn me out this week and I'm all behind but I *will* catch up next week. I'm off to Manchester for the weekend tomorrow so there may well be silly bits heading to your inbox over the next few days! I still wish I could come and look after you, sweetheart xx
from onewndrmuse :
I hope you read this among the many many many get-well notes you have. ^_^ I hope you can at least avoid anally applying medicine just to get better! Give Aph my love and you already have mine along with my hope you feel better ^_^
from mangofarmer :
Here's a Get Well Mango! *throws mango* SPLAT. Oops. I can't really throw that far, now can I? ;)
from hot-crumpets :
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry that you're so poorly. Can I send you a Get Well Miranda instead? *launches self flying through the air* xxx Take care of yourself, sweetie :)
from hot-crumpets :
Hey you :) I just needed to leave you hugs and to say thank you for the friendship tag, sweetie. I really need to mail you soon but in the meantime just remember how much I love and care about you and your fuzzies :) xx
from beangeled :
Whoa I'd love to read that fanfic of yours! ;) Does it involve some bad guys? And thanks for sending Imhotep over. I feel better already :) *hugz*
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetie :) I just found your picture before I slumped off to work and I laughed so hard I almost choked!! Thank you for brightening up my day - I'll try to mail you later or tomorrow :) xx
from raen :
Thank you for that note! I'm glad people understand what I mean. Time, for me right now, feels like it's standing still, yet at the very same time, quickly running out. Maybe I think too much about life when I should be making an attempt to live it, to ACT! :) Thanks for being there. *hug*
from mangofarmer :
Oh well you never know, you could have been smooching the aliens when they brought you up on their spaceship or something... I don't know. Hehe! Thanks for all the good wishes! I've been sleeping most of the day so I feel better already. Now you have to feel better too! Hugs and fuzzy Chloe-cat kisses! :) :)
from onewndrmuse :
I never once thought about babies and spit-bubbles. However, I did learn something neat about babies. Babies are born breathing properly and adults lose that ability. Because of stress, adults take shallower breaths and to breathe properly, you have to retrain yourself ((take instrumentalists and vocalists for example)). I dunno, I thought that was a cool fact. Hope you're feeling better. ^_^
from some-trouble :
Hiya Hon, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling too great at the moment, and I'm sending a super duper sized hug just for you. I didn't realise that Miranda was one of your faves too - I got a bit of a suprise when I saw Saddam the spider in todays entry - lol. I hope he looks after you well. Oh, and if he's looking for his brother I think he's taken up residence in my bathroom. Take Care, Jo XXX
from eustilly :
Thank you for the note. You're such a sweet person. I like reading your entries as well. It's good to know that someone else out there appreciates the little joys in life.
from celtickatt :
Wow! Thank you for the hella cool note! Just... Wow! You're right, we do share that philosophy! ...How did you find me?? A ring?? Thank you for the cool note!!!
from mangofarmer :
If there was a giant inflatable Elvis in front of a casino in Vegas it might cause me to go in and marry the first guy I saw. Or perhaps a guy that I had tagging along. Hahahahahahaha. :)
from onewndrmuse :
Thanks for the note! It seems that one good note leads to another, because I was feeling pretty cranky and I read your note and felt so much better! I hope you feel better soon.
from lvesgurl :
Hi! I love your user name! It's so flowy! Your entry made me roll over laughing! Keep writing! Bye! :)
from mangofarmer :
*picks up modem and starts shoving ice cream inside* Er, wait, maybe not.... *sends happy thoughts of ice cream and doggies and guinea pigs* Yeah, that's better. Get well soon! :)
from some-trouble :
Sorry to hear you're sick, and I hope that you get over this fever/cold soon. XXX
from onewndrmuse :
Congratulations!!!!! That must be so exciting! You certainly deserve the best out of life because you're one of the kindest, wittiest, best people I know that exist!! Good luck in the future!! ^_^
from angelgirl76 :
Well first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!! Whoo hoo! I'm thrilled for you... I just wanted to thank you for the note you left... it really made my day. As for the time I was born... it was 7:10pm... so it looks like I'm older by almost 2 hours... lol. Take care... and btw... I LOVE your diary too... you are one of the wittiest people I've ever come across.
from omorfia :
CONGRATULATIONS!!! or COMBULATIONS! as my friend's mother used to always say :) *english was her second language* How very exciting .. having an actual date/goal! *squeals* .. i re-sent the email - *let us PRAY* ;)
from wifemotherme :
Oh congratulations sweetie!!!I am so happy for you!!!!
from mangofarmer :
Yay! Congratulations! I think part of the fun of planning a wedding must be looking at those bridal magazines, hehe.
from canosmyth :
Congrats. And a REALLY big mushy Thank You for all those supporting guestbook entries.
from beangeled :
*dies* You're the only person I have EVER met, who agrees with me on Arnold Vosloo! You know I watched The return of the mummy with a friend and during the scene where arnold hangs over the abyss, she started laughing next to me. I had a hard time not slapping her. What other bad guys do you like?
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) xxx I hope you're feeling a bit better by now. I hope my emails got to you last week with those pictures! I'll mail you soon, you take good care of yourself xx
from omorfia :
FREAKIN' AAARRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! No ecard. No fun. I just don't understand. Maybe just use my super secret email from now on? And did you get my reply a while back? :) *kisses*
from darkfairy13 :
I love your diary ^_^
from mangofarmer :
I posted the track listings on your tape, by the way. You did ask! I hoooooope you like it! :)
from sweetiepie34 :
Your review is up and you are in our Hall of Fame. Great Job. from all of us here at H.B.S.R.
from mangofarmer :
Hehe. All correct answers. Sadly, I do not know any songs that can fulfill Aph's request. I think the only song I can think of about dogs in general is "How much is that doggie in the window?" That probably won't cut it. ;)
from pnkbeauty :
Do I LIKE SpongeBob? I guess I haven't told you about my room!! SpongeBob sheets, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, even a CARPET... a SpongeBob pi�ata, SpongeBob t-shirts, SpongeBob folders, SpongeBob clock (The alarm wakes you up with the theme song!)... SpongeBob rocks my world, hehe. ;) My birthday's on Tuesday. *big smiles* I don't know why, but I can't way. You're just supposed to be really happy on your birthday, I guess, and I'm looking forward to that. You're welcome for the card, and I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling so good. :-/ I wish you lived next door so I could bring you orange soda and cookies. And I'm REALLY going to write back to your email tonight... Promise. *big hugs* Love you lots, sweetie!
from angelgirl76 :
What a small world... lol. To meet someone else who actually shares the exact birthday down to the very year is pretty rare. We must have a connection of some sort for sure! Especially since I added as a favourite without knowing this fact... :) Thanks for your kind words... I don't always feel so strong... but I do think that the strength comes when you need it.. especially when tragedy strikes. I'm so glad you like my diary... I really needed to hear those compliments today... Great meeting you too! ~Cathy
from hot-crumpets :
Have a fantastic weekend, sweetheart :) there's an email surprise from Steve and I waiting for you! xx
from blacsunrise :
FINALLY! Someone who understands!! You're hilarious and Im thinkin dinner AND a movie still may not be enough to make my ass anything other than Exit Only!
from thespark :
I noticed your layout changed, and thespark link is gone. Was this an oversight, or would you like to leave the ring?
from our-views :
Your review is complete! Good job!!
from mangofarmer :
I'm giggling, I'm giggling, hehe. A smaller number of commandments is much easier to remember. And those particular ones especially are very easy to remember. See you in hell! ;)
from mangofarmer :
Would Jesus and Moses combine forces to rid the world of basketball? If so, that would be okay. :)
from an-insight :
Oooggghhhh! I raise a stun gun to my head for forgetting to wish you a happy birthday yesterday! Rrrr! I remembered it was your b-day, really, I just forgot to send you some kind of message somewhere. I'll make it up to you, promise. Be checking your mailbox in the coming weeks. I'm going to send you something I'm almost 100% positive you'll dig! Love ya, and happy (belated) birthday. :^D
from mangofarmer :
D'oh! I knew I should have said this sooner. Happy Birthday! :)
from mrbochenkels :
happy birthday
from onewndrmuse :
Happy birthday!!! And a Happy Easter!! It's so pleasant to hear good things happening to good people ((I'm a natural pessimist)). I hope you have a wonderful time. ^_^
from tigergladys :
Happy birthday two days from now! Because I don't think I'll be online then...but I didn't want you to think I forgot! I hope you have a great day - and have fun tonight ;)
from omorfia :
GORGEOUS new layout! i love it! it really REALLY suits you. *excited squeal* beeyootiful!
from onewndrmuse :
Lovely journal template. Fits your personality well with the playful sandcastle and sweet colors. ^_^
from canosmyth :
Oooh, funky layout.
from whinereviews :
At least your muse chooses fun vacation spots. With the layout changing I am unable to access your guestbook but when I can, I will. I am a better review writer than diary writer in my opinion. Though some I have reviewed would disagree...
from mangofarmer :
Ugh, I wish I knew how to use a CD burner. Maybe I'll look at them on my next trip to Best Buy. I think I'm due for a new toy, hehe. Anyway, I'd love to make you a happy tape if you want, but it will have to come from my meager CD collection. Maybe a quarter of that stuff on that playlist is stuff I own. But I have other good stuff too. :)
from mangofarmer :
Dearest dreamy August one, I would love to make you a Happy playlist tape, but alas, that playlist is on my computer and I don't have a CD burner. I know, I know, KaZaA is bad and I'm probably going to hell, but it is damn addicting. So, argh.
from omorfia :
i got the email, babycakes (((nicole))) hope you're feeling betterer soon. And OF COURSE there will be smooching. *duh* ;) hey, did you get my rambly email the other night? *heh* if so, please disregard what i said. i'm not. i don't know what i am at the moment, actually. *lalalaaa*
from onewndrmuse :
How do you manage to keep so light-hearted? You are a rare puppy alright and that's so grand that there people like you! Enjoy your Freestyle Napping! ^_^
from hot-crumpets :
Hey sweetheart :) Hotmail was lying - I wasn't over my account limit! But I've deleted some bits anyway now in case freeing up a little more space will help. Try again now :) I'll mail you later tonight xx
from hot-crumpets :
*sigh* I never did get to mail you last night :( I'm really sorry about that. But I'm going to make you some more Blue safety posters to make it up to you! xx
from sabespimp :
Hey there...Ofcource you can have my is "fagchips"..odd i know. But yeah its pretty crappy no gaurantess you will like it, but thanks for asking. Adios. <3Leyla-
from omorfia :
hey! there was something in that entry about sicking a guineapig on me .. wasn't there? :p and just a heads up .. your 'prev' button no work. it may just be that i have the 'special' computer once again. ;)
from omorfia :
you hate figs?? ohmigosh! i LOVE them. Cherries and figs are my FAVES! *mmmm .. drooling*
from eustilly :
Thanx for the kid words. Sometimes I need reassurance like that. Check back in with me soon. I expect a big change within the next two months for me!
from lorimac :
Miss can reach me at [email protected]! Keep writing girl!
from onewndrmuse :
I like the new template! Oh, and thanks for the site to send email to soldiers. One of my brother's friends is over there and I've got my fingers crossed he'll be alright!
from amberfalls :
Hello. Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook with so many nice words. I appreciate it. -a-
from mangofarmer :
You used to work at Seaworld? That's so cool! Have you ever read "A Ring of Endless Light" by Madeleine L'Engle? It's about a girl that can talk to dolphins. They just showed a movie of that on the Disney channel recently, so it comes to mind. Yes thanks for taking my survey. :)
from mangofarmer :
Greetings to another traveler on the basketball-free paths of righteousness. In Cherry Garcia we trust. :)
from onewndrmuse :
I won't be down in your parts for another two or three months... that's a while away. Yeah you should just snail mail it to me. Give me an email so we can exchange our info!
from hot-crumpets :
I buy kiddie socks too - I want to find a Blue's Clues pair but never have so far :/ I also love Arthur and will always play pretend! I'm glad you liked the picture, sweetie - poor Blue! xx
from hot-crumpets :
*hugs* Thank you so much for the lovely card you sent me, sweetheart! That really cheered me up when I was feeling yucky this morning :) I'm going to mail you with some silly stuff soon! -x-
from timdangerous :
do you have any idea whatsoever how adorable you are? luffya! ~t
from onewndrmuse :
Long time no talk! I agree with you about the war happening, and right or wrong, we're at war and we need to support our soldiers. I pray that it ends quickly and Saddam is destroyed. I didn't support this war, but it's here and I believe it would be better that we end up on top. On a happier note: Good luck in your interview and your health! ^_^
from batten :
Did you get the mail I sent? Are you okay? What happened? SHeesh, kiddo. Sorry I didn't call. Things were a little busy this weekend. I'll try to touch base this week. WILL YOU PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF? Big hug. -J
from diarytag :
TAG! I read your survey and you had a hilarious question, and I wanted to know YOUR answer: You've got a wedgie. Do you excuse yourself and go straighten things out in the bathroom, stand so your butt is out of view and fix it, or just grab those blasted underpants and give 'em what for right out in the open? Please respond by March 8th or pass your tag on to someone else. If you are no longer interested in playing please leave a note or remove yourself from the member list. Thanks!
from wifemotherme :
I could steal your rant and make it my own WORD FOR WORD! Too Funny! And kudos to you for doing it so well! You knwo if your going to bitch you might as well be good at it.
from timdangerous :
You are certianly not an idiot! I'd have surely quit sooner were I you. This preschool should be reported. Some of that falls on the parents shoulders for permitting it as well. You did the right thing, now forget it and move on. *hugs* Anybody says different, send them to me. So There~!
from onewndrmuse :
Here's one more to add to your list of simple pleasures: "Riding the bikes in Toys 'R Us"
from an-insight :
Hey, my cats will be twelve in May! They're in fine company. :^) Aww, you take such good care of your pets.
from onewndrmuse :
I caught the last hour or so of that Michael Jackson bit. He is **crazy**!! I mean, the man ((is that the right word to call him that?)) is completely and utterly in his own world and has enough money to do it. Too bad, cuz he did have a great voice...
from an-insight :
I really am going to email you back. No, really! Thanks for the MJ giggles. That guy. Just when you think he can't get any weirder. I honestly think most celebrities shouldn't be allowed to have children. What chance do the children have at ending up normal and sane?
from omorfia :
*mushy gushy smile* .. have fun, babycakes :)
from claire2kitty :
hi, nicole. it's nice to hear from you again. i've been reading your posts lately and i must say, i am excited on your upcoming June slumber party. i wish i could come.. unfortunately, i cannot. because we are both on the oppposite sides of the planet.. but i'm wishing you the best.. enjoy :)
from an-insight :
My brain says I'm confused (how about that). Is this the same guy who gave lame excuses about divorce rates and not wanting children? If so, let me just say that he'd better behave himself this time or a certain Red-Haired Scorpio German is gonna kick some booty! Just looking out for my long lost twin. :^)
from cant-make-me :
just found your diary... decided to say hi. please take a look at my diary and maybe leave me a note :o) love your layout!
from an-insight :
Me again! Awwww, toddlers are so cute! Congratulations on the getting the job! I hope your immune system doesn't take a(nother) beating from the little kids--they always seem to have colds, don't they? :^)
from an-insight :
Wheee, that was fun! I am reminded once more of why I should more regularly haunt your diary. You're a great writer and diarist. :^) Email me one of these times, so we can get that IM session in the works.
from onewndrmuse :
Well, the Oracle told me that I was getting zip discs! I'm heading for Orlando tomorrow... so email me at [email protected] so we can get this straightened out. Wooo... !
from onewndrmuse :
That's so great that you're feeling better!! And I have a zip drive ((I wanted to say that secondly cuz I don't want you to think I'm a snot or anything!)). Hope the good fortune continues!~Christine~
from wifemotherme :
Foo-Foo, liquid diary, breastfeeding, masterbation tampons, farting and a baby blue Cardigan from the when someone can mix that all into one entry and make it coherent.....that my dear is talent! Found you from a note you left for chubbychic. You cracked me up! I will be back
from desdemonia :
Count me in !!!! I would LOVE to go to your slumber party.
from tigergladys :
Hmmm, I was thinking of taking a trip down to Florida this summer anyway....*plans things*
from fmorrigan :
My fav. by Ayn Rand is 'Atlas Shrugged', but her stuff is all pretty good. She actually writes both fic. and non. She was a philosopher and many of her writings (like Atlas) are in novel form. Thanks for the warm welcome!
from jenne1017 :
from onewndrmuse :
Isn't it amazing how incredibly backwards people can be?? Protecting the environment by destroying it, keeping peace by destructive actions, protecting loved ones by smothering their free will, etc. The list could go on. Oh thanks for listing me as a good read. I felt so special!!! ^_^ ~Christine~
from labattaille :
You're very welcome! Thanks for reading my diary..and leaving me that nice note in my guestbook. I like your diary a lot. It actually made me smile. ~Ta.~
from an-insight :
Happy New Year! I did indeed get your lovely card; I've been unable to visit your diary to let you know. D-land has been slow, and I ain't got a lot of time, know what I'm saying? Kisses for Aph. Her Christmas bow looked so cute! I'm way behind on my diary reading. Ugsh. I skimmed your last few entries and I'm sorry to find out about all the crap you've been putting up with. I don't know your current email address, so send me an email and let's talk! I miss you, I love you, I want us to keep in better contact!!!
from onewndrmuse :
I know exactly what you mean by trying to allow yourself to be sad. I go on major guilt trips when I want to cry, because I always am aware that there are people who have it worse. Remember when you were litle and your mom said, "There are starving children in the world who would love your food?" My mom is Vietnamese so she would say, "You have starving cousins in Vietnam and you don't want to finish your chicken." But here's how I figure it: I'm sad and hurt, whether or not if it's truly life-threatening.... the pain is REAL. My sorrow is very real and anyone with emotions would be hurting too. It's okay to cry!! I hope you feel better. Peace Out.
from chocorange :
Merry Christmas Nicole...I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow xox
from onewndrmuse :
Thank you so much for your support. Sometimes, all someone needs is a few kind words to start again. In spite of all the silly commercialism that goes on this season, have a great holiday and smile! ^_^
from desdemonia :
Hey hun, I'm so sorry to hear about the stocking and everything, that's just plain disgusting from them. I will definitly write an e-mail now ! Sending you plenty of hugs and loving from over here. I would love to spend a quiet evening with you in front of a hold apple cider cup, cuddling under blankets to watch some silly movies.
from bodymindsoul : - that's odie :)
from bodymindsoul :
email me so i can know your email addy and i will give you the link once i find that odie dog graphics :) happy holiday to you, too nic :) *huggles*
from onewndrmuse :
Oh what a terrible mess! Don't lose heart, things seem to be at the bottom now, but the Wheel of Fortune will begin to roll back up to good luck. Feel better. ^_^ ~Christine
from tigergladys :
:::hugs::: We love you...~Tigs and Bothari
from bodymindsoul :
nicole, remember "nakedthought"? ;) i'm back :)
from omorfia :
hey cutie .. I'm so sorry for your loss .. Pat sounded like a fabulous person (((nicole))). i always marvel at the way you look at things - and I find myself quite often thinking of you and how you would react in certain situations. i try to be at peace, just like you appear to be. the thing that jumps out at me whenever i do think of you (and the song I always sing in my head as a result) is 'always look on the bright side of life!' *whistles the next bit* ;) lotsalove to you gal! x0x0
from iwantoomuch :
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friend! You have such a beautiful outlook on life though ... it's just inspired me out of glumness. So *thank you* ((((augustdreams))))
from complicated8 :
Hey Nicole! I've been meaning to leave you a message now ever since you left me one, but it's been hard to get around to having enough time to accomplish everything I want to do on the net in the evenings. I can't wait until we see that picture of Aph. I was gonna take my dog and cat to have their pictures taken with Santa, but I havn't had the time. Take care.
from no-answers :
*huge hugs* Thank you so much for the note, sweetheart - I really needed that tonight xxx I really think Google is having a brainstorm this week! Aren't search engines brilliant? :)
from onewndrmuse :
I llove Christmas!! For the past few years, I was scared because it suddenly was just not becoming as meaningful to me. This year, however, I've found my spirit once again! Do you remember the Muppet's Christmas Carol?? If you've never seen it, watch it!! It's a great Christmas movie!
from onewndrmuse :
I've been reading your diary... pretty coolio. Nice insights! I liked your collection of proof of ultimate evil, should we be frightened?
from omorfia :
oh yeh .. and i've tried the butter-foil-in-the-microwave trick also! :) *doh*
from omorfia :
AWWWWWWW!!! I LOVE this entry :) My monster-head is all famous!! AGAIN!!
from megami-hoshi :
ahhh, don't feel guilty. i haven't exactly been leaving you notes and whatnot either. bad amalia! well, i hope everything's been wonderful for you! ^_^ <3 Amalia
from omorfia :
how do you become super? silly girl. you already are. (((nicole)))
from dirtguy150 :
(clapping loudly) Bravo, Bravo, Encore, Encore. Great job!
from omorfia :
Utter Brilliance. Hilarious! You should be paid to do this. !!!
from omorfia :
hurrow :) i just visited my email and what did i find? TWO LOVELY EMAILS from my Favourite Floridian :) *erm .. are you guys called floridians?* I am off to work right now, but I shall get out my typing fingers and say hello later on tonight. Thank you SO MUCH for all your smiles and happiness .. you have ROCKED my day! oh! and *BBBLLLLLEEEERRRRRTTTTTTTT* (that was me farting) to crappy HEALTH INSURANCE! Bastards! Oh! *again* .. your MST3K stuff is HILARIOUS! ... is this note convoluted enough for you? *shakes her head* perfect representation of my head these days!
from an-insight :
Another new layout, this one equally pleasing. And dagnabbit, I officially despise cysts! How dare those things repeatedly attack my favorite Nicole! Feel better, sweetie. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. I'm so bad.
from omorfia :
((((nicole)))) you poor little sweety .. what a pain in the .. um .. ovaries! Wish I could come over and snuggle up with Aph and yourself .. *mwah*
from omorfia :
I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS! you should be doing this whole writing thing PROFESSIONALLY!!! You are SO talented .. Man. Also .. you crack me up. I don't even know what Mystery science theatre thingo IS, and I laugh! :)
from chocorange :
I loved Narcissus in Chains so much. I especially loved Damian and the roles that Nathaniel and Jason took. Oh and the part where she looks into Jason's heart and sees that he sees her as she is. Oh screw it, I loved the whole thing. I thought it was great (well, I thought it was sucky really) when Richard chose to let Anita feed the ardeur, but then threw a hissy fit about it. What did you think of the Nimir-Raj? Carrie x
from invisibledon :
Thanks for playing in the neighborhood
from chocorange :
love the new layout!
from leopardray :
Hey there! All set! Let me know if you'd like to change anything, or if you want to do it yourself, that's cool too. Enjoy! I really like that blue... ;) ~Sadie
from an-insight :
First of all, let me say how I dig your new layout. Wow, my brain is smiling. But at the same time my brain is frowning because you've been sick again. Poor girl. I'm glad you're feeling better! And congrats on falling in love. Methinks it would be nice. I'll send you an email so be on the lookout for that. Me, sending a private email? What's gonna happen, man?
from omorfia :
EMERGENCY SURGERY?? How the fuck did I miss that? Oh my poor little Nicole!!! Sweetie .. I hope you're feeling better .. how scary. Thank you tonnes for the congrats .. I shall give Mia a smooch on her forehead just as you please. :) You take care. No more hospitals. K? ((((nicole & aph & woodstock))))
from desdemonia :
I can't seem to send you an e-mail, my server keeps sending it back to me.... :( Write me a quick note so that I'll get your e-mail again : [email protected]
from desdemonia :
Will you come and visit when I move to France ??? You'd be MORE than welcome to, and you know I'll take good care of you !!!! ;p luv ya !
from tigergladys :
((huge hugs)) I hope you feel much much better very very soon...eww nasty emergency surgery...but lots of points to sea world! yay! go sea world!! ((more hugs)) Say hi to Aph from me and Bothari...
from desdemonia :
Sweetie, if I could take some time off right now, I'd be over there in a second to cover you with smooches and cuddles to make you feel better !!! Sadly... I took too many vacation already with going to France and everything, and I don't think I will be allowed to leave my work for while .... Blerg to them ! I do hope you are feeling better though and I send you all my warmest and cuddliest thoughts. Love~
from omorfia :
owie! come over here little girl .. omorfia will kiss it better ;)
from dirtguy150 :
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well again. Passing out has got to be scary. My thoughts are with you. Love and hugs, Eric
from desdemonia :
Oh Sweetie ! I'm sorry you aren't well... I hope that you'll fell much better really soon. *love n huggles* Marie~
from tigergladys :
owwie!! (sends tooth pain sympathy vibes) hope you feel much better very very quickly and don't bleed for too much more... ::hugs::
from tigergladys :
from leopardray :
Hey there, lovely... thanks for the message in my guestbook. I've been rather absent lately. I'm so sorry, because I know you're excited about the new stingray layout. If you need another in the interim, I certainly don't mind! I'll construct one when I can, and get it to you, and you can use it whenever you feel like it. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. Oh! Very, very cute pic, by the way, on your profile page. :) ~Sadie
from twelfthnight :
I love you!!!
from omorfia :
SPOOKED THE FLUP OUTTA ME MISS NICOLE!!!!! *flup?* :) Anyway! Just a thought about the blood .. no one was cut from the exploding lightbulb glass, were they?
from chasingastar :
oh my god *shiver*. I knew weird and inexplicable things happened in this world, but that ouija board story is something out of a horror movie! I'm sure I'll have some very nice nightmares tonight :P
from chocorange :
Have you read the latest Anita Blake novel Narcissus in Chains?
from dirtguy150 :
I haven't been around much lately so I dropped by to catch up a bit. Your diary looks great. Sorry I have been so busy and unable to write much. Love ya always~~Eric
from tapestrygirl :
oh! pretty new layout nicole! yay!
from shallowwater :
yes,yes misquito bites suck, ive had over 80 of them before at once, ouch!! the outdoors is so peaceful though, i guess that makes up for it!
from desdemonia :
Hey Sweetie ! Yes, I do need to send you an e-mail... I'll do this as soon as possible, my time on internet has gone down a lot since I came back :( LOL I'll make sure to write you though. As for Aphrodite, let her know that they don't let people bring back goodies from France, especially not meat or Saucissons or anything like that and since I wasn't sure wether she was allowed to eat chocolate or drink wine ;) I had to give up the idea. I do have post cards though, but not address to send them to ! *huggles n kisses to you and to both Aph and Woodstock*
from chocorange :
Thanks for linking to me xx
from leopardray :
Okay, then... I'm working on a stingray layout for you. :) Would you like it to be something all different than what you've got now? Any color preferences? I'll be using the same graphic as the one on my site, but I can mess with it in so many ways, so we'll see what comes up. I'll just try something all new. Let me know if you've got any preferences. ~Sadie, who loves doing layouts for ye
from no-answers :
I'm so glad you enjoyed my email sweetheart :) don't forget you still need to send me the photographs of Aph so I can paint the portrait!
from holdasecret :
from blank01 :
i love you
from tigergladys :
Aggggggh! That list is soooo my sister...
from elberry :
In your 'older' diaryring....dropped by to say hello
from chocorange :
I agree with you so much..if I could live in a fictional plave I would choose the Circus of the Damned with Jean Claude! xx
from desdemonia :
Hey Sweetie ! I'm finally back. I've missed reading your diary so much while I was gone ! Sadly I had a hard time finding connection to the net... :( The trip was simply fabulous ! I need to write about it, but I don't even know where to start with it. All I can say is that the food was to die for. Oh and we absolutely NEED to take a trip to France together some day ! Hope Aph and Woodstock are great, give them plenty of snuggles and kisses for me. And plenty of kisses and huggins to you from me ! Missed you ! Love~
from mulher :
Ahhh, my dearest, I have been quietly catching up on the Augustdreams read since I came back from Spain (and refuse to tackle the papers for my classes I took)... I certainly want you to be better, all around. Muchisimas besos!!
from leopardray :
Hey there! So this image thing... on the news page, it explains what happened. Either I can modify your layout so that it's kind of like it is now, except without images, or you can find a free template somewhere, or you can find a place for your images. Sorry I can't host them anymore, but I think it is fair for Andrew and the server and whatnot. Just let me know what you'd like to do now. Thanks! ~Sadie
from an-insight :
Bless your ability to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. You rock my socks!
from olei :
[08 july - 1448 hrs ~ it drives me nuts that there's no date/time options in notes!] hello, beautiful girl. your last entry made total sense to me. when people change so horribly, i often find it's best to remember them as they were. i think keeping the good memories at the forefront of your mind is the true beginning of forgiveness. good luck. i love you!
from an-insight :
P.S. If I wanted to be articulate and make sense, I would! ;^)
from an-insight :
Sounds like a great new job! And yes, absolutely let yourself feel your feelings. It sounds dopey but if you suppress anything it'll just keep bothering you forever. Feel and write, that'll definitely get it out of your system. The trouble with writers is that we end up empty shells, because we get things out of our system. hee-hee-heee!
from starsaway :
hooray for your fun new job. im so excited for you! *anxiously awaiting the baluga whale story* :-)
from forestdream :
A million hugs, and sleepy thoughts to you! And I hope your first day is fabulous.
from forestdream :
Hooray for your new job, and sucks to Gatorland! Marine animals are beautiful - I can just see loads of excited entries coming up with interesting facts about dolphins. I'm looking forward to them. And American slang - I must say I'm not a huge fan of it! But that's just because I think Australians who use American slang they've heard off TV shows are being stupid. I'm not actually a huge fan of Australian slang either, what can I say, I'm a big old language snob! And, I was reading an old entry of yours that said you fantasized while watching Steve Irwin and asked whether that was wrong - I think and hope you were kidding but I'd just like to say YES! It is indeed. That man is wrong. I can't believe they actually let him breed - hopefully his child is a more dilute version. I wish something very poisonous would bite him fatally. Ahem! Anyway... can't wait to hear your stories about your new job!
from tapestrygirl :
unfortunately, i am not big on roleplaying or KFC. although i wish i was. :) and you're right, i will make friends soon. in fact i start work tomorrow. an di bet i'll meet some nice people there.
from tapestrygirl :
alright dammit. you telling me gross facts about toilets does not help my fear of going to the bathroom at all. silly girl! :p
from an-insight :
You are one hell of a gal. I admire you OOOOODLES!
from desdemonia :
Hooray for your new job and for you standing up to Gatorland's people. I'm sorry you had to leave the lovely snakes and gators there though, but since you'll be volunteering it's not all lost. And working with the whales and dolphins is gonna rock ! Good luck with everything. Love~
from sesomatto :
*Well, technically, this is for Aph, but hello to you too, Nicole ;o)* Aphrodite, you are welcome for your b-day card, I do indeed smell lovely, and I love petting dogs. For some odd reason, though, my dogs aren't as big fans of the ear-scratching. *shrugs* Hope you and your human have a wonderful day!
from forestdream :
I just noticed you have 'Oh Brother' in your favourite movies... I LOVE that movie, and all the music from it. The quote you've got down there made me giggle. Thank you for your lovely welcome over at BoB, and I'm sorry I made you sniffly with my hero thing! And thank you for the enormous compliment of saying it back. And hugs back to you {{{Nicole}}}. I think of Yule as the beginning of the year - the Sun God is born (and the days get longer), everything starts to awaken after the cold winter, and you celebrate the return of the sun. I think a traditional celebration would be staying up all night with a yule log fire, reflecting on the year past, and welcoming the dawn in the morning. See you around sweetie! I hope the sun comes out for you soon.
from desdemonia :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY APH ! Hope it was grand. Pats and snuggles to you !
from littlemummy :
happy happy happy birthday aph!!!!!!! my furbabies send you lots of licks and cuddles!
from an-insight :
Happy birthday Aph! I love Aph because she stays cheerful even with such limited sight. She doesn't let it stop her from living her life--humans could take lessons from that kind of courage. And I *loved* the spider story. The cross, I think, was a good touch. Next time put a glass jar over the thing so it can't get too far. Ickgh.
from an-insight :
Sunburns blow such chunks. We fair-complexioned cats don't stand a chance. I like your drawing, though!
from omorfia :
oh! and the poem was fantastic! x0x0
from tapestrygirl :
oh oh. im hypoglycemic too. it sucks.
from tapestrygirl :
love you nicole. :)
from desdemonia :
Great to hear you're doing much better. Funny, but my boi and I talked about moving to Florida not too long ago... Missing the nice weather. If it does come true I will be begging to work with you with all the gators and snakies ! ;p Have fun with the yummy guy you're seeing !!! *snuggles n kisses*
from an-insight :
Ohhhhhh, I'm so glad to hear that you're healing! That's the best news I've had all day. I think I'm healing, too, because men are starting to look good again. Rowr. And here's just another thing that proves we are separated twins: my 5th grade teacher was Evil Incarnate, too. The worst one I ever had. Mean, sadistic, child-hater (me in particular). Only my teacher was a she. We'll have to compare 5th grade horror stories one day. And congrats on your fanfic win once again! Thanks for your feedback about my TFC series! {{{{}}}}
from omorfia :
*pout* Brett? Wha?
from hevbell :
lovely layout :)
from holdasecret :
i'm doing your survey! come see it!
from leiascully :
Miranda sent me here, and I can certainly see why. You're lovely :) I'll be back!
from an-insight :
Darn kidneys! Why are they always giving you so much trouble? I hope you feel better soooooon. Oh, and in some sick way I feel better knowing that someone else gets a racing pulse when she has a fever/infection. Love you lots, ~Sam
from starsaway :
oh oh... PS - I love the new layout :-) It's bee-u-ti-ful.
from starsaway :
*sending virtual chicken soup* I hope you feel better soon!
from janababe :
I just got yur message on my guestbook. hanks so much! I appreciate your comments....I beleive we judge ourselves too harshly as well. I have a million different ideas running through my head at any given time...But thanks, and I'm sure you are correct on your take of God's view of us.....I love that you have a guinea pig! I love those animasl so much and I want to get a tatto of one! B-friend says no. I says yes! GRR!!!! Love your new layout. Very coupon/Batmanish if you know what I mean.....KIT...AJ/JANA
from an-insight :
Tee-hee-hee-hee-hee-heh-he-he-eh-hee-hee-hee! Now every time I see a guy drive by with just one hand on the wheel, I'll be a wonderin'.
from bandofbros :
(molly here) it's illegal, but I go into stores in only my stocking feet, hoping noone will notice!
from cheesedip1 :
hello hello hope all is well with the kidney :( ICK you will be better i promise...hola to all the pets~
from starsaway :
oh my! i havent said hi in forever! HI NICOLE!!! HI APH!!! HI OTHER PETS!!! hehehe...hope all is well! So many exclamation marks!
from gardenqueen :
Loved the last MST3K entry! Not often I get start my day with a laugh.
from leopardray :
Hey there! Okay, I'm finally on it, and all inspired to start. Do you have anything in mind? Colors? Size? Images? Oh wait, I already know about the images. :) So if you don't have anything, I'll just go from scratch. Any features you're looking at? Anything you abhor and refuse to have? I'll leave you alone now. ~Sadie
from thisisjohn :
you are amazingly brilliant. truly. i had no idea. honestly, ive never read you. im glad you left me a note. i shall read you, for sure.
from thisisjohn :
Thanks SO much. that was truly great. you turned this horrible night around. you have no idea my gratitude.
from tapestrygirl :
just wanted to say i love you.
from sprung :
I'd build a fort out of dining chairs and blankets where we could talk and cry together.
from an-insight :
Nicole, stated simply: I love you. You are so strong and intelligent and funny-beyond-comprehension, and I admire you so much. You're going to be just fine. Feeling down and revisiting past traumas are just natural--a huge pain in the posterior, but natural. Your spirit is much too pure to let anything ruin it permanently, and that's why I love you, long lost twin. :^)
from omorfia :
*dum da da daaaaaaa* Queen of the blatantly Obvious says: ((((nicole)))) I LOVE YOU. *nods* yep. that's all I wanted to say. x0x0
from kangaroopoo :
Nothing I can say can help matters but you've cope with so much crap already it can't break you now, no matter what it leads you to think. That's what I tell myself about all the crap in my life, anyway. And don't at all blame yourself for pulling away from friends, you do what you have to do to cope, survival's the most important thing. You make other friends, but you don't get another chance to survive. And you're surviving and doing a fine job of it. Take care, Sarah xxx
from an-insight :
Hee-hee-hee-ha-ha-ah-a-haha-ha-h-aah-ha-ha-ha! I'm wiping my eyes! You are too funny! Thanks for the spam lashout.
from gardenqueen :
Love the May 9 entry. From another MST3K fan.
from desdemonia :
Oh my GOD ! I had the biggest laugh reading your entry of today ! Thank you so much, I didn't realise how much I needed it tonight ! That was hilarious ! Have a wonderful evening sweets'. *kiss*
from desdemonia :
I absolutely adore how you really get involved in your work, and wan to share good information with the people that come and see the snakes ! You are soooo wonderful ! I agree too on a lot of the "feel good things"... One of my favorites is having my snake with me when I go to the park, and laying together basking in the sun... sooo nice ! Plus you get so many people saying hi :) *kiss*
from molzo :
GO TO BED *waves fish in air for emphasis* I want you feeling better, dammit! And there are two reasons for this, 1. because I love you and 2. because I want big, funny entries about snakes and gators (and also part 2 of our adventures) Isn't nice to know I can still be selfish when you are feeling like ass? LOVE YOU!
from omorfia :
i wish i were there to give you a get healthy back rub! :) take it easy sweet .. i hope you're feeling betterer soon! x0x0
from tapestrygirl :
i can not sleep. so i am saying hi. HI.
from omorfia :
you crack me up!!! *giggling madly*
from kangaroopoo :
That's what ME's like, only ME has more of the green ones I think...
from rebe :
hey, found you in the members area. your diary is just lovely :)
from omorfia :
*laughs madly at the hyper chick* well of course i want to dance naked like and all patriotic! *duh* :p And why is it that EVERYONE blames me for their quiz taking weaknesses?? hmm?? *guilty smile* and mmmmmm .. I LOVE chocolate covered coffee beans! .. they were a BIG part of my last year of high school! u rock, miss! x0x0 *mwwaaahhhhh*
from starsaway :
aww nicole. you are just the greatest girl ever, you know this? I hope that you and all your little creature friends dont melt down there in all that heat and humidity..but if you need relief you can always came visit me where it is freezing and rainy. :-) take care of yourself and all your little friends!
from molzo :
from tapestrygirl :
oh nicole. you make me laugh and laugh. thank you.
from omorfia :
ooh. that was very rude. *embarrased giggle*
from omorfia :
*jumps naked out of a giant cake* .. ::calling:: oh nicooooole! .. there's some icing that needs to be licked off
from omorfia :
almost finished your surprise, birthday girl ... be checking your email verrrry soon!! :)
from everwhat :
Happy birthday, darlin':P IM me sometime! To say hello! And stuff
from doighty :
dood i was just at bob and i used to pick a topic and look stuff up all the time. it was great. mayans incans conquistadors etc. goodstuff
from an-insight :
You simply must get yourself a copy of my book, "Really Stupid Questions." The questions you posed in your diary are extremely similar to the ones I bring up in RSQ. There's a link to my book at the bottom of my diary. Oh, and have you tried splitting your pain pills in half? My old granny takes 1/4 of one pill and 1/2 of another in her medication regimen, because the whole pill would be too much. Give it a whirlie.
from kangaroopoo :
Oh, it doesn't matter, I'm the worst person in the world at leving notes and signing guestbooks! What I tend to do is think of what I want to say, click on the link, start typing and then... well, completely forgetting what I want to say!! I blame the ME but I suspect that it's really just general stupidity!!
from omorfia :
heehee .. I woof at doggles and maow at kittys too!! :) but I'm sure you suspected that! have you checked out this site? .. for animal lovers (I hope that link worked!!) It's excellent! hugs, chica x0x0
from kangaroopoo :
Actually, I do woof at dogs and miaow at cats, but I'm not so sure I should be admitting to that...!! Have a great birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day, you deserve it! xxx
from no-answers :
A message from you always makes my day brighter :) I hope you didn't mind me pinching your survey from a few days ago, by the way!
from molzo :
there were high jinks galore tonight, and i will write an entry about them...also, I say hip occasionally, does it sicken you?
from desdemonia :
I'm so glad you got the books :) Enjoy ! You deserve it. Thanks for giving my love to Woodstock and Aphrodite, and don't forget plenty of kisses for you, from me. :) Have a wonderful day sweetie !
from dirtguy150 :
I hope you start feeling better soon. I'll be sending good vibes your way. Eric
from molzo :
how come you never rub my belly?
from cheesedip1 :
i would buy you a present...but i have no $ i was going to send you a picture but its not will a happy b-day work? :l
from mulher :
Feel better soon my precious!!
from omorfia :
(((nicole)))) hope you're feeling better soon cutie! x0x0
from bandofbros :
[yo. it's sara.] haven't seen you around BoB lately. do you hate us already? :] hope all is well with you.
from bandofbros :
(molly here) mmkay, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, Miss Horror Girl, rent "Cube." I don't think it's The Cube, just "Cube." It is a cool horror movie with totally new twists, suspense, and scariness. Also, although I think it's hokey, "The St. Francisville Project" is ok. It's supposed to be a true documentary, but I wonder if it's true. Those are my recommendations.
from pnkbeauty :
Wow, I didn't even know you had me listed on your faves. :) I didn't think I was cool enough, heh. But I'm very honored. *hugs to you, Aph, & Woodstock* Hope you have a Happy Easter!
from timdangerous :
you are just too cute damnit!
from bothari :
::sniffs around:: Sexy male hamsters? I thought I smelled some sexy male hamsters... ::sniffs more:: ::sees shapes off in the distance:: Ahhh! Sexy male hamsters! ::Gallops off to ambush the sexy male hamsters::
from molzo :
man, I hate when entries are deleted, but it happens...also, there's a site: (I think)'s a place where you post the funny things your friends said. You leave it there for all eternity, so the rest of us can have a laugh. I've done it, and I dig the site...and ok, bye!
from starsaway :
I, too, experienced that same thing with the entry disappearing and the swearing and what not. It's awful, isn't it? Thanks for linking me made me all blushy :-) Also, have I ever told you how envious I am that you get to play with animals all day? Scary animals, but animals just the same...
from jessiewolf :
Hey Nicole, thanks for signing my notes. Answers to your questions: odd little things that make me smile no matter what=Slurpees what never fails to tick me off=people who dont like me my favorite book= the bible, True Love, Go Ask Alice what comforts me when I'm feeling down=my hubby love, Jessie
from chasingastar :
I did do my layout by myself, and I'm glad you like it =) However (guilty) I don't really like kids all that much (I just thought that girl in the photo was so beautiful), and I'm not religious at all, so the layout's going to go soon. I'm thinking about giving it to someone. any ideas? also, you had some weird people in your laundromats! no one like that ever turns up at ours. sounds interesting ;)
from molzo :
I took that quiz, and the results were silly for silly, I'm not gonna post them...I'm totally coming to Florida
from molzo :
I am jealous of your snake adventures.
from molzo :
hiya! I'm glad you turned in that bastard. I would've done the same. I need your AIM, 'cause we should chat. Did your mail from me arrive yet? time we do anything, tell me your last name, 'cause I'm insatiably curious. *love*
from omorfia :
I have Irish heritage too! But way way way back! I'm about 7th generation Aussie! :) .. *don't mean to be a downer* .. buuuut the 'snakes' st.patrick rid Ireland of were actually 'pagans'. I have links to some great articles should you be interested! x0x0
from nakedthought :
dear nicole, thank you so for for your participation. can i ask sth else now? pse change the link back in your entry to sat-8 i/o my diary :) thank you. happy st. patrick's day!
from nakedthought :
nicole, if you have time pse visit and participate. thanks :)
from omorfia :
you are my sun shine! :) x0x0
from dirtguy150 :
I hope you feel better soon. I know lots of jokes also but I am horrible about remembering them so when I do I'll send them to you. Eric
from timdangerous :
*major hugs and kisses*
you know why.
love you too!
from olei :
mastercard don't trust me, either, the bastards. and i haven't even done anything to them! also, fork over your address for pete's sake so i can send you some birthday lovin'. xo
from dulcevania :
Pfft! Petitions, schmetitions! I have coworkers who have told me if I'm ever in need, they'll help me hide bodies. (and they definitely know the places they'll never be found.) You have it built right into your workplace! It's perfect. No petitions, just a work related "accident". :)
from omorfia :
miserable sods, those spiders. as far as I'm concerned, if they come near me they're fair game! *omorfia itches her back .. and then feels something crawling on her foot* heh. paranoid? who, me? so ... *BiiiiiiiiG hugs* .. it jumped on your face? I can't even imagine! *shudders* ((((nicole))))) I hope you're puss-less soon! :) x0x0
from omorfia :
oh, and I *wooohoooo*'d when I read that u got the nasty little so 'n so who was hurting the poor little 'gators :) *yay*
from an-insight :
Further proof that we *are* twins: I went to the dentist yesterday, and found out that I have all four wisdom teeth just below the gumline. Sort of like looking in a mirror, isn't it?
from batten :
Hi Nicole! Thanks so much for the sweet note. Florida sounds wonderful. I may take you up on the offer one of these days. I'm also a critter person so reading about your adventures is always a treat. Stinky and Psycho send their furriest regards. Me too. Thanks again. You made my morning a lot brighter. Hugs to you.-Jenn
from timdangerous :
You are hilarious! I sooo enjoy your diary!
from molzo :
I like Enya. Send me a present!!! Plus, why is your first name Brandi, but you're called Nicole? I sent you a letter, I think.
from desdemonia :
Awwww You linked me ! Thank you sweetie, and thank for the kind words. And yes you did put enought exclamation after three months ;) Love~
from desdemonia :
Haha ! I got you hooked onto hedgehogs :) They're so damn cute ! I love when you talk about all the animals you get to interact with ! Lucky you ! ;p Have a good day. And YEAH you for not letting your family pressure you into spending your life with someone ! *kisses n huggins*
from monica1110 :
hey. i love hearing about you cuddling with reptiles. yay for llama kisses. that sounds cool. my step grandma suggested the same thing. her exact words wree something along the lines of "what you need to do is find a good man to take care of you." um. okay. like that worked out for you the first time you got married. and i'm only 24 so please.
from omorfia :
from timdangerous :
One, Two, THREE times ROTFLMAO!!! You are great! Oh, and I love you for linking my diary! *Mondo Hugs & Kisses!* ~t
from thisisjohn :
from molzo :
I so prefer notes! For one, when I was younger, I killed a slug with salt. I wanted to see if it would work, and it did. I felt very guilty afterward and vowed never to harm another living thing (unless it's some punk who needs his/her ass kicked). Also, one day, you and I will get together and go touch bugs and wildlife and other cool things. love you!
from doighty :
that seuss thing was hilarious! oh man...
okay, you wanted to know what the painting is called. it's actually supposed to be an apple in front of the guy's face but it was altered to fit in with the orange theme. anyway, it's called "son of man" by Rene Magritte.
fabulous isn't it?
from omorfia :
ditto! *see below* :)
from timdangerous :
omg! i laughed untill i cried at the dr. suess bound with a bind! seriously. you are a blast!
*hugs & kisses*
from doighty :
yay! i wasn't sure if your notes were on or not.. i'm glad they are. um, i don't sign your book often enough. i've kind of fallen out of that habit lately. but, i wanted to ask whether florida was really llama weather. my friend down the road has two of them. they're pretty neat. yeah, and have a nice day!
from omorfia :
loooove Ramona!! :) and u get to hang out with pink flamingos and llamas??? *I wanna hang out with Nicole* how very cool! x0x0
from an-insight :
Wow, thanks for the insect facts. Now I know what to talk about at the next dinner party I go to, especially if someone is eating something crunchy. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Feel better!
from omorfia :
((((((Nicole & Aph))))))
from omorfia :
did I ever tell u how much i love that pretty picture you have up on your page? well i do! i looove pretty lights. :p
from desdemonia :
Hope your Valentine's Day was absolutely fatabulistic ! LOVE YA !
from omorfia :
I can't top that pretty heart picture below .. BUT! Happy Valentines Day Sweetcheeks :p *wanna dance?* heheheheh
from nakedthought :
from nakedthought :
thanks for always being there for me nicole ... i love you ...
from an-insight :
Peeing in a cup? That reminds me of a Cagney and Lacey episode where Cagney failed her test and had to retake it twice. She was making wry jokes about hitting the water fountain, and practising in the ladies room. Heeeee! But seriously, it must be a traumatic experience to have someone's hawk eyes on your anatomy as you whizzzzz.
from desdemonia :
*smiles* how are you... this job sounds sooo perfect... I wanna play with the gators ! Didja tell you that I have 2 snakes ? Yup... they`re sweet... I love them. *huggles n kissus* Love YA !
from omorfia :
its early here .. too damn early for the likes of me .. *ugh work* .. just thought I would drop by and say hullo, as it is *dramatic sigh* obvious you are loving your new job waaaaay more than us diarylanders, to inform us of the wonderful time you are having!!! no really, I'm fine with it *sniff* .. just fine!! :p
from omorfia :
didjaseemykitties??? huhhuhdidja?? :)
from bandofbros :
(actually, this is molzo) I'm glad you're totally diggin your new job. I have to confess, I'm a hard hand shaker. I won't say I ahve a death grip, but I give a firm squeeze, one shake, and I'm done. I *HATE* when I shake hands with "dead fish" people who give me their fingertips and flop around, and I *HATE* when people want to give me a bunch of shakes like 12 year olds. And, now I'm done talking about my opinions on hand shakes.
from an-insight :
Congratulations on the job!!! I'm so excited for you! What could be better for a person than doing a job they love? I think baby alligators are cute, too, and turtles are so cool. And you're certainly going to be in shape, aren't you? Whooh! And darn you, I almost spurt peppermint tea all over my monitor while reading about the scented toilet paper! You're the greatest!
from omorfia :
OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.(((((Nicole))))) I am SO HAPPY for you. I am crying!! This is so perfect. Everything happens for a reason .. all the job angst you've been through was obviously so you land here. Congratulations BIG time!!!! x0x0 *yay* :)
from angelicagirl :
CONGRATS !!! Wooo !! Go you ! That's super good news.
from desdemonia :
Hmmmmm yup... guys in medieval clothing... but then again.. GIRLS in medieval clothing... that's even better to me ! Yummy.... *purrs* *kissy kiss to you n licks*
from omorfia :
guys in medieval clothes, nicole? I laughed OUT LOUD!!!! .. heh. nevermind this is coming from a gal who goes weak at the knees for anyone (and I do mean anyone, unfortunately) in a cowboy/girl suit. cest la vie! :)
from howbizarre :
I loved your blue sky story. You are so terrific! I admire your spirit, and the way you never let things keep you down. Big hugs to my long lost twin! :^)
from omorfia :
(((((nicole)))))) .. just so u know - I LOVE YOU!!!!! :)
from howbizarre :
Hey! It finally occurred to me to leave you a note. Thanks for leaving me a note and signing my guestbook. I hope Gatorland gets their act together--they don't know what they're missing in a sweet, animal lover like you. And, by the way, most movies have chicks with their boobs hanging out of their so-called clothing. Uck.
from omorfia :
*grabbing nicole by the waist .. ready for some sexy shimmery - but totally patriotic - Australia Day dancing* :) Give me Gatorland's number .. I'll fix this!!! :)
from omorfia :
hmmmmm .. u haven't written since u mentioned u were spending a couple hours with the evil grandparents .. I hope you survived!!! ;) no really, i'm being serious!
from desdemonia :
Hi ! Hmmm the pic at the top of my guestbook is a pic from the role playing game Vampire. I'm not sure who the artist is. But the one on my Old entries page is by Mark Ryden ! He's one of my favorite painters and I just discovered him ! Great artists uh ? Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the art work I chose, It's always great to know others share my taste :)
from desdemonia :
Hope your week is going well. As usual I love reading your words. And yes... parenting magazines do the same thing to me as bridal ones... crazyness I tell you ! LOL... May your day be bright and full of happiness~
from omorfia :
((((nicole))))) .. what did i do to deserve a wonderful friend like you? *smoooch* ;) I was in an elevator the other day (at the hospital) and I thought about your story. I started to giggle to myself and absentmindedly mumbled 'sockmonkeys' .. hehe he. heh .. um. *omorfia was the mad elevator girl*
from bandofbros :
lovely diary. welcome to bob! xoxo claire.p.s. i dig the sock monkey story.
from nakedthought :
nicole, i have a new slambook. it's call "lovebook" :)) pse sign when you have time. love, tiara.
from omorfia :
*omorfia puts on her steelcapped docs and stalks over to Nicole's place*
from nicronsart :
Oh dirty wonder clicking..*giggles* how's that for a google search
from mulher :
Girl.... may i yell now or later? BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING as a FUTILE lawsuit, probation or not. Slapping a lawsuit on a hospital and it's doctor for offensive conduct/harrassment is still your legal right no matter what. I would've RUN not walk to an attorney.
from omorfia :
ohmyFUCKINGgod. How DARE he say such a thing??? Nicole, not only did u do the right thing, you should REPORT his arse AND the hospital to the anti discrimination board. I cant even believe he had the gall to say such a thing. Dont u guys get h.r orientations that go through all this to the point of exhaustion?? Seriously, this situation has got knobs on it. REPORT THEM. *omorfia stalks off, ready for a fight*
from desdemonia :
Thanks for the note, it definitly made my day. Hope that your day is wonderful. And be careful... I might take you up on *it* ;p *kisses*
from angelicagirl :
Pigs. Pepperoni comes from pigs.
from nakedthought :
your lovely face is in my diary now :)
from nakedthought :
nicole, many thanks for the pic :o) i just changed my layout again :P
from nakedthought :
pse email me yr pic (100x100). i want to put it in my new dland friends page. thanks :)
[email protected]
from omorfia :
yAy! for slambooks!!! x0x0
from nakedthought :
heeeyyyaaaa ... thanks for adding me to yr list :)) how are you doing? love, t.
from omorfia :
The great mysterious mail debacle has been solved! *gnashing teeth*
from sugrmonkie :
My favorite lines as a RHPS audience member are "Hey, Kool-Aid" and "What does Fat Albert say?". Don't ask me why... what are yours?! =cT
from dirtguy150 :
congratulations on the new job.
from angelicagirl :
You got the job ! *various happy dances* Ooooh, congratulations !
from omorfia :
do u know how long it took me to read the '12 days of diaryland' entry?? AGES! In fact, about the time it would take to sing '12 Days of Christmas'. I couldn't stop myself from singing the song .. *sob* .. I couldn't stop .. my true love gave to m..
from restlessly :
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! I'm thoroughly exhausted from my outing now, but I'll send you a card later. If nothing else, I have a day advantage over you. ;) Hope you're feeling great and having fun these holidays.
from omorfia :
*shaking her big bare arse at the media* no doubt about it Missy ... U ROCK!!!!! :)
from dirtguy150 :
I love the new picture on your layout.
from omorfia :
euuuggghh! those people SUCK! they dont know what they're missing out on, not having u as an employee. *hrmph* :( .. and hope u are feeling all betterer reallly soon! x0x0
from dirtguy150 :
I am Claude Monet's Waterlilies. You are soft and gentle, but very colourful. Although based in reality, you look at the world through a filter of impressions which shape how you see things. Splashes of light help to define your presence and bring an endearing quality.
from nakedthought :
nicole, thanks for signing my slambook. you're pretty :o) let me know once you have a slambook, too - so i could sign it, too *hugs*
from angelicagirl :
How in the world do you sleep with a guillotine ? I mean ... isn't it kind of ... Okay. anyway, I agree with you Nicole ... down with guillotine abuse ! lol :)
from omorfia :
AND snogging? *swoooon* ..
from omorfia :
hot chocolate AND leggos?? *best friends forever!!* :)
from unamerican :
my birthday is in august.
from omorfia :
your entry Nov 30 was inspiring .. x0x0
from dirtguy150 :
Right on with the entry about the crosses. I agree with you completely. Freaks aren't the only ones who are attracted to you though. Fake fiancee huh cool move. I hope you are feeling better. Give aph a pet on the head for me.---Eric
from omorfia :
oooooo! isn't my new layout just divine?? I can't stop looking at it! *excited squeal* .. I got an email today for special deals when visiting kissimmee, florida! *how very cool* .. I love the new site, too! I have an entry in mind to submit ... I just have to find it!! :) hope to chat soon! :p take care girly x0x0
from dirtguy150 :
I love the new diary. One problem though. The notes are not turned on there. Just thought you should know. I hope you feel better soon. Eric
from askaphrodite :
I love you, mom! Happy Anniversary! Oh. And can I have some stuffing? Love, Aphrodite
from dirtguy150 :
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Eric
from dirtguy150 :
I hope you feel better soon. Strep, tooth ache, ear ache. Man it isn't right that bad things happen to good people. Get well and hope things start looking up for you. Eric
from dirtguy150 :
I'm glad to hear you got a job. You go girl. The new layout is really cool also. (very nice, I give it two thumbs up-Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun Times) Talk to ya later, Eric
from dirtguy150 :
the story is getting better and better. I love it! Mary Kay lmao
from restlessly :
Hey if you can find something good in my tragedy (like turning it into creative inspiration), I'm all for it! ;) Thanks for giving me "a starring role" in your story. Errm.. I'm not going to die in this story, would I?
from angelicagirl :
Ooooh yeah. I'm the crazy doctor in the story. *Niiice* I can create a monster like frankenstein perhaps ... or that guy in the monster mash song ... *evil cackle* I went trick or treaing ! :D
from dirtguy150 :
Sorry to hear you will be missing out on all the Halloween excitement down there, but I cant wait to read all your Halloween entries. Eric
from angelicagirl :
Aph, Aph, Aph, get better ! You must ! You need to ! I'll be thinking of both of you :(
from angelicagirl :
Nicole ! *wonders is everything went okay with the move* It's been a while. Unless you meant you're only coming back NEXT monday ... but that's far ! aah ! Email me whenever you get the chance, I wanna hear all about it. Bye :)
from breathless- :
Hey! Love your diary! Keep it up! If you get a chance, check out my diary and drop me a note! :)
from omorfia :
oooh! *omorfia giggles all flirty like* .. I had no idea u *felt* that way about me Nicole ;) (ref:midnight in the garden of pee & old appliances) ~omorfia runs away before Nicole can give her a punch in the arm~
from starsaway :
Oh dear. Do you know how incredibly wonderful you are? Thank you so much for the email the other day, it meant a lot. And I adore the seasonal is the best one yet, no doubt. I love you girly...take care of yourself (aph and woodstock too) :-)
from angelicagirl :
oh my god Nicole. that zombie poem was the freakin funniest thing I've read in ages. quoth angelica ... "write some more" :) wwweeeeeee !!! I need to sleep.
from dirtguy150 :
I love the new Halloween look.
from lonelyplanet :
yea. i talked with her and got her to change her mind and id never kill myself. i alsmost did once, but id never do it. i have to much to look forward to. thanks. my aim sn is burntbreadpatrol
from immakulet :
Hey Nicole! Thanks for the message and the welcome. Crushes suck, don't they? Oh well. I'm with dirtguy, I think you expressed what a lot of people are feeling about the 'war on terrorism,' it's such a difficult situation. Anyway, I like your site, very cool! Chat ya later... me
from dirtguy150 :
I agree completely with you about the bombing. It is a hard choice to make but sometimes bombing is the only answer. If we let these animals get away with what they did on Sept. 11th they will think they can do it again whenever they want. Sometimes the only way to peace is through war. I have been considering joining up alot lately and the only thing that is keeping me back right now is my girls. Sorry to get so preachy, Eric
from astralfrog :
*mumbles about how you should always follow your dreams* i used to think i wanted to do nursing shool too, but after my first clinical that went right out the window. it's so hard on you - emotionally and physically. animals and plants are very often better than humans, i think you made the right choice :) best of luck
from mrbochenkels :
i scanned a picture of solti, my semi-dog, and wanted to show you because i think he looks just like aph. anyway, the picture's not too great, but the adress is
from dirtguy150 :
I will take one of those wombats and raise you a chinchilla.
from dirtguy150 :
Botanist huh! Did I ever mention that at one time I worked for a lawn care company as a supervisor, and during that time I took classes to be a certified arborist? I was one test short of getting my certification when I switched careers though. I am glad you are starting to feel better. You are the best.
from alithiel :
Didn't realise that there was another anita blake fan lurking around here. Oh,and I just surfed on into your diary by clicking on links:) I like your layout. It's cool. WIll be reading your entries lots. Cheerios.
from dirtguy150 :
Great Halloween entries. I really enjoy them. You really help to brighten my day. Eric
from dirtguy150 :
Wow! You really are the perfect date! I never thought I could find a woman who likes Westerns. Tombstone was a good one. The girls are my pride and joy, Thanks. Eric
from dirtguy150 :
Well I think I have found my match...You...I don't have a monkey but I can work on it. Do you like Westerns? Thanks for the link. I will try not to babble senselessly tonight. Oh wait a minute there I go again. Anyway Later, Eric
from dirtguy150 :
Well I feel stupid. I thanked you for some comments on my poems and after I hit the old done button there, I realized you hadn't. I Chalk it up to lack of sleep, or extreme delusion, whichever suits you best. Hello, am I still here. I better go before I stick my foot in my mouth some more. Eric
from dirtguy150 :
Thanks for the comments about my poems. Yes I think you should take the cats to the shelter. I have had many cats through the years, but lately they have all been outside strays, so they know how to handle themselves. They come, they go I don't ask any questions and they don't talk to much. It is a perfect owner/pet relationship. If these cats were always house cats though they need shelter. I am rambling so I will stop now. I hope you feel better. Eric
from mrbochenkels :
hey, sorry it took me kinda long to write back. i was hoping i could talk instead of write because it's more private that way plus i had some questions for you. anyway, if you want to know how old i am you have to guess first, i always like seeing what people guess. usually they're way off, but i'm still curious anyway. anyway hm... what was i going to ask... oh yeah! i wanted to know what kind of dog aph is. because i am part owner of a bichon frise (sp?) and i think aph looks like one too. mine is named solti but everyone calls him salty, i think it's nice. anyway, i hope that answers your questions. peace.
from rubybluebird :
hey, thanks for signing my book! i'm starting to get nervous about this spark thing, though ... everyone has such greater layouts than me! oh, well. i'm excited that you're another dog person, and interested to read more about your CFS experience ... i've been on meds for depression for years and am always having people ask me, "are you sure it isn't CFS? how come you're always so TIRED?" hell if i know! but --- i get by. anyway --- glad to meetchya, looking forward to reading more.
from molzo :
I love Aph! I'm glad she's better. And I love Nicole too!
from larrielou :
Don't you just love getting notes and guestbook signings while you're online? Ooooh you and Aph read my diary??? :-) :-) This is so exciting - yours is one of my very, very, very favourites! Oh wow... Ah, mutual admiration - gotta love that!
from wood-bunny :
hey, so you in love with arnold vosloo as well eh??
from miranda-2001 :
Just wanted to tell you how much I love your diary - it's about the coolest, funniest thing I could imagine :) And anything that mentions cheese gets a big thumbs up from me...
from angelicagirl :
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. All I can say about your message is ... lol. Thanks for making me laugh. Hehehe.
from angelicagirl :
Thanks for signing my guestbook, I appreciate it. I like your diary. I joined your ring before realizing it was for pet owners, and I don't have a pet ... But I do live with 5 monkeys (i.e. siblings.) Anyways, thanks ! Bye !
from rissa86 :
Hi Nicole! Aww, I love reading about Aph! She seems like such a sweetie! :) I love to go hiking, as well.. although, I haven't been in more than 9 months. (hehe the day MaKayla was born, actually!) Anyway, your entries always make me smile. :o)
from starsaway :
Awwww, I hope you feel better soon. I'm sending all kinds of good health vibes your way. You know I love your're the bestest. Talk to you soon!

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