messages to stepfordtart:
(click here to add new message):

from zenayda :
Thinking of you today, and missing you. I hope you've sung many duets with Vic Damone by now. -- 30 April 2024
from strawberrri :
Been thinking of you Stepfie and wanted to stop by <3 XxX
from portlypete :
For anyone passing by who was priviledged to get to know Steffie even slightly, I leave this link: Thanks, I think, to annanotbob2 for sending it on to me. xxx
from portlypete :
Dear Sarah. Sometimes, life gets in the way, and I may have failed to remember the exact day when you left us. However, you are often in my thoughts, and I truly hope your loved ones are getting by: I'm sure they are, as you were an amazing mother and wife. Diaryland has never been the same since your last, sad, post.</p><p><br>.
from jarofporter :
seems it's your b-day today - still missing you... 9/13
from vanoonoo :
from julymalaise :
12/25/2022 Was reading through my old notes and saw a couple of Olds ones from you back in the good ol' days. Missing you this holiday
from englishsucks :
just wanted to stop by to tell you that I miss you. You came into my mind today. I hope you're having a good time in Heavens. <3 - 10/15/2022
from portlypete :
Sarah, I have a feeling today would have been your birthday. You are still sorely missed.
from englishsucks :
2/18/2022 - thinking of you<3
from jarofporter :
12/20/21 - so glad to see others still posting notes to you here! i think of you often, and wish we'd had more time to grow our friendship. missing you this holiday season...
from portlypete :
Dearest Stepfie, in one of my last posts on Diaryland, I want to thank you for making me laugh even when I was really down. You truly were Wonder Woman to so many, especially to your husband and your terrific girls. I am wiping tears away as I type. You were taken from us far too soon and you are sorely missed. Much love PP. p.s. I imagine heaven is a much more fun place now.
from julymalaise :
Missing you today in the month of August. ❤
from dirtyboots :
from englishsucks :
11/12/2020 - I miss you.
from julymalaise :
Cyber-mum, I miss you lots. You have no idea. You always made diayland laugh and never judged anyone. A beautiful soul. I love you ❤️ I honestly wished that you were around. I want to tell you so much of the good things that have happened! Thanks for always being supportive ❤️ ❤️❤️
from jarofporter :
5/22/20 - thought about you again today when annanotbob mentioned you. still missing you...
from zenayda :
Damn it, I miss you and desperately want to believe that you're singing a duet with Vic Damone right now. 1/2/2020
from u-saved-me :
<3 thinking of you lately, miss you always
from strawberrri :
Missing you. You're in my thoughts, dear dear Stepfie xx
from portlypete :
It must be three years since you left us dear Stepfie, and I only just got around to watching the Youtube video you posted in your profile. Ok, you proved that some turds you can polish, but some you can't and your passing comes in the second category. You are still sorely missed, and I hope your loved ones are coping. x
from lostasyou :
i miss you
from annanotbob2 :
Hey you, I love that I find your comments on just about every notes page I visit and that they're always kind and wise and often funny. I've missed you so much. xxx
from julymalaise :
Missing your warmth and kindness today, cyber-mum! I wish there were more people like you out there. Love you always !
from jarofporter :
6/19/19 - still think of you most every day, wish I could talk with you and/or see you again. Not much in this life has seemed quite so unfair.
from misfitstray :
Just went over my profile and thought of you. Well, I often do. I so, so, so miss you and your wonderfully sarcastic entries!
from jarofporter :
A new year's almost here & I keep thinking to message you about something I've seen or heard that reminds me of one of our conversations... still missing you.
from bridrinkspee :
I miss your encouraging notes and I wish we had talked more. I'm glad you're at peace now, and I want to thank you for the light you brought to not only me but basically all of Diaryland. I miss you.
from julymalaise :
Thinking of you today, cyber-mum. Diaryland is not the same without you. You brought so much humor to our lives. I hope you are still resting peacefully. You always gave great advice and I enjoyed all of your notes. I wish I was more active on diaryland leading up to your passing, so I could've conversed with you more. But I value the communication we had when I was in my prime. I miss you so much, cyber-mom. You would be happy now that I'm in a committed relationship with a real nice guy. I wish you were still around to share the happy things in my life with you. Love You! 😘😘😘
from u-saved-me :
miss you always <3
from strawberrri :
Still thinking of you with love xxx
from annanotbob2 :
We all still miss you - I saw a blond woman in Brighton yesterday that for a fraction of a second I thought was you - aw man. But Sammie prevails - she made it out of the hospice, which not everyone can say. I am rsisting the temptation to write you a full on note as if you'd be reading it. I did love you so much.
from julymalaise :
Stopping by, cyber-mum to say hello and to tell you that I miss you lots. I wished you were still here.
from jarofporter :
Saw what looked like an update from you the other day & for a split second was really excited - turned out to be the person right below you on my list, and I remembered why I should've known better. Damn, I miss talking with you...
from julymalaise :
I miss you, stepfordtart. You always had the best advice. Love you! 😘
from lostasyou :
I wish I came to stay with you when I was going through a bad time and you offered for me to come over. You're missed, a lot xo
from julymalaise :
Miss you, cyber-mum!
from julymalaise :
Stopped by to tell you that I miss you lots! God, you were the comic relief of D-Land. I'll never forget when I started writing here and I ranted about that Terence guy I used to like in high school and you would call him this English slang for jerk--God I can't think of the name--. You said you were my cyber-mum and I thought that was pretty awesome. I hope you are still continuing to Rest In Peace. I miss you 😘
from annanotbob2 :
Oh darling, someone came to read my wordpress blog from yours and there was your name up as a link and it gave me quite a thrill, just for a moment, till I remembered. And now I feel like a fool writing to you, so I'll be off. You may be seeing my Sammie soon, if it does work that way. I like to think of her larking about with you somewhere - she's had a shit time of it these last few years. God bless you, sweet Stepfie. xxxx
from a-d-w :
from julymalaise :
I was thinking of you earlier today and I really really miss you because when I first started journaling in here, you were one of the first people to read my consistent diary. I am so sad that you are gone, but you will never be forgotten. I miss your humor! I wish we could've met up when I planned to go to England. I miss you lots and I hope that you are at peace. I'm glad that while you were here, you brought sunshine and light to many.
from strawberrri :
Hoping that leaving a note will help keep your diary active. Think of you frequently and miss you very much xxx
from zenayda :
I miss you, sweet, sassy songbird.
from julymalaise :
I miss you a lot. There was seriously nobody funnier than you on Diaryland. I hope you are continuing to rest peacefully.
from blujeans-uk :
You would have been proud of the R2D2 cake I made for Mini Moo's birthday. (He was five) Smashed. It. Out. The. Park! Still missing you xxx
from scullerymaid :
I know it's been awhile, but I hope you're doing okay. I think of you often, and still use the pasty maker you were so kind to send me!
from candoor :
I hope you are well. If you ever contact Smash, tell him I hope he is well too. And he owes us another chapter.
from annanotbob2 :
from portlypete :
A last note to a remarkable woman. Your posts hardly ever failed to make me smile. Your road through life wasn't the smoothest, but you always wrote with skill and humour. Your vitality was truly impressive, whether baking some fantastic culinary creation, running up costumes for an event, bringing in a wage, helping the elderly, singing down the pub or raising two wonderful girls of whom you were justly proud. Truly a super-mum: a wonderful person. x
from portlypete :
It's good to see you back on Diaryland (however briefly). The lack of anything was quite a worry. Keep fighting. x
from bliss-sad :
Sending you buckets of love.
from blujeans-uk :
Big big hugs, cyber-mum xxx
from strawberrri :
Much, much love to you stepfie. Glad you're able to come home xxxx
from buffylass :
Sending only good thoughts your way xx
from whystinger :
Happy September...
from barefootruby :
Me and CGF are always ready for a trip to the pub when you are up to it. hugs.
from aryssa90 :
My thoughts are with you. IM glad you're going home and I hope things are better. Take care!
from jarofporter :
YaY, new entry! :-)
from raven72d :
what's up?
from strawberrri :
How you going stepfie? Hope you're okay - sending warm summery wishes xxx
from jarofporter :
hi! sent you a littloe email last week, not sure if you saw it or not!? hope everything is as ok as can be expected!
from raven72d :
How is life?
from ladyofjazz :
Wow! Just rediscovered the comments page. Thanks for reading my inane shit... You write so well and are hilarious. I miss British humour out here in Spain! Hope your voice is going to be OK. x
from dangerspouse :
I don't know if you'll see the note you left me at WordPress, so here: "Ha! That’s the SECOND knock on northerners. Who knew such a miniscule little island could even have a “north” and a “south”? (BTW, my paternal grandmum was born and raised in Lancaster. Go Dolly Blues! Show them toffy nosed southern Charlies how it’s done!)" :)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, "battered sausage" is the euphemism my wife uses too! Are ALL you women such imaginative sluts? Well done. And, uh...get better, willya? It's horrifying to admit how fond I've grown of you, and don't want to see you in such a state. Get back on the road and ROCK, baby!
from jarofporter :
...and i wish i had a witty retort to your comment! ;-)
from candora :
You'd be back? What about Smash? What about me? Something in an email, a mention of a 2005 meeting at Diaryland, and here I am exploring as if I never left. So much has changed on and offline. Candoor is writing an entry, Candora is writing this note. I am still as confused (and confusing, no doubt) as ever. Hope you smile today. :)
from portlypete :
You DID say, "I'll be back" and hopefully not in the style of The Terminator. Crossed everything that the voice is every bit as melifluous as before. X
from melodymetuka :
Hope all is well with your voice. Thanks for giving me something to smile about on a yucky hydrotherapy morning (the morning is yucky, not the hydro-). Flemish! {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}
from whystinger :
A battered sausage sounds painful...
from annanotbob2 :
I love it when you give us a nice long entry (a statement which seems to demand, "Ooh, Matron!" as a reply). Love you xxxxx
from lostasyou :
I haven't been reading anyone's diaries properly for so long and you're one of them! I need to catch up, pronto! x
from raven72d :
I'm paying attention...but to drinking more than reading, alas...
from raven72d :
Congrats on the daughter at Oxford! I know Brookes isn't Oxford Univ., but a friend who went to Brookes gave me those two factoids, and I'm fascinated by them. Especially the stepbrother thing. I'm sure she asked lots of drunken undergrads about it, but I'd like to do research on co-eds myself.
from jimbostaxi :
Oh no no no ,,, that's horrible I need something better than that I guess I'll have to put my thinking cap on. :0)
from melodymetuka :
Hoping all went well and is going well. Prayers are being said here. {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}
from raven72d :
Marxist Comedians would be a great name for a high-end fashion boutique.
from jarofporter :
you know i'm sending tons of positive energy your way from this side of the pond. i know it'll go great!
from annanotbob2 :
Thinking of you, sending love, hugs and prayer-like thoughts. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from bliss-sad :
Sending you love and long distance cuddles. I can't see you, but I know that you are beautiful. I can feel it radiate through your words.
from scullerymaid :
Sending all the hugs. I'd cuddle you if I were there
from raven72d :
Alexei Sayle? Yes!
from jarofporter :
your 'crumpet' comment reminded me of this funny quote from the 'Sir Nigel Papers' (well, *I* think it's funny, anyway - link to follow): - "The questions is this: What is the difference between a Strumpet and a Trollop? I say, a Strumpet will happily let you ******* her ******s without a second thought whilst a Trollop would ***** your ********s if you so much as ********ed her ********s. You gotta watch them Trollops." -
from strawberrri :
Thank you! <3 xxx
from rebecca :
Thank you for writing back about Temporary Secretary.--RCH 2016-04-14
from fifidellabon :
Just sent you a FB friend request. XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
I will pat your head and tell you you're pretty every day! I am wishing you only good things!!
from whystinger :
Do a web search for Kijafa. It is a bit different, but then again, I have a few different odd liquors, from some Southern White lightning and a few other tastes of moonshine to some decent brown liquor. Here is a link to a humorous review.
from portlypete :
I admire the way you can wade through seventeen shades of shite with such tenacity, humour and thought for others. It would be weird for me to volunteer for the "cuddles etc" bit: tempting though that is, so I'll just wish you well. Please keep updating.
from strawberrri :
I hope work goes better than you could wish for. Sometimes the thought of doing something is worse than the actual doing it (although I found the opposite true when I went for my first reformer pilates class the other day!). The vocal chord stuff sounds v positive, I wish you lots of luck with that :) My dad has started chemo for grade 3 bowel cancer and the thing that has made him most sad is that he won't be able to carry on playing the cello as his hands are too sensitive. I hate this bastard disease xxx
from whystinger :
PS: you are still fucking HOT.
from whystinger :
As you know, I think of you often and once in a while, if I don't hear, I reach out. You ARE loved here and I think most would agree, we would rather have a tale of woe from you than not hearing at all. If you ever need someone to listen (or read) your tale of woe, you know I am here. I am happier to hear that the medical stuff is starting to turn for you and looking better. I still keep you in my prayers, as I did when things were normal. You always encourage me during my dark times and I would return the favor. I try to understand your feelings about your hair and you make good points about the kids are school. If you don't want to cover up under scarves and wigs, then that is your choice and I would support it. When Honi's hair thinned and was falling out, I still found her attractive, indeed. What killed the attraction was her rejecting me. As for you, I still think you are hot and your spirit and fight makes you hotter. In the past, you didn't talk about L as much when he went through his stuff, so I don't know about a lot of that but rest assured that his libido issues are his from his health stuff and NOT a reflection of you. When I read of his lack of libido I think to myself "fool, you are going to blow this." I know from experience how the lack of sex and intimacy can hurt. Even Honi, while rejecting me, still wanted me trying. I always thought it was because she was a cruel bitch that liked to turn me down... (and I realized that this weekend) {Probably a a good thing we aren't a couple, as I would be saying "I know chemo was rough, but can't we a wee bit? Please? I'll even... You are special Stepfie and I love ya. You have plenty of lap cuddles here if you could and Lord knows I could use someone to cuddle. XOXO
from dirtyboots :
I'm thinking of you. All the best, my diaryland pal.
from melodymetuka :
Wish I could write something helpful. You are one of my heroes - and if your husband doesn't appreciate you, then there is something wrong with HIM! Just saying
from tithonus :
Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Can't do anything but think loving thoughts. You have my meaningless permission to cheat on your husband, if that's what you actually want to do.
from fifidellabon :
Oh, Stepfie, I am so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts always and hope for only good things to come to you. XOFifi
from barefootruby :
Lots of love from me and CGF. Let us know when your energy levels are better so we can meet up. And give us a shout if there's anything we can help with.
from koorikaze :
Sending hugs, love, and prayers. I'm so sorry.
from strawberrri :
Massive love and all my positive thoughts to you Stepfie - I'm so sorry you're going through this xxx
from life-my-way :
No words but lots of love from across the pond in Alabama. XOXOXO K.
from portlypete :
It's hard to send encouraging words without sounding insentient, since I know that news like that about myself would send me into a total spiral of despair. I can only fall back on the experience of a dear friend who lost a limb to cancer and (at the time) rejected the idea of further treatment. Years later, she is still enjoying her children and her grandchildren: so hang in there. Please write a line whenever you feel up to it, as I know you have heaps of people 'rooting' for you. P.s. I had doubts about 'rooting' and, according to Yahoo Answers, “In Australia, rooting means having sex with someone” - Who knew? xxxxx
from melodymetuka :
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I will keep you in my prayers. I wish that I could do more {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
from misfitstray :
Sending tons of healing-waves,love and hugs your way! xo
from annanotbob2 :
Have no words but can't pass by without saying anything. Love. That's all - love. xxx
from tater-fay :
I was obviously joking when discussing being 46. We are eternally in our 20s! Yep! I should try to find you on FB ( or you find me.. I think I'm the only Stacey Fay in Springfield, Oregon!)
from dangerspouse :
Just about 2 months since your last ok? I trust the silence here is due to your ongoing celebration following your Best Comedy win. Yes? No?
from whystinger :
Thinking of y'all, hoping all is well.
from dangerspouse :
GOOD LORD! It's been that long since you bumped uglies?? C'mon girl, you're in danger of dry rot! Cobwebs! Jesus. Well, maybe I can help you out. When's your next trip to the States? No no, there's no need to thank me. I don't mind making sacrifices for a friend.
from raven72d :
How is 2016 so far?
from dangerspouse :
What an absolute travesty you can't see my magnificent find. This is a ring for the ages, I tell you. The whole reason Neil MacGregor left the BM is that he wasn't able to convince me part with it, and I promise Hartwig Fischer's entreaties will fall upon the same deaf ears. I did offer it to the Tower, but they refused on the grounds it would put the Crown Jewels to shame. Anyway, I'll look up that Photo Bucket thing you mentioned and see what's up...although honestly, I take so few photos it will probably just end up moldering away like everything else in my life that I start on a whim. Like jobs, insulin, various religions, mink farming....
from jimbostaxi :
I like the way you think xoxo :0)
from blujeans-uk :
Hope you're OK, cyber-mum xx
from jimbostaxi :
Feel better xoxo your in our prayers :0)
from dangerspouse :
"Remove any sexual connotations from the experience"? Sorry. Years of being an Altar Boy has made that impossible. WHY were there no thin priests in my parish? Anyway....FOR FUCKS SAKE FEEL BETTER ALREADY!! The world needs you...your voice...your new boobs....your sparkling imitation of wit. C'mon! (And don't take shit from hubby about a drunken mistake kiss from another guy. He's done it too. Trust me.) Hang in there, kiddo!
from jimbostaxi :
It's a new year new attitude ! I shall turn my frown upside down :9) thanks for the note xoxo how's the voice?
from whystinger :
My apologies. I am not happy about the error as I checked and even tried the link... How did that happen? Must be after I went in to do an edit something happened. Man I am pissed about that!
from whystinger :
What I didn't tell you is that I feel sheepish for not noticing faster. You and your family have been in my prayers.
from whystinger :
I've missed your updating, but I have sort of figured out lately that you weren't feeling well (that's why I left you a message earlier today or yesterday). I hope things turn around and get better for you. Wish I could do something.
from cocoabean :
I think we all need a puking drunk now and then... reminds us why we only do that now and then!
from portlypete :
Well, I had a look and it turns out you aren't 'an idiot' and you don't do a 'shitty job'. You do a valuable* job which you love so, consequently, you get put upon by the system. You are pushed until you are close to breaking point - then they push you a tad more! Did you never think of becoming a Merchant Banker? * 'valuable', in this context, means 'able to change lives for the better'.
from scullerymaid :
Sorry to hear L is being such a poo. Sending my love!
from whystinger :
Wow, can't believe L and I feel for you. I went through something a bit similar of this with Honi, and I remember how I felt. All I can think to do is offer a hug.
from annanotbob2 :
FFS. Hugs xxx
from sparkle-pink :
HI! Sorry! I am so bad for checking my notes. If you still want it, username is sparklepink, password is envelope :D
from barefootruby :
I guess you heard (probably before CGF, as I did) that they are proposing Chigley High with, er, Chigley Low - to form an academy that should hereinafter be referred to as Chigley Medium. Apparently several Year 7 pupils have already transferred from Chigley High to Toy and Insect.
from whystinger :
Good to read a few updates from you, always miss your writing. Unfortunately, I understand all too well the "medicine kills the libido" thing and how it affects the one not on meds. Keep looking for a way to get beyond those side effects. I hope his libido comes back. I know the hell that it can be when that is no longer there. Also sorry to hear that the woman who saved L has passed away. I think a nice card with some personal story might be a comfort to the family or just some heart-felt words. I can't imagine their loss and hope they are comforted by my thoughts and prayers. Hugs SFAM
from dangerspouse :
So few of us can, alas....
from annanotbob2 :
from dangerspouse :
Maybe you should nick some of his heart pills for yourself, just so you can stop being tortured by an unrelenting libido. I mean, if you really are resolved to not having Mr. Kryptonite light your candle anytime in the near future that is. What an entry. It's always tough commenting on something that's hilarious and brilliantly written, but obviously borne of pain. Hang in there, babe.
from manfromvenus :
So good to hear your news, Stepfordtart! And welcome back from the Greek islands... which have always been "a bit dodgy". You know it. Never tried phone porn, but then my wires are crossed and all the wrong things push my buttons I suppose. Although... nah, I won't bore you with that. But keep on keeping on. This occasional visitor is delighted to know you're not due and MOT until February.
from jimbostaxi :
I was phone porn virgin before Dangerspouse corrupted me! He says try Redtube and the rest is history:0)
from raven72d :
Everyone needs phone skills.
from dangerspouse :
I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!! And my wife says, "What the hell took you so long, idiot?" But she's a porn snob, so what can you expect? Have a ball! (So to speak....)
from portlypete :
"Two diary entries in less than 24 hours". You put some of us to shame.
from jarofporter :
progressively better - no need to have them checked, though i could do with a bit of inappropriateness! (sadly, the only one who wants that here is Viv & i'm just not interested. *sigh*)
from whystinger :
I am glad to see that you are back...
from dangerspouse :
Cancer blah blah blah radiotherapy blah blah blah job blah blah fat blah. Some women will do ANYTHING for attention.
from whystinger :
Unbelieveable! I need to see the exchange rate. The $850 USD was for a used washer and dryer. The set is about $1500.00 new. I think I will look for a similar Hotpoint washer here. According to a fast web search, That may set may be similarly priced. If not, it may well pencil with shipping. I wonder what hoops one would have to jump through to ship here?
from buffylass :
Thankyou so much :) I am out the other side and it was absolutely fantastic. Now I just have a house full of flowers, wine, cheese and cake! xx
from whystinger :
I wish to go to the Greek Isles some time! Keep me posted on the USA trip. I'll have furniture by then... and a guest room.
from buffylass :
Yay, you're back! Haha don't worry, the meal will hopefully be a lot better than I'm making out. And there'll be lots of wine sloshing about! xx
from dangerspouse :
You're back! I'm whole again!! And...what's this about a US trip? Details girl, details! Er, if cancer allows, of course. So great to see you post again!!
from barefootruby :
singing round the bars of Corfu sounds way more exciting than a trip to Sheffield and Loogaboorroga. So does a US roadtrip - route 66?
from jarofporter :
YaY, you're back! ;-)
from stepfordtart :
Same as it ever was! Travelers tales when I get back xx
from raven72d :
Excellent! What's it like?
from raven72d :
Did you go to Corfu?
from buffylass :
Ha unfortunately no one cares about my opinion - two are coming and one is apparently a wife beater! Hope you're enjoying Corfu xx
from strawberrri :
Yaaaaay holiday! Hope you're having the best time, you really deserve it xxx
from jimbostaxi :
from manfromvenus :
Paying attention, yes. Thinking of you, and sending you good wishes - and prayers. Enjoy Corfu... much love!
from jarofporter :
you're welcome to email me or not, as your schedule/heart allows. honestly, i'm surprised anyone even bothers! ;-)
from realchild :
whaaaaaaat. well, for what it's worth re: "day off" in London: I'm in & will send support vibes from shitty Ohio. <3
from whystinger :
More new friends and more fun!
from phaythles :
Ugh! I know how you feel. It really isnt a movie meant for grown people to go to by themselves. I have been ditched by my family so I wont be seeing the minions today :( My little brother decided he didnt want to go so my mom invited her bf over and thats that. If you lived near me we would so go together. Cause I think one lonely grown up is creepy but a pack of em are completely harmless. That is horrible about your cancer. Glad though the doctors dont seem to be freaking out or completely puzzled. Thats usually a good sign.
from dangerspouse :
Good Lord. The last time I disappeared for 6 weeks your husband took ill. This time I disappear for 6 weeks and YOU come down with fucking CANCER. That's it. I'm never shirking my updating duties again. The consequences for humanity are just too horrific to consider. Anyway, this is just shite. Conquer this thing, willya? Your new boobs are too precious a thing to risk taking from us!
from whystinger :
How the hell did I miss this? I am sorry you are going through a new bout, but I know you will beat it again. The world needs you too much. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Hopefully I will have a home to live in shortly and y'all will have a place to stop at when you do to Alabama...
from annanotbob2 :
Fucking hell. Always here whenever, however I can be of assistance. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from randomrabbit :
What the fuck are you playing at woman? Much love and good wishes being sent your way. In a non-physical sense as I'm not sure what stamp I'd need and if it would fit through that little slot they have at the post office x
from fifidellabon :
ODG, I am so sorry to hear of the recurrence. I solemnly swear that I shall hang on to your every word and emulate your every action, and this will make you as good as, no, better than new. It had bloody well better! LOTS of love! XOFifi
from strawberrri :
I'm so sorry Stepfie. I will send every single last positive thought I have your way. I hope you get better very very soon xxx
from buffylass :
So sorry about the news :( hope the radiation nukes then good and proper. Sending you positive everything xx
from jarofporter :
Wanted to say "sorry" about your current medical issue, but that feels like it's too negative. I have zero doubts that this is just a little bump in the road, and is nothing of concern. Positive thoughts & let the doctors do their work, I know things will be fine! ;-)
from bbhs :
I read you every now and then and I'm so sorry to hear you have more cancer troubles. I hope it stays "benign" and causes little or no interference to your enjoyment of life.
from blujeans-uk :
Oh, God, stepfie, I'm so sorry! I hope those little bastards wither and die and never come back, and that you get to enjoy Corfu and everything else. Sending massive internet hugs xxx
from barefootruby :
That sucks. Hope the treatments go well, and you don't lose the implants
from scullerymaid :
Best of luck with your "day out" to London. Treat yo' self!
from dirtyboots :
All the best - hang in there!
from raven72d :
Good luck on the treatments, by the way! Enjoy Corfu and do get better!
from raven72d :
Southampton calls up all that maritime history...
from julymalaise :
I'm sorry to hear that the cancer came back. You are such a strong woman and I admire you. I miss you! Diaryland is always on my mind. I must return!
from a-d-w :
can't wait for them to lay the smackdown on those nasties. thinking of you!
from buffylass :
God, I wish that was a viable option! Happily eBay appears to be my friend for this kind of stuff - paper lanterns from China that cost £2.50 for 900. Just need to not picture the poor child stuck in a sweatshop that's probably made them! xx
from fifidellabon :
Oooh! Thanks for the tipoff about Anna. I shall deffo go read!
from raven72d :
I've never seen spray cheese, but then I don't eat cheese at all. Hominy is...edible. Just. Grits, though--- they're not bad at breakfast, with butter and a bit of salt. They even became hip--- at least certain hipsters in Brooklyn and Manhattan found them so. I'll have them at diners--- they're meant to be diner food. Grits and scrambled eggs and hash browns, and probably a sausage patty or two.
from a-d-w :
i was waiting for the notes feature to be fixed, then forgot i was waiting. then i remembered and wanted to leave you a note to say hello. cool story, huh
from phaythles :
Hellooo! Not surprised at all that we seem to have some reads in common. I swear theres only like 50 people on DL. Thanks for the add :)
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Stepfy! XOFifi
from retro-cat :
btw i heart harry kane, so please don't hate me :)
from retro-cat :
true, that man. city didn't need the win to stay in second. yes, i'm happy that arsenal won the fa cup since i cannot stand tim sherwood!!haha. nice to hear from another footie fan :) anyways, i've been watching the under-20 world cup games and how come england aren't in it??
from scullerymaid :
Congrats on the new job!
from jarofporter :
what, you don't like my little snake-friend? he was cuuuute!! lol especially when he hissed at me. Awwww... :-P
from blujeans-uk :
She was good! The audience approved Of her comment :-D I didn't watch the whole thing as was nodding off but managed to catch her moment! Good costume!
from blujeans-uk :
She was good! The audience approved Of her comment :-D I didn't watch the whole thing as was nodding off but managed to catch her moment! Good costume!
from tithonus :
Maybe Quink was withdrawn from sale earlier in my part of the world? I am approximately 100 years old.
from bridrinkspee :
Thank you!!! I never thought I'd be getting married1, especially at 21. I'm glad you still read, I thought my diary was long forgotten about haha. I'm going to the dentist soon to get my tooth looked at, hopefully we'll be able to just take it out soon. I've got to get all four out ):
from buffylass :
Thankyou! :) I bought it flying solo, so it's always a huge relief to get a second opinion! xx
from barefootruby :
and that 800 miles is between two points that, having visited both, I can't see any purpose in going to, except to say that you've been there.
from jarofporter :
re: needing to talk, the great thing about emails to me is that nobody else can see them! ;-) and i don't know, i'd almost rather /not/ be getting any. almost. i think...
from dangerspouse :
Whoops. Make that "on being ABLE to say". Damn these fluffy fingers....
from dangerspouse :
CONGRATS ON THE NEW JOB! Well done on being about to say "Why yes, I'm very kind hearted" without laughing or shattering from the effort. And you're not fat. Just a little...fluffy. And not even so much that Gillian McQueef would find fault. Rock those gigs, baby!!
from blujeans-uk :
Did I just see jooj on thronecast??!! (25/5/15 22:20)
from whystinger :
from realchild :
hooooooly crap! glad L's doing better.
from portlypete :
I generally pin any theft of footwear on the local foxes. Back in time ('temporality' works in a different way in Diaryland), Cillit Bang is the 'Beez Nees' as they say in France - 'cos they can't speak proper, or understand what anyone's saying unless we really SHOUT!!! But, prob best not to employ it unless wearing a full Ebola-proof suit, because that stuff just cuts through grease like it ain't there, and dissolves flesh in ways that only reference to "" could equal. However, for hobs, I recommend "Hob-Brite" (flashes teeth) - I surely am a domestic God. But, I notice, it has the same sunray logo, so is prob just Cillit Bang with added Cif. Still, it does the job. How sad am I? About 3 on a scale of 1 to a zillion! And with too much time on my hands, it could be argued.
from blujeans-uk :
Hello! Sorry if it seems like I've been ignoring you. I don't seem to get an email anymore when I get a new note. I was really shocked to read about L's cardiac arrest, but incredibly glad he pulled through. I hope things are healing, in all aspects x (and sprouts are not evil!)
from dangerspouse :
I bet it was a 3-legged hiker who bought a pair and needed a third. I'll keep my eye out for any tripods with mismatched boots from now on and report back. (How come I never had teachers like you when I was in school? I accidentally touched a teacher's boob when I was 12 or so, and he invited me back to his place after class. It was awful.)
from whystinger :
Cheers SFAM! I am sort of back...
from raven72d :
I always think "Rage, rage!" is something a Bond-villain should say. Or Dr. Doom. I imagine standing on a balcony above the palace square, exhorting my stormtroopers with that phrase--- and they'll raise clenched, armoured fists and chant it in time with me.
from annanotbob2 :
Ha ha - that made me remember my pal Jane (owner of Millie dog), whose classroom one day was overful of year11s and their bags all over the floor. Walking between tables she tripped over, fell forward, reached out to save herself, and her hand landed on a lad's thigh and slid right up with all her weight behind it till it came to rest clutching his bits. They both pretended it hadn't happened and she came belting over to my classroom, all hot and bothered! Ah the fun we had...
from scullerymaid :
Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you my dearest cyber-mama! He is amazing and I can't wait to tell you more about him.
from barefootruby :
Eastleigh Vs Kidderminster:
from raven72d :
I think white-ish wine was produced in Normandy in the middle ages, but you're right about different grape varietals. I really do have to look into this.
from jarofporter :
ya know, if you wanna talk about L but don't want it all over, you can write me! miss talking with ya, but haven't wanted to intrude with everything going on...
from barefootruby :
I went to school with a Barry Scott and the C-Bang adverts reminded me of him. It wasn't the same Barry Scott, but he was just as annoying
from strawberrri :
Stepfie! I sent you an email on Weds last week - might it have gone into your spam? Let me know if you want me to resend :) xx
from scullerymaid :
Thanks so much for your note! I've been going through some of my old posts, and it's so so true. All my friends say so. You say so. I know so. The separation is a bit hard because we do so much together, but I know it's for the best. Thanks once again!
from raven72d :
Bloody mental, yes!
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the advice! Teaching seems like such a great career, but I don't think I'm committed enough at the moment to take the plunge. I think about it constantly, but many of my schoolmates became teachers, and they too loathe and love it. And I don't think I'm particularly authoritative. The kids would walk all over me, which is actually the biggest hesitation I have about the whole thing.
from raven72d :
Good! That's as it should be! I like "yah"!
from strawberrri :
Thanks stepfie :) Any advice on flowers gratefully received! My main reservation about the florist we spoke to is someone would have to collect the flowers on the wedding morning. I would expect them to be hand delivered on a bed of caviar for that price (although that would actually be disgusting on second thoughts). I think I will begin my dress quest in monsoon bridal in Westfield, for ideas if nothing else! Xx
from raven72d :
I'm...impressed! (Bela Lugosi Voice on an April night)
from raven72d :
Hmmm... I will have to go find it and take a listen!
from jimbostaxi :
sending my love out to you and "L" Hope all is well. Love the Goodfellas reference! Here's one for ya "you want to see helicopters?"
from cocoabean :
oh yum!
from annanotbob2 :
Waving back at yer! xxx
from ottodixless :
Hi. I've kind of left Diaryland but it's not far from my heart. I hope L is getting better, and you're ok too. It's good to know that an obsessive love of Game of Thrones can get you places anyway.
from jimbostaxi :
:0( I know it's inevitable that they all go, but I that was unexpected :0(
from raven72d :
Wow! Congrats!
from dangerspouse :
Tesco?! Am I the only one left who shoots, guts, and renders his own goose any more? You're all goin' soft I tell ya.
from barefootruby :
you've pretty much been through the mill in the last few weeks. Hoping you are both coming out the other side now. And water-bed water - worse or better taste than siphoning petrol?
from dangerspouse :
Sure beats the old "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" campaign!
from annanotbob2 :
Oh thank god for that xxxxx
from dangerspouse :
"Suck the chrome off a trailer hitch" is the gold standard in the States, but "stitching off a cricket ball" sounds classier to me. And being considered classy is of paramount concern, of course, even with regards to sucking prowess. could have frozen the water bed and then just hammered it into small, easily transported bits, thereby saving yourself mouthfuls of foetid decades old sludge. And speaking of L - good to see he's well enough to return home, even if it seems like a mixed blessing. Best of luck with that. Love the pics of your daughter! Well done, all!
from portlypete :
"You always hurt the one you love". You are that 'one'. Always thinking of you.
from dangerspouse :
You poor thing. At least the realization that one is being a bit of a cunt is a sign that the ol' nut may not be so damaged after all, no? I mean, if that's any consolation. I do hope things have improved since your post. Do a quick update when you can and let us know, would you? ((( )))
from jarofporter :
hi! saw you online, so i wanted to say hi, which i already did, so... ? lol
from annanotbob2 :
Seven, you only have seven left. Wank wisely. xx
from strawberrri :
Hope he's on his way home (and being nice to you!) Fingers crossed for everything - you're in my thoughts xx
from annanotbob2 :
Big hugs and love and hope for a more peaceful time soon xxxxxxx
from strawberrri :
Just caught up on your past few entries Stepfie. God, I'm so sorry for all the shitty shittiness that has been happening. I hope L is home and well very very soon. And that you're okay too xxx Ps. It wasn't me on the phone ;)
from barefootruby :
wasn't me - I'm not even sure where San Antonio is. Good news about L
from nacht-katze :
I'm not sure about a 'causing fear' law. The guy argued that he *could* enter school property; however, neglected the fact that (a) he had no kids enrolled in the school and thus no reason to be there, and (b) administration asked him to leave. Apparently there's a whole slew of people like him who, in light of recent events across the country involving police brutality, are trying to provoke local cops and have their moment in the limelight. In my opinion... his message regarding personal rights is legitimate, his platform is not.
from misfitstray :
Glad that L is getting better. Hope you are ok too besides your loneliness ♥
from scullerymaid :
Hope all goes well!
from jarofporter :
from zenayda :
About Daylight Savings Time: It's because Americans are soft and squishy and whiney. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
from portlypete :
Hey, I was away for your drama. I suspect (from some notes) that I am behind with the news but, going on what I've read ... OK, erase all that - it's history. I'm hopeful that thinks are looking up. But I can't forgive the shop-lifting episode. What? If you are going to steal kiwi fruit, make sure they are fresh off the plane FFS! I sincerely hope this is still a happy story.
from jarofporter :
yes, that *is* just you! ;-) and i was really glad to see that pic of L sitting in the chair! hope things will improve rapidly now!
from dangerspouse :
D'OH! I wasted my grieving for NOTHING?? Lol. That's a relief. I don't know if it was The Glenlivet, or your extreme skill at weaving a dolorous tale, but I really thought L was an ex-parrot after reading your update. *Whew* Whatever the cause, I'm glad I was mistaken. Still...horrendous medical procedures still are horrendous. I hope he comes through them ok. My best wishes - thoughts are still with you guys.
from dangerspouse :
I just took a leave from D-Land, and on my return immediately wrote an entry about how much my life sucks because my car broke down. Then I read your update. Now I feel like punching myself in the face. I'm staggered by your loss. Inadequate as this is, my thoughts are with you. Please accept my sincere condolences.
from whystinger :
Family comes first. Glad someone is being compassionate for you at work during this time. L, you and the family are in my prayers. Hugs.
from jarofporter :
still sending all sorts of positive vibes... wish i could be of more help than that.
from dirtyboots :
All the best - you guys are in my thoughts.
from raven72d :
I hope things do go better.
from cocoabean :
any progress is a good thing... sending some more good vibes your way!
from annanotbob2 :
from aryssa90 :
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. So sorry, I know how stressful the not knowing can be
from melodymetuka :
I'm keeping you and 'L' in my prayers. I don't think we are 'friends' on fb, but I'd like to be. I'm there under my own name.
from nikkifoofoo :
This situation really, really sucks and I'm very sorry you're going through it.
from jarofporter :
my guess would be bands like Korn, Limp Biskit, etc, and (not sure) maybe bands like devo, they might be giants, mighty lemon drops, crowded house? there's only one band i'm sure you don't like, but i won't bring it up! oh yeah, i'm also guessing you're not into "outlaw country" music...
from jarofporter :
There's nothing wrong with those songs, *unless* you're a big, bad, burly, wallet-chain-sportin, leather-wearin', beard-havin' biker whose fave band is Motorhead...
from barefootruby :
shedloads of hopes, thoughts, prayers and virtual hugs heading your way from CGF and me xxx
from jarofporter :
sent you an email...
from cocoabean :
OMG sending good vibes your way.....
from life-my-way :
Holding you both in mind and heart wishing fervently for the best for you both. xoxoxo
from annanotbob2 :
Holding you and L in my thoughts darling xxxxxxxxx
from misfitstray :
I'm so very sorry to read these news about L. I'll keep you and him in my prayerys! All the best! ♡
from jarofporter :
Notes are on?? WHEEEE! :-P
from annanotbob2 :
I'm pleased to see you're a bit poorly just before half term as I hope it means you will be fit and well for the holiday. Love xxx
from barefootruby :
are you around to meet up for a drink over Christmas. I know you teachers have twice as much holiday as normal mortals ;-) ("yeah, right!")
from barefootruby :
yeah, but you're in Amazinghole by then. not half-way. BTW, that pub is where the A303 ends (or used to before the M3), and the A30 and A303 is the same road from there to Sutton Scotney. I should get out more.
from dangerspouse :
Great. Another thing to wrack myself with guilt over. Battery raised chickens. Soon I'm gonna be reduced to subsisting on kelp and free range dirt for sustenance. Thanks a lot.
from dangerspouse :
I have always had an overwhelming fondness for all things English, including the "Just Deal With It" resolve in the face of even the most daunting tasks. So, yeah, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by my dad's reaction. Still...I would have preferred the strap. (BTW, my paternal grandmother, Florence Seymour, was very British indeed. She was a direct descendant of the family of Lady Jane Seymour, although she always downplayed that fact. "Don't let it go to your head" she told me once. "They got their money originally by being horse theives." She was still the best cook I ever met, and I've spent much of my life arguing with my Italian friends about the merits of real British regional fare, which is wonderful. I was a Keith Floyd addict before Food-TV even existed. Rule Britannia!)
from dangerspouse :
Wowie, Tesco certainly is fond of their eggs! Still, that's about the price of a dozen NON-free range ova here in the States now. I'm thinking of switching to caviar, as sturgeon eggs will soon be cheaper than chicken's at this rate.
from dangerspouse :
Wowie, Tesco certainly is fond of their eggs! Still, that's about the price of a dozen NON-free range ova here in the States now. I'm thinking of switching to caviar, as sturgeon eggs will soon be cheaper than chicken's at this rate.
from nikkifoofoo :
Hello back, my dear Stepfie!
from dangerspouse :
Shakin' Stevens has watched a few thousand too many Wham! videos. Wow. The snow effect was cutting edge cool, though. Feel better! (Or at least develop a taste for balsa wood.)
from stepfordtart :
Yes it does. A33 til Dummer and then A30. s x
from barefootruby :
Being ill on the A30 is the least of your worries - it doesn't go from Chigley to Amazinghole!
from zenayda :
Awww! Feel better!
from jarofporter :
yes, but real ones are better. maybe this summer?
from dangerspouse :
Sorry for the delay responding to your thoughtful note. Thanks, first, for the hug. Virtual or not, it was appreciated :) Yeah, I know some people "don't really 'do' pets". I wish I was one of them myself at the moment.
from dangerspouse :
You mean you Brits don't celebrate a bunch of traitorous colonials being saved by the natives they ultimately ended up slaughtering? You're a funny race. But yeah - the Thanksgiving bacchanalia is just a warmup for the fortnight long Christmas excess. I have a shirt that says "I'm not fat. I'm an American.", and it's not meant to be ironic. If you ever find yourself on this side of the pond, drop by and I'll stuff yer gunnels personally. Lucky girl.
from strawberrri :
Thank you :) And oh my god you should get the Lake Maggiore Express to play L's music on its journeys (it took about three hours to get to Switzerland...I did actually get slightly bored of looking at beautiful mountains eventually!). Also, I have no nice segue into this, but I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin, especially for her husband and children. It's just really tragic and shitty xx
from nacht-katze :
Oh, yeah. I'm always fooled into trying beers of the ginger variety. I should probably stop that.
from dangerspouse :
The cake and sausages looked absolutely fabuloso, and kudos to you for having the skill and ingenuity to pull them off, but...if it were me, I'd get new friends. Still, bravo!
from portlypete :
Suicide is so sad for all who knew the victim and can only ask "why?" Especially hard to bear for the family, who will always wonder if they should have known: should have done more. On a brighter note: CAMBRIDGE!? Where did she get those brains? (Only joking). Also, You think you have problems? One of my friends claims to be a Celiac; another claims to come out in a rash if put within 100 metres of a garlic clove, and another is, apparently, dairy intolerant. Oh, and another doesn't like spicy food. I feel I should, either change my friends, or leave them a bowl of salad and go out for a curry with side-servings of naan bread and raita. And BTW. Part of going to Uni is about learning to fend for yourself. From what little I've discovered about your kids, I'm guessing she'll be just fine.
from jarofporter :
saw you're online, wanted to say hi! ;-)
from stepfordtart :
That is NOT a birthday cake, tho, Ruby. As eny fule kno, a birthday cake is maked of sponge.
from barefootruby :
I've remembered. Lactose free fruit cake: 1kg dried fruit; enough ginger beer to cover and leave to steep overnight. Add 3 cups (which I think could be 12 oz, or maybe 18) SR flour. That's it. Apart from the baking which is maybe an hour or so
from barefootruby :
I know someone else who's been procrastinating all afternoon because it's Sunday afternoon and Sunday afternoons are not designed for marking, lesson planning and report writing! No frazzles though - I'm not a great lover of those. Don't taste much of bacon, and leave a slightly unpleasant after taste. Was going to write something else but forgotten what. Watch this space...
from annanotbob2 :
from dangerspouse :
Terrible news. Please accept my condolences. Don't post til you're ready. We'll still be here.
from dangerspouse :
That's one claim you're gonna have to prove, chickie. (And for gods sake, update already. I'm getting tired of seeing my name every time I pop in here - and I'm a devout narcissist!)
from portlypete :
Well, my boobs are well proportioned as it happens, and sharks are rare as ... quite a rare variety of shark's teeth around our neck of the woods. I have the quad-bypass booked for next year; the paper-cut healed just fine after a few weeks in Intensive Care and, as for the circumcision, I like that nice slidey sensation waaaay too much to have it meddled with. So, it was something else, and I think they screwed up 'cos, weeks after, I am still in quite severe discomfort although, I'm guessing, on a scale of 10, (where having both legs blown off by an anti-personnel mine rates a nine) I hardly register. And my physio said it can take up to a year to get back to normal, which was encouraging, although I couldn't help remarking that I wasn't sure I had that long. The ultimate pain relief!
from portlypete :
Stewart Lee - ouch, ouch, ouch! On the subject of 'ouch', I have new scars too, and they are driving me to despair, so I sympathise.
from dangerspouse :
God bless women with low self esteem whose sense of worth is determined by how well they please men. (Ie: women.) Just a subtle hint of displeasure was all it took to drag you from your sick bed back to the keyboard! God, I feel validated now. Although your "have pity on me in my time of plague" argument rings a bit hollow when you follow it with tales of going back to work, schlepping a Mazda full of kids to London Towne, and BAKING ONE OF THE GREATEST HALLOWEEN BATTENBERG CAKES I'VE EVER SEEN! Seriously, that was one awesome dessert. So - welcome back, and thanks for the mention. You boob. (The joke was a hoot, too!) :)
from realchild :
bless you & your bewbs.
from dangerspouse :
C'mon Louis, how long can you just lie there moaning and rubbing your boob? Update, girl!
from michellemort :
Send me your email address, or email me at michellemortensen38 at gmail and I'll give it to you again (and then you can be shocked at how in the heck you forgot it haha).
from whystinger :
Yes, I am well, but a bit stressed. Yes, 3 TVs. I would think if one was in great need of money and needed to conserve, one would deal with one TV and not jeopardize their future by buying two extra TVs. Unbelieveable!
from barefootruby :
ps will email when I am home and have your email to hand
from barefootruby :
Girl but does it make a difference? A Christmas tree is a Christmas Tree. She does have cunning plans (and measurements) - interlocking cones of green fabric to make it 3D. This evening she has the sewing machine out and is making a brown corduroy tube for the trunk. If nothing else, it will keep her quiet for half term.
from barefootruby :
hey, as someone who is a bit of an expert in craft stuff, and dress-making stuff, and fancy dress costume stuff, have you got any tips for creating a Christmas Tree costume? Apart from "don't" - we've tried that and it doesn't work on a 12-year old
from barefootruby :
I understand the offside rule in football - it's hardly rocket science. The offside rule in rugby, however? That's a whole different ball game - there are so many offside positions depending on what is going on at the time. That could be why there is rarely dissent with the referee's decisions. If he says you are offside you have to accept it because you haven't got a fecking clue how or why. I also know that England is the only country to have won the world cup in both sports.
from jarofporter :
well, if you all think i'm ok, then the problem must be that i live in the wrong country, cuz everyone here thinks i suck! :-P heheh...
from barefootruby :
It helps me understand how a score of 8 can be attained in a sports event. I don't comprehend this "one goal one point" nonsense :-)
from barefootruby :
That would be like a try and a penalty in rugby
from randomrabbit :
Congratulations on the new boobs! I too have new boobs but I'm not entirely happy about mine. Hope everything is ok with L x
from raven72d :
And congrats on the new (and improved) ummmm...features.
from raven72d :
I'll take a look! Merci!
from whystinger :
I once had silk sheets. Too darn slippery, so I can certainly understand the silk pajamas! So the boobs are fucking awesome! They certainly were before, so I am glad they are back to your high standards. Will you be putting them on display and/or sending us some nice pictures so we can see ;-) Just kidding! (well, not if you want to send pics ha ha ha) I hope all continues to go well. Keep us posted on L. Hugs and prayers. Your BFAM
from annanotbob2 :
from misfitstray :
All the best from germany to L and you for a very quick recovery. I really hope that there's nothing too serious with him. Take care! xxx
from jarofporter :
sent you an email the other day, wondered if you got it?
from barefootruby :
Oh no! Best wishes to L for a speedy recovery. You know where we are if you need a break /someone to talk to / shout at. Oh and "staying in hospital for a few days" generally means the doctors haven't got a clue what's wrong
from strawberrri :
How scary :( I hope L gets better very soon indeed and that you're looked after this weekend xx
from whystinger :
Yep, you win the crappy eating award! I worked to balance it a bit today :-)
from whystinger :
Hugs and prayers. I hope L will be well soon.
from jarofporter :
sending positive energy for you both. tell L i said to stop being so stubborn! ;-)
from whystinger :
Thinking of you and your family. Hope you are feeling well and healing up well! Hugs (if not sore...) :-D
from whystinger :
I will do my best. I have kept out of affairs and such for this long, so I will remain out of that till after I am free. I wish her no ill will and just want it quiet and dignified. I know I will get through this and emerge stronger and in a better place. I think this will be very good for her and help her get her shit in line. Hugs. Hey, how are you?
from jarofporter :
not doing too bad, will write soon. glad to hear you're home and doing alright!
from pink-sapfire :
easier said than done,... my father is a preacher. I have heard both sides of the story when I became ill, but I refuse to turn my back on my husband because my father thinks he has done wrong and I refuse to turn my back on my father because he has done so much for me. I'm trying to let them work it out on their own but I will let my father know that any holiday plans will have to incorporate my daughter, my husband, and myself otherwise I'll be doing stuff with my mom and Jake's family. But I'll keep your advice in mind :) England does sound amazing. I haven't been outside the U.S. Food Stamps aren't being too difficult, I just have to get a paper filled out by my husband's employer for them. Unemployment won't pay me because my doctor hasn't released me to go back to work so they won't pay me to just sit home taking care of my child until my doctor says I can go back to my job. I know I will all work out though. It's just going to take some time and patience. It's just taking me time to understand that because I'm a huge worrywart :) jazzy
from pink-sapfire :
Your message was signed sealed and delivered. I was just about to send one asking who it was that requested me when I saw your message and added you. I have it set up to where anyone can message me and sometimes it causes a problem but I'm so glad that wasn't the case with you. Thanks for adding me. talk with you soon. jazzy
from zenayda :
Cat balls: Shades of the old Pandi who can't be serious about anything for longer than 5 minutes. Heh!
from pink-sapfire :
I'm finally back. Stop by and read up if you'd like. I finally had my little one. She is my miracle baby as I almost passed on, literally. Much love. I'll be around as much as I possibly can be.
from julymalaise :
Good luck! Sending good things your way!
from bedbunny :
Sending love and good luck <3 xoxo
from jarofporter :
sending you positive vibes for your surgery. will be thinking of you.
from pink-sapfire :
Stopping by your page to show some love. :)
from misfitstray :
Yes, Florian is a very popular name in Germany especially in Bavaria. It's latin from Florus/Florianus. It means the blooming or the gorgeous. Florian is the titular Saint for firefighter here.
from dirtyboots :
They really gotta update those backgrounds at school photos... Nice headshots though! Maybe paste the spare ones on the insides of random cupboards for people to be confronted with?
from misfitstray :
Woman, you just SO gorgeous!
from jarofporter :
oh, and yes, i'd both love to come back, and love to check out the car! that is, if i can get a handle on your silly "right-hand-drive nonsense... ;-)
from jarofporter :
heh, no need for apologies, i wish it were as simple as listening to my "inner horny". *sigh*
from melodymetuka :
I really love that car! So glad you can drive it again. :-)
from jarofporter :
here's why... have you ever tried to extricate yourself from a relationship with a suicidal, possibly psychopathic self-cutter with a knife fetish, who may just decide to take you with her? that may be a slight exaggeration, but then again, i'm not so sure... i think it's best to consider, rather than ignore that possibility.
from jarofporter :
Pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel on the front of his trousers. bartender looks at him and says "'ey, what's with the ship's wheel there?" Pirate looks at 'im and says "Arr! It's driving me nuts!"
from zenayda :
Not at all wrong. I'd love to wake up refreshed, maybe down a few pounds while I'm at it. And you're right about the typing. Ya know, I hate having to work for a living. I really just need to be rich. Then my typing wouldn't matter.
from julymalaise :
Thanks for the website, Dover is a lovely place. I like the pictures and what an interesting history behind it. That Hitler was interesting, I guess it would sense make why he wanted to inhabit it if he won, probably to survey the rest of Europe or something from there. It's a beautiful castle and the cliffs are stunning.
from whystinger :
Painting going well...
from jarofporter :
sorry i missed your b-day, hope you had a good day!
from whystinger :
Oh my GOD! Was that a nail file or a rectal thermometer? Holy shit (no pun intended)!
from julymalaise :
Hello, hello, how are you? Wow, thanks for telling me all of those cool stuff about the Dover! I never knew it was a port and that is was near France. I also didn't knew that the White Cliffs held the same significance like seeing the Statue of Liberty. That's really neat. It's like once you see the cliffs, you're in zen gland. Like when you see the Statue of Liberty, you are in the US. Fascinating! And that's cool that there is a song about the cliffs. Have you been to the beaches up there? I would love to go to Dover. I always wanted to experience the seaside in England!!!
from peggeylc92 :
lol!! tourists blow stuff up!! i love it!!
from barefootruby :
Reminds me of a school quiz question "What's the difference between a gorilla and a guerilla?". The answer came back "a gorilla is a big hairy monkey and a guerilla is something you put bread under to make toast"
from raven72d :
Always fun to read your entries.
from dangerspouse :
As long as it wasn't a rectal thermometer, you should be good. And even then, the worst that could happen is that you'd end up with a shitty drink. Like the kind they serve tourists. Who apparently deserve it, according to that student.
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god. Relatively non-debilitating Lunchables. That's one of the signs of the Apocalypse - run!!
from dangerspouse :
Lunchables are the work of Americans. So you're right. And yes, sadly, people do eat them. Sad indictment of our culture, or lack thereof. Thanks for saying nice things about MY humble dish, though! :)
from wordwhore :
you're also following/followed by linguafranca, another buddy o'mine. dunno if you understood my last message?
from jarofporter :
thanks. if i were nearer, i'd take you up on that hug.
from jaysthoughts :
Glad to see you're still around. How's things?
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from dangerspouse :
Thangyu, thangyu :)
from whystinger :
I re-read your note and then did a web search for cutting in. I did pretty much how you said, except for the smaller brush. It was angled and such. I may email some pics of where I have to cut in NOW, which shall be a challenge... I found a "square" brush with angled bristles and wonder if that will do the job in the crevasse I will have to paint between moldings. Think I will buy a 3" brush at your recommendation for the rest of the cutting in. It was much faster than using the pad thingy and practicing straight lines can only help me with my drawing (which I need to get back into). I also noticed that on the several "cutting in" videos I watched, they all had 3 inch brushes. Only one did not use an angled bristle brush. A friend says he would rather have an ass whipping than paint. That is because painting can be an ass whipping! Hugs
from barefootruby :
CGF's new school is the one named as an anagram of its former self. The one that gets the results that most other school in Trumptonshire are jealous of
from whystinger :
I have an angled bristle brush, about 1.5 inches, which worked well. Maybe it is closer to 2 inches. I had a nice selection, but SOMEONE left them for a few weeks with paint on them and they are ruined. I also have this pad brush thingy which works fairly well, but this time, I chose the brush and it was awesome. I had some very tight quarters to work around, like under the loo. The Pro painters I hired a year or so ago to paint a few rooms (cathedral ceilings) had like 5 guys cutting in and ONE guy with a large (18 inch) roller. They used the 3 inch brushes. Guess I will go copy those blokes and go buy another brush! Thanks for the tip.
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note :0)
from melodymetuka :
So glad you made it to Brujes (can't spell). You had me sitting on the edge of my seat with that tale. ;-)
from wordwhore :
haha, no worries, i've seen your name often enough to know you're ok and not just some (*cough hint cough*) whipper/snapper.
from whystinger :
Hmmm, I have been bitched out before for editing or not giving enough info. You must be my SFAM... because I rarely would edit for anyone...
from whystinger :
Hmmm, perhaps I should edit... After all, if it is TMI for you, then probably for all...
from realchild :
hooray new bewbs!
from raven72d :
And...yes: execellent photos.
from raven72d :
You may indeed have a point... Racier or more highbrow. One or the other.
from jarofporter :
no you didn't, i was never here. *waves hand* "these are not the droids you're looking for!" lol
from portlypete :
I have a couple of thoughts about openings for Jooj, but can't really share them on here. portlypete, then an @ then a cooltoad plus a .com
from scullerymaid :
Nice pics! Love that black and white maxi dress!!!
from jarofporter :
and thanks for pointing that out. you're right, i need to relax.
from jarofporter :
once i get a couple things cleared up, maybe it can, but right now, she's the hesitant one, moreso than i. time will tell, i suppose.
from jarofporter :
saw you online, wanted to say hi, so... Hi!
from whystinger :
I sent you an email, but have the wrong address... think it is one of the older ones, cannot find the correct one because I have to clean out my email!
from whystinger :
Great to see an update from you. Yay, now boobs! Actually, you look great now.
from aryssa90 :
Cheer up, youre getting new boobs!
from dangerspouse :
Now to YOUR entry. 1. Show your fat arse already. That picture ain't foolin' no one. 2. That was one of the more enjoyable covers of "Moondance" I've ever heard. 3. Tom Jones couldn't spell either, not after years of being battered around the head and neck by all those knickers. 4. Did they ever find the girl buried under that landslip in Dorset? 5. Why are you so down? A gig tour of the Continent AND new boobs, all next two months? What's not to look forward to? Mmmmmmm....booooooobies.....
from dangerspouse :
Ok, to answer your naive question first: because she's the wife and I'm the husband. I'm obligated to conceal things from her, no matter how innocuous. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. (Oh, and also because if I told her what I was up to she would either insist on instructing me, insist on doing it herself, or insist on hiring a professional. All of which would make my penis smaller.) But you're right. I should have explained my motivation in my entry. Particularly as it was so sparse and could have used the fleshing out.
from jarofporter :
yeah, i had the same instinct, but then i thought, who am i to push my morality beliefs on someone else? her life, her decision, right? ugh, i don't know, will just play it by ear. really could do with a little "fun" though!
from dangerspouse :
What other kind of spanking IS there?
from whystinger :
By the way, nice video! You look great, really great!
from whystinger :
My cottage pie was made with mince and Coleman's seasoning packet... it was metric and imported from Norwich, England! Now I am bummed it wasn't real Shepherd's pie! I would so love to use lamb in it, but she might not eat it. It was delicious, so it would be even better with lamb!
from jimbostaxi :
Hope you guys have some fun!! Im so burned my follicles hurt, I need some of that weapons grade sunscreen I will pay :0)
from nikkifoofoo :
*dons Wayfarers and flannel* I think it's safe. This place is so midtown. Hold on, my pay phone is ringing.
from nikkifoofoo :
Stepfie! Hello! It's nice to see some familiar names here after all this time. I half-expected the entire place to be overrun by hipsters.
from scullerymaid :
Love the family time video!
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, I'm pretty pissed we don't get to play around with Knickers, Knackers or Knockers here in the USofDull. That's a real cock up on our part, as is using "pissed" to mean "angry" rather than blathered. No wonder the Goon Show never made it here....
from michellemort :
You certainly need big hugs for that kind of day *HUGS!!!*
from dangerspouse :
Racist pig. You know if he wasn't Welsh you would have loved that treatment. HILARIOUS entry, by the way. I'm glad you had such a miserable time, as that meant more enjoyment for the rest of us. Well done!
from melodymetuka :
A quick e-hug in lieu of something funny and uplifting, as my funny bone seems to have gone missing. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.
from dangerspouse :
Great suggestion! I just have to plant the wife in front of another Hugh Grant opus....
from dangerspouse :
Hmmm. Do you mean "real football", or "British football"? Silly Brits ;)
from barefootruby :
I think when I was 26 I'd have found it hard to believe that people of our age still had sex - still less that they enjoyed it!
from whystinger :
It was an interesting trip, but trying. Made some Shepard's pie while there using Coleman's spices... and mince... Yes, the trip was something and I was in a strange mood, I wonder why...
from dangerspouse :
"Right sort of American", huh? I'd wondered where they'd all gone off to. They're certainly not here anymore. (Way to go, randy old goat(s)! your kids still read this?)
from jarofporter :
ooOOOoohh... those are the type i dig & always seem to go for too (as long as she's cute)! i'm ok with her keeping a g/f too, so... ;-) heheh
from jarofporter :
YaY firepit! i need to try to get it useable by this weekend, so i can hang out by myself & take pictures of it with no one sitting around it... oh, and what's all this about a 26yo female lodger? and where was this lodger when i was there, damnit!? lol
from whystinger :
from jarofporter :
i generally use "target=_blank" for all of my links... and yes, if i can get my nerve up, we'll see about singing some england dan together. think of any others from that era? i'll work on a few more!
from barefootruby :
what, not even a steam iron? you need to put a 'target="xxx"' in the link tag. (e.g [a href="myurl" target="awesomelink"]ruby is awsome[/a] but with angled brackets that I've not used because it will probably mess up the comment. The name of the target can be pretty much anything you like, but if you use the same name for each link, they will always open in the same window, and if you use "_blank" they will always open in a new window.
from barefootruby :
btw that song always makes me want to go out and shoot some deer
from whystinger :
Nice song.
from jarofporter :
yeah, i have them on vinyl, and i play that song on guitar, believe it or not!
from barefootruby :
No redeeming features? It's got the tallest building between London and New York so...oh, yeah, no redeeming features. I remember the 0659 from my days of commuting to London. Now, that did have a redeeming feature in that it meant I could be in the office in Cheapside by 0830 which looked keen and professional and earned loads of brownie points even if I only checked email for the first 45 minutes. Sounds like you've done a similar amount of marking as CGF has.
from whystinger :
Nice update... ha. I feel honored to have at least a note! Hope all is well and life is good for you. Hugs
from barefootruby :
Congratulations. Promotion is good; pay rise is even better :-)
from zenayda :
That mushroom recipe looks neat! I'll have to try it. Thanks!
from whystinger :
I wish L a speedy recovery too.
from whystinger :
thanks for the note. :-D Yes, I need to catch up on your world too...
from jimbostaxi :
I wish for "L's" speedy recovery!! The pints are on me when he gets out!
from jarofporter :
yep, post-delete, post-delete, several times recently, because I'm a whiner. drank three times in the last 6-7 days, due to heightened melancholia, but i think it's out of my system now (i hope, anyway).
from barefootruby :
CGF liked the pi charts
from bridrinkspee :
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is the saddest movie/book EVER
from whystinger :
Like who doesn't like minty-fresh snagging? I know I love it!
from michellemort :
Haha thanks! Time to make him realize I'm not his go-to gal when his other one isn't available ;)
from portlypete :
I think the film was on TV last week (probably because it's on the syllabus). You could try teaching the kids that it's OK to cry? In my day, we read <i>'The Silver Sword'</i> which was sad enough. For further insights into 'Man's inhumanity to Man' they could watch: <i>'Schindler's List'</i> <i>�Shoah</i?� (if you have 9 hours to spare) <i>'The Diary of Anne Frank'</i> The list is endless. We are truly fortunate to have lived lives free from such evil, but that is just an accident of time and space. I don't need to tell you that, in other parts of the world, right now, similar atrocities are still being committed*. When is the best time to learn that lesson? Sorry to be <B>heavy</B> *(see Fat Boy Kim of North Korea's alleged use of a flame-thrower as the weapon of choice to delete his opponents.)
from raven72d :
I don't think I could read the book--- let alone teach it ---without tears.
from jimbostaxi :
Hey thanks for the note :0) l already had one driver die in the middle of a shift (car accident) i dont need another death on my watch! Nobody will want to work with me if Dq bites the dust j/k. Quick fashion question if a woman wears a douche neck shirt can you call the shirt a douchette? :0)
from strawberrri :
Thanks! Haha, I conveniently had the piles o'shite behind me in the photo. We also have two big cupboards in our hallway and they're full to the hilt! The pic also doesn't show the big wine rack full of wine that Ollie brought with him - for that reason alone I will quite happily love him forever. I hope it's going/goes brilliant at Grapetree (or at the very least that you don't get told to fuck off too many times) xx
from lonelywife :
WOW! I was incredibly happy to see a message pop up from you! It went to my junk mail folder in my e-mail...and for some reason I looked today without just deleting them! I can't believe I remembered my password for this site... HA! But now I'm thinking I should start writing here again... I would love to chat sometime! :) Take care, G xx
from barefootruby :
I have only one pair of jeans and don't wear them very often. When I do it just reminds me that I don't really like wearing jeans. possibly because it is difficult to get things sin and out of the pockets.
from whystinger :
Googling "douche neck" also works nicely!
from portlypete :
ps. I meant to say congrats on the new job, Miss.
from portlypete :
Excuse me, but I still wear Polo flairs - they are def due a come-back, but I applaud your suggestion for healthier drinking. I shall take it up thish insthant!
from jarofporter :
thanks for the note... wish i had better things to write about.
from buffylass :
Thanks, my love! x
from stepfordtart :
To Portly: No! Thats not it at all! Haha! Its more like this: .....although, I kind of like your version better! s x
from whystinger :
Try a different chair Shepfie (Sheldon-Stepfie, like Shamy) I need to catch up with you more...
from portlypete :
I looked up cavey on ''. You should too. At my Boys' Grammar, we certainly would have had no concept!
from barefootruby :
I was so busy working out where your new school is that I forgot to say I understood your "cavey" reference (but I spell it cave but still pronounce it cavey). And I had the Latin education to understand its origins (before my latin education reached that far I though it was KV)
from annanotbob2 :
Good luck! At the moment I'm afeart for everyone so want to say take care of yourself darling girl. My teaching pals are dropping like flies - don't let them pile you up with mountains of extra work. Hope the kids are fun though - they're bound to be, aren't they? Love xxx
from meffinmisfit :
Not sure where your comments box went but good luck at the new school!
from jarofporter :
i have an original victor borge on vinyl! love that guy! great news on the job front, too! we need to find some time to talk/write soon...
from barefootruby :
ah, yes, I've worked out your cryptic clue to the name of the school. One of CGF's friends teaches at a school in the same town, but I don't think it's that one. I couldn't decide on B-hole or Chavtown for "town is an unappealing one, surrounded by more likeable and picturesque neighbours. I don�t know anybody who would willingly live there" but "the shops are nice" pointed to B-hole. There are no nice shops in Chavtown and even Tesco is closing down
from barefootruby :
Is it the town with the tallest building between London and New York?
from cocoabean :
from jarofporter :
nice! looking forward to hearing all about it!
from annanotbob2 :
Yay! Good for you xxx
from barefootruby :
Good luck - and tell them that you want the job (assuming you still do after the interview)
from annanotbob2 :
Good luck - they'll be lucky to have you, whoever they are xxx
from jarofporter :
yes, well, sometimes, is much better than never, right? oh, and re: "not a has-been"? don't patronize me!! lol ;-)
from linguafranca :
Hah, scrumping! I have heard that word used here, but for an entirely different activity. Yes, do add me if you like...looks like your buddies list is a veritable index of us remaining diarylanders, last of a dying breed...
from jarofporter :
ha! i see you online now! Hi! :-D
from strawberrri :
Brilliant! Anyway, can tick off living room as of this weekend too :D xx
from strawberrri :
Thanks! It's not been entirely smooth and I nearly cried at Ikea last Sunday (after losing the bit of paper with all the measurements for EVERYTHING on it...found it eventually by a Billy Bookcase) but we are getting there :) Unexcitingly we have only done it in the bedroom so far (and have discovered the bedframe slats are too big for handcuffs unfortunately!) xx
from buffylass :
Yes they do! Thankyou! x
from love-me-more :
I had to make the rest of the album private because of all of the comments and views the pictures were getting... Since they're pictures of minors, I just had to be careful
from jarofporter :
am curious to see it - i've got a pic of my old truck with snow piled high that, once i get it downloaded off the camera, i'll send to you. it's 4wd, and you literally can't see the tires for the snow!
from michellemort :
I had such a giggle over that vid, thanks ;)
from whystinger :
I wanted to say something witty, but it didn't come to me. I see nothing wrong if you wanted your boobs adjusted, rebuilt or otherwise done up. Maybe I didn't feel quite that way a bit of a while ago, but it is your body and you can do what you need to. I think I have mentioned before the little dent my wife has from the lumpectomy. It doesn't bother me in the slightest and I still think they are quite beautiful. Even more so when I can enjoy them. Then again, she did not have cancer and chemo, so that is the difference. Would I be put off by what you and yours went through? No. I do realize that sometimes the scar can be healed more with the visible, but it is an individual choice. I support your choice. Hugs
from julymalaise :
Yay! Tganks!
from julymalaise :
Hello there, just got your message. Check your email and the credentials will be there! sorry for the late response, didn't had a computer for a while! Hope all is good though@
from jimbostaxi :
Ty! The railing is the separation by the stairs that lead down to the front door :0)
from hangover :
Though still raining it remains more charming than where I am now. Not to mention the lack of drought over there
from meffinmisfit :
Hi there! Thnx for reading btw! :) If you want to know how this whole thing started I suggest reading the post titled, "Half Assed" dated 01/10/14.
from jarofporter :
you're right, ma would never know if i didn't tell her, but as with everything in my life, i can't lie (i'm horrible at it), and i wouldn't know how to avoid the convo. guess i'll just have to play it by ear...
from bliss-sad :
Jeeez!!! I'm sorry things have gotten a bit intense for you lately. I can't imagine having to be the authority/comfort figure whilst watching a bull rage through a China Shop. I hope there is a position for you at the school next year, I can't imagine how great it would be to have a teacher like you!
from dangerspouse :
But...that's exactly what I meant!
from strawberrri :
Yay, bacon cake and holidays! :) There were bacon cookies at my bday party last year - had to warn Jewish friends to avoid. I'm nearly done with estate agents. NEARLY. Found dream flat but failed the reference check (couldn't prove living in my last place as I lived with James and all the bills were in his name, I kept my banking stuff at my mum's and didn't get on the electoral roll, sigh) so there's a risk the landlords will think I'm some shady alias-collecting miscreant who racks up credit cards in the name of Pedro. But hopefully there'll be a happy ending! xx
from scullerymaid :
I NEED to try your bacon cake!!!
from buffylass :
Hello :) I did a little research on this, and according to a large study done in Copenhagen, survivors of breast cancer do have an increased risk of developing other cancers. They're not certain of the reason for this, but it's probably in part due to the effect of treatments on the body, i.e. radio and chemotherapy. Bone cancer was not listed in particular, but it is a rare primary cancer, so your chances of developing this are still very small. Hope that helps x
from whystinger :
Love your note. Remember the negotiation that I once mentioned and you did not like? That is pretty much what you put in the note :) I am not sure why I keep getting suckered back in, except that I only wanted to marry one time. I have begun the process I did several years ago... finding a place to live, looking for an attorney and so forth.
from michellemort :
All true, things will be better...just have to get there lol. *Hugs* thank you.
from peggeylc92 :
hugs, dear!! & thank you for sending me some :) they make me smile :)
from realchild :
haha - I once had "federal" jury duty during a major power outage. When I was getting ready that morning I inexplicably kept shining the flashlight into the mirror. I knew it wouldn't help, but I kept doing it. Genius.
from love-me-more :
nope! no snow here... although it was 15 degrees this morning when i got to work!!
from michellemort :
Shoot me an email to michellemortensen38 at gmail. Let me know what username and password you want to use and I'll set it up ;)
from raven72d :
You can always go Rogue Deb.
from realchild :
oooo it's good to have a surgeon you can talk to.
from jarofporter :
true about exercise, but i'll be doing a lot of lifting (trying to put on muscle) so i'll still be getting the "happy hormones" from that. diet is the next important, and then, if i still have energy, running comes in to play!
from barefootruby :
plan change: we're not going to Spoons after all. But - more important than my Friday night plans: Haskins sells Dorset Knobs!!
from barefootruby :
btw, we are planning to be in Spoons Friday evening of you want to come down for a drink
from barefootruby :
you're right it does. It sounds like the evil and dangerous poodle my uncle used to have. (No, it really was evil and dangerous. It single handedly (apart from another dog that emotionally scarred me for life) caused my canine-phobia. When we used to visit, my sisters and I refused to get out of the car until mum and dad had gone to confirm that the dog was safely shut away).
from jarofporter :
will see if i can scrounge up a new pic to email ya! i know you're all gonna laugh at the baby-face, though... ;-)
from jimbostaxi :
I just sent you and email back :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Drop me and email and i will tell ya [email protected] :0)
from whystinger :
I think seeing the psych is a good thing to do. While I love boobs and find most awesome, I must admit, mismatched boobs do NOT bother me. I don't mind my wife's scar or dent from her lumpectomy. My big concern would be future testing and detection of cancer. I have not seen yours so I really cannot judge. Still, I would probably support your decision no matter what it is. I think you have pretty good judgement. Hugs!
from bedbunny :
You are an inspiration. Simply incredible. <3
from annanotbob2 :
from jarofporter :
when was i on? sorry i missed ya, but bourbon? eewwww!! miss talking with ya...
from dangerspouse :
The hell with boobs. BACON CAKE!? Sorry chickie, that wins every time. (Just kidding of course. Uber-Boobs trump everything. Except a bacon cake with boobs, of course.)
from whystinger :
Ritz Cracker stuck to the face. That IS, TOO AWESOME!!! That is the kid of shit I would do.
from dangerspouse :
Remind me to send another Thank You card to Dr. Vasectomy.
from jarofporter :
ha, cracker to the face! that's great!!
from dangerspouse :
If you make all those things already, bravo! Meyer or regular lemon, I'm sure they were all delicious. And it's not like the taste is *that* much different that you should despair of never getting any. They still taste like lemons :)
from jarofporter :
i only delete the stupid things! then again, most everything i write is stupid, so... ;-)
from jimbostaxi :
Its 6:35 am in ny just finishing up the night shift :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Hey i see u too ;0) its saturday morning here and im avoiding work at the taxi stand! :o) cherry pie for me and the metric system a match made in heaven ;0)
from realchild :
the woolly babies are everything.
from jimbostaxi :
Those spoons look delicious! Was going through some of your old posts and found this one that made me laugh(Measure in metric and remain blissfully unaware of your burgeoning portliness, my friends) ;0)
from scullerymaid :
Love the spoons! I may have a go at it
from barefootruby :
those woolly babies reminded me of the rabbit my grandmother knitted for me when I was little. I've still got it - I'll post a photo sometime. And re Jooj's face pain - shouldn't an ancient Briton have a white line down the middle of her woad?
from a-d-w :
love them woolly babies. also love this trad comments section (sorry for not using the new-fangled one)
from dangerspouse :
That book-cake looked AMAZING. Well done, I say! (Shouldn't Chaplin have been in that shower with the youngest girl at the party?)
from annanotbob2 :
Thought I'd left a comment on the new thingy, but can't see it now. Hope all well, dear heart, love xxx
from jimbostaxi :
Sacrificed a few goats for ya :0) good luck with everything!
from samcorday :
Yea back lol you know how sometimes you just don't have anything to say and your diary just sits there collecting dust?
from jarofporter :
hi! sent you an email...
from samcorday :
Hi! I'm back....been MIA for a while just didn't have the heart or the energy to write. But just leaving a note to say: I've had similar bicep vs blouse trouble, love that crown and that nail polish colour!
from love-me-more :
Sorry it took me so long to write back :( and yes, that was me that looked at your diary. I am in south west alabama :)
from michellemort :
Of course I know you're right, but as you said, advice is always easier to give than to accept when you're in it lol. I'm trying, though unsuccessfully twice now, but I will keep on trying ;)
from michellemort :
Again, thank you for your kind words. Bailing soon is the best option I'm sure, though financially a bit difficult right now. Trying to make the best of it day at a time, right? ;)
from portlypete :
If I was truly evil, I would add a comment about the length of the school holidays! *turns reverb to max* - "ha, ha, ha ..." (What do you mean Halloween is over?) Getting my coat as we speak. :-)
from portlypete :
That was meant to be 'ironic', as I have quite close acquaintance with the stresses of the chalk-face (or interacive white board as it's more prosaically known these days) ... albeit, not first hand.
from portlypete :
Talking of "an hour of my precious time wasted". Thanks a million for the youtube link the other day. I just know that, once I get on there, I can write the rest of the day off.
from portlypete :
Don't you just love sating those cute youngster's thirst for knowledge? Of course, there can be the occasional tricky moment, but that's why you're payed so handsomely. On another note - sweaty, pink gingham, topped off by a maelstrom of shiny crowns and shades .. well. it works for me ..... Hmmm!
from michellemort :
Thank you for your kind words.
from dangerspouse :
I have enough girth I need both. ;)
from peggeylc92 :
yay! ska band! ska makes me so happy--you've no idea. well, you might have some idea, since you've read my diary, but yay! SKA!! Does this ska band have a name? did i totally miss seeing the name in your entry?? Hugs!
from jarofporter :
yeah, i think it was - we should have gone back for more ice cream! what night did we do the drive-thru tour of southampton?
from jarofporter :
i think i forgot that we went to see your school on sunday, right? it's the only day i can imagine that we had the time to do that? i'll have to add it in (if you confirm)!
from melodymetuka :
Heh! you always look sexy. ;-) Enjoyed the video, would've enjoyed the dancing if I could've been there. Good to hear from you.
from jarofporter :
*sigh* still can't see any of your videos. mind sending me a link? (and the "straight-jacket" description had me chuckling!) ;-)
from whystinger :
Well, we have talked a time of two about some similarities. I did not know about those issues in the list. (Sighs) I hate that you are going through some tough stuff. No wonder you're S.F.A.M. I need to update again too...
from jarofporter :
hi! just wondering if you got the email i sent some days ago?
from bridrinkspee :
Haha are you serious? That's terrible. For some reason I feel like that's different but it's not..
from barefootruby :
Now I know who selected the "best [sic] of the 1970s" loop on the plane. But you omitted "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" - oh hang on, that would be because it is shit. Shittier than the average shit. Did you notice how the girl standing to the right (our right) of Tony Blackburn looked a bit like Miranda Hart?
from annanotbob2 :
I tell you what, these 'now you see them, now you don't' comments are starting to get on my tits. I notice yours do the same. Fucking technology, raises your expectations till you turn into a wanker when they're not met. xxx
from a-d-w :
just because you didn't see me doesn't mean i didn't find you =)
from whystinger :
No worries, I dropped off for a while too. Wanted to update again tonight, but have work to do. Hugs!
from scullerymaid :
Your hair is quite enthusiastic indeed. Very nice!
from raven72d :
good to see you back.
from comebacktome :
I met someone from here in real life and we were buds for quite some time online and off. Then she did take something that I wrote in my diary as directed at her- when it wasn't, or at least not entirely- and things went a bit squiffy, but we sorted it out. Then we both moved o/s but to different places and now I would say we were acquaintances. I met someone else who turned out to be a freak, whom I no longer speak to and then there is someone else who I skype with and am super close to, but unfortunately we have never met in person, but one day, ONE DAY it will happen. And possibly the entire universe will implode from that much awesome in one space, so yeah, if the world ends, that was probably me. Sorry!
from whystinger :
Ah, it has been a while since you have updated!
from whystinger :
SFAM or shall I still say Popty ping (gosh, I LOVE that)... I never thought I understood the "I don't want to age thing, but I realize I am practicing that now, using the hair conditioner that minimizes the gray "naturally." I began to realize some things I was doing was affecting me and I could change a few things and stay younger longer. I am getting it now.
from jarofporter :
having trouble with my hotmail account. would you send a mail to [email protected] so i have your email address? see you soon!
from whystinger :
Hey Popty PIng, I LOVE the hair-do in the video. It looks so GOOD!!! really, I do love it.
from poopaloo :
thanks for the add, btw!
from poopaloo :
i enjoy the pungent perfume of poop, and pick my own nose as well. sometimes it's hard to resist eating them. if anything, i'd more worried about grossing *her* out.
from jarofporter :
from joistmonkey :
That Caitlin Moran article is at but it is protected by The Times's online subscriber shizzle so you can't read it. I have scanned the page for you as a pdf - what's your e-mail address? You can get me on [email protected]
from dangerspouse :
Judge you? I'd join you!
from dangerspouse :
A kindred spirit! Evaporated and condensed milk both ROCK! Have you ever done the boiled-condensed-milk-in-the-can thing, for a quick version of "dulce de leche"?
from jarofporter :
saw you were on, thought i'd say hi, so... hi!
from fairybones :
haha, i am actually sort of amazed i've gone nearly 27 years getting away with "lucy o'ball". and yeah, james looks pretty identical to russell crowe circa gladiator, which people are always pointing out to him. i thought maybe it had something to do with that too, even though russell crowe doesn't exactly look like that anymore. maybe they were thinking, "hey look, is that russell crowe?! ... no, wait, that can't be him... oh well, i'll say hello to him anyway!" (ps. i am much better now. thanks! <3 <3 <3)
from whystinger :
Wife has gall bladder problems. I think my stomach problems are related to stress at work and at home...
from dangerspouse :
Bitch. I can still outcook you. *sob*
from portlypete :
I'm rooting for you in my own peculiar way. x
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) x
from scullerymaid :
Hope everything turns out. Big hug!
from jarofporter :
sorry you're down. getting away always seems to help me. and just think, in a few weeks, you'll be able to laugh at my social ineptitude and awkwardness! ;-)
from strawberrri :
You're so lucky to live in such a gorgeous part of the country. I've been away camping with my boyf and don't think I was that far away again (sorry I didn't get a chance to take you up on those beers - there's always next time!) we were near brockenhurst which was lovely apart from ponies and/or cattle nuzzling at the tent at night and scaring the shit out of me. Had a day in lulworth too which is one of the most beautiful coasts I've seen in the uk xx
from whystinger :
It has been about 4 years since I came back to her. Greed brought me back, sort of. I listened to the attorney, who said "move back to the house, whomever lives there usually gets the house." Part of it was I got tired of driving 45 miles for couples therapy. I was an ass. I realized a while ago, we had known each other for a while now. Hey, did you get your email fixed yet? Let me know. Thanks,
from annanotbob2 :
from pink-sapfire :
Of course I'll be sending it from [email protected] or [email protected] so you know what to look for. :)
from pink-sapfire :
I have no way to show them on here but you can look me up as Jasmine Edwards on Facebook and request me and be able to see them all first hand :)
from jarofporter :
thanks for the note - i had to delete that entry though. too self-conscious about it all.
from strawberrri :
Ooh I'm not sure if Horsebridge is near Stockbridge - just know it's near Romsey (the wedding was in Romsey town hall). Funny you mentioned Carlo's in your last entry as we had Carlo's ice cream van at the reception too! Jenn's family home is in Wellow xx
from jarofporter :
well, the whole point is that i'm trying not to be recognized by anyone i know in town, hence the effects on the pic. as for "hits", before i put up the pic, i had one, afterwards, four. just visits, no messages. i think it'll be that way for a long time, unless i suddenly become an extrovert.
from buffylass :
Amazing! And would you say the downstairs toilet shag was worth the effort?
from jarofporter :
well, i was talking about working up to running a 5k this summer, and he mentioned that she was a marathon-er. she also goes to his gym so i know she's into fitness. btw, i put up a modified pic on my dating profile - care to check it out & tell me what you think?
from fairybones :
from strawberrri :
But they're so good! I accidentally left them in the oven a bit long (about an hour) but they just absorbed all the oil and stayed delicious :) Jenn's knees are covered in grass I think - we were at Horsebridge railway station (disused) and relaxing out in the glorious sunshine - I'd kicked my heels off and replaced them with sandals about 20 minutes after arriving there xx
from jarofporter :
heh, it's funny you think i'm strong, because i'm the weakest one in the saturday strongman group, by far...
from jarofporter :
sent you an email to your new addy. if you get a chance, can you check it out & send me a reply? thx!!
from dangerspouse :
She does look gorgeous. For a guy. Thanks for your support ;)
from jarofporter :
*waves* ;-)
from jarofporter :
sorry i missed you online last time, but now it's my turn... HIIIiiiiii!!! :-P
from dangerspouse :
Waaiiiiiiiiit a second. So when my buddies say I'm a "bogey golfer", they really mean...OH, THOSE BASTARDS!
from dangerspouse :
That's rude...?
from dangerspouse :
Haha!! Thanks for the note :) Yeah, that leather recliner sounds nice. But having something easy to clean would just give her an excuse to spit. Can't have that now, can we?
from raven72d :
I'll always stay with Imperial measurements.
from dangerspouse :
Your guffawing attempt at sympathy is duly noted. :)
from jarofporter :
1) been in the place two years, haven't been able to cook more than microwave stuff and frozen pizzas - been fast food/bar food & the above, and i'm soooooo sick of it! 2) didn't get to play the bass for the guy yet, but we shot the shit for almost 2 hrs, seemed to get along pretty well, so i'm feeling positive about the opportunity. will be emailing you soon!
from portlypete :
If you have a shortage of squirty-grade fat (and I'm pretty sure you do), I imagine I could help out.
from jarofporter :
wait for tomorrow's entry, you'll get it...
from dangerspouse :
"...whether wielding a wrench or dispensing a handjob....". I just wish she wouldn't combine the two. Owwwwww......
from bliss-sad :
I must admit, I cant do cling-film either. I usually stretch out a miles-long-rolled-up-joint-style piece, say a few curse words, and switch to tin foil. Also, I loved what you said about marriage--and that picture is just plain adorable!
from cocoabean :
I remember that rhyme from when I was a kid!
from dangerspouse :
"Soapy tit-wank"! BWAA-HAHAHAA!! Love it! It's now replaced "stroppy cow" as my favorite Brit colorful descriptor. (And only a complete epicurean fool would fold their armadillo before braising. Well done, madam.)
from dangerspouse :
Whoops - TWO of those pots are not Le Creuset in that pic. The steroidal red monster on the upper left is a Cuisinart 7 quart piece-o-shite. I normally refrain from slandering inanimate objects, but this thing is the spawn of the cooking devil. I got it on a one day only sale for 30 dollars, and it's not worth a tenth of that. If you lived closer I'd fling it in your general direction and let you tote it home to have your own heart broken so you could see for yourself. Heed my warning, mortal: do not buy Cuisinart enameled cast iron dutch ovens. Or your heart will be the color of bitter tears. (And burned lamb roast.)
from dangerspouse :
And that's only HALF the Le Creuset collection. NewWifey(tm) built a second cabinet to house the others, on the other side of the room. I'm ringed with a rainbow of enameled cast iron! Which will someday yield to gravity and crush me like an overripe banana under a lorrie. (You guys still say "lorrie" when you mean "truck", right? I remember that from The Goon Show. I'm such a Charlie....) Hey, good eyes! Indeed, one of those pots (in addition to the cat) is not an LC. It's a classic Copco from one of those Nordic countries I can never tell apart. I got it with a MASSIVE Belgian oval pot at an auction for dirt cheap and keep them in the LC rack to fool the culinary illiterate and have a laugh behind their back. But not you! (And don't worry about only having "mismatched old crocks". Technique means far more than equipment. I made a living using far less for many years. Now go, Young Jedi. Go, and use the fork.) :)
from strawberrri :
Thank you! My legs have finally recovered but I have the bigger challenge of being inspired to maintain regular exercise without the fear of a long distance run to keep me motivated! That's great about Jooj's work placements - they'll look fantastic on her CV. I can't personally help with accomodation unfortunately...I was going to suggest a travelodge somewhere on the central line but I just had a squizz and you're looking at nearly a grand which is far from ideal. A hostel might be cheaper - I'm sure some of them have private rooms too. I'm out of (fairly rubbish) ideas after that. Hope someone can offer her somewhere more homely x
from whystinger :
I have called, usually don't get an answer. One of the numbers has been disconnected now... the other I finally got through, but it was voice mail... I am curious because she "doesn't know" who the numbers belong to, but I see them on both the home phone and her cell phone. Just weird...
from whystinger :
I tried to leave a message on your page, but had difficulty. I will leave it here for now. You are kind (I think) because I call myself a nosy bastard... Ha! Honi had a kid like Culk in class, maybe two... so I can feel your pain. Nice Mujahideen pie hat. I prefer pork pie hats...
from whystinger :
Re: your recent message - no wonder my back is hurting me. I have to assist her in getting up and down. I have been more careful to use my legs rather than my back. As far as the pinched nerve, the Doctor is the one who said it is "probably not her fault" but I think he is being pretty generous. I know her better than the doctor does! Thanks!
from whystinger :
Your message said "yeh, there's a few are you looking..." I assume it is from when I asked if there were any motorcycle scrap pies. I am looking to restore my old BSA motorcycle. I have owned it for over 30 years, bought it long ago with the hopes of restoring it. That was before the internet and one could not find parts anywhere. Well, with the internet, I can find some. I see lots of folks from the U. K. selling parts and figured maybe I should just check with you and anyone else...
from jarofporter :
Haven't seen Blackadder yet! I blame it on John Cleese/Monty Python, and The Young Ones... Oh, and Ab Fab! I occasionally call people nits, twits, gits, or sods too! Oh, I forgot "sod off"! Any more useful slang I should know!?
from jarofporter :
Yeah, I do occasionally say "shove off". Sometimes I'll use "piss off" too, and rarely, "bugger off", but that last one's usually only in fun. As for out-of-town, no, nowhere fun. Did finally get to see my sister's new place though. Guess I should go and write about everything soon.
from college-kid :
I sincerely never thought of that! I'm gonna give it a try! :)
from jarofporter :
firstly, re: the 2nd item - yes... yes they do! i think it's evolutionary, and it grows in response to all the riding they do! not my style though... Secondly, as to the 1st; au contraire! feeling fairly well. that was said quite matter-of-factly, no sadness attached. maybe a little wistfulness with a hint of resignation, but that's all! ;-)
from jarofporter :
i might agree with you (on the cancer thing) if i had a spouse, kids, and family/friends who mattered to me. i'm not sure my current life is enough. *shrug* and as for the cycle clubs? bunch of douchebags. rather be on my own!
from zenayda :
Let's form a trans-Atlantic band! Call it Tart Zen. Will you tie my corset? Because I'm going to need all the help I can get. ;-)
from portlypete :
I live in the bright red, roughly scrotum-shaped part of your map, and I don't work all the time - sadly, and I know your life isn't exactly a 'beach' either.
from whystinger :
So a dick punch is definitely now "getting one's dick knocked in the dirt..." but it could be. "Wow, that flu really knocked my dick in the dirt" versus "that dick punch knocked my dick in the dirt."
from jarofporter :
honestly, none of them are me now! i'll try to post a current one soon. it won't be anything drastically different, however. (no long hair or piercings anymore, sadly...)
from whystinger :
Ah, Foley, AL. Near Mobile, AL. About 8 hours from me, but I have had a few work assignments there! I hope you and yours are well. Hugs
from whystinger :
I have heard of weekend interventions, so this one may have been perfect. This is always a difficult thing, but I don't speak from first hand knowledge, just from what I hear from friends. In fact, a friend just sent me a message that today was his six month sober anniversary. I take that as a good omen for you and L. Hey, what is this stuff about Gulf shores and Foley (as in Foley beach in Charleston?)? Do you get round to my area and not tell me??? Sheesh! Seriously, spend some time taking care of YOU! Hugs.
from bliss-sad :
Addiction is a bitch. I don't know any other way to say it. I've dealt--and am still dealing--with a lot of it within the family. Although I have no wisdom to offer, I send lots and lots of love and good juju. I don't know if you guys have Al-Anon over there, but it really does help. Loving people in the throws of the darkness is hard, I hope you've got the support you need!
from portlypete :
Would you (of all people) really want a Donny Osmond? Without abrasives, diamonds would be dull affairs. Enough platitudes. I hesitate to comment further, as I may be chasing a red herring down quite the wrong path, but I'm sure your support is as valuable as any drug.
from annanotbob2 :
Hello love - I can't tell you how much your offer lifted my spirits and now, having read your recent entry, even more so, that you have so much going on and still siad all that. I'd love to just get in the car and come on down but this week is filled with Drs and shit and next week you're back at work but thank you so much. I've come out the other side of the dark place now with no harm done. I hope you are finding time to do stuff for YOU and hope very much to see you soon dear heart. Big love and hugs xxxxx
from whystinger :
LOL, I know she was manipulating for my Mom's benefit. Mom went back and told my sis (the other one) that Honi had been cooking. I almost shit when she asked (in front of Mom) "Are you hungry, want me to make you something to eat?" That is the first time she had ever said that to me. On another note, I am here is you need me remember, I am BFAM. Hugs and prayers I am pulling for you.
from annanotbob2 :
from portlypete :
These tenterhooks are beginning to kind of smart!
from jarofporter :
heh, it's cool, would you like for me to send it your way? i really would appreciate the input...
from jarofporter :
happy fish fingers & custard day!!
from portlypete :
Hang in there.
from barefootruby :
you know where I am if you need me
from jarofporter :
of course i don't mind! wouldn't have offered otherwise! ;-)
from jimbostaxi :
Anytime you need someone to chat with [email protected] :0)
from jarofporter :
you still have my email, if you'd like to talk. i'm pretty good with the "support" side of things... sometimes, you really *need* someone to talk to, especially someone who's not directly involved in anything. =)
from jimbostaxi :
from whystinger :
I am sure I could web search and find the manual, but since SHE lost it, I think she should Google it...
from a-d-w :
all new zealanders are tools. hey
from mallorybones :
Thank you for your notes :) As for Amanda, consider my candle lit then :)
from whystinger :
I think she should put at least the shoes on either eBay or Craig's list. She can also put them in the local "shopper" paper that has free want ads. I sold a few pair of shoes and she liked that, said "sell more for me, I could use the money." I said " sell them when you are off for the summer and are bored with nothing to do. I myself have a ton of things to sell on eBay, plus, she needs to do some of this stuff for herself. I took a huge load to Goodwill Industries (a charity) yesterday!
from jarofporter :
already dropped the song a half-step, still not enough. I'm going to just try practicing it a bit more. And yeah, I'm sure we're thinking of the same person. Wish there was something I could do or say that would help...
from zenayda :
I had to Google "lurgy." HEH! And Leif Garrett--I saw him on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew a couple of years ago. Not sure if they show that on VH-1 UK, but oofta, what a mess. I kinda felt bad for him.
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note, My daughter Kelley cried for hours :0( It was one big mess over here until she finally calmed down :0(
from jimbostaxi :
Ive never seen that name brand before, but I kind of avoid that aisle anyway because of my fear of them escaping out of the box and jumping into my mouth;0) Ludens was the big thing over here when I was growing up( Just seeing the box makes me break out into a cold sweat hahaha);0)
from pink-sapfire :
I'll remember that in case I have to go down an different path. Thanks!
from jarofporter :
yeah, definitely going with something like that, i just wish i could actually say "we", but it's always just "me". oh well. *shrugs* thanks for the input!
from whystinger :
The book is not too big, but big enough to smack someone in the noggin with. The book is good, I don't remember if I put some of my feelings about it in the diary. First I felt it was bullshit, then I thought it was great and then I realized I went through most of it before I left her a few years ago. I need to make the time to email you and ask questions about how to do this and that.
from jarofporter :
point taken, but in this particular case, i'm almost positive she was too young for me. not even gonna try. but still - wow...
from igotsprung :
Anti-twat insurance... ? ?? Does "twat" mean the same thing on your side of the ocean as it does on mine? :) Thank you for your comment; I did give her some honest feedback and she didn't make me sleep on the sunporch. Speaking of sleeping, have you tried taking a "nap" somewhere you might take a nap during the day, ie the couch? With lights on? This is not a long-term solution for insomnia, but as a short-term fix it generally works for me. I start a project that I intend to finish (ie folding laundry) and then I take a "break" with all the lights on, lie down on the couch, and tell myself I'm just going to rest for a couple of minutes. I wake up in the morning to a pile of unfolded laundry and a crick in my neck, but at least I slept...
from joistmonkey :
What sort of female non-cheesy duet type stuff do you fancy - does it have to be two girl singers? Indigo Girls ('Three Country Highway'), The Unthanks ('Tar Barrel In Dale'), Be Good Tanyas ('Rain & Snow') - there's lots of good folk/country out there (how about some Linda Thompson 'Withered & Died'?). Oh, or you could go down the Reynolds Sisters or the Althea & Donna route. Difficult to say unless I know what you're looking for :-)
from jimbostaxi :
Yep, he probably thought the bathroom thing was a good cover story but noone believes him. I usually update every few days when I can find a quiet spot to hide from everyone, ty for adding me again:0)
from jimbostaxi :
Hes still in the I.C.U and is one of those guys who never says thank you for anything, but I know I did the right thing ;0)
from raven72d :
I think Stereolab covered that--- I have their version. But I must take a look at your link for the VP version.
from scullerymaid :
Here's to less shit!
from jimbostaxi :
I just saw your not on Shivers page about chemotherapy and i wish you a speedy recovery! :0)
from whystinger :
from jimbostaxi :
Heyyyyy im back ! Xoxo happy new year hope your xmas was great! :0)
from fairybones :
just read your note and wanted to thank you for your kind words. <3
from misfitstray :
my email is rkriebel AT gmx DOT de xxx
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the idea! I have a few things I should probably take to the tailor.
from misfitstray :
I'm in the UK for the first 3 weeks of September most likely. My race is taking place in Henley on Thames on the 8th of September. Maybe you know an affordable B&B or something like that in that area?
from dangerspouse :
Thank you very much for that, kiddo.
from scullerymaid :
Don't worry! I like a good wasp lol
from scullerymaid :
Can't wait to see the pic! Hope life isn't being too harsh on you <3
from samcorday :
It was just YAY for seeing u posted then :/ for being so short an entry. plus i miss the pretty i sound like a kindergardener
from samcorday :
lol thanks for the advice......but it's like a toggle switch that shorts out when u least expect it. and turns on again as you shall read in my next entry
from lostasyou :
It was only locked for one night, I forgot to tell you haha it's all fine! xx
from julymalaise :
Awww...thanks, stepfordtart!!! It was great and I was glad I got to vote this year! I am looking forward to vote again when the time comes....
from hibiscus101 :
awww shucks *blush* thank you!
from scullerymaid :
Thanks. Eventually I'll stop all this ranting
from bliss-sad :
Hahaha, you know, my Husband knew the instant I brought him a plateful after getting home from work that there had to be a cause to my sudden culinary creativity! And what is it with drunks hiding their drinks?! I'm relieved to know that it's apparently an international phenomenon!
from jarofporter :
sounds like a good plan! i'll get in touch with you when the time gets closer & we'll see what all's going on then, ok? looking forward to meeting you & the gang!
from barefootruby :
By coincidence, CGF comes from Chigley. She teaches Maths at one of the schools (not yours, not the one that anagramised its name when it moved up the hill from what is now the fire HQ, and not the one named after a civic dignatory who everyone's forgotten).
from scullerymaid :
I didn't find out until a few days later otherwise I'm pretty sure I would not have been a model of self control lol. So yesterday I confronted the girl. Ridiculousness.
from scullerymaid :
Skank story: some girl tried to make out with TJ at the last get together we had with all his friends over and she thought I didn't know. So I said something to her yesterday and now she's getting all defensive and telling me shit about my relationship as if I already don't know. But from what I hear she likes playing the other woman and thought she would weasel her way into our lives. As if I'm going to sit back and let that happen! I swear all these girls around here are crazy.
from barefootruby :
C = Current!
from julymalaise :
Oh yeah, I am voting today, so I am excited about it! I wonder who will win...
from julymalaise :
I love the Halloween pics! Hope you are doing well. Aw, thanks for checking on me, we are okay, NJ and NY and Connecticut got pretty battered! We were lucky it was not worse here in PA! You used to listen to The Smiths? That is sooo awesome! They are my new favorite band! I've been listening to them for days lately. They are awesomeee and a really good band! "Half a Person" and "This Charming Man" are my favorites, as well as others!
from samcorday :
i wish i was at your house for halloween!! you are so cool!! :D
from dangerspouse :
That's crazy. Who the hell likes to eat cold toilet paper?!
from jarofporter :
amazing job on the dr. who angel! that's one of my top fave "villians" from that series! damn, but i miss that show. =(
from koorikaze :
I was wondering if you could send me an email. I seem to have misplaced your address and wanted to send you a link to my photobucket and skydrive files.
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the note. It had me cracking up so I really appreciate it. And yeah, I held on longer than I should have. But it's going to be okay. Thanks again!
from julymalaise :
Thanks! I can't wait for November so i can vote. Well, I haven't found anyone to discuss politics unfortunately, but I have been watching the debates and reading articles. It's going to a tricky decision on who to vote for, but I know I will make a wise decision when I get to the polls! So yes. How is everything? How's your colleague? Is she doing better?
from scullerymaid :
Thank you!
from samcorday :
so if you want to get food lumps and drips from your oven out easily;in a bowl mix some vinegar with a little water and leave it in your oven close the door overnight and the ammonia fumes break up the food particles. it works for could give it a try. also the same thing works for absorbing food odours when you're cooking. (say if you don't want your entire house to smell like fried fish)
from bliss-sad :
You are so beautiful!!!! And so utterly rock and roll. I know I tell you this constantly, but you are so totally my hero!
from julymalaise :
I'm sorry to hear that your fellow colleague got punched in the face by that student. At the high school I went to, people used to fight all the time, but we had security guards to break it up and some kids who were resistant would be pulled away in cuffs. I remember some teachers intervening with the fights to break them apart, but I have never heard of any of them getting punched in the face. That's not right that she has to fill out that form because all she was really trying to do was just break it up. I hope she's okay though. Kids should know better enough to fight outside of school.
from koorikaze :
My oven door is lucky to get cleaned twice a year, unless there's a huge explosion of sorts. Granted, we only use said oven in the winter. I wish I knew what to tell you about the job issue, but I'm sure things will turn out wonderfully given time and thought.
from koorikaze :
Oh my, thank you. I never even though about the bridesmaid dress pattern being an option. (I blame lack of strong coffee). And yes, I considered looking into local dressmakers. Personally, I'd love to make it myself but for the next few weeks, this place is going to be in a state of chaos.
from koorikaze :
Aw, thanks for the note, it made me grin quite widely. That would be cool if you were my adopted mom *hint hint*. And yes, there will be a good bit of pictures, maybe even one or two featuring my little guy. Actually, if you still have my hotmail address, I can share some photos with you on skydrive.
from samcorday : diary friend! :)
from scullerymaid :
Haha your fish finger bake doesn't look/sound half bad and I might have to give it a go next time the girls and I have a drinking night. Also, L's haircut looks pretty good!
from hibiscus101 :
really!? never knew they were a staple anywhere. The girl who hosted talked about how many times she'd seen/had them and I was lost. Speaking of, i really need to get my pictures up.
from scullerymaid :
If only I could hop on a plane!
from jarofporter :
Yeah, I suck. I updated again, about quitting the band, and explaining last night's entry. Thanks for the note.
from whystinger :
A happy belated birthday to you. I guess i forgot that b-day conversation, guess it is from hanging out that the man that models himself after John Shaft...
from bliss-sad :
You share a birthday with my father! No wonder you're so extraordinary--I think some of the best people were born in September!
from julymalaise :
Hahaha, I was really wired when I was writing that entry, so that is probably why I wrote "OMG" HAHA!!! Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. It was my friend who got stopped by a car for her number and she gave it to him (I was with her.) and then afterwards we were like "Is it weird for a guy to ask for your number from a car?" Well, it wasn't creepy about it either and he didn't go slow or anything, lol. I had to explain the whole story of what happened in my diary. I will probably explain it on Wednesday because that is when I will finally get my laptop fixed, so yeah. Can't wait to tell you all the details what happpened Friday night!!
from scullerymaid :
Haha oops! That would be battery :-)
from igotsprung :
Happy birthday!!! Now I have to go look up what a crumpet is...
from misfitstray :
well, I don't know who John Donne is. Does this make me a bad/dumb person as well?
from jarofporter :
cool, i'll keep that in mind. i'm doubtful i'll actually make it, but it sounded like a great plan last night!
from koorikaze :
Thank you so much. -hug- And, once again, your song gave me goosebumps. <3
from scullerymaid :
It might just be me, but I can't get your youtube link to work
from deflective :
Nice song! I hope you're right about the monitor. Every time I go in his room I half expect to see an interdimensional monster tenting its fingers over my baby.
from koorikaze :
Thank you for the kind note, I hope the new meds work as well. I also hope you are doing better. If you ever need to chat, send me a note or email. -hug-
from whystinger :
I debate if I should leave a message here... I opened up the email and clicked on the MP3 file. I felt a strange mix of anticipation, excitement and nervousness. It started playing and it if FUCKING AWESOME! It gave me goose bumps (aka goose flesh in some realms) and really tugged at my heart. WOW! Oh, by the way, you have a great voice and the music works well with it. Well done Stepfie!
from scullerymaid :
I really enjoyed your song. I especially liked the comparison between Guinness and a mistress. Brilliant imagery!
from jarofporter :
really, really dig it! pisses me off though, 'cuz it's all i can do to start a song, let alone finish & publish one. nice work!
from scullerymaid :
He's from Norwich...not that I know where that is. Am going to have to google it. But I'm so excited for an excuse to do a little bit of traveling!
from fragilegirl8 :
No problem. Thanks for the note. My stalker is worries. :)
from koorikaze :
I want to thank you (belatedly) for the comforting note. Trust me, I think you handled it well. My scan wasn't bad at all, though the prep drink's after effects were less than desirable. I plan to update later, once my tater tot has gone to sleep.
from lostasyou :
Oh no, it's all good now. xx
from lostasyou :
Pssst, listen to this, I think it's only for a few days until something blows over.. no doubt I'll mention it soon enough ;) hahaha
from tater-fay :
Can I have the key? ([email protected])
from sadistiksoul :
i was driving? it was not visible from the house, either, and the sun had already set too low. did you get *your* camera out and capture the moon?
from scullerymaid :
Ha, I knew what you meant to say :-D
from blujeans-uk :
Oh no! Locked out! Hope security is re-established soon! xx
from julymalaise :
Okay, I sent the email. Do tell me if it gets through :) have a lovely day!! Ansld you are welcome!!
from sadistiksoul :
i missed you!
from julymalaise :
Of course, you may. I sent you an email :). Do tell me if you are able to get in!
from misfitstray :
you really don't look boring in "beige" as you said you'd want to dye your hair in that colour. Your hair has grown a lot and looks pretty nice. I'd like to have that short hair as well. But I guess it won't look as good on me as on you *sigh* Love the beach pics! and your daughter looks awesome!
from julymalaise :
AWWW... I am glad you are back!! I hope Jooj enjoyed her Prom!! I loved her dress, very chic. I am glad you are doing okay and the blue eyeliner looks lively on you. You do not look like a blue sharpei like you say you do. It looks nice!! Lucky that you were able to go the beach, especially a deserted one. You got the whole beach to yourself. Well, take caree!!
from scullerymaid :
I'm so excited! And thanks for the encouragement
from englishsucks :
you're so beautiful :)
from a-d-w :
there you are!
from scullerymaid :
Loved the bit about your cleaning lady
from fatcowww :
Thank you Stepfie, hugs are appreciated. Re 'August', maybe it's only me, but in your and lostasyou's reblogger comments the date is showing up as August not July.
from bliss-sad :
THE SMELL IS GONE! It smells like fresh cut pine and possibility! <3 I must say, every time you post pictures of your baked goods, I feel the urge to lick my computer screen!
from blujeans-uk :
Annoyingly, the cake was delicious.
from igotsprung :
Oh. My. God. That cake is amazing. Is there anything you can't do? Even your cakes are works of art!!! (Yes, unfortunately I don't speak Polish, but I do think I am going to pursue that TEFL thing ... I have really enjoyed it when I've done it (volunteer or under-the-table) before...)
from jarofporter :
from blujeans-uk :
See, I thought I was going to suck on the geography ones since I haven't done it since I was 14! Must have been lucky guesses... Super Moo got 34. He is a smart cookie. My thumbnail fell off last year after I trapped it in a drawer. I stupidly didn't get it trephined so got a huge clot under it and it looked manky and horrible for about 8 months before pinging off and exposing the hyper sensitive nail bed.. So yeah. Not fun xxx
from julymalaise :
Glad that you are doing well, but argh, sounds painful about the thumbnail. My mother accidently slammed a car door on her thumb and half her nail came off. But her thumbnail came, so it was okay though. But be careful, my lovely cyber-mum!
from misfitstray :
Hah! Don't you think that a "beige" hair color is a bit too boring for you! my collegue has very long blonde dyed hair. She looks always a bit too sexy (cheap)... I don't like it, but men do *shrug* Nevertheless I like her very much :)
from tater-fay :
I think the only time I actually stuck my head outside a car window and puked down the side of the car as when I was 16 and was drunk on Peach Schnapps (anything peach flavored (like candy) still gives me the queasies!)
from jaysthoughts :
Good luck out there.. because that's all you can really say.. that you Hope the Luck goes well. I think of you every time I go too. Let's turn our hope to a day when a patient cured is more than just a customer lost to these guys.
from igotsprung :
Your bike ride was hysterical. I am so glad to see that you are grabbing life by the balls now. Do hang in there. M
from jaysthoughts :
A song about how she loses He Man?? Don't worry, by the power of Grey Skull, we will find him! xD
from jarofporter :
really glad to read that you're doing so much better! and i'm envious of you for having written a song. oh! and the "doubler" story!? EPIC!! lol wish i could have seen that!
from julymalaise :
I need to do that with my old schoolwork as well. They keep piling out as the years go by. I keep throwing out paper, but there is always an endless pile of crap waiting for me at the end of the day. But... clever idea and I'm sure Jooj enjoyed it and congrads, she's out of school! YAY! She must be excited!
from scullerymaid :
I thoroughly enjoyed the tale about you and your sis! What a day!
from deflective :
Glad you're feeling better :)
from la-the-sage :
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Best news I have heard in months! She's back! Delighted for you, dear one! ~LA
from jarofporter :
:( well then, what about a cool new-style recumbent?
from jarofporter :
well, since your bike is in bad shape, you should just buy a kick-ass three-wheeler!
from la-the-sage :
Good gravy, I remember that entry and thinking, as cool as that car is, the driver is even cooler. And here we are years later and you're still too cool for your car. Good luck to Jooj on her exams. ~LA
from koorikaze :
Thank you for your note. You are 100% correct about that. ^^
from lostasyou :
Well thank fuck for that. Not all mums are being brainwashed by it! THE WORLD IS SAFE, FOR NOW!
from lostasyou :
HAAH that's good, made me laugh. You're lucky you didn't find out how FUCKING ANNOYING "Mr Grey" is. Elf porn, aye? Sounds.. different. Definitely must have been better than 50 Shades of Shit. I found my copy of 1984 tonight, so I think I'll just read that instead. Much better!
from pink-sapfire :
ヅ Thanks so much, I found a nifty(sp?) way of putting a picture up and I'm glad it worked. I kept on discussing but had a hard time showing my new match. lol
from lostasyou :
Haaaaahhaahha, you should definitely paste me your review in a note if you can, I want to know what you said! It's actually awful.. like really. Awful. My neck keeps shuddering at the thought of my MOTHER, my plain old mother reading that bollocks.
from julymalaise :
Hahahah, tell Jooj that I said good luck on her exams. The captions on those pictures are funny, great job, lol. I hope you are doing okay and Cap'n does sound very dashing for a nickname, hahah. Have a lovely dayyy!
from blujeans-uk :
I love microwave sponge pudding... My grandma always made it when we went round for sunday dinner (probably still does but I haven't ben in ages :-( ) It's one of those things that brings back warm snuggly memories with a Whump! And the cherries cos they were 69p a punnet from aldi, as compared to �3.49 at tesco. How can you say no?! Glad you're feeling a bit better xxx
from raven72d :
Debbie Gibson and Tiffany in the same room...wouldn't that trigger a rift in the whole of space-time?
from igotsprung :
Mr. Truck Man cracked me up. Those lines in the play have got to be a good metaphor for something. Hang in there! m
from julymalaise :
Why, thank you very much, stepfordtart!!
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the tips!
from scullerymaid :
Double triple yay for no more cancer! Also, we've been receiving a lot of rain recently as well, but not quite so bad as that. Our deep ditches were overflowing, but not our yards. Yet...
from la-the-sage :
Very concise. Glad all your surgery is over and you're doing okay. I'd be witty here but I'm in a snit (not at you, just life in general) and not amusing at all. Hence the whiny entry over at my place. ~LA
from strawberrri :
Thank ye! I loved your latest entry, every last chocolate orange cake, L birthday, Jooj zombie, mirror cathedral part of it :) It's strange but the negative comments came only from middle-aged men. The ladies I met were the lovely ones. I do wonder what makes a middle-aged man want to get on some casting agency's books so they can be bossed around all day by film crew. One of them was also telling me about this guy who'd played an extra in on Casualty for the past 30 or whatever years. In every episode he just walks around holding a clipboard and nothing more. The guy telling me seemed to think this was a fantastic gig. Baffling! xx
from scullerymaid :
Nice video. And those are some nasty looking zombies. my school would have had a fit if we showed up like that on "non uniform" day (I can't remember what we used to call it). And the food looks good too!
from jaysthoughts :
These words mean more from you than from anyone I know online or in person, because I know you have an inkling.. thank you.
from whystinger :
Bear in mind that the kind words about the pic were the truth and from the heart AND eyes. Nothing bullshit or made up there. You ( and L and the kids) are still in my prayers. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Hottness is an attitude and you have plenty of that. Did I ever tell you that Honi had a lumpectomy before we married? Hers was for a biopsy. She has a scar and a dent on one breast. I have to think about it and look for it in order to find it or I don't notice it. Nobody else notices it and if she hooked up with some guy and did the nasty, I don't think he would really notice it. I am sure yours may be more severe, but the scar fades and so does the dent. I really don't think the hotness factor will be affected in a negative way. It may actually be enhanced as you are now a survivor and that is hot. Can I talk about hot being a BFAM. Hey, speaking of acronyms, did you call me a BAMF in a note? Was that Big Ass or Bad Ass? Hugs! By the say, I am still snickering about you drawing a big pecker and balls. Your hot factor (as I said in the comments) went up with your handling of that.
from cocoabean :
could you please send me your email? thanks. Just have something to say that's not a notes kind of thing. It's all good though :)
from englishsucks :
ha ha! i feel like a little girl with so much excitements!!! i really do not know whats going to happen next but Dom has always made me feel like im his baby even though we havent made it offical, at least not yet! im so nervous about the whole thing but it is nice not to be sad or feel unwanted anymore, :) - thank you for the notes. you're so lovely as always! oxox
from igotsprung :
You deserve lots of chocolates and all the haircolor your heart desires! And you are certainly not the first or last diarist to write about "everything else." :) Hang in there... baking is good for the world... m
from bliss-sad :
By the way, you are so totally my hero.
from bliss-sad :
I don't think eating a box of chocolates needs any sort of justification ever.
from la-the-sage :
Stupid hair color! I've yet to find one that does the job right. Heck, even 40% peroxide has left me duckling yellow at times. The deep brown I put on my mop a few weeks back? The only hair dye EVER to stay exactly the same shade, only this stuff was supposed to wash out after 5 or 6 shampoos. Right? My roots are substantially lighter than the dyed part. Sooo classy. Still two-tone turd brown is less offensive than pale orange. You win the dopey hair derby tonight, chica. ~LA
from scullerymaid :
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
from bliss-sad :
OMG. The cock and balls story just lit my whole day up! My gosh, I can only imagine having the maintain some semblance of authority whilst standing in front of a massive phallus!!!! And that black and white shot is fucking beautiful! You look very serene and peaceful. It's just lovely. =) I can't thank you enough for the note about the post-wedding crash. It hadn't occured to me that I was just having a pretty aweful descent back into reality. =) Sending you love and good juju in regard to all the things you don't want to write about. Just remember that you are fantastic and that there are still millions of ways to be glamourous!
from la-the-sage :
I have never seen an uncircumcised one in person aside from my kids', both of whom I had clipped within days of being born. Btw, I had no idea foreskins were so integral to Noh theater. ~LA
from koorikaze :
Thank you for the nice note. I'm really pleased with how well it turned out. And it cost very little, all things considered. On a different note, I must remember not to drink or eat anything while reading your diary. The last entry had me spew coffee onto my poor laptop. :P
from blujeans-uk :
Blimey! I've just noticed you've left me about four notes recently and I only got an email for the last one :-/ will have to check my spam settings, grumble... So hope you didn't think I was being rude! x
from blujeans-uk :
Blimey! I've just noticed you've left me about four notes recently and I only got an email for the last one :-/ will have to check my spam settings, grumble... So hope you didn't think I was being rude! x
from scullerymaid :
from fatcowww :
Hello dear :) After your last comment the idea of "maybe I could phone you" leapt into my head, but common sense squashed it flat five seconds later (I can't afford it ... um, I know there is Skype but it's the OH's account and I don't want to have to explain myself). xxx
from koorikaze :
Thank you for the note. I *am* feeling much better actually, and I kind of hope the trend continues. And as for you, my dear, I am sending lots of happy vibes your way. ^^
from la-the-sage :
Hey, Baby. By the time you get this you'll have had the job done. I'm hoping you are physically comfortable and not too appalled at your incision. Mwah! ~LA
from igotsprung :
"The confidence that I have been able to show to the world has come DIRECTLY from being confident with the way I look." I am not going to say I know what you're going through, because I don't, but can I say that that is EXACTLY how I feel about gaining weight and getting over my ED? Being super-thin is where I get 99 percent of my confidence -- when you're underweight but not skeletal you get so much "you can wear anything" and "I wish I looked like you" from normal-weight women -- and I feel like if I was an average weight, I'd be an average-looking nothing-special person, and I would have so much less confidence in daily life, relationships, even school .. everything. When people tell me I'd look great at an average weight and I'd still be the same person, I feel sort of like you might feel when people tell you you'll still be gorgeous you after a lumpectomy: "Maybe to you, but not to ME!" I don't have a solution but I do hear what you're saying, if that helps any.
from deflective :
If it makes you feel any better, I was never blessed with nice ones. And I got to give the whole NICU a show when I practiced breastfeeding. I know how much it sucks to not feel confident regarding this whole issue. Don't feel bad about what you're going through. It's not superficial, it's just your reality and you're dealing with it the best you can. I'll be thinking of you.
from jarofporter :
Ashamed? Nonsense! Quite the ego boost for me, as I tend to think I'm decidedly less than attractive. Thanks! ^.^ As for the green/grey, do you really like it? I'm undecided - thinking I might prefer a blue, but I don't know...
from igotsprung :
You look more like Sinead O'Connor to me. Talented, beautiful AND you can sing ... my thoughts are with you. m And thank you for your notes.
from koorikaze :
Thank you for the kind note. I am sending many happy thoughts your way and you are in my prayers as well. You will come out of this as beautiful as ever, just believe. *hugs*
from lostasyou :
I actually love you cyber mum! And no I'm not (that) drunk, I really do :) you look beautiful no matter how your hair is so shut up! And I hope everything goes okay with all your appointments and whatnot :( I feel so sad but I know you'll be absolutely fine and your charming hilarious self through everything! xxx
from misfitstray :
oh, and if you need some distance, you could always come over for a visit in Munich to stay at my place. You'll have plenty of time alone as I'm not home due to work and sports... Or if you'd like to stay alone I'd organize something for you.
from misfitstray :
Thank you! :) I send over tons of good vibes for your things to come. Everything will turn out good! Don't be afraid.
from fairybones :
i can just imagine what you have to deal with on a daily basis with kids! but yeah, i am going to try being consistently positive toward allie. i bet she'd actually be a very sweet girl if she dropped even half her attitude, and i'd really hate to see her lose ALL her friends in the neighbourhood because of it. one of the boys was recently telling me that she's been getting bullied at school. i don't know if perhaps that has anything to do with the way she acts out at home, but you are right, whatever it is, it's worth it to me to take a bit of extra effort in showing her positive attention. i saw her as i was getting home from work this afternoon and waved hello to her, despite how she acted last evening. she waved back, though she was still scowling. a little bit at a time, i suppose! <3
from igotsprung :
You are a very cool lady. You will be after surgery as well. Don't forget that!
from deflective :
I'm sure you're in good hands for the surgery :) You could always get some more rockin scalp tattoos for any hairless areas. My niblet is sporting the Jean Luc Picard at the moment, and I'm thinking of getting him a stickman pushing a lawnmower tattoo along his hairline.
from fairybones :
aw, thanks for the note. i'm already beginning to feel less 'off' and more like myself again, but it's nice to have a bit of reassurance from a mama who's been through it before. <3 lots of hugs to you!
from scullerymaid :
Best of luck with the upcoming surgery!
from misfitstray :
And? Did you decide yet, if you come over to the Germans? If it wouldn't be that far, I would consider to meet you up there...
from ottodixless :
Hi. John Martin's paintings are quite awesome, although I'm not sure what a youthful obsession with it signifies. Future life as a mountaineer? He's definitely from the same school of painting as Danby. Your Dirt Cakes look appalling and lovely in equal measure (much like a John Martin/Francis Danby landscape, obviously). You didn't try them with edible flowers? And grass? I'm sure there's no end of delicious fun to be had. Also a good use for misshapen Maltesers and Revels.
from fatcowww :
Hello dear :) I'm so glad you're still with us :) :) I've just caught up on your entries (going back about 2 months), albeit backwards. I'm not actually "back" yet, just passing through (blowing the dust off, as it were). I laughed heartily at 'Dirt Cake' and I applaud you as always for keeping your merry sense of humour in the face of dastardly woe. xxx
from scullerymaid :
YAY! I'm so glad it turned out! There's nothing like a successful recipe :-D This weekend I'm going to try my hand at Southern Fried Chicken, something I haven't attempted to make in several years. Can't wait
from koorikaze :
My friend, I'm sorry I haven't been very supportive as of late. I personally do not know what you are going through but I understand your fear and sorrow very much. I am sure that in time, everything will heal and no matter what, you will always remain lovely. Sending happy thoughts and comfort your way.
from fairybones :
haha, thank you so much for your kind note! <3
from retro-cat :
I had no idea about the 500 crew being from Southampton. Thanks for the link, yes a very fabulous memorial!! Very lucky girl to be living in such a beautiful historic place.
from deflective :
I'm thinking in the long run I may have to adopt that approach, even though I really do hate the double standard as I can't entirely defend it like I could wine drinking. It's just difficult for me to feel comfortable in this kind of desicion making when I've had anything but a normal upbringing to draw from. At first I misread what you linked as "poutine de merde". I'll have to share that with Biff, he loves silly french swears.
from jarofporter :
I don't know/can't find where I originally saw the "do to" information, but I can no longer find it, and *due to that, and considering your explanation, I'm more than happy to go back to what I have always considered correct. - (* - and yes, I probably should have just used 'because' there, but how else was I going to use "due to" in this note!?) ;-) Thanks for the input!
from deflective :
You seem to know the right thing to say for any situation. Thanks for saying it :)
from tater-fay :
Our old juicer (like ancient, from like 1998) is bitch to clean. This new juicer is apparently pretty easy to clean (I have yet to use the juicer or clean it)..? :)
from igotsprung :
Mmm, yummy!! I think I saw a recipe for that with gummy worms in it. In Ladies' Home Journal, perhaps? :)
from frogeye :
Thank you for your thoughts.
from joistmonkey :
Double Indemnity. Barbara Stanwyck in a Charles II wig told me "Sit in the back of my car and murder my husband if you fancy it".
from deflective :
Thanks for making me laugh with your note. That dirt cake looks delicious, I might try to make that with some no sugar added Oreos and pretend it's a health food.
from a-d-w :
i got butterflies in my tummy reading that recipe and seeing the results. do you think they would ship well?
from joistmonkey :
I do like Baileys, yes, but I also understand your comment that buying Baileys for a man is a little risky unless you're sure. Which my colleague wasn't. Though it was perfectly welcome and no implication of femininity was taken. It did made me wonder somewhat why he chose that though - I did drink a whole bottle of Baileys at a Christmas party a year and a half ago, but the colleague wasn't there. Perhaps he asked someone..
from newschick :
hugs, hope everything goes okay for you. xoxo
from julymalaise :
Be strong, cyber mum, you will be fine. And I am sending out some positive words for you and the new surgeon!! Cyber mum, remember you are the best!!
from igotsprung :
I have two inspirational quotations for you: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" ... and, oh yeah, "If you're not scared, you're not paying attention." :) I will be sending positive energy your way, for what it's worth! And studies say that it might be worth something!
from deflective :
I really hope things go well with the new surgeon!
from raven72d :
Good luck with the surgeon tomorrow!
from scullerymaid :
Good luck with the surgeon!
from igotsprung :
Thank you! You're sweet.
from deflective :
Thanks for the kind messages. I'm feeling a lot better now :)
from scullerymaid :
I've noticed that a lot of online recipes put the chips on the bottom, but my family always put them on top. Sometimes we even put frito chips on top haha. I'm going to fiddle around with my recipe and then send it to you once it's to my liking. My mom made it quite a bit when I was a kid and from what I remember it was the bomb...but it's been awhile!
from koorikaze :
I am sorry about the doctor, but cheered out loud when I read about you and the nurse standing up to him. Sometimes doctors need a swift reminder that we are human and not just another seedboat payment. I certainly hope the new surgeon is more understanding/sympathetic. -hugs-
from igotsprung :
That doctor would feel differently if it was HIS manly assets under discussion. Clearly they don't teach empathy in medical school.
from la-the-sage :
Well done on firing Dr I'm So Important. It's your breast not a bowl of guacamole that you can take a big scoop out of and it's no biggie. What a turd. As one who's been on the menopause whirlygig for some years now I can say honestly that if you're not throwing things against the wall just to hear them smash, driving the car like a teenaged boy (all squealing tires and vrooming), and shouting at strangers in shops then you're doing great! Truly. ~LA
from igotsprung :
Cashy loves trucks, and for a long time he coudn't say "truck." So everywhere we went he was pointing and screaming, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Worse yet he decided his name was truck, and his sister, who couldn't say "truck" either, got very bent out of shape about it. So in the grocery store checkout line: "What's your name?" "Fuck!" "Your name is NOT 'Fuck'!" "BIG Fuck! BIG FUCK!" Etc. I am living proof that it is not possible to die of embarassment. Thanks for your notes -- hang in there and keep writing! I added you as a fave; hope that's ok!
from jaysthoughts :
I've missed your wit. I'd hug the shit out of you, but I wouldn't help clean up after.
from blujeans-uk :
You're welcome, I'm glad you've enjoyed reading it :-) I keep thinking I should really catch up on the current stuff now! Not sure if I want to rake over the hospital stay again, but maybe it will feel better now I've got a bit more perspective on it. Hope you had a good mothers day last week x
from deflective :
Haha, well I've covered two out of those three so far. I'll have to give curry a try now. That'll be a good excuse to order out for another meal tonight :)
from rebecca :
You rule! Thanks for the tip
from shot-of-tea :
Hahaha! Weep, as an English student that has made me want to poke my own eye out. Editing IMMEDIATELY, won't sleep at night now if I know it's there in the world (wish I was joking). Glad that things seem to be looking up a bit for at the mo :) xx
from koorikaze :
Thank you for the hug, it made me feel better. :) Slight tangent, but I am glad you were able to use art as therapy. Just remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I don't think it's a freight train.
from igotsprung :
Wow. Wow. Wow. That is one powerful (and not at all living room decor-nice) painting. It reminds me of walking in the dark when you are a small child, when the dark was full of things that were big and powerful and scary and invisible and hungry ... and you were plucky but very, very small...
from jarofporter :
thank you for the positive vibes within the "lack of words" (for lack of a better way to put it) - i appreciate the fact that you even want to offer some kind words! :) i'm curious though - did that last post really come across as being that sad/downtrodden? i was feeling quite clinical/analytical when i wrote it, and there was very little emotion tied to it. hmm.. i think i'll write a bit about that now...
from jarofporter :
don't know how to comment on what? i appreciate your input, feel free to say anything that comes to mind!
from retro-cat :
A Midsummer's Night's Dream sounded awesome! I wish our school would've done that! All we did was memorize lines from Romeo & Juliet & said them in front of the class.
from retro-cat :
Wow! he's worked with impressive big names!! Thanks for the link! Looooove the music a lot!!
from deflective :
Nope, no hat today. Ya, I'm realizing I'm one of the lucky few who has a man who knows how to cook. Very thankful for him. Hopefully he doesn't "forget" once I'm no longer pregnant, haha.
from deflective :
My prize would be not breaking my hips or coccyx... I have a collagen disorder that causes bones to break very easily, and if I have an epidural and am in a bad position, I could give myself more trouble than the pain relief is worth. I've got 3 weeks left, hopefully less! Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'vr still got a bit of hope left yet.
from la-the-sage :
The witchy part of me (occult, not bitchy witchy) is very pleased to see how you've put yourself in the light and are standing on what looks like water. VERY positive! The Freudian part is smiling a little at the wolf/tree/scary bits and how the whorls look like hair. I think you are missing your hair even more than you know. Just a quick impression of your powerful art piece. ~LA
from deflective :
I was hoping I would be able to be a hippy and avoid drugs, but doesn't seem like it'll work out that way. Oh well.
from julymalaise :
Now that makes completely good sense!! Now why can't they do sixth form schools here in the States? It would make school so much better!! And definetely will be helpful for our career!! Well, congradulations on Jooj and thanks for pointing that bit out to me, now I fully understand what a sixth form school is !!
from igotsprung :
Hey! Thanks for the notes. I have just started reading yours. The story about your dad and the tv cracked me up. Can't wait to read more.
from julymalaise :
That's scary that the same guy kept on flashing you and that is good you threw a brick at him!! Like what the hell... what is up with men? They are such dirtballs! And yes, we do use the term flasher. And yes, I will be extremely careful when I am outside. This guy is a total perv. Anyway, your art is really interesting and it is very great!! I LOVE IT!! And that's cool that the monster was made out of paper-mache!! You are very creative!! And congrads on Jooj getting the part of Titania in Midsummer's Dream. Personally, that Shakespearean play is my favorite, along with Romeo and Juliet. And please do explain what a sixth form school is, I have no idea what it is. You might of explained it to me before, but it slipped from my mind. Now, is a sixth form school like a college? I dunno, this made me really curious, so I was inclined to ask, lol!! Hope everything is well and please do have a lovely day!!
from bliss-sad :
Okay, that is not kind-of-artwork, it's fucking AMAZING! And if you don't hang it in your house, I will buy it from you! It's just amazing. I love it!!! <3 By the way my heart exploded with joy about your daughter's LGBT group and painting! And then the schooling offer? You've obviously raised up some fantastic creatures! Have I ever told you that you are my hero? =)
from deflective :
LOVE your artwork. I would so have that up on my wall.
from scullerymaid :
I just want to say, once again, that I love and appreciate all your comments <3
from strawberrri :
Thanks for your helpful message :) Though as I'm self-employed I'm not sure I would qualify for any redundancy assistance from HR?! We had a meeting at work today. Even though it may mean spreading work more thinly, they are taking on two people in the private sector...and I am one of those. It's just shit for all the others who are now stuck on a 'waiting list' and are being offered to do transcription from home in the intervening period. I don't 100% trust the company I work for though. Reckon I'm gonna ask my judge to be a referee and blitz my CV, which I have not touched since 2006! x
from retro-cat :
hahaha..if your husband owns his own studio, than he must be a very very cool guy!! i would love to know which bands record in there?
from retro-cat :
Umm..i actually prefer hers!
from retro-cat :
Umm..i actually prefer hers much better!
from la-the-sage :
Your comments won't let me write anything. I've been here reading all the while. Sorry if you thought I haven't bothered. Very glad to hear your lump is shriveling!xxxooo ~LA
from deflective :
That's great news about skanky boob tumor. I can't cross my numb sausage fingers thanks to carpal tunnel syndrome, but I'll cross my eyes for you. :)
from julymalaise :
Thanks for the link, it was quite interesting to see that because I was wondering if Europe got any because I always hear about the United States one because they are mostly the ones that are severe. But yeah, thanks for answering my question. Yeah, up in PA, we don't get all of those crazy things, but we do get severe thunderstorms in the summertime because it is hot and stuff. The only crazy thing I remember is that storm I wrote about back in 2010, I don't know if you remember it, but it is titled "Thursday Storm." If you want to see how it looked like that day, check these videos out. This is what happened that day back on June 24, 2010 and this the people at the baseball game and it happened out of nowhere and everyone was freaking out!! It happened in the middle of a baseball game and it was intense. We don't know what it was, but it was hurricane-force winds and large hail. It was crazy. Here are the links. and this other one: It was pretty frightening, and I checked out that Flash flood and that was scary and that is a lot of rain!! 8 inches!! And that river breaking its levers, that made it worse. But you guys are lucky you don't get crazy weather!! I hope those people are okay down in the Midwest and the South! It's so horrible!
from deflective :
Thanks, I'll have to start those soon! Oh, I was just given an Avon gift... a singing frog holding an umbrella. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't the exercise slippers. They have so many useful products.
from jaysthoughts :
I do so enjoy the cut of your jib.
from scullerymaid :
Finally got around to trying one of the curry recipes. Fantastic! TJ liked it too, doubtful eater that he can be. Thanks again!
from julymalaise :
Those damn planets, can never stay still. I was so angry because the sky just cleared because it was all cloudy all day and they finally dispersed at night and the alignment was clear as day. I'm so angry that I didn't take a picture of it. At least L took a snapshot of it, even if it was fuzzy and stuff like that. Better to have something than nothing! LOL. Those silly planets!!
from retro-cat :
How cool is that bag!! thanks for the link :)
from anabels :
That is a very good point! Admire the view no need to look pretty for it :)
from a-d-w :
that camera club sounds so rad for so many reasons, god i wanna join
from koorikaze :
Hi there dear one, just wondering how things are going. If you ever have the need to talk, feel free to email me.
from snowxbaby :
I hope so too. :-/
from pink-sapfire :
If only it was that simple for me. I'm not a girl that is able to take things into my own hands (so to speak) or take control. I did manage to get something from him the following day but it sucked that I had to work a hour or so afterwards and while we were in the middle his ex called that she was on her way with his daughter. Lol. But thanks for the word of advice. Maybe I'll keep it in mind next time.
from deflective :
Ha, no I had no idea about David Icke's past. And nice butterfly tattoos. I thought they were real at first.
from jaysthoughts :
I think the butterfly baldness is cute. Chemo and drinking? Shouldn't you be alkalizing and avoiding sugars? Go eat some spinach!
from ottodixless :
Hi. I think fake head tattoos are definitely the cool style choice. Much more practical for wild dancing, headbanging, falling over, etc. I think I've actually seen some of The Unknown Hitler, which would be more accurately titled The Completely Made Up Hitler Including Some Stuff We Saw In Indiana Jones Movies With Peoples Faces Melting And Wizards And Shit. I'm still hoping for Hitler The Ballroom Dancing Years but maybe soon.
from koorikaze :
Email has been sent. Thanks for the note! ^^
from julymalaise :
Oh, well, that explains it. So you live in the middle. Okay, now I know what you are talking about, lolz. I think it is quite lovely that your sister has a holiday house in Belgium. That's cool because you and your family can go there whenever there's a holiday break and Belgium is a lovely country. I so wanna go there. And did your mum had a lovely birthday? I hope she did! And I saw the pics of the house and it is very cute. See, that is what I like, houses that are petite and nice like that one. I wouldn't mind living in a house like that, it seems so dreamy!! We don't have a holiday home, but my pop-pop does and it's in Maryland, but we don't really go there because Maryland is kinda boring and it takes like an hour and half to get to the beach from his vacay home, so yeah... what a hassle! My dad wants a beachouse. He says if we ever purchase one, it will be as close to the sea and not some random location, lol. After all, it IS called a Beachouse! Hope you are doing well. Have a wonderful day!
from christ666 :
Thanks for the advice! We ended up eating some crepes at a diner-ish restaurant by a movie theater, and the laughs were a plenty!
from julymalaise :
That is right, England does not really get snow. Our area gets lots of snow in the wintertime, but this year, we've been having a mild winter, so we barely got any snow. The only we did get snow was the day before Halloween, but it was barely anything. Then, we got 3 inches on January 21-22. Yeah, around that time and now today. You live down in the south. Yeah, we live in the Southeast part of our state. The only difference is that you live on the coast and I live in a landlocked land. How is it like living near the sea? How does it take you to get there. It takes me like two hours to get to Jersey, when I go down to the shore. Depends on the traffic and what way you are going. If you take the way with the tolls, it can be longer, especially during the summer since everyone seems to go to the same beaches. And do your parents live in Belgium?
from julymalaise :
Okay, I am glad I spelled that right. Woo!!! Hey, I saw your latest post and thought that SuperBowl snack looked delicious!!! I am so going to make one. Hope everything is good in your neck of the woods. Yeah, I heard that there is massive snow in Europe. How much did your area get? Our snow is pitiful. I just looked out the window and it stopped--but it will shortly resume because it did that earlier!! Oh, sorry Charles!! Didn't mean to add that extra hundred!! Please don't haunt, it was a mere accident!! :D. Haha, thanks for telling it was two hundred, or else I would be going round' saying three hundred!!! Lol. Hope you are good and I do hope I get a package ASAP!!
from strawberrri :
Hehe. I still think of the bingo thing and laugh now! That's brill about your groupon deal. I LOVE a bargain! If you were planning on staying in a travelodge before 29 Feb (don't suppose you are, just in case) I have a �15 off e-voucher which I'm not using (or for anyone else who happens upon this note) xx
from scullerymaid :
He likes to keep his boxers on for the whole act. I've only managed to get him completely in his birthday suit only a hand full of times. I don't know whether to laugh at the whole ordeal or cry haha. He's quite picky about getting his body wet...though he'll go roll around in some mud! But I'm looking forward to this little project of mine. I think it will be fun. Were you successful with your exercise? It's rather funny the way I hear people go on and on about how guys are the sex-crazed ones because I'm pretty sure my girlfriends and I get the itch a lot more often than our guy friends!
from fairybones :
aww, yeah, that's exactly true about the family thing. mine can honestly sit around til the sun comes up just going on and on with such random, silly nostalgia. it's always such a great feeling when you can just laugh and cry like that with family members, isn't it? and yes!, shaving with conditioner is spectacular! i'm glad someone else agrees with me on that. i have kind of sensitive skin that can become dry easily when using too harsh a product, but the hair conditioner just leaves me so soft and smooth, it's all i'll use for that purpose - even now that i'm a grown up and don't have to worry about being sneaky to avoid embarrassing my poor father over his daughter doing girly things like that. <3
from blujeans-uk :
Thank you! I didn't know if anyone else would be interested, but I quite like hearing other people's birth stories and really just wanted to get it all down before I forgot all the details. There's a couple more installments yet to come! x
from tater-fay :
Unfortunately, all preschool thingamajiggers cost an arm and a leg (which we cannot afford unless I get a decent full-time job, which don't seem to ever exist in this stupid ass town)..and though I bitch about her sometimes, since I work in the evenings part-time, if I didn't see her during the day I would die, I think! :) I love her and her punk ass attitude!
from lostasyou :
Hahaha :) ughh I don't even care that I won't be getting paid. I just want SOMETHING to do that doesn't involve sitting in my room staring at the walls all day. If anyone says anything then I'd like to see them try sitting around losing the will to live for almost 2 years.. it's not all sunshine and roses like they think.
from lostasyou :
Haha! Yeah I'll definitely be doing that. I won't even need to fake it, I'll be so genuine with my PLEASE HELP ME AND I'LL HELP YOU speech. It'll be better than making the CV gap even bigger by sitting around doing nothing.. I was thinking it'll give me some confidence too.. like practice. Then when I get a REAL TOUGH PERSON'S job I might not act like such an anxious weirdo. BIG THANKS!! xx
from lostasyou :
I have a little interview with a centre in Harlow on the 15th :) it's a while away but it's better than nothing! So thank you very much, I wouldn't have even thought of it if you didn't suggest it. My CV will look AMAZING.. I hope aha. That's if I get anything. x
from notunique :
Thanks. I keep you in my thoughts as well.
from retro-cat :
i'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through chemo. my aunt endured chemo and it really sucks..cancer sucks! just wondering, how long have you had it? i hope that it will get out of your body!! i had no idea what you are going through. *hugs to you* and yeah i want to see iron lady film, & yes i've heard good and bad things about margaret thatcher but not very familiar with her actual politics it should me interesting and educational for me.
from lostasyou :
Hahahah hmm, sshhh! Still thanks very much :) I would never have been able to find that site for myself and now I've applied for 2 things and know where to go if I want to pester them.. all in 10 minutes, wahey! Cheers xxxxxx
from lostasyou :
Hah oh! I just applied for the first one I saw online :D I didn't even think of a website for things like this, I thought you just had to waltz in and nag them.. ahhhh. Says they should get back to me shortly and if they don't I should just pop in, so it sounds easy enough. YOU'RE SO GOOD AT LIFE!!
from lostasyou :
AHHHHHHHHHH there's a British Heart Foundation shop in my town that wants volunteers! AHHHHHHHHHHH first thing I clicked on and everything, you're the best! I wonder how I can sell myself and seem really polite and lovely and interesting.. everything I am not ;)
from grimm0826 :
All I can heart is with you. Highest regards from your friend Grimm! V^^^^V
from strawberrri :
absolutely, my bible! great for cheap 2 for 1 dinners :)
from strawberrri :
Clacton and Leicester were deliberate cheapo Travelodge bookings, Hastings non-Travelodge hotel is a bit pricier as we might be spending a bit more time in the room ;) Do you get the moneysavingexpert newsletter? That's where I find out about the bargs! Though I'm very happy to give you a heads up when I find something doshworthy if you like! xx
from grimm0826 :
Keep on keepin' on, dear'll make it through all this. The entry was not boring; I laughed 'til I almost cried over the children's comment on why they want you full-time. :-) The band is pretty talented; they sound a bit like Jethro Tull. That's a high compliment, coming from me...I LOVE Jethro Tull! Yes, a girlfriend in the band is definitely a recipe for disaster...been there and done that. Don't know how a wife would work, though. Before I go, I wanted to let you know that, even if I'm not here for a while, you stand very high in the Grimm One's regard. Keep smiling, and know that I'm pulling for ya! V^^^^V
from bliss-sad :
I love you, you fantastically beautiful creature, you! You're going to give cancer a good square kick in the ballsack. My heart is there with you and you are in my prayers--in every way I can be, I'm here with you for the journey! By the way, Treacle has incredible taste in men and if it came down to it, we might have to have a go around about Brendan Frazer, though I'd be willing to give up Robert Downy Jr. in order to have him. <3<3<3
from tater-fay :
Good advice about not calling home on our first overnight away. I think we will probably text or call anyway, though..not to check up on Bella but moreso to see if Larry's mom (she will be watching her) hasn't had a nervous breakdown. She is a great lady, but she is in her 60's and probably hasn't watched a toddler over night for many years!! Still sending you groovy, healing vibes, MAN!
from whystinger :
Sniggering? hell, my whole work group was sniggering till they broke out in out and out laughter! I blushed, I am sure. I was able to laugh with them and it IS important to laugh at one's self.
from whystinger :
Re: your note from a while ago about the ganglion. It was on my right hand, but I use my left hand for um... you know...
from scullerymaid :
Thanks so much! I'll give it a look
from jarofporter :
hi! sent an email to you at "fsmail" - not sure if you still have that one? if not, let me know & i'll send to your d-land email... :-)
from bedbunny :
I wish that I were as elegant and open hearted with my words as you are. You are amazing and I absolutely adore you!! Glittery turds and all!! <3 the bunny of bed
from jarofporter :
post it!!! *grin*
from jarofporter :
hi! the "bike group" thing is dual-purpose, but mostly, it's because i need to find a new crowd to hang with. it would just be a bonus if i happened to arrange something with her that way. i am, however, going to mention the acoustic music jam going on down at a local pub tonight, see if she might like to go. i've never been, and i've been meaning to go for a while. it'd be a good way to see if she's into music at all as well! carpe diem indeed - would that i were a bit more bold, but we all work with what we have, right? still, i'll give it a go, in my own fashion. good to see you online again, i hope you're doing well!
from strawberrri :
I think things are ok! I never had sex with James so I suppose that makes things infinitely easier. I had Will (New Journo) stay over and didn't ask permission. I'm paying rent dammit! And James is easy going. He left to go out this morning before New Journo had gone but would have heard us talking, I think. Unfortunately New Journo only has a single bed (WTF?!) at his place. I haven't shared a single bed with someone since my first year at uni ten years ago! x
from snowxbaby :
Ah, the candybar dolls .. they are addictive. :-)
from fatcowww :
Thank you :) *blushing a wee bit*
from julymalaise :
I know, I'm so excited that I passed! I was so worried about it. I was really stressing hard!! Yeah, we only got a bit of snow today, but it is going to be gone on Monday, for a milder front is coming and is going to melt everything and it is going to rain, yet again! LOL. And I'm glad that you got the essay! Do tell me what you think when you read it!! I'm so excited!
from postalpriss :
yes...moving out of victimhood is definitely a good thing. I deleted all the pathetic entries from the past few months. I'm moving on. I will ride the tide....I know it ebbs and flows, and I will survive! K
from julymalaise :
thank you, cyber-mum!! I'm glad my exams are over with! And I will definetely send you my essay!
from strawberrri :
thank you. cheerier entry coming soon! hope you're doing as well as possible in the circumstances. i wish you a helpful husband, children and bucketloads of rest xxx
from blujeans-uk :
*hearted. Bloomin touch screen... xxx
from blujeans-uk :
I've been trying to leave you a note but everything I started sounded like cliched empty platitudes. Time to stop dithering I think. First off thank you for the christmas wishes! I hope you and yours had a decent one at the very least. I just wanted to say, you are such a warm and big-hwarted person. Your sage and pragmatic words of advice have brought comfort and a sense of perspective at so many big moments in my life. I doubt i'll ever be able to offer you that in return but I hope you know how much love there is out here for you, cyber-mum. You are never far from my thoughts and i'm here cheering for you while you kick this csncer's butt. It's horrible now, but it will get better. Bxxx
from julymalaise :
THANKS! STEPFORDTART!!! I need to send you my essay, for I am finally done. I hope you like it!!!
from artgnome :
I have finally unlocked my diary. If my ex wants to read my business, let him.
from call-me-out :
Glad to hear that you are feeling better at times. Don't be afraid to take the hat off. Who cares what those little shots of students say? My mom stopped covering her head and even donned the nickname of "Bald Grandma" in all of her online games. Bald women are merely showing their battle wounds as we all know how proud we are of our hair. I just wanted you to know that your ability to still make us laugh while you fight the good fight makes you a hero in my eyes. Best wishes.
from grimm0826 :
Thank you, thank you V^^^^V And it's good to hear that you're feeling better, even if it's only sporadically. I think the good stretches will last longer and longer, especially once you're done with the steroids. May I be insensitive enough to ask what kind of cancer it is? And when your surgery is? Contrary to the belief of some, I do pray after a fashion, and would like to keep you in mind at that time. Enjoy the pajamas! (That reminds me that I need to get a pair of sweats...) Cheers!
from koorikaze :
Thanks for the note. I do believe if I can get my lazy hind end off the couch, that would be a lovely gift. ^^ And as a side note, I don't know what I'd do without my PJs. I can't stand wearing nightgowns for some odd reason. O_o
from frogeye :
I bet if I ever shave I would be able to walk around and nobody would know who I was.
from whitepants :
Hello! Thank you for your note. I don't log into diaryland very regularly which is why I am slow to respond. My mom is doing pretty well. She just had her second chemo treatment this week and seems in good spirits and about as well as circumstances allow. It is hard to know for sure, since she lives far away. I hope you are as well.
from grimm0826 :
All vampires are psychic; it's required by law. V^^^^V Glad you like the song!
from grimm0826 :
Ever hear Elton John's "Why They Call It The Blues"? That came to mind when you said you e-mailed your husband, who is upstairs sleeping. "I guess that's why they call it the blues; Time on my hands could be time spent with you..." Will play it shortly, in your honor. If I still had recording capabilities, I'd record and post it, so as to share it with you...oops, there I go, feeling sorry for MYself. Take care...
from grimm0826 :
Sorry to hear the chemo is treating you so rotten...all I can say for encouragement is, the chemo will pass - and so, hopefully, will the reason for it. Keep your chin up, there's a crazy mofo in Texas cheering for you! V^^^^V
from christ666 :
Thank you very much for the comment! That particular entry was one I had been wanting to write for a while considering the actual first person experience behind it. Thanks for the read, hope things are well on your end!
from grimm0826 :
Thanks so much for the kind words! It's nice not to be judged happens too often in the "real" world. To answer your questions and clarify a few points: the kids belonged to my ex-wife. However, they were not the ones mentioned in my archived entries. I was informed that the charges against me had been dropped, so I left Texas for Indiana. That's where Annie and I got together. Then I was in an auto accident a little over a year later - and when the police checked my license, they found a warrant in Texas. Annie promised to stick by me, no matter how long I had to be gone, but was married to another man within a year. The Grimmlet, Amanda, who is mentioned in those old posts, is being raised as his daughter. I will not interfere with that...she's happy and well-taken care of, and I couldn't improve on that. So much for history...I'm thinking of starting an anti-sparkly-vampires diary ring. What do you think? :-)
from ping-island :
heheh, i guess i was a tiny bit angry there. :p
from fatcowww :
Quick fyi: I've decided to lock my diary again, probably indefinitely, starting the entry after next. I'll be emailing you with the login info once it's locked. I *really* appreciate you taking the time to read and give me good advice. You are my favourite reader ever <3
from dirtyboots :
Thanks for the add. I've added you too. You're rad.
from koorikaze :
*hugs* Thanks for the lovely note. If you should ever wish to talk, I can give out my email address. I trust you won't stalk me or give it to spammers. :P
from grimm0826 :
Waving back with a big Grimm grin V^^^^V
from lostasyou :
Oh the dreaded diet drinks.. ahhh. It'll be alright though. The only thing I worry about is the fact that if I'm out and I'm not "drunk enough" then I go on a mad dash before kicking out time so I can definitely be out of my face by the time I get home.. I'm really going to need to work on that :/ Weekends are going to be weird to sort out aha. And I'd love any sort of food plan ideas if you have the time, I'd really appreciate it :) x
from lostasyou :
Aha! That will be a plus actually. And I didn't think about cheating, that would help. I think I'll be alright, I copied the text into a document and I think I have a general idea of what it'll look like so I think it'll be okay. THANKS! x
from lostasyou :
Oi stepford! Do you think it'd be a very loserish thing to do if I made myself a 21st birthday cake.. like the one you and Jooj did for her boyfriend? You gots all the pictures and it looks sooo yummy but no one else would make me a cake that spectacular hahaha. I know if I do it then it'll look like a big lump of gloop but I can try, I'll even show you a picture hahaha. But what is fondant?! I am shit with cookery. x
from buffylass :
Just been catching up on your recent entries, and personally I would go for the Quirrell look, if only because it's quite cold at the moment and I don't want you to catch hypothermia! xx
from julymalaise :
YAY!!! IT WORKED!!! And I definetely send you the essay once I am finished!!! I am taking a break, bbecause I wrote a load of stuff and researched endlessly! And I will get to work, I am taking a break for today. Thank goodness it will be due next Wednesday!
from julymalaise :
Yay for Treacle!! And I love her hairstyle. Embrace those curls!! (I, too, am a curly hair girl too!! LOL.) And with the wig or no wig situation, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. And even if people snicker at you without the wig, it shouldn't be a problem because I'm sure you don't look like an egg with makeup!! :) I hope you are doing well and I will email you!
from julymalaise :
Okay, I got your message and deleted once I got it!! Okay, I'll try it out soon!
from scullerymaid :
I would love some recipes. Here's my email: [email protected]
from julymalaise :
Hey, I sent you an email, I'm wondering if you got it. I was trying to send an email from my Yahoo! But it kept saying that the address was wrong when it wasn't, so I sent it from my AOL account and hoping I got any luck with sending it to you!
from julymalaise :
Okay, I'll email you my email and thanks for all of the help and all of the references. I will definetely check them out!! I will definetely show you my essay once I am finished and thank you, stepfordtart!!
from julymalaise :
Why, thanks for the tip, cyber-mum. I'll include Mary Wollencraft there in my essay. Certainly, you may read it! Do you want me to send it to you? Of course, it isn't done yet, but when it is... I will!!
from julymalaise :
No, it is not on Wuthering Heights, though I do have a paper to write about that. I finished the book and I thought it is quite lovely. No, I have to write an 5 page essay on a British Poet and how they defined the period they were living. Mine is Elizabeth Barrett Browning!
from lostasyou :
I deleted that entry but I saw the notes :) thanks for the concern once again! I am okay now I think. Over the hump! Enjoy your NYE! x
from grimm0826 :
I'm very pleased you enjoyed the song! I consider it to be the story of my life. If you happened to read the entry after that one, you'll see that I did indeed post a new story - the latest installment in "Mr. Grimm's Faerie Tales". However, it needed a few final touches, which I've just put in. The final draft of the story is there now. Hope it makes you smile! Thanks for adding me to your favorites list, and for the kind words. Of course I'll keep singing; music is life! Warmest regards...
from raven72d :
The wig and the buzzcut both look fetching. I do hope all the treatments go well and that the Year Twelve is a good one. And...ummm....TMI? No, not really. The Brazilian thing is...well...I guess it makes sense. Anyway--- the wig works, but even buzzed to the scalp, you've a good look.
from grimm0826 :
Good evening! Thanks for the note...the page is fixed now, so if you still want to look through my archives, you'll be able (and the Grimm One will be quite flattered). You are welcome there any time...just ignore the weirdness I've left lying around there. Hope you don't mind, but I'll shortly be adding you to my favorite diaries list. Also, I agree with the previous comment; you look good in the wig, but you rock the buzz look as well! Good luck with your treatments and all, and I'll be lurking - er, I mean looking - around your page. Regards from the Grimm One!
from raven72d :
I think I must hear more of your schooldays stories...
from scullerymaid :
The wig looks lovely. But I think you look pretty good buzzed as well. You pull it off nicely. Also, I found the photo where L is clipping your hair and you're looking up at him to be quite striking :-D
from julymalaise :
That is cool you got Treacle the Kindle, she must've been quite happy!! I have a friend of mine who had the kindle and that is like her purse companion, lol. Yeah, the Nook is an E-Reader and has some features of a tablet/ipad, I guess. It's pretty cool and I'm so happy because now I can read anything now. Lol. Yeah, windy weather can be annoying. And wear a hat, cyber-mum!! By the way, the wig is nice. And the pictures are quite nice as well. You are so beautiful, cybermum!! You have this natural beauty about youu!!!! <3
from misfitstray :
btw. my haircut is now similar to yours before your "clearcut". But I have to admit, you look billions of times better than I do no matter what your haircut is. x
from jarofporter :
Have to say, you could very easily rock the shorn-head look if you wanted, it looks good on you - the wig does look good though. And I had to laugh about the brazilian comment - too fucking funny! ^.^
from fairybones :
i just choked with laughter reading the note you sent me. thank you very very very much for your kind words and well-wishes! fun will definitely be had, haha... <3
from notunique :
!!! that's a definite perk. I found an associate here in Brooklyn to mix the album, I'll make sure to post links to it when it's done in the next few weeks or so. Thank you so much for your advice and your husband's offers.
from jarofporter :
Heh, no need for apologies! I'm 'unoffendable'! Anyway, they know I feel sad & isolated often - sometimes, that's one of the reasons I don't want to be around them, as I don't want to drag things down for them.
from julymalaise :
That movie was great, I liked it. It was funny when the guy was taking forever just to wrap that necklace!!! But that part was sad!!! Hope you have a lovely holiday, Cyber-mum. Happy Holidays to you and the rest of the family!
from strawberrri :
You're welcome! I love Tom and Jerry :) Wishing you, Stepfie, a wonderful Christmas - you deserve it xxx
from tater-fay :
Have a great holiday(s)!! Keep your chin up (but you don't have to be strong all of the time..but I think you already know that, chick!) Oh, and I am also 5 foot 7. What size shoe do you wear? :)
from scullerymaid :
Nice car! Yay for new rides. And in my experience, evil teachers tend to produce the fondest memories
from frogeye :
Zafira! Fine, German engineering. A Vauxhall would be nice also had you gone the UK way. I've got a 1959 Austin Healey Sprite (Frogeye) in the garage. Haven't driven it is years.
from frogeye :
Sending card would be a nice idea. You can come up with the right wording. Go for it. Nice car. What make is it. I could tell from the photo.
from a-d-w :
brothers, eh? nasty blighters sometimes. hope my entries are short enough for you! keep on truckin', thinking of you
from bliss-sad :
Icks! I'm sending lots of love and good juju your way; you are fantastically strong and wonderful. You're going to kick this right in the balls. <3<3
from julymalaise :
Thank you so much for the link!!! I really appreciate it!!! I love the song. At first, I thought it was creepy, but then I grown a liking for it. "Heathcliff--it's me, Cathy. I've come home. It's so cold." That's my favorite part of the song. I like it. And you know what, I like Wuthering Heights now. It was confusing at first, so I was completely frustrated. But now that I developed a fondness for the plot, I'm now relishing on it!! It's pretty good!! But if you want to re-write it, please do. I wanna see what is your perspective of the book !!!
from jarofporter :
Yes, I plan on posting pics of the finished product, but I've been planning on posting progress pics of the rest of the house to date, too, and you see where that "intent" has gotten me... :-/ Thanks again for your input!
from kayemess :
I'm glad you escaped the so-called fun of "I Can't Really Buy This Person Something Under $5 or I Will Look Like a Jerk" Secret Santa rituals and the festive cheesecake stress - but the price you've paid to do that is rather heavy - hoping for the best for you tomorrow and all along this (shitty) journey.
from whystinger :
Yep, 'twas I. I can run, but I can't hide from my sis from another mother. Been wanting to send an email, but have been too sorry ass lazy. Been too sorry to even update. I first read about your latest adveture was somewhere between Nov 10th and the day before Thanksgiving, decided to slip you an email, but then didn't. Been praying for you and the family, but still didn't contact you and for that I apologize. I have to run... things are busy. Hugs
from jarofporter :
Hey, could you list the colors you used, and the 'locations'? the "my schemes" option only saves the info as a cookie on your local machine & doesn't transfer with the link... I'm curious to see your changes!
from jarofporter :
Ha! That's precisely the website I have bookmarked at home! I'll put it in a new entry with the colors I'm thinking about - thanks for the help! *grin*
from lostasyou :
Haha cheers! I should really get into baking things since I love to eat, hmmm. Thanks :)
from notunique :
sent you an e-mail a couple of days ago. thanks for checking in!
from lostasyou :
Hit me up with some recipes cyber mum! I doubt anyone in my family will appreciate just that though haha, they're a mean bunch but I can give it a try :)
from fatcowww :
You are a sweetie :) With so much going on with *you* I'm surprised you have time to read my drivel much less give useful advice. I do appreciate it, though. And yes, I am wobbly, thank you for noticing :)
from joistmonkey :
Further to earlier stuff about lower-voiced male vocal versions of 'Someone Like You', I think is closest that I can find, to what I had in my head
from fatcowww :
Hmm. Our shower head is stuck in position, so the OH gets it on the back of the neck and has to bend at the knees to wash his hair, but it's well over my head, and I'm used to that. I actually like washing my face in the shower, more than I do at the sink... I guess you and I are made of different stuff ;)
from jaysthoughts :
If your boobs are really anything like Mt. Everest you've probably still got some things to be grateful for. (Hope that brought a laugh.)
from julymalaise :
Why, thank you so much, stepfordtart!! How's it going? :)
from retro-cat :
That's a good idea! :)
from fatcowww :
TD and showers - I believe she does her best to keep the water off her face which also means off the top of her head. Hair below the shoulders gets wet, but not always washed. Love your idea of a salon treat :) will do some research and see if I can find a suitable place that's not too exy. xxx
from misfitstray :
I liked the "before"-style more, but you look so very beautiful, no matter which haircut! x
from scullerymaid :
I like the mad professor hair! But the new do is cute
from julymalaise :
Your haircuit is very pretty and I like it a lot. You're so pretty, cyber-mum, and do take care!!
from julymalaise :
Awww.... thank you cyber-mum, I feel so loved and I am happy that I will be going to college soon. Gotta get away from all of these goons and idiots that go to my high school!
from julymalaise :
And also, you're lucky you don't have Black Friday. Everything's a madhouse that day. And I'm glad your Friday wasn't black. At least it wasn't depressing, loll :D
from julymalaise :
Thanks for the advice as always. You are always a big help ((hugs)). You are the greatest perosn ever. And you know what? You are right!! I have nothing to worry about. It was just a call and an exchanging of numbers, no big deal. And if he does bring it up when I explain to him that I want to be friends and not push it any farther, I shouldn't worry about this being a problem. Thanks for being there for me, through thick and thin. I really like hearing your outlook on things.
from ohell :
you make a good point! Next time I keep the dairy to myself. Why the hell didn't I think of that?
from jarofporter :
thanks for the note - i had to remove that entry though, nothing but self-indulgent twaddle that really has no place in public. it may be fine to feel that way on occasion, but i don't have to keep a record of it, and truthfully, i'm a tad bit embarrassed by it. :)
from julymalaise :
I will tell the cyber world what is happening in the life of me!! And I'm glad you like my note. I do hope you feel better and I will always be there for you!
from xorbit :
Much ta for praise - glad you like it :) (had the idea for ages, took forever to get it written, though)
from misfitstray :
Thanks a lot for the links. Saw a few little videos on the internet about the crazy things going on in the shops. Somehow pretty disgusting to me. That link to the Allen family made me remember Sarah, who's now together with Billy. I like them. I'm not that much into Josh Groban like a huge fan who has to go to concerts etc. It just suits my feelings at the moment. I'm all into depressions and sad feelings for quite some time (years) and I try to find a way out. It's hard. You really shouldn't care that much for me. You are a lovely woman! Please, save your strength, you'll need it. Take care!! x
from misfitstray :
it's not because of me, but because of you. It makes me feel so very sad.
from call-me-out :
lots of positive vibes your ways. the big c is no match for a kick-ass, strong woman.
from fatcowww :
re popularity of d-l in Aus: actually, I have no idea. it might not be very well known these days since what has come to be seen as "normal" (the blog format ie reverse chronology posting) and integrated commenting as standard (and interconnectedness with social networking tools) seems to be generally what people want (wordpress, blogger, livejournal, etc make it easy for people of any age to get started, and there's no need for anyone to know even a lick of code). um, where was I? I honestly don't know if it's popular or not. It might not be, but then again there might be some old fogeys like me who have been aware of its existence since it started and perhaps use it as a fallback when we want to escape all the tweets and diggs and likes and whatnots.
from aryssa90 :
I haven't been reading you for very long but your updates always put a smile on my face. You're such a strong, funny woman and I always think "god I hope I'm that cool when I grow up!" :) Lots of people care about you and your sister is right, just keep repeating that phrase :) I'm sending positive thoughts your way :)
from fatcowww :
(cross-posted from aryssa90's notes) Re signing up for free, or not - when I made this account I had to pay $2 to get a special link to use to create the diary. I had assumed that this link was randomly generated by the system and different for each signup, but possibly not, since more spam diaries have popped up since then (hence the return of the clickable * after usernames on the members pages) - presumably some asshole distributed the signup link. Official info about it here: ... although I don't know for sure that it's still in effect. I guess if you log out and try to sign up again and it doesn't ask you for $2 first, then we know it's free again (in which case I panic).
from fairybones :
hey mama, i read your latest entry before i headed off to work this morning and i literally thought about you all day. so when i got home i just had to rush back on here to let you know that i am sending many, many, many positive vibes your way. i know i haven't known you for very long yet, but what i already can tell about you is how much of an awesome and strong woman you are, and so i just know you are going to come out a champ in all this. i can understand why you'd want to keep the topic of it all being mentioned in your diary to a minimum (i'm not going to call it 'whining and moaning' as you referred to it, because i just don't see it that way), but please do know at the same time though that you have tons of us on this crazy little site who adore you and will support you entirely, and so if you do end up needing to talk about it more than once or twice, you can bet your arse that we'll all be more than happy to listen. <3
from lostasyou :
:-( HUGS internet mum!! xxxxx
from koorikaze :
*hugs* I don't know what to say other than I'm sad you have to go through this. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
from raven72d :
Thank you for the birthday wishes... And--- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you at the oncologist! I hope the news they have for you is good.
from jarofporter :
sad to hear this, but i'm not worried, i know you'll be fine! plenty of healing energy headed your way from here!! be strong - positive outlook & confidence help immensely!
from julymalaise :
Stepfordtart, I honestly do not know what to say about this. I'm terribly shocked, but I'm going to be thinking about you everday like I always had and hoping this will be gone. We'll stick with you and support you, no doubt about it. You're a strong woman and the very best. Stay strong, cyber-mum!! I love you!
from blujeans-uk :
Any news? Been thinking about you over the weekend. Hope it's good news or if its not that they've got a plan to make it better x
from scullerymaid :
Fingers crossed for Monday!
from jarofporter :
Actually, yes I have asked the few friends I have about fixing me up, both here in town & in my sis's area - each one told me that they wouldn't "subject me" to any of the single women they knew. I'm never really sure how to take that...
from fairybones :
it might be a little late, but, thank you so much for you most recent note! <3
from julymalaise :
We will always be there for you, Matchmakermum!! And please keep us updated and do feel better. And I hope Jooj's Sweet 16 will be a blast. Being sixteen is fun!!
from scullerymaid :
So I'm in search of a new design for my diary. Where did you find your template? I like the simplicity of it :-D
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the tip! I haven't used photobucket in so long I forgot that already had the tags for you
from misfitstray :
no, I don't mind at all. Thanks for reading.
from julymalaise :
Maybe he was hinting, that's I've been thinking as well. And I hope you get better, Matchmakermum!! Lol!
from strawberrri :
I'm joining you in the crying and sending lots of love x
from julymalaise :
Cyber Mum, I'm sending you loads of love across the computer screen!! You'll get through this. You're the best!
from jarofporter :
lots of positive vibes heading your way from the US!
from scullerymaid :
I really appreciate it
from koorikaze :
My mom had to undergo the same process about thirteen years ago. Turns out it was a "knot" from running her tata into the back of a chair. She was told those situations were far more common than others. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, and major internet hugs your way.
from lostasyou :
from julymalaise :
I hope you do feel better and ouch, that sounds like it hurt a lot. I hope everything is good down in your lot, cyber-mum! Feel better!
from retro-cat :
Oh i have lots of friends from the uk who are wonderful, that just happened to be one bad case. :)
from bliss-sad :
Thanks for the note! I'll absolutely post pictures! I'm a little bit koo-koo for tattoos, so I've actually got several pictures to upload, haha! I'll give the complete before to after! I love you!
from strawberrri :
I really bloody hope so! And thanks :) I am so grateful to everyone who has been supportive through something that's been bothersome to me but that's not particularly massive in the grand scheme of things! x
from ottodixless :
Hi. I don't have a problem with Mark E Smith being mean, as long as he's only being mean to musicians (maybe I'm just heartless). Which is his thing. But when he's nasty to audiences that's going too far. (Last week his band seemed to be terrified of him even when he was off-stage and having difficulty walking. It's sad.) I'll not be going to see him ever again, anyway.
from jarofporter :
nah, yer just being silly!! 1) hey! i'm a musician, and none of that applies to me (except the "shadow of former self" part, but that's another story...) 2) when i say musician, i mean to imply someone "musically inclined" so i can actually make music with them! 3) kudos on using a word with which i'm unfamiliar - "penury"! i love to collect unusual/uncommon words - will have to start using it!
from lostasyou :
Haha essay note! Ahhh I am in high spirits at the moment, I just feel a lot stronger now that I've spoken to someone in real life and got absolutely everything off my chest. It's all coming out now, and I don't look as bad as people seem to think. And HE is getting back some hurt that I've felt, so I am feeling a bit smug about it. Yeah I'm sure there will be some sort of story said, it's just what our town is like. But I guess I know I'm not really that bad, it's all just talk. I really hope he doesn't, because he was very very sincere and he doesn't seem to have any trouble with anyone, so I hope I'm lucky with this person, no blabbering. Just so happy I got out and had a friend to talk to, and I have plans tomorrow! So much better than sitting in my room moping with a bottle of vodka. HHAHAHAHA that's a good story.. well, probably not for you at the time, but good on you for pouring the beer! Yep, I am okay for now. Just so relieved that I have something to do for the time being. Early days innit bruv, see what happens. If I get someone say shit about me then I might just bottle whoever is responsible. x
from lostasyou :
HAHA! Oh nooo, you're a bit late on this now! Wait until you get a load of what's happened now in the wonderful life of me! And yes, there's a lot of shady people around here. Anyway, I'm trying to gather the strength to write about my latest dramas, but I'm so tired. I will get on it now though, so to be continued!.. x
from college-kid :
Your note totally made me giggle out loud. Now all these people in the library are looking at me like I'm a complete lunatic. But that's alright. :D
from raven72d :
many thanks for the urban dictionary link...
from julymalaise :
OMG, the defintion of a scrubber is so brilliant, I swear. I love it!! Thanks for the url, now I will know what scrubber means if someone ever tries to call me that (Hopefully, I'll never be called a scrubber EVER.)This girl is so crazy, she doesn't control her impulses and yeah, if she wants to tell me something urgent, she can always send me a facebook message or call me on my phone because she HAS my number, but I don't know. Something is wrong with her....
from strawberrri :
Sounds brilliant. Ta! x
from strawberrri :
Stepfiiiiie! I don't suppose you have a good homemade potato wedge recipe I could use to go with chicken breast stuffed with boursin and wrapped in bacon/parma ham? Massive thanks if you do :) x
from retro-cat :
wow, awesome cake!!!!! btw, how do you pronounce Jooj? its a very amazing name!
from julymalaise :
I agree with you 100% percent. Most of the girls who hate being called whore, hoe, etc, ARE those things and secretly like to be called them, which makes no sense. Frankly, I think they are in denial in a way. Yeah, they are completely impossible at my school too. Yeah, it would be nice to slap them, but I guess that wouldn't be good on your part, lol. Ahh.. people these daysss... =)
from blujeans-uk :
We now have a moses basket AND a carry cot! Yay for the nearly new sale, we got some serious bargains there! Did you ever get subjected to Sheila Kitzinger? Now there's a pregnancy nazi if I ever came across one...
from fatcowww :
I hadn't emailed previously but I did just now :) *crosses fingers nervously*
from lostasyou :
Ahhh, I don't even remember what I was like myself at 11 hahaha. I just panic too much! Yeah maybe it'll be okay but I think I'd feel better taking him out alone a bit closer to home, otherwise I'll be an anxious mess and that wouldn't be very good company.. We'll see how it goes! And yeah I never really thought about that, I might have a go x
from lostasyou :
Hah! Well she did a very good job :) and yes, just made an entry. Definitely over my sulk now, onwards and upwards! x
from lostasyou :
Wooooooooooow. Can you make my 21st birthday cake? That is amazzzzzzing!!
from jarofporter :
yep - "thick" in this instance is a nicer way to say "chubby", or as might be more fitting "curvy". i'm not really into "curvy", but have been known to make exceptions! anyway, doubt anything will come from either of them.
from julymalaise :
Hahah, yeah, I tend to rant when I am upset about certain things, lol. But I hate that movie so much!! I feel so dumb now... I always though Charlie was British, thanks for telling me he is English. Oh yeah! That cake is awesome and I'm sure Jooj's boyfriend loved it probably.By the way, have you ever watched Cake Boss? Just wondering... have a lovely day!!!
from fatcowww :
If I wanted to email you, would stepfordtart@diaryland suffice?
from nextdoortome :
Hey thanks for the note. What can I say? I'm not unhappy with my life.... but I still wonder what if.
from jaysthoughts :
Glad it could be of some help to someone.. that's great. Also.. now that I see it, true story, I once bought a used book and had a picture of THAT cathedral fall out. Always wondered what it was..
from jarofporter :
triple YaY!! :-P let me know if any of the cast mighty need clarification or more details, i wasn't sure how far to go with the info...
from retro-cat :
I love vintage cathedrals a lot! We used to go to the one in Montreal..the Notre-Dame can view how gorgeous it is here.. The inside of it is breath-taking with stained-glass windows and detailing of the statues etc.. I haven't made shepard's pie in ages..thanks for reminding me, i'm now craving for some for the weekend :) And yup, i already knew what a car boot sale is from Stephen, i used to send him my artwork & poetry for his gothic zine in the UK.
from lostasyou :
Ahh yeah I know I shouldn't just completely stop, I hear that it's really really dangerous and can send you into shock or something.. sounds quite scary. I think I'm safe tonight, I am actually planning on heading to bed any minute now. I have weird feelings in my leg but I am ignoring it as much as I can because I am so exhausted! I'm literally about to drop and fall asleep. I think I'll be going to the doctors soon anyway, she wasn't very helpful last time I went but I can nag her I suppose aha. Cutting down (attempting) will be my answer for now, bleugh. Thanks x
from koorikaze :
Thanks so much! Sorry for the late reply but better late than never, right?
from julymalaise :
Thanks for the kind words as always. And I hope everything goes well with Jooj and you looking for schools (Wait, so a 6th Form College is like high school right? I'm sorry, I want to clarify that, lol) Yeah, it's just stressful and I have been going to my counselor to ask a numerous round of questions, but it's still bugging me because deadlines are coming soon and I'm afraid I'll miss them...
from retro-cat :
thanks, im doing okay, i guess my ego is more bruised than my butt, lol.
from retro-cat :
oh wow! which films have you been in??
from julymalaise :
Hahaha, I like your answers, some of them were funny. That was pleasant to read, lol. You really make me crack up !! :D
from jarofporter :
"you never know when you might pull!" O.o BWaAHAAhhaahahaaa... ^.^ so unlikely as to be laughable, but you're right - one never knows! i like it!!
from retro-cat :
hahaha..some of my friends were like wtf you like him?? now that i look back, i'm like what the hell was i thinking? haha.
from julymalaise :
Was it? :D and take the survey as well if you please!
from julymalaise :
I nearly was dying when I read that entry!! It was freakin' halirious! Wow, got to be a boy who does that stuff and doesn't he know there are cameras around? Hahah, I find it very funny that he wore the same jacket the next day and that is how they indentified him. Wow, win..
from retro-cat :
That happens to my mom a lot when she is teaching her classes, kids always come up and hug her and end up making her sick and then she gives it to me. Hope you are feeling better soon!
from koorikaze :
Thanks for the positive thoughts/vibes. :) And while I love listening to Sarah Brightman, I don't know a lot about her, so stories are always welcome.
from scullerymaid :
The Jeeps I'm looking at range from '98-'02 and are for the most part under $4000. I'm going to check one out tomorrow and am so excited! Hopefully one of these babies will work out. $9/gallon?! It's running about $3.20 here. I think I'll stop complaining :-)
from scullerymaid :
Yes. This is what I'm beginning to realize. And I don't think I'm all that worried about the L word. It's a nice idea, one I hope to reach eventually, but I think my real issue is the fear of...waiting forever I suppose. Thanks for the notes! I love hearing from you
from jarofporter :
thanks for the tip! don't think i'll be needing it though, as when i play on a regular basis, i don't have this problem! thanks for all the comments, btw, i appreciate your input! :)
from fatcowww :
Thanks for the tip about FB - ah, I could write a very long comment or I could write an entry. Maybe I should write an entry ;)
from lostasyou :
Yeah I'm not even gonna bother with the wine, not worth it. My head hurts and I feel sick so I'm going to make a cup of tea and take some tablets. Uuuuugh. Good job I suddenly feel drained and ill.. or maybe it's withdrawal ;) hahah. I'll have a rest tonight, don't worry. Thanks! x
from lostasyou :
Baaah I feel so horrible and yucky and headachey now ahaha. Grr. I might try to just sleep early :( I was so looking forward to battering my liver some more. Maybe it's a good thing it smashed :(
from lostasyou :
Ohhh that's pretty poo. Okay, thanks for the tips, I might check them out and install something if I can be bothered ;) aha x
from lostasyou :
How do I get a snazzy little comment system like yours? Do you need to pay pennies for it? :( I really want one haha, or something similiar!
from ohell :
thanks for your note - it's absolutely fine with me...annanotbob is great, besides. btw your stuff is fun to read.
from college-kid :
I asked if they deferred it a couple of weeks ago; sadly, they don't. Instead, they just tack on a $25 late fee and make you look like a git for paying it late. ): All the pools around here are starting to close because it's getting cooler and people aren't swimming as much. We'd definitely considered that. I think we'll be able to swing the gym membership, but it's going to be close. Thanks so much for the show of compassion, I really appreciate it. <3
from lostasyou :
Teeth marks! You make me laugh so much. I want to be like that when I'm older and have kids who are getting boyfriends and girlfriends.. I want to embarrass them muahahaha. My mum is also very sick today, maybe it's a mum virus? Feel better anyways x
from lostasyou :
Ahaha the only positive about hanging around with my friends a lot more recently is.. they aren't allowed to get hammered because they're all pregnant! We can sit in pub gardens and be sober.. at least I can't really go out and get myself into all sorts of trouble haha. Yeah I'm going to sit in coffee shops and stalk boys then I think, it's a plan.....
from lostasyou :
Hahahaha "it's a pulling bar!".. yeah I already guessed I won't find the love of my life in a bar/club ;) I did that before, remember?! Look how he turned out 2 years down the line, PFFT. Maybe I'll start sitting in coffee shops and scout around for nerdy cutesy looking guys. I don't think they exist though. I'm not in a film.. it's okay, I gots plenty of time to get my paws into someone and then ruin their life ;) x
from julymalaise :
Did someone really took a poop in front of the science room?!?! That's completely crazy. That really is. Did anyone ever find out who was it that pooped? People do the craziest things. I feel bad for my teacher because she's really nice and someone must really hate her to rip up all of her pictures. You're right, it's probably a kid with a dumb grudge...
from aryssa90 :
thank you for your note and feel free to leave massive notes any time you feel like it :) I love your ring, it's absolutely gorgeous! I do appreciate your input as it's something I've been wondering about for quite some time.
from lostasyou :
Hahahaha yeah exactly! They're not his mates or something, jesus. Back up. OHH she's going out and I'll be there.. 999!!!!!! How ridiculous. It just doesn't work like that. Ah well. Sod it. Drunk and slightly aggressive Kelly is feeling better, I feel like having a punch up. I might go into town and hit someone.. or not. I'll just continue with the cider woooo x
from lostasyou :
Oh christ, happy belated birthday! I am terrible!! And yes, he has ugh. You know, I thought I'd just swiftly put it into decent conversation because I've been okay recently, you know? I thought he'd at least say "yeah go ahead because it's a FREE FUCKING COUNTRY AND YOU CAN GO IF YOU WANT, just stay out of my way" sort of thing. But nope, "I'll call the police and tell them you're stalking me" blahblahblah, like he fucking owns the place. He's such a cocky little shit. Can't even be decent enough to be friendly. I am NOT sitting in this room forever, christ on a bike no. Ah well.. seems I only have drama when we contact each other.. simple solution, but hey ho. x
from retro-cat :
happy b-day to ya!! and yeah that vintage gadget is sooo awesome!!!!!!
from scullerymaid :
There's always tomorrow, love! I hate it when I get Ijustwanttosleep drunk haha.
from lostasyou :
It's just for today I think! I am quite paranoid that youknowwho is stalking me haha. It will be open again in a little while! And thanks :) x
from aryssa90 :
I hope it's alright that I add you? Have a nice day :)
from scullerymaid :
Let me know how that goes ;-)
from blujeans-uk :
Oh, and Happy Birthday! x
from blujeans-uk :
Sorry for the delay! I'm not being rude, honest. There's a nearly new sale coming up I'm going to have a look at and my ma is hunting out some stuff for me but other than that I don't know very many people who have had babies recently that I could scrounge off. We will see though. I go on mat leave the second week of november so still have about 5 weeks left. Felt very out of breath today. Boo.
from frogeye :
My, my my! Happy B-Day Step! You look great! Enjoy the moment and lever look back. Wonderful years are ahead.
from nessus :
Huh. Not even if you copy and paste them into the browser bar?
from nessus :
Oooh! Fancy! I don't know much about studio, I'm strictly a live sound technician, but looks like you have some pretty fun gear. My modest setup for my band's jam space:
from diary--user :
Hey, thanks for the advice. As far as my friend, she's been friends with him for years, I don't know how she'd react and I don't want to burn that bridge. I am going this Sunday no matter what. If I have to walk I will. As far as the peace and quiet, he's never been too concerned with that. He'll do whatever he wants around the house if the kids are here or not.
from julymalaise :
Thanks for link, I'll check it out, you are always very helpful, thank you! :D. And OMG!!! I so want to read Vanity Fair!!! I have to check my library and see if they have it. I so want to read it, it sounds so interesting!! And hey, I feel your pain about the horses. We have loads of them here in Philly in Center City and stuff like that. I think it is for tourism purposes, I guess. I never rode in one, but it would be lovely...
from julymalaise :
I never knew that about Dickens and that he is stuff was written piece by piece. We're not really learning about him yet, but I am reading Oliver Twist as a book from a British author that we have to read outside of class. We just finished Beowulf, which was good! I enjoyed that epic poem and learning about the Anglo-Saxon and now we are reading The Canterbury Tales. It is interesting so far, I like that class!
from ping-island :
aww, thanks. <3 it really is amazing how kind strangers can be! it makes me feel bad that i don't try harder to be good to other people - i think sadness makes one pretty self-centered, sometimes, but that is no excuse.
from lostasyou :
Yeah I wish I was there :-( but I'm a girl and I'm not allowed out at midnight on my own, pssh. I'll just have to wait like all the others gaaaah, soon!
from lostasyou :
I'm not sure because she's fully staffed, but she said I can sit around and help out sometimes when I feel like it. Get out of the house and whatever. Maybe if someone leaves in the future then I might be able to, not sureeee! But yeah it's alright, thanks ! x
from koorikaze :
That is awesome! Wasn't that version a bit different than the US one? I miss Fraggle Rock and the awesome shows of the eighties. *sighs* Oh, my apologies for the lateness of this note. Life has been kicking me rather hard lately.
from lostasyou :
Thank you very much ;-) x
from fridayfilms :
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, think I was suffering from postnatal depression, in retrospect. Going back to work sorted me right out though. And I love our town now (and England)! Wouldn't leave it for the world. :) x
from yourtipsucks :
lol, i feel the need to follow that up with the fact that it didn't happen to me personally. i work in a hotel and it was a room service order (so it tries to make a little more sense). but..STILL.
from lostasyou :
Haaaaahahaha. Sounds wonderful! Enjoy ;-) x
from lostasyou :
*pouts* sigh I suppose.. haha no I get you ;) I just like to have a little tantrum about things. I'll see her in the day or something one day :) then we can move onto the sleepover scenarios.. Cor, that sounds scary. And oh yeah, I too look forward to writing about how bland and boring it's been.. I need it! I've got my fairy lights on my headboard, a book, iPod and a cup of tea waiting for me now to start it off ;) x
from fairybones :
i just noticed you added me to your buddylist, so i wanted to say hiya and let you know i've been lurking some of your entries too and you're basically my favourite now.
from lostasyou :
Yeah I think I may have to fight you for over the best friend thing ;) mhmmmm, it's all going on down in my end as usual! I'm kind of sorry I never mentioned it before because it must seem a bit random now. I just wanted to protect him, because I was blind. I know the exact times he did it and why he did it, but I was just too scared to admit it. Probably because I'd have had the "LEAVE HIM NOW!!" comments hahaha. Didn't want to hear it at the time, I guess. I am thinking about taking the plunge and going away for a few days yeah. It's only an hour bus journey but it's a town of different people at least. Thanks for the offer! I am thinking about it anyway. For now I just want to sit in my dreaded room a bit more. Clear my head. I'm doing alright for now, actually. Thanks x
from lostasyou :
Thanks :) I've had a crazy day today with lots of sleeping involved too but I don't really feel like dwelling on all of this anymore. It's so much effort being so angry and upset all the time.. really takes the life out of you, doesn't it? Hah. I will get better. I'm going to work on it. PROPERLYYYYY.
from fridayfilms :
You may indeed! I don't write in there very often anymore, but you're welcome to peruse my dusty old relics. :-) I think it's username:lock password:this, although let me know if it doesn't work. x
from lust- :
Nope, not Wiccan. My friend actually said that to me and I couldn't agree more. Seems as if it's a nice creed, though. Hope you're having a brilliant weekend!
from raven72d :
It is a great cover.
from lostasyou :
hahahaha. You're worse than me.. Yeah. Sigh. I hope one day I make a good decision, or meet a nice boy. Psssssssh they don't even exist. Who'd want fucked up psycho freak kelly with the razor slashed arms?!?!? they get to me too much. really. Too much. my self esteem is in tatters again. sob sob, boo hoo. It's my own fault. Sorry for this, I am just.. upset?
from stepfordtart :
Its yesterday's chip paper, lovely. The pair of them arent worth half of you. Really? Thats the best they can do? Gossiping behind your back like 2 old women? Seriously, they need to grow up. s x
from lostasyou :
Haaaaahahaha, again! Mm he's not replying anymore. It's probably not as bad as I think. I just wish he didn't tell me. Why couldn't he protect me from it? 2 years and he KNOWS exactly how much things get to me and he knew this would be awful for me. And he even had to have a little laugh about it because he was right. I know it's my own fault for getting into this mess but I just wish.. they'd give me a break. It'll be alright I guess, they can't go on about it forever.. it's just gonna be difficult to show my face or not care about what they think of me. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
from stepfordtart :
Of course it is, but lets look at this objectively: a player and your ex, making fun of a girl they have both abused. Who's the better person here? Umm, Im guessing its you. If thats the best they can do for entertainment then I feel sorry for them. Really, you are worth so much more. Text him back "tell you what, you shag each other, then the circle will be complete, you pair of tossers". Go on, I dare you. s x
from lostasyou :
He won't tell me who exactly it is, but I know it's definitely K, and the thought of them both standing there having a proper good laugh about me and my issues and everything is making me feel so awful. i dfon't know how to rise above it. it's pretty much my nightmare to have people say that sort of stuff.
from lostasyou :
I don't even want to know :( i am so sad. I'm a nobody, and all of a sudden people are laughing about me and my issues. It's not.. funny. I just want to crawl into a hole or something. fucks skae.
from fat-teen :
Haha, thanks. (: I /love/ Myth Busters, but I'd never seen the one where they polish a turd until now. (:
from lostasyou :
:) x
from a-d-w :
that's it. but my scottish aunt probably wouldn't have known any better, she's all alzheimer-y.
from julymalaise :
Hope your face gets better. The gig sounded fun, I like seeing people perform, it is so awesome!! And congradulations on Jooj, yayay!
from lostasyou :
I don't even know her living arrangements.. Her boyfriend is staying around so I don't know where he'd go. There's no way I'd stay in a house with someone like that when he's been treating her like total shit, I'd go mad. It's her 22nd birthday and everything today, and she's all alone. I don't know where she is or anything. I will have to try and get through to her x
from retro-cat :
Oh wow, i didn't know there's a Grease 2?? I've only watched the first one like always! I have to check that out next time i go to the rental shop.
from lostasyou :
Hah that last line made my heart sink. It'll be alright. I've just gone back to my usual self, feeling shit and sorry for myself. Hey ho. Roll on the weekend and whatever disasters it brings. x
from pathofruwen :
I've got a better one. Keep a digital audio recorder in my pocket! But I'm telling you. If I played his own words back to him, he wouldn't nicely realize his error and apologize. He'd get mad that I recorded him (or wrote down what he said). He'd be like those people who get angry at the other person when they're caught in a lie. Like, "how dare you expose me!" sort of thing. --- I did get the mail; just haven't felt like being online this week. Been catching up with housework and just doing a lot of thinking.
from jarofporter :
I don't have them recorded yet, silly! When I do, I'll link them... ;-)
from linguafranca :
I know, diabolical, isn't it? I should probably stop telling people I care about (or random kind strangers) about it. Save it for those against whom I nurse a grudge. Or leave it up on my desktop so next time someone breaks in, we can come home to find them browsing shades of turquoise or whatever.
from frogeye :
The music behind the lyrics is a classical piece. I don't have the correct info right now. But every once in a while they play it on the station I listen to at work. I remember being at a camp Granada in my younger years.
from buffylass :
You are very lovely and kind, thankyou :) Suffice to say, the CBT is indeed proving somewhat tricky. Still, onwards and upwards! On a happier note, the Martin Simpson workshop fills me with equal parts excitement and fear. The man is such a legend x
from lostasyou :
Hah I'm sorry. I must infuriate some people when they read about how stupid I am. How can one person get into all this crap, aye? No I don't see the actual point in doing anything, that would be a bit too psycho girl, even for me. But now believe it or not ex won't stop texting me, checking up on me, he seems to think I spend every minute out of my house doing other things.. and people. HAAHH oh god. But no, I just felt threatened and upset last night. I am groggy and hungover and realise there's no point today. I have to just get over it. x
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the add! Yes, this is turning out to be quite the unexpected story and I'm curious to play it out til the end. Oh, and I ran to the store last night to buy some corn syrup and have every intention of making your cookies today!
from julymalaise :
My dad gets so indignant when he finds bird poop on the car. He's like "Damn birds!" and talks into the air, as if he is expecting the birds to be listening. Mhmmm, your cooking looks delicious!! Yuummmm!! You gotta send me some!! =)
from lostasyou :
Hahahaha I know it's crazy isn't it? I didn't expect to do that either. OH HOW NAUGHTY AM I? It's all fine, I actually feel a bit better after all of that. I had a laugh, I haven't had that in ages. Ooooh. x
from bliss-sad :
I think you are beautiful! Bummer about the allergic reaction, but maybe it'll end up being the next new thing in skin treatment! Maybe you've really stumbled upon something brilliant, like an organic, allergen face peel or something. It could be your ticket to big money. =) If I were you, I'd offer up those ladies some day old pastries from a crummy bakers shop or something--how rude! But, I can't blame them, as your treats look delicious.
from scullerymaid :
I saw your cookie pics and they look absolutely scrumptious. Now I'm in a baking mood. Thanks for the inspiration!
from lostasyou :
Starting again all on my own! Once and for all! Nope it's fine I appreciate all the motivational speech notes I get and they make me feel that little bit better :-) anyway I must dash, I am slacking and need to get ready. YEE-HAW! x
from lostasyou :
Haha! Thanks again! Jesus christ I am utterly useless hahah. I really need a book on life, and how to deal with small situations.. When I get out of a relationship I seem to forget how to function, this has happened before with another ex boyfriend. I just forget how to even talk to people because I didn't do it for so long. Kind of shows how much I rely on certain people :-/ yeah if I get uncomfortable then I'll just move swiftly away.. x
from retro-cat :
haha..thank you so much for educating julia :) ooooh i'm going to blush crimson every time i will say my professor's name and he will think that its becuz i'm in lurrrve with him..eep. i like that rogering word!
from lostasyou :
HAHAHA. Sorry, but that did make me laugh.. Oh Avon! I like the pages that smell when you rub your wrists on them, they're amazing. Well feel better!
from lostasyou :
:-D "NORMAL", that is gonna be a new one hahaha. But yep, you're right, I don't have to talk about it and I won't. I'll use those lines haha, cheers! x
from lostasyou :
Yeah that sounds alright :) I hope no one unexpectedly starts asking questions and I start bawling my eyes out again. That was so embarrassing. IT'S GONNA BE FINEEEE! x
from call-me-out :
Two comments: 1.) What in the hell do you feed the birds in your neighborhood? 2.) Your food pictures almost made me fall off of the Weight Watchers wagon. Twice. :)
from kenny-loo :
I posted the picture first, then decided to update and say more about it! figured people would want to know! so check back. I want to give you guys the recipie for the salsa my mother makes that i absolutely love. The Masa dough can already be bought pre-made at a mexican store and the rest of the stuff can be easily bought anywhere :) xoxoxo.
from teen-rebel :
I would advise letting it soften and squishing as much into it as possible. Don't forget to level off the top with a butter knife or the like. (:
from lostasyou :
My checked shirt and best pair of jeans won't even fit me anymore.. I just live in dresses. I'll have to be boring and look "normal". I could steal someone's hat I suppose x
from lostasyou :
Haahaha yeah I did think it as well, hence why I said I want to slap the pair of us for being so stupid ;) I just would rather have a single ladies team, we could be a right good pair. But nope, she'll be moping all weekend.. I won't be though, muahaha. I don't actually have any cowboy boots so it'll just have to be little flats, sigh. Hey ho, tomorrow night will be a different thing for me, I shall have fun and mingle, wahey xx
from college-kid :
You are quite possibly the most adorable English woman ever! (: If you like "American" cookies, here's an excellent recipe for Chocolate Chip: This is the ONLY Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe I will ever use. It makes a /monster/ batch, so I'd recommend cutting it in half if you're only making some for yourself. And sorry the measurements are all wonky. We Americans are so weird with our measurements. =\ In fact, when my cousin visited from Spain, he loved Pecan Pie so much we actually gave him a set of US Measuring cups so he could make it at home. Try it out, tweak it, and let me know what you think. (:
from fatcowww :
a) microwave presets: I've experimented a bit and found I can trust it to steam vegies but not boil spuds or cook rice. b) November birthdays: I think the cost of airfare would negate any savings made :p c) I would be thrilled to see TD snogging someone as it would indicate a massive improvement in so many areas (eg hygiene and social skills). But to each their own :) xx
from pathofruwen :
He IS impossible! And I thought this evening might be better. I was wrong. . . .
from lostasyou :
Thank god!! I just want a break from it for a while.. the pill does nothing but give me grief haha. My 3 hour window thingy is up now so that's it. I'm not taking it for a while at least. If I feel I really need to go back on it then I will :) I have a massive supply of it from the last time I was at the doctors. Gaaaaah stupid women's health problems. Thanks :) x
from pathofruwen :
Not with our families. I have an uncle who, I believe, has more money than my in-laws, and he's never offered to help anyone as far as I know. He's very nice, and seems the type to help if asked, but I'm one of those who would have a damned hard time asking, you know?
from ping-island :
i think here it's usual for the buyer to test drive the car alone. i know a couple cars i've seen for sale have the plates removed and the owner holds onto the paperwork, so if you did try to steal the car you wouldn't get too far anyway. & we did the wrapping textbooks thing too, only we used brown paper bags or leftover christmas wrapping paper (our school had us sell wrapping paper so there was always a lot).
from lostasyou :
HAHAHA oh shut up! But thank you! x
from scullerymaid :
I love all your notes. Feel free to Mummy me about anytime :-D
from frogeye :
I'm 6'3" so I enjoy the extra length. The foam has fully expanded so it looks like we will install this weekend. Nothing else to do with the hurricane on it's way. Will update as to my back and comfort.
from retro-cat :
thank you :)
from lostasyou :
it was just LIKE a really long episode*** I meant to say haha.
from lostasyou :
Thanks haha :) by the way the film was so funny. And I'm not being a sheep or anything.. It really is as funny as everyone says haha. I was crying at several points (in a good way obviously) and it was just a really long episode. Nothing different about it. SO GOOD, SEE IT!! xx
from retro-cat :
thankfully we're all okay over here. it was really scary, the thunder seemed to roll on forever and sounded more like an earthquake. i say "knickers" a lot too.
from julymalaise :
And thanks, stepfordtart, I'm okay! =)
from julymalaise :
Hey stepfordtart! Glad to hear your daughter are coming back! You've must've missed them a lot and hopefully, they had a wonderful time! Yeah, I was surprised that they didn't talk about the earthquake on BBC. It wasn't big, so that was a relief, but I felt it and other people felt it as well. It was completely and strange and there was an aftershock today, but it was 4.9 and it was in Virginia, so we didn't feel anything.
from retro-cat :
thanks :)
from jimbostaxi :
Is it possible L is going commando? No need for knickers then !! Lol lol :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Wow i had no idea i could do that . I thought only people who had gold memberships could add pics. Ty for the note! I will give it a try :0)
from a-d-w :
maybe L has been wearing your knickers, too
from whystinger :
Yes, every eight weeks sucks. The therapist tells me that there is some sorts of negotiation with sex in women who have reached menopause. I want to learn more of that. L is really a lucky fellow, having a horny tart like you as a wife;) You can make the decision to keep your sex life active into and beyond menopause. I've also been told that "sex begats sex" so have sec often and you will want it more. I an clearly not happy with "once every eight weeks." Currently, it has been better, but perhaps she feels me slipping away or maybe the "full court press" is working. In any way, I have decided to put in what effort I can to either make it better for myself or to give me reason to leave. Just think, when we first married, she "had to have it" almost every night and to the point that she didn't want anyone over to visit, so we could do it.
from biggoomba :
thanks ST an honour to get a note from a DL heavy hitter I have watched for years shining out there.Ya haiku, boil it down to the basic flavour and spread on toast.Like Bill Blake, I too am a cartoonist small fine book maker, I had no idea he did haikus - or are you having me on? Nice to be had on ...............cheers in 5-7-5 slices --with all proper affections and admirations, biggoomba
from pink-sapfire :
Anytime :) No stupid questions just stupid people who aren't willing to explain lol. Wow maybe I should live there... mmm tax free booze and such nice nice :D
from retro-cat :
Thank you sooooooo much!!!!! I'm now on photobucket and you were right, it is so easy and im soo happy now :) I went into your diary, i love the fish you did on the wall! I like your diary, i'd like to add you, add me back? I can't say enough how happy you've made me, coz i have been so frustrated with livejournal. If they won't be able to fix the situation, it won't matter now. Thank you so much for your help :)
from julymalaise :
=) =) =P
from julymalaise :
I'm jealous, wish it took me that long to get to Paris. It takes me MORE than an hour!! Plus, the time differences, we're in different time zones!
from pink-sapfire :
It makes a difference to parents cuz tax-free weekend is a once a year thing and its always the weekend b4 school starts so all the supplies, clothes and school stuff have NO TAX that's why its a big deal lol.
from jarofporter :
1) I totally dig RX8's!! Been thinking about buying one eventually. 2) I knew Europe in general was high on fuel prices, but ≈$9/gal? We're only paying ≈ $4 here, and it's killing me! That sux...
from julymalaise :
I WAS amused, and beyond fascinated! The countryside is always nicer than the other side. Man, I wish I lived near the countryside, I live near the city. I wished I lived in the city, because it would be cool waking up and seeing all the old houses and stuff. I wish I lived in Olde City. And is it drizzling where you live? I feel you, we had some terrible weather up in PA for a while, but it's over now.
from julymalaise :
Oh my! I saw the house, that is crazy!And the car! And I deleted the note, I understand how you feel. Your neighborhood is lovely! I wished I lived in England!
from julymalaise :
All you have to do is just go down that one road, that's nuts. At least it doesn't make that much noises. I know a friend who lives near the train station and she says it is annoying to hear the trains early in the morning. Living near an airport sounds fun, I like seeing all the planes!
from julymalaise :
Wow, a ferry sounds lovely, but it takes long to get there. You live near an airport too? So do I! Well, not really THAT close, but it isn't far where I live. Glad the wedding was a success. It's crazy how everybody cried at those songs, ahaha.
from fatcowww :
Well, if you're going to *cheat* with shapewear or a girdle, that's different! It's when they make it seem perfectly normal that gets my hackles up. Good on you for annoying the nazis :)
from retro-cat :
Hi! Thanks for the note :) yes how do i go about using photobucket? is it easy to put images from there unto diaryland using html? becuz i'm not a goldmember and i thought you have to be one to upload images here. my livejournal still isn't letting me update and it was easy to copy images from there to here.
from julymalaise :
I looked up Southampton in the map of England and look at some pictures, and it is really lovely. The painting in my diary from El Greco and I think it is called "Toledo at Night." It's my all time favorite picture. And yeah, I'm going to have to break all the things down for my vacay entry. I can't put it all on one entry, it'll be too much. You're absolutely right about that. That's cool your girls are in Ireland. Do you guys go there a lot? Is it a long drive? And good luck in the wedding!! Keep us updated as well!
from strawberrri :
yeah it was brill thanks :) i forgot to add that i got tim vine to write down a joke for tbay, which tbay had asked me to do before i went, the idea of which i scoffed at! 'you're a court clerk. i'll be the judge of that.' not the funniest maybe but it's personalised! x *goes to edit diary entry*
from yourtipsucks :
IT was a she, and she was a hot mess drunk. I was this close to telling her that sorry, I have a tendency to bruise things.
from trapeze-act :
I had one of those days where I realize why some animals eat their young LOL. Gosh it was awful. And they said they don't give out names but I just thought it was silly they needed mine. I'd like to stay out of any and all police records, but I guess if they'd like to put me down in their file as the 22 year old who acts like an 85 year old, I'll take it. (:
from bliss-sad :
I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, I read the comment at work and it actually made me tear up; it almost feels ridiculous to be ashamed now. Seriously, thank you!!! LOVE!!!!!
from scullerymaid :
Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. I agree anyway- four months isn't that long of a time. But still I have all these wild thoughts in my head. Thanks again!
from koorikaze :
Hmm, I've no clue if we have that or not seeing as most of our newspapers are hurting for money but I'll look into it. As for the biting, he rarely bites that hard unless he is cranky. He does give little "love nips" as I call them and I guess he gets *that* from his daddy. O_o Oh and Mythbusters proved you can polish a turd. If you want, I can get you a link to that episode. :P
from julymalaise :
P.S. Those pictures you took are so completely lovely!! Where was that at? They are really breathtaking!
from julymalaise :
Hey, you're giving me a great idea, cyber-mum!! thank you! I was going to post some pictures yesterday of a storm that past through, but it didn't happen because I didn't know where the camera was and I was completely afraid of being electrocuted, since there was 700 bolts of lightning yesterday in this storm and it only lasted an hour!! So much lightning strikes in just 60 minutes! Unbelievable!! I kinda regret not taking a picture of the storm, it was really cool looking, but scary at the same time. The sky turned a deep purple!! And guess what? I watched Harry Potter. It was awesome!
from lostasyou :
Oh god!!!!! I'm glad my profile is completely private.. The amount of "I want to die because I'm so hungover" statuses are ridiculous. Yeah thanks :) I'll have to wait on Advisor Man to get back to me! The stupid bint doing the interviews is on her hols. What timing. I must get ready for tonight's indoor shenanigans anyway, and the phone will be switched OFF at 2am. No risking getting calls when I'm drunk and half sleep. Have a good night xx
from lostasyou :
HAHAHA. That gave me a good chuckle. Oh no I'd never think about talking to Mr Advisor in real life. He's just slightly nice to look at and makes me stutter when I have to meet him. Well I'll see about this work experience thing I think first. He said it sort of fills the gap and gives you a good reference, blahblah. I got worried about tills but he said they don't let you do that so I think it could be okay.. Because I only have waitressing and data entry on my CV, with my college grades.. Looks kind of blank and I guess that's why employers are put off...... I always wonder if they have the cheek to Facebook your name from your CV and see what you look like. That'd be well creepy hah x
from stepfordtart :
Well DUH! If you could already do it, what would be the point of going and learning? Oh, and yeh, dont call Dashing Job Centre Guy up and ask him on a date just yet. Wait til youve got a job and are out of his hair on a professional basis, then you can be all up in his face in a 'like THAT' way!! Mmmm Nail Art! Its the way forward, old pip! s x
from lostasyou :
OOOOOH! Nail art!! I've always found that really interesting.. Well, it looks pretty. But you should see me when I try and paint my own a simple all round black colour.. it goes everywhere :/. My hands shake too much ahaha. I will have to see what Mr Handsome Advisor says when I go in next. HAH YEAH I CAN SAY IT. It's no secret, he's a dashing man! Once he gave me his number and my mind went in the gutter for a second, but it was obviously for Job Centre-y reasons. What a disappointment.
from lostasyou :
Oh god I've had note overload haha. Yeah he's so lame. I mean who gets obsessed with people they meet online these days? Webcam cheating and sneaking around on MSN is for like, 12 year olds.. The only people who get infatuated online are people who end up getting conned for their money! I hope he gets hurt. Hummm yeah I could do I guess. I dunno if education is actually for me though. I really struggled in college. I am quite dumb as it goes.. you'd never believe it?! x
from julymalaise :
Nonsense, that was really good! I liked it, it was really cute!! And I'm sure the kids loved it!! That was really brilliant! And I DO have to update, but right now, I am having Writer's Block!! Argh, it makes me angry!!! Lol.
from trapeze-act :
The more you listen to it the more it sounds dirty. No, you cannot have my buttery biscuit base! It's on reserve. And to answer your question, I really don't know. I'm waffling between leaving and staying and sticking it out. My plan is to leave this weekend to my mom's house for a weekend break from him. Maybe that will do us some good, I'm really not sure. It's a tad stressful.
from julymalaise :
That was a very lovely design you made, stepfordtart!! I really admire your creativity! You made the walls more vivid, as if the sea creatures were 3D, I love it!! You did a terribly good job and I wish I was artistic as you! You're awesome!
from pathofruwen :
LOL! I does look like he's looking up my nose. Great. Now that's what I'm going to think when I look at that. :-D - You're right. I can do what I like . . . It's just going to take a bit of work. But I can do it. I just can't go on like I've been going on. He's been "next-weeking" the cleaning of the garage for years, and it's in, ahh, quite a state. :( I guess that's on my to-do list now, too. If things are to change, it'll have to be me doing the changing! Time to gear up!
from ping-island :
but everyone else seems to have such nice shorts! ;_; where are these people buying them from? i have so much shorts-envy!
from bliss-sad :
I LOVE THE FISH! They are awesomely awesome! You should consider doing some canvas work (if it's something you're interested in) and selling it online at a place like Etsy or something. By the way, if your light dims, know that I am on the other side of the pond feverishly clapping and believing in you in every way shape and form. You! Are amazing, and I think a lot of mothers could take lessons. LOVE!
from lostasyou :
It was ok. I made too much though hah. My dad said it smelled nice.. didn't have any though - "felt like ham egg & chips".. Pfft. Just didn't want my cooking more like! Haha yeah I may have to do that. x
from lostasyou :
Haha I'm no good at weeping. I just full on start wailing. Attractive! And yeah, I could do with going to any sort of shop right now, just buy loads of stuff and then probably eat it all. x
from lostasyou :
*hug* x
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note and kind words!! :0)
from lostasyou :
HAHAH that made me laugh. I might really need to create one of those templates! Good idea! Have fun x
from lostasyou :
I've already failed on most of the keeping busy business you mentioned, much to your disappointment ;) haha. I know, I know. I must make people angry. And thanks for the offer but I'd probably have a spaz-attack if I had to meet someone online, I am no good with people hahaha. Maybe if I get pushed to the edge a bit more though! And Essex isn't much of a day trip ;). x
from koorikaze :
I have a youtube account (different name than this, of course) and plan to post some videos of Steven there. When I get them up, I will send you the link.
from lostasyou :
Errrrrrrrgherlkecnmsvjhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. What a silly girl to just cling on to the very last thread hah. I don't even know why I do it to myself. What an absolute tit. You're right, everyone's right. I know what's right as well. My stomach is in knots though and I keep putting it off. This cannot be good for my health. But I know what's to come AFTER and that is reeeeally scary anyway and blah. Oh well. Life goes on eventually. I have to go into town now, going for an interview type thingy at a recruitment agency. Hopefully they'll be able to find me something, aye? See you x
from jimbostaxi :
To be honest the conversation was very awkward for both of us. Picture in your mind the mom from <a href="">Almost Famous</a> talking with her son~ Don't take drugs!~ well, that was me but worse :o)
from college-kid :
Okay, so I have to ask... What on EARTH is going on with the Riots? The news here in the States doesn't seem to have the slightest idea. They're just sort of like, "Ohh yes, more riots. We're not really sure why, but we think it's because of a division of the social classes. But we're not sure."
from u-saved-me :
I skulked around here just to make sure you and yours are okay, hopefully someone takes a watercannon to these goofs and stops this nonsense. thinking of youuu. <3
from pink-sapfire :
lol, you do have a point there. I just needed to post about to try and get it off of my mind. I can't believe I did it but it felt good afterwards but a response I got today about it kind of hurt my pride. But oh well what's done is done right? Things still okay your way? HOpe so :)
from koorikaze :
Thank you for that encouraging note, it made me smile. I guess you could say I become "parentnoid" about those things, heh.
from pink-sapfire :
Lol guess USA is different dunno lol
from lostasyou :
Yeah I probably really am drinking that much in a week.. Hmm. I would like to manage it, control it in the week but what I've read basically says it's just impossible. Some people can but if they get in too deep then it's impossible to control it? I dunno. An entire lifetime without it at all sounds dreadful though. Not what I'd want at all hah. Yeah I tried those herbal sleeping pills before, they seemed to work at the beginning, they made me feel weird though. Then after a while it just wore off. Suppose I could try that again though. Ah well. It's been a good weekend so far. Just the week days to look forward to now.......x
from jimbostaxi :
ty for the note :o)!I know you may not believe it but I was just noticing the same thing :o)Im working my way through yours now :o)
from pathofruwen :
I can't do it! I can't clear the buddy list yet. :D I must wait until later this weekend when I can sit with time and tea to catch up with everyone. I already feel like a bad buddy when I'm away for many days. I'm odd that way. --- And, yes, he knows he deserves a kick in the ass. He made a point to tell me yesterday that he was very sorry and he feels like a total moron. I just hope next year is better. Ugh. --- Actually, ever since I was in my mid-teens, I've wanted to be over there. All the tv I watched was on BBC, my favorite music was by British artists, my favorite actors, etc. I had British penpals for a good while (until, *sigh* I got with an abusive boyfriend and he wouldn't let me contact them anymore). I was born in the wrong country! I've never felt in the right place here. But seriously, I'm being honest, for as long as I can remember, I've had this odd feeling deep inside that I wasn't where I truly belonged.
from pink-sapfire :
You either have to call up a Customer Service Manager or if noone is near you ask the customer nicely to go and get another with the barcode. Another cashier or someone that isn't busy with any customers they can go and do a price check for you. There isn't a bell to ring. Some registers have phones but that takes time to call operator in the store to contact someone for you. But there isn't a phone at every register. Thanks for the Grr
from lostasyou :
Thank you thank you :) yeah that's an idea actually. Although printing some of the crap I write on here would definitely make the counsellor think I'm crazy haha. Maybe they'll put me in a nice quiet room on my own for a while ;)
from college-kid :
Thanks for your comforting words. I've calmed down now that the initial shock has worn off. It's just strange thinking he'll never be looking for that sort of job again-- and it's what he specifically went to college for. But, with all artistic jobs, it's extremely competitive and he's just... exhausted and sick of fighting his way into every position... But again, thanks. I really appreciate it.
from bridrinkspee :
Haha, that's what I get for using Google Translate. I'm in a french class and I was never taught much. Thank you though (: I'm sure a lot of actual french people looked at that and thought I was retarded lol
from notunique :
Always happy to have new friends. I'm hitting the studio in a week or so, so I'll be posting more [better] music.
from jwinokur :
Send me an email directly so I can get you the music files! Justin at justinwinokur dot com.
from jaysthoughts :
I only lock it momentarily for html changes. It's unlocked. :)
from koorikaze :
Thanks! I'm not 100% happy with the color "blending" but it's still going to be fun to wear.
from call-me-out :
Bahahahahaha. I needed that. Everyone needs laughter in a vanilla pudding life.
from lostasyou :
Ok cool, thanks for the concern. And send some of that food my way! x
from lostasyou :
Hi! No I know it's only people caring. I did get a bit bitch-fitty about it last time but I realise it's only because people care and whatever. I hope it's an idea for the alcohol problem.. Hahaha I'm going mental. Oh man I need this place to vent, it was lonely being locked and on my own. If I receive any emails or notes then I will be grateful anyway :) I hope you are well xx
from pink-sapfire :
We all have blocks at times It'll come to you I'm sure of it. Lol sorry just needed to release all that that I posted. I thought it made for a darn good entry lol. Self serves aren't for everyone, jus think its funny about some things. Glad things are ok and hope they get even beter for ya :)
from pink-sapfire :
lol... I've had heels but I mean the ones that clack... I've had short heels when I was younger but I haven't tempted to wear any actual High Heels... I almost bought this gorgeous pair a few weeks ago and now I regret not getting them... They were the most beautiful blue :)) Things are shaping up here. I still have my moments but nothing I can't handle. I've grown so much since February. :-)) Thanks so much for the faith and thoughts. How are things your way??
from sadistiksoul :
the dough. I never have decent dough. and sadistiksoul at gmail, maybe?
from jaysthoughts :
Thank you! Yes. But no huzzah for having to get up to write it down so early before I forgot it.
from pathofruwen :
Oh, I agree. It's a running joke for me that I have two kids I have to take care of. And he does have a bass guitar, lol, it's rare that he plays around with it, but he does play from time to time, just as a private hobby. :P I just cannot see why he didn't simply ask me if I knew where those papers were months ago. Absolutely baffling to me!! That seat pocket is the first place I would have thought of.
from lunarsea :
ow. oh my goodness. now i feel bad for making light of stalking! do you respond to him when he writes?
from julymalaise :
Awww... thanks cyber mum!!! And yeah, those songs are my favorite and I will be leaving to NJ in two days! Can't wait!!
from lunarsea :
haha! no, it's totally me, sorry about that! though I think i'd rather be the stalkee than the stalker. I've always wanted one, you know, for the attention. Anyway - reading you is a fabulous way to spend a day off work, your entries are great, I read your funny stories to my boyfriend and everything. I don't know how i've not found your diary before.
from college-kid :
Ahh! I love Billy Idol! Though I've never seen a picture of his mum. xD Yeah, I stopped dying my hair too. It's so much work and makes it all frizzy and fried.
from bedbunny :
hey! not really sure what is going on with the missing pictures issue.. thanks for letting me know!! i'm gonna need to check it out/fix it up (photobucket sucks haha) love your writing!! ttfn xxbb
from koorikaze :
Quite true, though I wish he would forget me and move on as well. Such is life, though I often wonder how the blazes these type of people worm their way into my life. I guess they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Anyway, thank you for the note and sound advice. :)
from julymalaise :
I know, those nicoompoops and I hate Paris Hilton as well, as well as Heidi Montag and Audrina Partridge....
from fatcowww :
I had an internal infection that was poisoning me and causing a number of symptoms, so ICU was for sedation and intubation and a massive whack of intravenous meds and a partial blood change. For privacy reasons I'd rather not be exact. I'm more-or-less okay, just these ghastly pills I gotta take for another week, and nothing stops the nausea :(
from strawberrri :
Thanks. Was going to start moaning about my own life but...just not today xx
from pathofruwen :
Yes, it is STILL unresolved! He gets so angry and defensive when I ask about anything to do with it. I'm thinking he never filed, which makes no sense. I mean, WHY would he not? I just want to learn the truth. I told him I could have called our man myself, but didn't for his sake, and in a way, for my own, as well. He just changed the subject.
from pathofruwen :
I had never seen a faucet fountain, either. It sounds like a cool idea, but it can make a mess if you turn on the water even a third of the way. With the little whale modification, you just shut the whale's mouth and you have a fountain, without having to cup a hand or turn your head upside down. But when you have a child who likes sticking fingers in holes . . . well, it's all fun until someone "loses" a finger. :)
from college-kid :
Wow, really?! We've been out almost 2 months now and go back mid-August. I guess I've just gotten over the mid-summer hump, so it feels like it's all down hill from here. I like singing as well. (:
from pathofruwen :
I remember him from Cadfael! I loved him in that. I was in my teens and nobody could understand why I watched that. I should be watching Beverly Hills 90210 or Baywatch or something. But what was I into? Cadfael, Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, etc. I was an odd teen. So jealous you got to see him in that. :)
from julymalaise :
Thanks so much, stepfordtart!! And there will be more to come to this fashion blog of Teresa's!! (:
from trapeze-act :
Thanks for the reassurance. First time mom jitters, I suppose.
from julymalaise :
Why, hello! Teresa was very happy when you left her a note on her blog. Well, she decided to move her blog to livejournal as well because she finds blogspot to be very confusing. I tried to help her yesterday on blogspot and reply to your message, but that thing is so damn confusing. She says she doesn't really need help right now, but she is thankful for your offer. All she has to do now is just gather all of her thoughts. That entry she put was just a rough draft. But she will be happier at livejournal because it's more easier. If you want her livejournal, her livejournal is She doesn't have anything written on it yet because me and her just created yesterday (I helped her.) But Teresa says thank you for the help and advice you gave her! =)
from jaysthoughts :
I can't be offended, really. I made the video and I barely have time to watch it.. and I have to finish another by this evening.. >_< ..but thank you. =)
from julymalaise :
Thanks for the note, cyber-mum. It really got me thinking and I will check out my community college since it offers Russian. I already went to my school already, and noone is really Russian at my school and we used to have Russian when I was a Freshmen, but they discontinued the classes because of the budget and because noone was interested in it, but mostly for the budget. Well, there is not that many Russian kids in my area, but there are a lot of Russians in Philly and I heard they are having classes down there someone in Center City, so I will check it out. Thanks for everything, cyber-mum and I am trying my best to learn this new language!
from koorikaze :
Thanks for the note. We most certainly could use some positive thoughts (and hugs are great too). I forget that my friends on here are from different walks of life, but that's what makes life interesting. Anyways, I am very sorry for the tragic loss. I know all too well what it's like to be on both sides of that situation. *hugs back*
from fatcowww :
re not washing: Friends' teens seem to spend half their waking hours in the bathroom (and a fortune on personal maintenance products). Mine doesn't seem to care that she whiffs.
from pathofruwen :
After telling hubby about it, he's thinking our frantic friend is on crack (or something similar), and I think he may be right. The friend recently got out of rehab for drinking, smoking weed, and he was/is also into ... I forget his term for them ... drugs that make up other drugs, drugs you can get from breaking down other compounds. He's really smart, he just uses it for the wrong things. He's something of a computer whiz and knows all about chemistry. He has a good organizational memory, too. He's like a budding genius who went a bit . . . off.
from jaysthoughts :
At this point I'm much more ready for a "clean something, turn that shit down, or gtfo" type conversation... *sighs*
from fatcowww :
re entry times - I keep odd hours. it's the only way I can get any personal stuff done (ie, at times when the OH is not going to barge in)
from pink-sapfire :
Lol, You probably missed it because I didn't right out mention his situation but you hit the nail on the nose. I just kind of explained without totally explaining it if that even makes sense lol. Thanks for the slow dance offer. I'm okay though lol. It's just a never changing story when I go out with my best friend. I have never been asked to slow dance with anyone but Eric. I still remember that night we met at my best friend and my usual going out spot. He was the only guy that ever asked me to slow dance. When we started going together he didn't have to ask anymore, he just took my hand and led me out onto the dance floor lol. Well hope things are well your way. It's 12:30am. I'm going to head out. Nite
from pathofruwen :
My cousin always tells me not to clean, that she feels weird that I'd go through the trouble. But I can't help it. It could be anyone. I just have to a certain level of cleanliness around the house before I'm comfortable having a sleepover guest. Now, if it's just for a few hours, I won't bother much beyond dishes and vacuuming.
from pathofruwen :
Well, it's not us. :) I know I didn't put every name in twice. If I had been adding one name and it had happened, I might have thought I had brain fart and went in and did it again myself, but since I added everyone at once and once became twice . . . Yeah. But I can't complain. I'm glad Diaryland is still around. It's not all connected to every other whatsit on the worldwideweb through other search and blog engines, social networks, newsfeeds, etc. It's in its own private, comfortable corner. I like that.
from pathofruwen :
Hey. Thanks for being there. :)
from loveherwell :
haha i will have to remember that! thank you for the tip :) and so far it is quite wonderful! i love it here!!
from fatcowww :
Giggling at the current entry (6/7/11) and figuring I should have added you already :)
from fatcowww :
thank you for notes and sympathy :) no need to worry about commenting on an "old" post - I've barely been here a week! I haven't done anything with those jeans yet, btw. it's been so cold lately I've hardly got out of trackpants all week. cheerio!
from college-kid :
That would be awesome! This is pretty much my first time writing a fanfic, but it's a lot easier writing with someone else. (: Sorry it's so long!
from portlypete :
I have to say that your kids are spending far too much time learning stuff, and not enough time in the gift shop, which is, after all, the main purpose of school trips. Never fear, one day, one kid might catch a spark, and whooooosh ...!
from portlypete :
I have to say that your kids are spending far too much time learning stuff, and not enough time in the gift shop, which is, after all, the main purpose of school trips. Never fear, one day, one kid might catch a spark, and whooooosh ...!
from college-kid :
Haha, thanks! I really love your writing style. You could be talking about something as dull as tying your shoe and I'd still read. (:
from jaysthoughts :
Apparently no matter how I think of it in my head I hear that entry being read by David Mitchell.
from jaysthoughts :
My first referral! Hehe. Sounds good, thanks! I always love feedback.
from kabukicharms :
NACHO CHEESE: Melt 3 tbsp of unsalted butter in a saucepan over low heat. Whisk in 2 tbsp of all purpose flour. Basically a roux. Stir in 1 cup of milk till mixture thickens. Add 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese stirring continually till cheese is thoroughly melted into the mixture. Salt to taste. Keep warm. You can add bits of diced jalapeno, cyan, or whatever you like to flavor. Also what's a Chigley?
from koorikaze :
I should have elaborated, lol. I bought a pair of white tennis shoes and have used puff paint, glitter, and glue on jewels to make them the most colorful in the gym. I still need to dye the laces and do some correcting where paint ran together but they are almost ready to be put on display. :) Oh, mind if I add you to my favorites?
from journalmine :
Porn! That's it! It's gotta be. That totally makes sense. . . . I didn't think of that because he's not the type to get into porn. He's more the type to look up pictures of rotting corpses and gruesome crime scenes. So . . . he was possibly upset that I "caught" him (though I didn't know what he was looking at), while I was upset at the thought that he'd caught me. I feel like I'm in an episode of Jeeves & Wooster. I could really use a Jeeves right now.
from julymalaise :
I know, I'm glad as well, I know for a fact I will never make this irrational decision again. This is far-most the dumbest decisions I made trying to fight someone. But lol, you are right, it would be fun to punch Crater Crayon in the face. Thanks for being here, cyber-mum!! Love ya!
from julymalaise :
Cyber-mum!! I'm fine, I'm sorry I gave you a scare. And I did update about what had happened, check it out !
from journalmine :
LOL! Yeah, it was time to have a senseless entry. Need those every now and then. :-D Just a total goof-off. The outside-with-a-book idea sounds good. Hmm. . . .
from shot-of-tea :
Delightful! If you could just pop some of those amazing looking homemade chocs into my mouth as well then our reunion is complete :)
from julymalaise :
Yaayay, I have missed you while I was gone!! =)
from portlypete :
You pre-empted all my comments on Virgin and the wisdom of going with someone with experience, so I have absolutely nothing to say. Carry on.
from koorikaze :
Thanks for the note. I don't mind you taking a look but I appreciate the head's up. One can never be too careful.
from stoner-girl :
Yeah sometimes I just get really strange and need to be alone for a few days - to just Be. I'm sure even while married I will have to have a some time apart from the one I love, otherwise I would go bonkers. Glad you agree with me! Thanks for the note about my poem, I used to write lyrics so maybe that's where I drew from. Mmm that chocolate looks divine by the way! xx
from scullerymaid :
Hello hello! I haven't found any specifics about scullery maids in the Americas, but there is a book called Wives and Mothers, Schoolmistresses and Scullery Maids: Working Women in Upper Canada that might shed some light on the matter. It wouldn't surprise me, though, if we did bring scullery maids over from the mother country ;-)
from strawberrri :
Aye, very similar to Skittles vodka :) This time I used 70cl of Eristoff vodka and two bags of M&S fruit sherbets (like I said, minus the greens to avoid a mud-coloured vodka), chuck together in a suitable container and after a few days strain through kitchen roll. It's drinkable neat. FAR too drinkable in fact! xx
from journalmine :
Forgot to mention. I'd created a LiveJournal account a good while back so I could more easily comment on a friend's livejournal (no word verification). I've never actually posted on it, but since it has that audio post feature, I was considering using it. Don't know what I'd say yet. Probably just babble if I do choose to use it. If I post there, I'll link to it. It's
from a-d-w :
that's awesome, thanks for the interest!
from sadistiksoul :
stalky stalky i see you're online. the end.
from trapeze-act :
bahahaha. curling iron. light saber. anything phallic. I might just ban the whole lot of phallic items from our home to avoid any cheeky ideas! hah. ..Oh students these days. I would have phoned someone too, bro. Tweeted my way out, "homeboy trapped in ship. plz help and bring jimmy johns thx."
from journalmine :
I remember looking up Totally-Wicked when I was researching e-cigs. They look really cool. I just hope your man doesn't go back to real cigs. Mine is doing BOTH now. :( BUT saying that he's going to finish the pack of real cigs he has and then quit them. Well, we'll see. Two days ago, he lost an e-cig battery. *rolls eyes* So I have to look for it today. - - - TheMan is doing so much better about not often buying liquor, but beer is daily. I'm so sick of beer cans ending up everywhere. And he leaves the beer boxes on our dryer! - - - Yes, I think we're sisters and we both need to get together and run away, change our names, and start over. :D - - - And I LOVE lightning storms! Ever since I was kid, my family thought I was crazy to want to be outside, somewhere as high as I could climb, watching the lightning. Everybody else would go inside and I always wondered how on Earth could they miss out on such beauty!
from bliss-sad :
Darn right you should start dancing again; it is liberation AND medication for the soul! By the way, you translate medical jargon into child-friendly explanations wonderfully. I do hope your lovelies process everything okay, but with a mother like you, I'm sure they'll be better than fine!
from trapeze-act :
Oh wow. Clinique isn't cheap, either. (;
from scullerymaid :
Hey! Thanks for the note. As far as your question is concerned, I have no idea. I honestly don't even remember how I came up with the name scullerymaid. But now I'm curious myself and am going to look into it. I'll keep you posted!
from journalmine :
That's how it was. Part of me wanted to say ABOUT TIME! But I was nice and joined in his "got-something-done" high. --- The J and wife thing . . . man, it's screwy. That's my word for it. I really don't know what to think. Every time I think I've got a grasp of what's up, she posts something screwy, emails something screwy. . . . I hate I ever added him (which was REALLY her). Ugh.
from journalmine :
That's exactly what I did! :) I asked him, for future reference, How should I wake you when you leave that responsibility to me? He didn't have an answer; he doesn't know. Figures. - - I go out and help with yard work, but this time, the weeds were so high it was just ridiculous. It's at a point now where I can get out there again. The temps don't get below 85F until after 8pm, and then it's dark. Early morning is best. Summer months are horrid here. I know it may sound drastic, but I am going out there with poison to keep this from happening again. We don't care about yard beauty. No one goes back there but us. The few friends who come over don't care what yards look like. I'm just going to go on a killing spree out there -- weeds, grasses, hedges. Kill it all! >:-)
from journalmine :
Well, a start is all it was, it seems. :(
from journalmine :
But it is cool to have different perspectives, even from people who aren't close to the situation. It does get my think-melon going. I have to be reminded what's right and normal sometimes so I don't lose touch with reality and lose myself. :-P Yeah, something like that.
from journalmine :
I don't know. Maybe I am scary. I don't think I'm scary, but then lots of people back in high school and college said I was scary. I didn't know whether they actually meant it or not. I was one of the VERY FEW goth chicks around (this area just doesn't do goth), and people said I was a Satanic witch who ate cats *rolls eyes*. Totally off the point, I know. I think I'm starting to lose it. :) ANYWAY, I think I haven't called because I'm worried about backlash. Our CPA and his wife are very close to TheMan's parents. They might let it out that their son isn't telling his wife these important things. TheMan is careful to act like there's nothing wrong in his life, especially around his fussy mom. I just don't want to raise a stink. I guess that's why I'm giving him all these chances to make this right himself. Of course, there's also the issue of, well, ahh . . . *deep breath* *sigh* I actually have a fear of phones . . . especially of making phone calls. I COULD do it. But . . . ugh. . . . I keep imagining what I'd actually say. "Um, TheMan refuses to answer my questions about our taxes and is acting very suspicious. Don't tell him I called. Don't tell anyone, actually, but I'd like an update because I never got our tax folder from you to add to our file, and we never got our money. DID you even handle our taxes this year?" Yeah, I can just imagine the expression on his or his wife's face (they work together) when I ask such a thing. :-/
from journalmine :
I just don't see how J's wife could be jealous of our friendship. I haven't seen him in about 17 years! And even then, we never dated. We weren't into each other like that. *sigh* And I have my fingers crossed about the yard work, too. I already feel bad for whomever comes. It's 11:15am right now. It's 90 degrees F, heat index 92, humidity 42%. By 4pm, it should be 99, heat index 102, humidity likely the same. I know I couldn't work in that heat. :-S
from dinahsoar :
You are really amazing! I'm cracking up here at my desk! You are a great writer and story-teller! Thanks!
from bliss-sad :
I love you! You are hilarious and I can always count on your entries to leave me grinning. =) Happy Anniversary, your man is lucky to have you!! Now go shag your brains out.
from journalmine :
Yep, trampoline. I meant to make note of that. *inserts* :) Need a machete to get to it. :P
from whystinger :
You know I luv ya like a sister...
from journalmine :
If I had a vehicle, or access to one from a friend or family member, I would have done that. I'm isolated. It's a good thing he's not violent. :-) I'd be screwed. And he already does claim to call people on the day they're scheduled to be here to confirm they're coming. That's usually when he claims they cancel on him, since they've already got him on the phone. If that really is the case, maybe he shouldn't call, so maybe they'll actually show up because they're expected and didn't have that opportunity to cancel (assuming he's telling the truth). Gah, I don't know. I feel like I think myself into circles.
from journalmine :
Just don't mind if I don't let go for a moment. :-) I could use a hug. And, no, I don't have any support system for myself. I had a lot of friends before I got married and pregnant ~12 years ago. Thing was, it wasn't until after I got into my new life as a wife and mom that I realized that my friendships reeeelly weren't compatible with my new life. For example, there I was, pregnant, with TheMan and his mom, step-dad, and their secretary at their business . . . I get a call on my cell from a friend I hadn't seen in a few months. He wanted to know if I knew anyone who wanted to come visit Uncle Cid, who had just gotten to town. AWKWARD! Um, no, dude, I don't associate with any acid droppers that I know of. (I never did drugs myself, just hung out with others who did, but they were cool with me.) --- And of the family who talk to me, none of them could help me. They're either too far away or we're just not that involved with each other. My family aren't a close-knit bunch. I'm rather . . . stuck. :-/
from journalmine :
I think you're absolutely right, and that's good advice. It's sad, though.
from stoner-girl :
Thanks for the kind message it does help. It's just all part of life really isn't it? There are very few people in the world who haven't lost someone close to them. We all do eventually and it hurts no less at any age we are at. Peace to L too :) xx
from portlypete :
Mainly to indicate that I still read all this Diaryland stuff, I'd just like to say that life is too short to make stock from scratch (IMHO). Buy a pot of the stuff (yes, I know it's expensive) and stick it in ice cube bags: freeze and use at will. Yes, my life really has become THAT sad. But supper is GREAT!
from bliss-sad :
This is the design we got, minus the flowers! It's quite awesome, I think:
from journalmine :
Well, you make good sense even when you're drinking. :-)
from acornotravez :
Man, working with kids like you do (25 years!!), you deserve your 13 weeks off! Mucho respect to you, it takes a very wonderful, special person on this earth to teach those damn kids! I'm in awe! Love you! >^.^<
from pink-sapfire :
Well I was missed by you at least lol... Thanks, I'm loving working at WalMart, but they've changed it to where you have to be there three months before you get the staff discount, I just got 30 more days to go, I've been there two months already :) so cherrio to me lol... Yes, Walmart does sell everything lol.
from journalmine :
I think he's needed pills for years. *sigh* He's all doom and gloom. I'm certainly not the cheery sort myself, but at least I'm not one of those death and depressed goths.
from bliss-sad :
Hahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!! Oooh, god, I always thought correcting papers would be hilarious!
from journalmine :
LOL! OK, I'll admit . . . it is cool. :-D
from kabukicharms :
I think sometimes i even fall into the angst ridden teenager category too! That last one was about a girl I knew years ago. A mutual friend caught me up on how shes been. Turns out shes a librarian now. A red-headed Irish Catholic librarian. Thats like my ideal women. The only way she could be more perfect is if she had asthma or like a nervous stutter.
from trapeze-act :
Imperative AND necessary to my very existence.
from dinahsoar :
Love the Easter get-ups!
from kabukicharms :
The bagel burger is great but its exactly what it sounds like: a burger with ooey gooey melted Munster and American cheese, three slices of thick just slightly crisped pepper cured bacon, a large single leaf of crunchy romain, a hearty slice of fresh red tomato, and just a bit of sweet purple onion, all served on a glistening perfectly toned bagel. But seriously what the hell is a Cheesy Blaster, wait no I don't care. I want it! Also... So what category of D-lander do I fall into?
from bliss-sad :
Oh my god!!!!!! The beginning of your entry made me laugh out loud until there were tears in my eyes! Have I told you how much I love your diary?
from trapeze-act :
Wow, sounds like you know how to throw a party.
from trapeze-act :
No problem, I always see your name on the recent public entries list and read a few entries of yours and thought I'd give you an add. (:
from journalmine :
I know! I love DJO. You should check out their YouTube channel, especially if you like Star Trek - The Next Generation. And get ready to laugh!
from journalmine :
Don't let them in a room together, then. 2012 may come early. ;-) Everything's just been hell lately.
from bliss-sad :
Couch Surfers ( is this super amazing website that lets you connect with people internationally. You can sign up to host travelers, or look for different places to stay while you're out and about! The best part is that it's all free (there's a small, one time fee in order to become a verified member)! They also have large gatherings and meetings to connect local members with one another. Check it out! You won't be disappointed! Sending love!
from portlypete :
Alcohol (I assume) and roller-skates doesn't sound like a great combination. Shame I read about the party too late to suggest Blondie.
from sassymcgee :
Well the good news is that her style IS quite simple: She only wears the one dress. Ever. Couldn't be any simpler to copy her look.
from sassymcgee :
the funny thing is I was thinking Quatro myself...The coolest people will know who she is. The others? Who cares. Oh and I disagree with YOU ma'm. Pencil skirts are overkill on the boot-ay...I really don't want to look like Jessica Rabbit if I can help it.
from kabukicharms :
There is always Suzi Quatro? Though she was probably alot less glam and alot more rock chic
from journalmine :
Sure, that'd be cool. Ooo, nice layout. Nice and clean. I like it! :-)
from portlypete :
.. and no map of countries that don't use FPTP. I realise you'll be anxious to know which they are!
from kabukicharms :
Shiny super short shorts totally aren't part of the derby experience any more. And while i'm at it neither are headbands and dayglow! But I totally dropped out of derby, I couldn't hack it, I'm a terrible skater and I was spending to much time just trying to stay upright. Tall men shouldn't strap wheels to their feet.
from sadistiksoul :
ehm, well... you see, I started using olive oil cooking spray to make it less frizzy, and I think perhaps it changed the blonde a little. But i'm not complaining, because my hair is super shiny... and thank you =[]
from portlypete :
You know what, I knew that! I'm getting there without the theory, but with the aid of YouTube. Thanks for the offer though. ps You need to buy a shotgun soon to keep those men away from your girls.They take after someone .?.?.?
from normaltoilet :
HeeHee! I have a black cat named Treacle, except I couldn't quite remember how to spell it when I named her and so it's Treakle. And she's even about the same age as your Treacle. ;)
from normaltoilet :
Thanks for checking out my entry! Looking forward to reading some of yours!
from raven72d :
Loved the photos.
from sassymcgee :
Yeah exactly!!! LOL!! It only took me about forty years to figure that out...stupid family. LOL!!!
from sassymcgee :
Oh and I think they invite me primarily for the money I stuff into a card. It MIGHT be because they don't want to insult their brother(my dad)...Nah. It's the money and/or gift.
from sassymcgee :
Well I went because usually when I go to family functions, my family talks more and we DO have a modicum of fun. Plus it's family and my dad wants us there. So we go. But this time it was was as boring as the cousin is personality-wise. I'm done trying to be a part of their lives. I have family that like me so I'll just stick with them and not the delusional, mean ones.
from still-losing :
Yes. She apparently decided to send them to their father in AL until the end of July. She may have also given temporary custody of her other two kids to her parents. No one really knows. However, she is on my fb and says NOTHING about the twins. Acts like they dont exist. *sigh* Some people. Cant win for losing, I guess. Thanks for thinking of us. :o)
from sassymcgee :
HA! My bad...I forgot to mention that on the news an Applebee's restaurant in Detroit gave a woman an alcoholic beverage for her baby instead of apple juice and the mom HAD NO IDEA. And that wasn't the first time a kid was served liquor at an Applebee's.
from sassymcgee :
I know I'm not reeeaaaly a blob...I'm just sick of working so stinking HARD for everything. Now that I'm rested today and the weather is great I feel better today. It's just so stinking frustrating to be me sometimes. I wonder sometimes what it's like to not have to worry about money ALL THE TIME. It must be sooooo awesome lol.
from omfggwtf :
haha! i have used that shit before. it made me feel really funny after taking it.. drowsy and like my head was going to fall off. but i think it did the trick for a while. i may have to purchase some more!
from acornotravez :
Yes! It was *the* Peter Murphy of Bauhaus. I never got into Bauhaus back in the day, although all my friends did. I was more into Depeche Mode, the Cure, Siouxie, and REM. I got into Peter Murphy in the early 90's, I'd say! It was a great concert. Someone from the crowd gave him a dozen white roses, and he handed them out one by one to different audience members, saving one for himself.
from strawberrri :
thanks very much for your sage advice! x
from sassymcgee :
Thanks! Oh and me and the doc are over. He was literally rotting my teeth he was soooo sweet lol.
from fifidellabon :
Yes, tuned the same. It has a 17 inch neck, or close to that, so that it is approximately halfway between the mandolin and the bazouki. XOFifi
from melodymetuka :
Okay Sherlock. I am both impressed and flattered that you went to all that work. ;-)
from fifidellabon :
Oh, yes, the Grands deffo jump in a lot. Biba is a bit young for the boys yet. 5 or 6 years though...I think that I'll be fine, just keeping doing what I am, maybe more, but not less! I actually think that it will tend to work out for the best. You give good advice!!! Thank you! XOFifi
from blujeans-uk :
Thank you! :-D
from sassymcgee :
It's really ridiculous! I mean our lives have been reduced to a status...You know the crazy part? I have tried for the past THREE days to get together with my friends and NONE of them can manage an hour. So much for trying the face-to-face interactions. Maybe they're just telling me something lol.
from kabukicharms :
You don�t even have to roll smokes into your sleeve; you could like roll a compact in there. It�s just for the look anyway. I like the idea of the Impala; it�s just here in the south it has very "cholo" connotations. The Impala is the car of choice for turning into a low rider...with the Virgin Mary airbrushed on the hood.
from kabukicharms :
If your going the raybans free in the wind direction you should do it in like a 64 Lincoln. Convertible, top down, half a pack of smokes, old route 66. That's the way.
from kabukicharms :
You should camp the american way. In an RV with all the amenities of home! Also I would love to grab a random 11 year old and teach them to knit! As soon as someone teaches me though.
from omfggwtf :
thank you!! x
from whystinger :
You know, when I thought I was going to divorce, I had sort of planned a trip, a fantasy trip. I would travel up to Virginia to go take photos with a cyber pal, then up to Staten Island to have dinner with another cyber pal, then I was to head to Belize to lay on the beach and drink... as a healing balm. Then I played with the idea of fixing up that old Brit bike, my BSA and figured that I would travel to the UK to find some spare parts. Of course that led me to thinking "Hmmm, I wonder if Stepfie and L would like to meet for dinner or some drinks..." Maybe I should at least travel to the UK for spare parts... Oh and you ARE welcome to Garage night.
from joistmonkey :
I'm in deepest darkest Devon, alas - practicalities of popping to Hants way for a plethora of pints... prohibitive :-(
from omfggwtf :
haha! i like your way of thinking. yeah i was going to ring them back tomorrow, because i sent the woman an email after panicking about whether or not i should annoy her.. an email seemed less er.. pestering. but sod it, i'm going to throw myself at them tomorrow, I WANT IT! thanks for the courage ;) x
from whystinger :
Ah, another thing we have in common Sister, the beach and walking on it. For some reason, the beach is soooo theraputic! Start walking and feel better, partly due to the calming motion of the ocean. Yours is due to the island nation thing. Mine is because I have lived near the shore and it now calls to me (as the sea calls to you and L) Cheers mate! May the sun never set on your back.
from joistmonkey :
Oddly, I can't use your comments box when using my shitty phone. I just wanted to concur about the coast - despite living in mostly midlands locations this past fifteen years, I was brought up ten miles from the north east coast, hence feel the pull to NEED to see the sea every three or four months. It's always high priority when I have some time off and/or in visit my folks oop north.
from omfggwtf :
haha! ooooooh thank you for the tip ;) x
from kabukicharms :
I don't think I have ever heard anyone say "bugger" here in the states. "Fuck" is the expletive of choice for the most part. But "fuck" has too many uses. It also has to do alot with the region, down here in deep south Texas we have a habit of saying "Balls" or O' balls".
from newschick :
hurrah! i always miss ya when you're gone! ;)
from whystinger :
Congrats on the job!!! Loved the pharting vid. Made me smile. Who said the Brits were dry, stern and had no sense of humor (shit, I've known that wasn't true as long as I've read you). I may email if I get some time, as I love the way you put pics and videos in your diary. I may want to learn how...
from stoner-girl :
haha yep Stewart Lee, I'm always forgetting about him until I finally see him advertised somewhere along with other Comedy dvds. The second series of his Comedy Circus should be on BBC soon, so keep your eyes out for it :) xx
from omfggwtf :
strange!! ha! but thank you ^_^ x
from omfggwtf :
HAHA. i like that song! i had to play it once at school, that was scary. and yeah i suppose! i will be laughing at it all one day, i'm sure! x
from pink-sapfire :
hehe point taken :) I said English as I have always wished I acctually had one. I remember my middle school days back when Spice Girls were a big comodity and I would amuse my friends by talking like them. I cannot do it as well anymore though, guess you heard that lol Good day govna' xj
from kabukicharms :
She actually has a ton of friends. But I think she's being totally sly and just trying to maximize gift potential. That or hook up her single friends. Either way there promises to be Mexican food and booze so it cant be a total loss.
from pink-sapfire :
Thanks so much! He came back Saturday, but he said he is only staying until our school money comes in then he'll be off & about with the horses. He has his excercise license now, so he can work for just about anyone horse-wise. That's why he left for that week, he only had a limited of time to get his riding license. Xj
from stoner-girl :
thanks for the note :) To be honest I haven't watched much of Mark Lamarr's Buzzcocks, so I couldn't say, but there's something about Simon Amstell that reminds me of myself. When I get a little too catty or snide and can't seem to stop myself. I've only watched one stand up of his and that's the new one Do Nothing and although I didn't laugh a lot I was moved at how painfully honest he was about himself. Yeah I found Frankie Boyle a fun addition to Mock the Week as he was funny but when I watched the stand up I realised it was because he was in small doses. A full length DVD gets too much for me, his outrageousness feels forced after a while. Heh I know exactly what you mean about Lee Mack, he has got that old-fashioned thing about him and I too find him funny, although I couldn't explain to anyone else exactly why. Btw realised massive oversight on my part and that you weren't on my list of diary people. I will rectify that immediately! xx
from julymalaise :
I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!! I JUST HAVE TO!!! This is a one in a lifetime thing!!
from omfggwtf :
i don't know of anyone! and oh god, that'd be the day. i never even go there 'cos his parents are so strict.. they're really old fashioned and i can't even stay the night :( how mean!
from sadistiksoul :
yes, yes. I'm the envy of the town. I'm working on a patent for the Christmas Husband Tree. =[]
from bliss-sad :
Ooh, my up one's own vomit is a fabulously cruel punishment. Great idea, but I'm glad my parents never made me do it!!! Missed you and glad you're back to feeling human!! Much love in the new year!
from omfggwtf :
yeah.. age is just a number, or so they say! it is scary though. the time goes by so fast! and yeah i don't think i'll be doing any growing up.. i'll still be like this way into my life.. probably not such a good thing! xx
from tater-fay :
Aw, how I missed reading your hilarious entries! I've decided I want to give Diaryland another try (because writing on paper is fun, but let's face it, who doesn't like an audience sometimes?) and I read your last entry...(nice lights, by the way...not too over-the-top, but not lame either)..cracking me up as usual! xoxo
from omfggwtf :
from julymalaise :
I know, I know I'm such a big chicken, okay, I'll THINK about asking him, and I have plenty of time to think as well, since it is the holiday. Yeah, you are def. right. I guess it won't be bad if he doesn't say yes....
from kabukicharms :
Lightweight!? I'll challenge anyone from across the pond to a contest of hard drinking. Just not beer. I get really full on beer than cant drink anymore.
from u-saved-me :
I think sippin' whiskey under that billboard and watching all the horrified looks we get would be FANTASTIC!! I might have to get that made into a tshirt hehehehe ohh the people at work are going to hate me and my black little heart hah
from pink-sapfire :
Aw thanks so much :) I like it too Our old apartment was all about TAN we weren't able to change anything about it like we were here. The bf still can't get over the brightness of the bathroom so I decided to the kitchen the way I did since the bathroom is so feminine Merry Christmas to you as well my dear Xj
from acornotravez :
The armpit of Texas: Houston. (I had kitties when I was a little girl, too. Me and my sisters would put doll dresses on them. So terrible!)
from omfggwtf :
haha ;) my sister is a sarah too, but not in a THREATENING way haaaha. yeah teeth dreams are strange, i think i've only had about three in my time. mm breakfast is needed x
from omfggwtf :
HAHAHAHA. oh my god i think that's the best thing i've ever heard haaahahaha. that's amazing. i'll have to try that one day, but not the second part, hmmm..
from omfggwtf :
yeah............ well about that.. i can TRY i suppose. well actually i guess i'd better try even more aha. can't be doing this every couple of months ugh! but i like drinking and all the fun that comes from it so much :( oh sigh! xx
from omfggwtf :
i took a test, and it's okay :D THANK GOD! however there's still the missing period to worry about but oh well. I AM NOT UP THE DUFF! i'll probably do the second one at some point just to be sure ahah. thank you for worrying! xo
from blujeans-uk :
Just fear of the unknown I think... But you never know til you try it, right? I think I've been tryin to think about it in too cold or objective a way, and it never makes sense that way, but I don't think you really can dissect the reasoning for something like that because it's such an emotive and personal thing. So yeah. My plan is to just stop and see what happens. By the way, did you ever go to an Eddie Izzard gig at wembley? I was watching a documentary on saturday night and could have sworn I spotted the top right quarter of your face!
from u-saved-me :
oh god I know!! and its not like he's never lived with a kid.. he did for a year... but apparently aliens abducted him and made off with those memories.... ps, your christmas lights look lovely!
from kabukicharms :
You know it actually wasn�t that bad. I�m pretty sure all they did was add peppermint extract to Bare Knuckle Stout which is the house beer. And no, full on beer reek was still firmly set in the clothes and breathes of those around. I however mainly stuck to the eggnog, I�m not a beer drinker for the most part. And actual alcoholic eggnog is a total novelty for me. You last entry was freaking hilarious by the way. Reminds me of a conversation I had with an ex about her not shaving her legs.
from kabukicharms :
Why thank you! And wouldn't you know it, I'm familiar with the Karma Fairy. Strange man, very flamboyant.
from ottodixless :
I'm always happy to enlighten people on obscure and pointless music trivia. Post-rock was a completely made up genre about 10 years ago with lots of epic guitars and ten-minute long songs with no words and frequently no tunes (and all very faceless and mysterious). Ugly Scottish legends Mogwai is probably the best known post-rock band (see also Tortoise, Labradford, Telstar Ponies). They were called post-rock because they weren't really rock but they still had guitars and weren't anything else. The Kings of Leon are post-post-post-post-post-rock, or shit.
from julymalaise :
I know, I know, But I'm scared!
from pink-sapfire :
You are very welcome. happy holidays xj
from pink-sapfire :
nice diary, I'll be adding you if that is okay with you
from raven72d :
from u-saved-me :
I dont think its his ears... he has eight teeth, and he's working on four more (all molars!) so I'm thinking its his teeth, he's not pulling on his ears much.. only when he gets tired (which is usual, er, usual-ish, he's not a year old yet, so is he old enough for 'usual' habits?) These are the things they should teach in a parenting course... I swear, these kids will be the death of me.. i'll be hit by a truck because I will be worrying about their habits..
from raven72d :
love the photos.
from ub40 :
Yay you......Thanks a million for your note.....It was great to hear from you. Back here in the freezing South! Will this damn snow EVER go? Hope all is well in your world. One day I will catch up with what you've been up to, as you entertain me stacks. Take care Mrs
from fifidellabon :
A freak? Mais non! I usually end up getting my Advent calendars from Denmark. But---we have a city nearby in PA which just happens to be named Bethlehem, SO, at the bookstore there, there are many lovely ones. Just give me the word for next Christmas and I'll send you one as well! XOFiFi
from omfggwtf :
ahahaha. oh no, i'll always hear those words in my head when that song comes on now, goddamn you!
from acornotravez :
PM! Ha ha ha, hilarious!!! =D
from omfggwtf :
hahahaha she sounds as stubborn as me.. it is SOO cold out though, i am going to give in and get one.. you mothers are always right.. sigh! xo
from u-saved-me :
I'll def look for a comb like that, I just have the cheapo plastic ones that are good for about 1.5 heads before they fill with fuzz and you have to sit there and pick the fuzz out.. BUT the various shampoos and conditioners and things have made me broke so it will have to wait until after the 2nd. And yes, if I ever see the neighbours come out of their house again I will slide over and ask them about the angle of that damn light. I haven't seen them for a couple weeks.. not sure what happened over there.. maybe they go to Florida once there's snow in the weather forecast. I might be moving my bed to the back half of this room anyways, so it's not the first thing you see when you come up the stairs.. a work in progress... I'll prolly never be satisfied haha
from omfggwtf :
haha you love strongbow and black ;) i certainly don't. it was either that, or vodka. so i thought that 'cos vodka makes me really ill the next day.. but i ended up being really ill anyway GAAH! hope you feel better about whatever was happening! xo
from u-saved-me :
Im stocked up with various headlice remedies and keepaway shampoos conditioners etcetc. Im prepared for the rest of my natural life against these things.. now if I could just get my skin to stop crawling ugh. THE FORT, is amazing. I did a pretty good job, its been pulled down once, but I think Juli learned her lesson and won't frick with the stringy ropes holding it up. Hopefully. I don't really want to be re-stringing it every damn day. I expect to find her sleeping in it some morning soon.
from u-saved-me :
the new car is amaaaazing... its incredible. I can actually DRIVE without being worried that something is going to go !CRASHBANG! I drove around for an hour today when my daughter was being cranky. She fell asleep and I just kept on driiiiiving. Apparently this car gets excellent mileage. Or the gage is broken...
from whystinger :
I have to tell you, I had to write Prostate several times today and I was laughing, because of you chewing me out for spelling it prostrate made me remember how to spell it correctly. Generally I spell well. Happy Thanksgiving
from omfggwtf :
hahaha. ohh i know, but it still gets me down, bloody people! and you want to add me on there? oh goodness, hmm how would i give my address AND be sneaky about it?
from whystinger :
Great question actually. In the Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prairie books, they make candy out of maple syrup, which is made from the sap of sugar maple trees. Very similar process - boil the sap down to a syrup to concentrate the sugar. The syrup we made came from pressing sugar cane and boiling the juice down.
from dinahsoar :
Okay ...I'll add "such a git" (even though I don't know what that means ... it IS a compliment, right?).
from omfggwtf :
hahaha you make me giggle! nah they wouldn't :|.. i don't get it. i know you're not really meant to question the football thing but.. arghh! pfffffffffffft.
from omfggwtf :
HAHAHA. it's horrible!! i do my best to make distractions but it's football. nothing comes between them and their FUCKING FOOTBALL! sometimes it's quite laughable, especially if arsenal lost in a match ;) bwahahaha.
from omfggwtf :
i dread saturdays when it's time for match of the sodding day :(
from sassymcgee :
Ha!!!! I stand corrected. I had no idea lol. I was COMPLETELY enthralled in the movie so much that I didn't even comment at ALL during it. It was a miracle of epic
from dinahsoar :
Fell into your diary (after all, Shirley MacClaine promised that there are no accidents) and don't want to fall back out! What a romp!
from u-saved-me :
wet wipes! those would bea good thing to stock up on, always come in handy when one of the kidlets cover you (or themselves) in snot and other grossness.. haven't had to use it for the shit-fan incident, despite receiving notice from my lawyer that papers have been served.. Im bracing for the worst. You know, like people boarding up their windows before the hurricane...
from portlypete :
I had fairly high hopes that you might come up with a suggestion. A whole penis, yes - but just a huge foreskin? You couldn't even practise your harmonica technique on that! I know strawberrrrrri is adept with pink foam rubber, (?) so perhaps she could help the guy out. Great halloween costume BTW.
from sassymcgee :
Now THAT'S my kind of Halloween costume contest. Except the whiskey would be changed to Captain Morgan. lol
from omfggwtf :
haahahaha! i am no good with films like that actually, dead girls with white dresses and crawling around.. anything like that makes me too scared to sleep at night :(.. shaun of the dead is such a good film! i think i know it word for word.. how sad. i've probably seen it about 50 times, oh dear. x
from blujeans-uk :
How did that apostrophe sneak into 'front'?
from blujeans-uk :
Don't worry, it didn't sound that rude. I think any big corporation has its skeletons (nestle being responsible for the deaths of many babies in developing countries for example... I tried boycotting them for a bit but what is it going to achieve?) At least gap have the (red) thing now and there's a lot more awareness. I just thought their fron't line customer service was great. I know the post was a bit superficial but there hasn't been that much going on in my life recently except eat work sleep work sleep, which doesn't make for great reading...
from strawberrri :
thaks, fucidi may be a idea. i spent 6 months on antibiotics and they worked at the time, but taking antibiotics long term isn't the best idea! and i don't want to go down the accutane route particularly... x
from bliss-sad :
So! I had a similar idea and decided to put as many shiney, sparkly, glittery things together and go as "Happy"! You could also try going as a color (or as a rainbow). If nothing else works, sew a bunch of socks to an old shirt and pair of sweats and go as "Static Cling". =)
from whystinger :
You come to Savannah and I will treat you to the restaurant. Even if you bring L...
from omfggwtf :
i'm sorry!!!
from u-saved-me :
absolutely, you could get all slaphappy with her and I think she would just stare at you with a 'Huh?' look on her face. haha. don't worry about the archives, just jump right in. Feel free to ask any questions, I sometimes forget that people other than myself read this stuff. cheers.
from u-saved-me :
heya, send to me at lock420athotmaildotcom and I'll give ya a key. Can't be too sneaky on the internets. :) cheers!
from omfggwtf :
oooh, mine's working fine! sometimes it gives that stupid "we'll be back shortly" bollocks where you just refresh the page twice and it VOILA it works again.. but yeah mine is working fine aha x
from omfggwtf :
HAHAHAHA. i watched it and i agree with you! it wasn't all that. the squirrel and jay's dog made me sad :( that poor pooch oh my god! it just wasn't that funny. last weeks episode was the best in this series so far i reckon, it was just so ridiculous ahaha. i really thought the producers would screw it up and make it really boring but i still laugh like a maniac to it.. which is annoying 'cos everyone loves it and OVERDOES it all with the quotes. pfffffft. baaaah. xo.
from icameron :
Thanks for the link to the studio - it looks very impressive. I couldn't find any mp3s on the site but I found a commercial site with the album which played the first 10-15 secs of some tracks. So I got a small clue what the music is like. I see LS studied at Leeds, uses non-standard tunings and also writes about theory. Some of my details are here: Between about age 18 & 22 I was in the right place at the right time. I used to supplement my grant with sessions for the BBC. Since then I have played a lot of jazz and latterly got into electronic music. I am working with a Belgian gtr and lute wizard called Gilbert Isbin. We had a big burst of creativity in 2003 and trying now to repeat that. I use LastFM to publish the stuff Crudely speaking we are in 'The Wire' zone of musical life Regards IC
from icameron :
Thanks very much for leaving a message. I was surprised to learn that you are married to a musician but also interested in reading about others. You must have heard lots and lots of other peoples' music and opinions on it in your time. Am I right in thinking that the Black Dog is also known as the Black Eyed Dog? He is no friend of mine. Are you on Linkedin? You seem to be in the same line of business as many of the people on there. I am giving Linkedin a shot just now as I think I may need to work the network before long. At first I thought you must be from the USA, given it s easier to make money from music there. But delving deeper I see you live near the South Coast. I'm in West London. I'll keep an eye on your diary Regards IC
from omfggwtf :
yeaaah i guess so! i know a lot of people are going through the same thing but it's just soo annoying. it is absolute bollocks. but yeah i guess something will come up eventually. i just hope i haven't gone completely insane by then aha. and i hope your sister finds something too xo.
from bliss-sad :
Those pictures are SOOO BEAUTIFUL! Sending you monsterous amounts of positive energy in hopes that you cheer up!!! Also saying prayers L's father!
from strawberrri :
Thanks for the kind words of advice! He rang me on Tues but I haven't heard from again so God knows if he still wants to go out. If I don't hear from him during the week, well, NO MORE CHANCES. If we do go out then I hope my lovebite from last night will have faded - ha ha ha! x
from marzipanmind :
Glad you enjoyed the link! Actually a colleague at work and I decided that the sheepish shrug and 'whatchagonnado?' must be his catch-phrase and that he really ought to star in an '80s sitcom called 'Tell it to Truuvert'. Every time there's a bit of bad news, Mr Truuvert finds out but he never gets mad; he just shrugs his famous shrug and says 'Eh. Whatchagonnado?' and the audience laughs uproariously. The opening and closing credit sequences would feature still shots of 'typical Truuvert' and the lyrics would all be about happy memories and 'making it through', or whatever '80s sitcom theme song lyrics are usually about. I'd watch that.
from sassymcgee :
Treacle is more than welcome to co-star in my reenactment. I think it kicks butt that she can recite such kick-ass movies. As for the newscaster, she was just as nice as when I knew her in college but she had that serious "adult" vibe. Quite a few of them had that vibe and I felt a tad uncomfortable with them. Must be something to do with having money because it seems some of them had sticks up their asses. My friends I truly wanted to see though were AWESOME and I'm glad we could hang.
from shot-of-tea :
Heeey there, just to inform you that I'm temporarily locked up, username: shots password: andtea
from sadistiksoul :
I know! Husband looks just like Pegg. I want to own Hot Fuzz, so I can watch him run around like a crazy all day. As for the IUD aborted half-fetus, it's really not all that bad, except for the mental trauma. But I'm more or less over it.
from svenhard :
i just renegotiated my life insurance and it might just cover most of the mortgage, although if i get cancer (or similar) the critical illness will kick in and pay it off, a right shitty way to clear a loan though
from omfggwtf :
hahahah i sound like an idiot though! and hmm, not good. basically 'cos i'm picky and i'm limiting myself to sort of admin, data entry type stuff. there's quite a few jobs i've applied for but heard nothing back. so i guess i should try somewhere not so local. i have no idea! xo.
from whystinger :
Lots and lots of beer cans can be good, because we can take them to the scrap metal place and get money for them... money that can be used to buy more beer... I believe that recycling is good. Here, in each town, city and such, the recycling rules are different. In the next county, for instance, they don't separate recyclables. It is supposed to make it easier for residents to recycle. For me, I think they just tote it all to the dump... A county the other direction insists you separate and I like their recycling program and I use it... because in my county, there is no organized recycling...
from sassymcgee :
Actually we DO have eagles, hawks and turkey buzzards. It's like frickin' animal kingdom here. I wouldn't be surprised if even some of the gigantic bugs I've seen this summer could eat a small kitty...
from omfggwtf :
i need a huge slap!!!!!!!!! i take everything to heart ahahahaha. if someone says something to me that sounds slightly offensive, i take it to heart too much. i'm so extremely drunk right now, ughhhh. but i got out tonight, and i think i needed to get out. i'll be alright ;) but i do need a slap regardless, i go on and on about the silliest things but THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE. i dunno what i'd do without your notes xo.
from omfggwtf :
mmm i don't think i would go hah. i might, i dunno. if i get any worse. i thought i'd be alright. well i am but -shrug- yeah i might haha. xo.
from omfggwtf :
I DIDN'T SEE THE OTHER COMMENT! oh that's so nice of you hahahaha! my ego will go through the roof now. thank you very much! ;) xo.
from omfggwtf :
haaha yeah i know he's a bit mean sometimes, but it IS mostly always my own doing. i just can't control my mouth and what i say. if only i could avoid it! but yeah i'll try and stop haha. and of course! i'm getting abit weird about some strange stalker type person i don't want viewing my stuff.. so i might have to lock it! xo.
from svenhard :
why thankyou, the thought of strangers linking with me unbidden sounds a bit fruity. Maybe i ought to return the favour and link with you, i'll be gentle
from fifidellabon :
Nordic swimming. Oh, that is code for "jumping- into-a-freezing-cold-lake-starkers-and-splashing about-madly". I suppose that it does qualify as swimming, but none of us actually ever put our heads underneath the water. Brilliant fun, though! I've always been rahther partial to it... XOFifi
from ub40 :
Bruges trip looks/sounds like loads of fun - thanks for sharing the piccies. Missed reading your entries, but now the newish gaff has finally got the internet, I should be more up to date with other people's lives
from sassymcgee :
Ha! I just don't need certain people to know it's me writing this, not that you're a nutter lol. I'll write you because now I almost HAVE to try them.
from sassymcgee :
If I gave you my real name, I would have to quiet you to keep my secret. Then all the Diarylanders will hunt me down and force me to read bad poetry and eat gross stuff like mustard for taking you away. And all because I wanted to try some Jelly Tots.
from whystinger :
Hello Mum! Thanks for the scolding about my spelling. You have to admit, that I usually spell pretty well... Maybe it was a Freudian slip, having to figuratively prostrate myself in the marriage for so long... LOL. Check it out, I went and (hopefully) corrected my errors! Hugs.
from fifidellabon :
Oh, your soaps are exactly what Biba and I hope to work up to. Oh, and I can not do the rolling up thing either. Our teacher said to do them in bed and the mattress will help us. I wonder if I shall ever graduate to the floor?! XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
but he's a slack musician! with no bloody band 'cos he's too lazy to get one together again. what a waste of a talent, pffffffffffffft.
from sassymcgee :
Good to see that you had fun on your drinking trip...Hoegaarden...delish. It was good for you to have something to do on your picnic since Sloth is your middle name. Oh, and I couldn't get Jelly Tots online. It just gave me a bunch of info ABOUT them. So I was denied. lol
from omfggwtf :
haaha, yeah well my mum is being nice about it all.. we decided not to tell my dad, 'cos i know he'd get all over emotional and not let it go, so the sooner it's over the quicker we can just get on with it i guess ha, xo.
from omfggwtf :
hello! i've been wondering where you disappeared off to! a lot has been going on! which i'm sure you'll see in time hahaha, ohhhhh. the joys of life. ah well, :( hope you're well x
from veganese :
aw thankyou, i agree!my face is starting to hurt cos im smiling so much haha!its all change here, but really good change and i love it!:) xx
from omfggwtf :
what do i do :(!! where do i go, how do i approach it? i'm preparing myself for the worst. it's really scary and i don't want to be alone.. i know it's so so wrong and it's all my fault if it's true but i can't, i can't do it because i'd be ruined, it'd be awful. i wouldn't know where to go and how to expect people to react haaa, ohhhhhhhh. selgjkkljg i'm sorry!!! but thank you for being there! it's nice to know i'm not completely on my own xxx
from wombaby :
Oooh goody!!! :D
from veganese :
haha, yeah when i read that entry today, i laughed like a hyena!sometimes i amuse myself, i really do!met i aprents, haha, its funny, i try to type with one eye closed when im drunk, but maybe that makes it worse!xx
from veganese :
ahhh indeed! :) my smile has not left my face all day!!!xx
from omfggwtf :
haaha! thank you for the concern :). however it seems to have just stopped for now! the pain hasn't been here since yesterday now. i hope it doesn't come back either.. and yeaah the pregnancy thing is a worry. i've had to do about 5 in the last year 'cos i always get so scared about it haha.. i'll probably have to do that soon i guess.. sigh! x
from strawberrri :
haha, well i shall continue writing about it should a second date be on the cards (which i very, very much hope there is) and then at some point i should probably mention my impending trip to amsterdam with *that tim* from my house party. yep, life has become interesting... x
from wombaby :
I *am* impressed. Also, where does one go to buy a clothes airer these days?
from strawberrri :
thanks muchly for the vote of confidence :) x
from omfggwtf :
aw thank you! yeah i had mine from when i did waitressing in some hotel.. it was actually hell. but i was doing my college course then.. so now i've finished i'm not sure on how to lay it out and how to write about the grades i got, but i'm sure it'll be easy enough hahaha. thank you! x
from omfggwtf :
hahaha yeah it's probably best no one saw.. i went a little doolally.. cough. swearing and all the like. well anyway, i read it! it sounds oddly familiar :| i thought it was flattering at first but then it got creepy 'cos everyone was also telling me about the kelly clone. and well yeah, i argued with the girl about it.. but still.. i'd had enough and then she said "get over yourself you paranoid freak! i'd never try and be you, no one would and i never have or would have the intention of it, love." i was like :( how mean. and she's such a little liar.. ohh i'm like a child 80% of the time hahaha. grrrrr. girls.
from nikkifoofoo :
My dearest Stepfie, you're welcome to pilfer anything that I have previously pilfered and use it to your advantage in any way you see fit. Pilfered is a funny word.
from svenhard :
wow thanks, i don't think i've ever been called entertaining by someone i've not slept with, i'll take those kudos and buy a big celebratory ice cream ! cheers miss
from veganese :
haha, yeah, i decided itd probably be best to go somewhere that doesnt involve alcohol, in case i turn into a mad woman!aw you are sweet, and you make me want to eat some garlic for my lunch :) xx
from veganese :
yeah, im glad i rainchecked too, hes a really nice guy, but i thought oh my god, if i go and burst into random tears hell think im a weirdo and never want to see me again haha!today is a good day, though, i have had no tears and a few (genuine!) smiles! :)x
from wombaby :
Password sent btw - let me know if it doesn't get through.
from wombaby :
I like your version too!
from jarofporter :
brrrrravo! *claps madly*
from omfggwtf :
haaa, nah it's alright now! well i think so. another day, another drama in this little old life with kelly.. i just dunno what i've done this time. i'm murdering my boyfriend 'cos i keep him up all night and not in the good way aha, oops.
from veganese :
aw thankyou so much!i feel so brave and strong and so much happier!i cant believe i had the guts to do it, but now its done, i know its for the best, and things will be better!it will be weird getting used to being a single lady, if i kiss someone ill feel like im cheating haha!but thankyou for your nice words :) xx
from omfggwtf :
hahahaha. it is rather cringy! i get this from my dad, we'll sit in the conversatory yelling and "dancing" if you can call it that. it's rather comical! x
from omfggwtf :
hahaha! thanks ;) i think they looked pretty snazzy back in the day! and hahaha grease is good! i wish i could find that damn film i want to watch it again x
from sassymcgee :
BWAHAHA!!! Wow. What in the hell did you just write to me!? I can't stop stomach is starting to spasm. Are Jelly Tots gummy? hard? Give me the scoopy-doop.
from omfggwtf :
HAHAH! ohhh you actually make me laugh so much. well that is comforting news! i think i'm just having one of them silly crisis's.. oh i dunno. but still.. i guess i shall still be naughty when i'm older. and yeah hopefully i'll have a nice big house to do it all in! i didn't think of it like that ;) cheers for the secret hahaha xo.
from bliss-sad :
Much hopes to a fixed mojo!! You're always so fun to read!
from fifidellabon :
I vote for the delicate looking chocolate gateau! XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
hahaha! oh nooo! is it really that bad?! :P well he's NOT REALLY in a band right now. he's a slacker and goes from band to band, but he's not doing anything right now. goddammit. i want a boy in a band :( x
from omfggwtf :
HAHAHA! oh god! i remember that. can you really?! that's quite hilarious ahaha ahh. x
from omfggwtf :
thankyou! THANK YOU so much for all that advice and time you took to help me out :) i really appreciate it, you're lovely :) xx
from veganese :
hey!thanks for taking the time to read me, and for your the pictures, especially the whisky ice lolly haha!sorry to hear about your friend, and thankyou-i hope all works out ok too :) x
from omfggwtf :
nothing has come through! i have my actual email address on my profile now, hmmmmm. where is the email! :(
from omfggwtf :
oh okay, that's fine then, i know what it'll go to ;). bleugh. have not slept more than 3 hours since about 11am, sunday. i am off to curl up and die. x
from omfggwtf :
would that work? or do i need to give my real email haha
from omfggwtf :
i want help :(. i just don't understand why he'd talk to random girls online and get them on webcam when he has me? who he claims to absolutely adore, and love my body and stuff. grrgejkl;gwae. OH WELL. stupid boy. i reckon it'll be alright eventually, i mean it's not like he's actually going out there and doing anything.. oh gawd i hope not anyway, ha. i dunno. 90% of the time though, i'm certain he's too good to lose. no one treats me as well as he does. just a few little issues here and there, such joy. oh well. well thanks for the note anyway haha, i am a babbling, overreacting drama queen. i get set off by the slightest thing. sigh! xo.
from strawberrri :
agh, i left the below message before reading your entry. i'm sorry about the loss of your friend. may the good memories live on xx
from strawberrri :
i didn't even think about the dangerousness of the scaffolding, especially as there's another flat below ours so it's a long drop! his gf the rainbow trout got cross with him and told him to stop being a dick and she ended up getting the silent treatment. bloody boys. update on tim, he text me saying 'i'm sorry for taking advantage of you when we were both drunk - not cool.' (last time i checked i was an adult and could engage in whatever behaviour i liked with the opposite sex.) definitely a one-off i think :( x
from fifidellabon :
I simply can't count the number of times that I've wished that I had an Eyebrow of Doom! XOFifi
from omfggwtf :
ha. i think i'm okay. i don't know yet. i'll find out in a few hours i guess. if all is not well and good then i don't know what i'll do with myself :/. x
from julymalaise :
You are welcome. It looks like a lovely place down there, in that quarry. Thanks for wishing me luck on the job thing!!! Lol! Hope you have a great day.
from omfggwtf :
HAHAHA! oh god. er no, ahah, we was watching the exorcist, and i got bored so i was taking pictures whilst the boy was yelling "the power of christ compells you!" along with the film.. strange.
from julymalaise :
What lovely pictures!!! I totally love them, Stepfordtart!!! The birds are so gorgeous and beautiful and whomever took those pictures, is such a great photographer, I mean, it's so wonderful!! Also, the quarry and the countryside were breathtaking!!!
from dulligirl :
Feel free to wander in my archives!
from julymalaise :
It's been a long time since I have been on here and I totally forgot to reply to your note that you left me about my journal!! I am so sorry!!! I feel so bad ="(. Thank you for the nice review and it wasn't a terrible one, honest. And I'm glad it makes you smile, that makes me feel so special!
from sadistiksoul :
He knows everything I've written since I've met him. We have catch-up days where he asks if I've written anything. I think, sometimes, he's afraid that he's stifling my writing. He doesn't really have a handle on the internet, and reads very slowly, so I just read to him. It doesn't help that sometimes I use obscure English words.
from sassymcgee :
Well remember that I live in small town Ohio...The houses are WAY cheaper here than Cleveland, Columbus, etc..
from whystinger :
Hmmm, you update maybe less than I do... As for L and you, there does seem to be some dietary problems with him and definite burn out with you. For L, get him to munch on some bananas, as he may have a potassium deficiency, because I get that when I drink a lot of ale and don't eat properly. Keep up the supplements. You, need to do the Mommy thing for the summer and you will be revitalized. After all, cuddling kids is really pretty important when you think of it (seriously) Oh and updating more would help... Thanks for the Bubble and Squeak, I had once been told ( wrongly I might add) that it was "a porridge made of green split peas cooked till they were mush. The name comes from the bubbling and squeaking of the porridge cooking as it thickens." I looked in one of my trusty old cookbooks and the author makes his pretty much like you do, except he makes one big patty. I think I like your better. Watch out for cat boners!
from strawberrri :
the artists we get are so talented! they're not allowed to draw anything at all in court as it's banned - they have to make notes and do it from memory. that court was one of the new courts though. the old ones are best visually. court 1's witness box even has a roof from when the courtrooms were outdoors due to so much disease! xx
from sadistiksoul :
Because I've been missing my gay community in Moscow, ID, I've been posting some homo-friendly propaganda on my tumblr. blog-- and linked it to my dreaded facebook. These two girls [i wanted to call them ladies, but they were not acting very ladylike] got into a bitchfest in the comments section...Neither would concede and it turned into personal attacks. I was appalled, to say the least, that the one, M, would take it so fucking personally, and that the other, T, would stoop to M's level with the bitchy commentary. It was an all out cat-fight, and M is still being rash about it. Apparently, I'm not allowed to be straight and love my gay family, too. and apparently, because I didn't automatically "defend the south" i'm a cunt? It didn't occur to me that M would be so offended by my oversight of the jab. I've been persecuted by people close to me for my tolerance, and I was simply----fuck it doesn't even matter. I'm just irate that they went and blew it up into such a huge deal. Cuz it shouldn't be.
from bliss-sad :
Yikes! Your plumbing incident sounded like a complete disaster! Fingers crossed for something at the school, but take some time off, and enjoy the naps!
from sadistiksoul :
aw, thank you. it's naturally curly...which becomes a bit of a trial, after 22 years.
from bliss-sad :
Your words of encouragment mean the world to me! I hope you are aware of what a beautiful persron you are! I hope life is better sans job!
from soapboxdiner :
"eeek out a fart and self-righteously deny it." HAHAHA!!! OH, my God, you make me shoot milk out my nose! That's hilarious!
from blujeans-uk :
Post-nupital depression? :-D
from sadistiksoul :
it is me husband! and i think simon pegg is adorable.
from sadistiksoul :
I am sincerely glad someone besides myself saw the humour in that *ahem* post. <3
from whystinger :
We should have made jam. I usually freeze the strawberries, but had to go out of town, so we just ate them... till we are sick of them. She wants to go get more.
from sassymcgee :
Hmmm. I've been having probs seeing my new posts--It takes a day for ME to bring them up. I will contact someone and get on this! Oh and my newest ones talk about creme sticks, and ill-fitting skirts. Hope you'll be able to read them soon!
from soapboxdiner :
"baglady" -- You're funny! But don't you know? You'll always be coiffed in couture to me, dahling.
from ub40 :
Love your resignation letter - to submit those words to the upper echelon would be pure joy.....Thanks a million for the advise on my grass situation.....The interweb was making it all far too technical!
from strawberrri :
yeah the click refresh thing is weird! but i think my buddylist is alright and no one had actually updated in a day :) i do worry about diaryland breaking completely and losing everything - this is my diary's NINTH year. i was legally a child when i started it! xx
from blujeans-uk :
It came with the photographer... For him to get used to the way we are in front of the camera and us to the way he works, and also because part of the deal was a print in a wide mount for people to sign at the reception instead of a guest book. I think it's a bit of a Yank import tbh - a lot of them seem to have 'engagement shoots' but it's not as widespread here yet. But we got some lovely pics from it!
from whystinger :
Ah, you are right, that was sort of a trashy update... sorry, maybe I should delete that part of it. LOL
from blujeans-uk :
Re: your mushroom tart, is it good cold too or is it better to eat it while still hot? May give it a go later provided himself doesn't veto...
from julymalaise :
Cool video, stepfordtart! Thanks for telling me about it, I loved it! And the truffles looked deelish!!! Yuuum!! I should try it out one day!
from whystinger :
Nice! Now I can hear your voice. I've been with a therapist for two years now and wish Honi would to on her own! It would help her quite a bit.
from jarofporter :
oh yes there is - bendy is so much fun! *waggles eyebrows*
from blujeans-uk :
Lol! You should have your own channel, Cook with Stepfie or something!
from bliss-sad :
Things have gotten a lot better, thank you! Though, I credit the shift in my mood to your truffle recipe! I tried it with Kaluah (I didn't spell that right at all, did I?) and chopped chocolate covered coffee beans! They turned out excellant, I hope the "cooking mama" strikes again.
from whystinger :
No, you supposedly go blind when you masturbate, if your palms don't turn blue or grow hair... but she expects that I will never see a woman in my view after marriage.
from wombaby :
I have sent it - hopefully it arrives!
from portlypete :
"Heeled" of course. Foolish boy for rushing to post without proof-reading. But then, I'm sure they can all well afford private health care, so ...
from whystinger :
Ah, you make some young stud's evening... Look at that hot Mum! thousands of sweaty teen boys... Nice!
from julymalaise :
My dad had been smoking after since he was fifteen! And it just stopped in like 2008, with help whatsoever! He went cold turkey. So you are extremely right, if you can quit, I'm sure L can. And I wish him good luck on that. And I hope you accomplished your weight loss goal, I know you can do it. Plus, thanks for the advice about Martin, oh I can't wait to see to say "Hi." Dumb as it seems, I like seeing him around, but lately I haven't seen him. SO I'm waiting anxiously.
from whystinger :
I almost forgot to tell you about Billdo. Bill is an old friend, from highschool days. We did build some cars together and he fixes collision damaged cars and trucks for a living, so you can say he builds autos... but I nicknamed him Billdo after he went through a stage where he was fascinated with the concept of dildos and anal sex.
from sassymcgee :
That clip you sent me unfortunately wasn't available. What was it about? Knowing you, it was something
from englishsucks :
you are absolutely gorgeous!!! ♥
from whystinger :
My Mom and Dad are like that - pointing out hotties to each other. She used to tell me "I would be frightened if your Dad stopped looking at women..." but Honi is "offended and hurt" by it. I think my Sis is okay with it, but being the protective little sister. Her and Honi have had a few fights and Sis would kick her ass I think... And yeah, I spotted another plump ass in tight jeans tonight;)
from whystinger :
In all seriousness, I think the sad thing is that she most likely won't use them unless I use them for her... She just doesn't wank.
from whystinger :
I thought of taking some of my silk neckties and tying her to the bedposts and using the toys on her... but I am not sure she would enjoy that... Of course, there is that fantasy of tying her to the bed and just leaving and visiting a pub or something...
from buggerthat :
An excellent recipe idea. I had bought cream as it happens - for a lemon cheese-cake recipe guaranteed to clag arteries of sewer-wide proportions. Power to the people, by the way re Superdrugged. It pays to complain, although I'm still learning to do it in a nice way (you'll be surprised to hear).
from julymalaise :
Lol thanks! Same to you.
from nikkifoofoo :
Hey Stepfie! I have no idea when you left that comment because the notification never came through to my email. Figures. But yes! You're welcome to add me to your listity thingy. I've forgotten how D'land works so I'm in the process of relearning everything myself.
from strawberrri :
yo stepfie! i made sushi for the first time yesterday and it didn't go too badly! the rice and sushi vinegar is a doddle to make. the first few rolls were a disaster as i was over-filling with rice and whatnot, but i got the hang of it pretty quickly (pic coming soon!). rolling the sushi is quite easy with the mat...think if i can do it then a 14 year old definitely could :D xx
from wombaby :
I'm glad it's not just me! In the end I rang my Mum, told her what my dilemma was and asked her what I should do.
from blighty :
Ha! The reason we are putting ourself through the joyous thrill that is the 11+ is because three years ago when Ben went through this most excellent process, he was given his 5th choice of school! And it goes without saying that anybody's 5th choice is the school that nobody else wants. Apparently our house isn't in anybody's catchment. So we have opted for sending Ben to snooty private school (so much for nice holidays) and quite possibly Sam and Nicole as well (so much for food and clothes). The grammar schools are a great option but the closest one is 45 minutes by train from us. Pretty much a nightmare either way. Actually, the Superdrug notwithstanding, Eastleigh sounds pretty fantastic...
from portlypete :
Thanks for the notes. I'm having ultra-sound soon. I just hope It's not twins!
from blujeans-uk :
The Waldorf looks amazing! Ours was quite contemporary. I miss it so much! Thinking about saving up so I can go again sometime, but to have it all expenses paid was the best! And M is amazing... We had our marriage prep class last night and the priest didn't ask us to come for another one, so we either did something right or something very wrong...
from badbadzoot :
ha! It should be gold-plated for that much. Its Pentasa, a pretty popular drug for Crohn's, but it sucks! Cuz I got sick on it the last time I took it! The dr. I seen didn't know what else to put me on cuz technically he is a surgeon that specializes in the digestive tract, not a true fart dr. so he wasn't 100% sure what other new meds might be out there. I see a fart dr. in december. but I'm tired of waiting. I'm just tired. period!!! xoxo
from stepfordtart :
Thats cool - whatever you need. s x
from jarofporter :
thanks - i'm going to start off with my book, and if i still feel like i need more input, i'll send you my post addy, ok? *waves*
from jarofporter :
I don't suppose you'd have a transcript of that particular section, would you? :-) I could really use something to read on the topic... Btw, thanks for all of your input, it's appreciated!
from julymalaise :
Hey! Wow, I am very surprised we didn't have an assembly for Vets. day, we always do! I think we were supposed to have one, but they cancelled it for some reason. Aw.. poor Jooj! I'm the same as her, I get sensitive about everyting..hahha. Yes, I am going to the doctors, cybermum! I can't wait~
from whystinger :
I am a big fan of lube... She, I think was embarrassed by it, but gets better and better with it. We've found that she likes the KY warming one. When I moved out, I had two different types, one warming and one tingly (from Durex). I liked the Durex one a lot. I want to see what the Doctor has recommended - those may be even better.
from strawberrri :
haha i did actually make a comment along the lines of 'it's like going out with twins!' before reassuring him i find him much more attractive :) he doesn't have a complex though - people also tell him he looks like duncan from blue and, when be-spectacled, sue perkins worryingly x
from julymalaise :
Love the picture, miss stepfordtart! Lol, L did looked like he had Farrah Fawcett hair there, it looks to pretty! And you remind me of Pink, you know the singer! You look just like her! She's awesome. Consider that as a complement!
from portlypete :
You and Harry must indeed have been seperated at birth. Compare and contrast Spooky.
from strawberrri :
he makes me so happy (sexually especially!). your advice is extremely thoughtful, i think i'll post a card to sam's mum and say i have the pics (they used such a bad one of her in the press. she was an "interestingly" pale, dark wavy-haired, big brown eyed happy girl) and ask if she'd like them x
from strawberrri :
thanks...some real shit happens in the world. she will be remembered fondly - one of the funniest people i ever knew xx
from whystinger :
That is a good question and I shall answer it, as I have been thinking of that myself and trying to decide. Writing aboutit will help, so feel free to nudge me and get me writing about it. I've got to hit the rack now.
from jarofporter :
HA!! doner kebabs - i love those! had them in germany. man, i miss those...
from for-tart :
What sort of fabulousness have you gotten yourself into lately?
from whystinger :
Sorry. Nova plate is lox and bagels, except Nova Salmon is less salty than the Lox... Your question "Do you actually still find your wife desirable?" What are you asking? Since I came home or with her weight up? Initially I was not attracted to her and I am still having difficulty in that area. I am still attracted to her, but I think I don't want to give a lot in that area, fearing it all will sour again. Funny you would ask, that has been on my mind lately.
from strawberrri :
ahaha! we had some nakedness this evening but i had to come home as i had no stuff with me and could not turn up to work tomorrow in the miniskirt i wore this evening :) prob staying over on tuesday... eee i am so excited! x
from whystinger :
Oh, I would just love to see the electric blue hair! Hell, you've seen my halloween pics, so send them over.
from jarofporter :
no, but i'm terribly picky!!
from julymalaise :
It's Government and Law, lol.
from barefootruby :
yeah, my solicitor said pretty much the same. Basically I can say that although I don't agree with what she says, I won't defend it. There is an option of counter-claiming that she is the unreasonable one, but that just means spending more money and, as you say, the only ones to benefit are the lawyers.
from julymalaise :
No, I do not think they had the movie here, althought I would love to see one day! Hahahha!
from portlypete :
A pint was definitely what I needed that day. I went for sandwiches and felt a severe magnetic attraction to every pub I passed.
from lonelywife :
hello, my dear friend. so much to tell you... things are quite shitty here right now. would love to chat sometime. hope things are well on your end. ~lonely
from blujeans-uk :
With your insider knowledge, do you think it's possible to get gerberas or hibiscus in April? I had a dream where I had a bright pink and yellow bouquet and it's kind of stuck...
from whystinger :
God, I hope it isn't swine flu...
from julymalaise :
Yes, I can view the clips very well, hahaha!
from julymalaise :
Happy birthday, if it was your birthday you were talking about! Yeah, I can relate to how you feel when you are watching a clip of a show. It's like show the whole thing man, what the hell? This is why I click on it on the first place, to see the whole show, not the half-ass one. It's so stupid.
from wombaby :
LOL you're not borderline obese, I don't think. I took roughly the middle of your various weights and you came out in the normal range anyway. And you're absolutely right, if you have a lot of muscle your BMI will be higher. Telling someone who's 10 stone and 5'7 that they're obese is ridiculous! I know that without converting it to numbers I understand. And, um, October if it still hurts.
from wombaby :
So I could calculate your BMI, of course :) And I know, it's just a Pavlovian response, when someone mentions weight, I get the calculator out. Hope the actual event is ok.
from strawberrri :
haha, of course, it's not as if the two men need to *know* about ech other. i'm not ruling out further internet dating either. it's like being in a sweet shop and having a little bit of everything! x
from julymalaise :
Yeah, ghost are naturally pale, so I don't why I said that in my entry! Lol! Yeah, I will get some comments on my diary, so it will save some time for people, I will get it soon, right now I am dealing with school stuff, hahaha.
from julymalaise :
Yeah, you are really right, it sucks a lot. Yeah, I actually remember that and that you gotten yourself a new job. Hopefully, he finds something quick! Thanks for the lovely note, as always. Lol.
from strawberrri :
a month in hospital, good grief! what was wrong with you, flesh-eating virus, scurvy or something equally as entertaining?! a crappy sinus infection pales in comparison really. i started feeling better after literally a day but was good and finished all my antibiotics x
from blujeans-uk :
Buenos Dias Stepfie, what's the html code for the strikethrough text? Hope your back is feeling a bit better x
from portlypete :
I really want a job like that, where you do the work once and then wait for the wonga to plop through the letter box. OK, I know it's not that easy, but all strength to the MU. (p.s. Hope the back is better).
from blujeans-uk :
Re the pics. If it was up to me that's probably what we'd do, but my godmother is giving the photos to us for our wedding present (tried to talk her out of it but no good) so we've been looking for a good value one who does good pics, since we're having pics we want nice ones but don't want to rip her off. Think we've found a decent one now though. Also re the back, is it midline or to one side, does it go down your leg, if so how far, have you had any problems with your sphincter control or any numbness in the, ahem, saddle area? Tell portlypete we're not all 'bastards' please!
from portlypete :
OK. I didn't mean to send it twice, but the message bears repeating!!!
from portlypete :
You need to get that back sorted. I have some kind of (nearly) first hand experience of this. Don't take "no" for an answer. Get second, third and forth opinions. If that doesn't work, get into double figures. Demand an MRI scan. Bully those bastards - I suspect you're up to the job - and get it sorted. Someone I know was inches away from being paralysed from the neck down, and the NHS consultant wanted to send her back to work FFS! I have no wish to scare you, but whatever you do, don't imagine for one second that the doctor knows best. And why should you go through agonies so that others can have a few weeks in the sun? Think about You for once.
from portlypete :
You need to get that back sorted. I have some kind of (nearly) first hand experience of this. Don't take "no" for an answer. Get second, third and forth opinions. If that doesn't work, get into double figures. Demand an MRI scan. Bully those bastards - I suspect you're up to the job - and get it sorted. Someone I know was inches away from being paralysed from the neck down, and the NHS consultant wanted to send her back to work FFS! I have no wish to scare you, but whatever you do, don't imagine for one second that the doctor knows best. And why should you go through agonies so that others can have a few weeks in the sun? Think about You for once.
from julymalaise :
Yay! You updated! Hooray! Miss ya, you seem to be busy, hope everything is well now. Wow, that sounds cool that you met your cyberfriends in London, it's always good to meet new people, it's fun!!!
from julymalaise :
stepfordtart, I miss you! UPDATE! LOL!
from whystinger :
Time for an update?
from blujeans-uk :
Fiends and family? Heeheehee, sounds about right!
from julymalaise :
But I always thought that you were a gold member, did you just not have the gold membership anymore? Because I swear, at one time, you did have your name bold, I knew. And also, caker had his name bold too.
from strawberrri :
of course i will wave - it'll break up the tedium of the several hour journey! :) x
from julymalaise :
Hahhah, well I bought the book, but I still had some money left to buy some fun stuff!! Thanks for note, lolz!
from strawberrri :
thanks for the lovely note. my bro went to visit my grandad last summer, said he (grandad) spent an hour asking him about his work and then at the end of the conversation piped up with 'so, do you have a job then?' eek. still, i get to go on a field trip with work to a murder scene in the isle of dogs on friday so it's not all doom and gloom!! x
from whystinger :
Well hello back at you. Barbarella, eh?... so, getting a camera shoved up your arse... it is close to that time for me again. Completely understand about the wee thing in multi story car barns... ewwwww that smell.
from julymalaise :
I know. And they said that this was the best movie out of the whole Harry Potters, really. But I thought it was okay, but they missed a lot of things that were quite obvious and other stuff like the ending, which me and my parents didn't like. Yeah, my parents never read the book either, but they saw some of the Harry Potters like 1-5, well that was my mom. I think my dad watched the 1,2,3 and 5. But they didn't know the plotline about Harry Potter, but they easily could find out what was going on, which was cool. Though my mom had a lot of questions about it, which I didn't really mind answering. Yeah, I wouldn't say this movie is the best out of the Potters series.
from tater-fay :
just saying "hey!" I'm trying to re-read back through some of your entries..haven't been on in awhile! Ps..Happy Belated Anniversary!!
from julymalaise :
Hey stepfordtart! You tell him! That lazy, tiler! Yeah, that is what I'm talking about! Tilers, eww, they're a handful, hahahha. Guess what? I watched Harry Potter and it was great! What scene made you jump, the one with ring? That made me jump, it was wierd, hah. I liked the movie, like you said a lot of stuff missing, and it was lots of laughs, but the ending, I don't know, me and my family weren't too crazy about it. The ending was like "Oh... is that it?" They should of kept the part when it is Dumbledore's funeral!
from lonelywife :
thanks for your message. i will fill you in soon of all the details. :) i hope you are doing well. i miss "talking" to you. will post soon. take care, dear friend. xo
from julymalaise :
Awesome! I'm glad you got to see it. Wow, and it sounds like you guys had a great time. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing it this sunday and I'm too anxious. Yeah, I heard they left out some things and yes, I've read the book, it was really one of my favorite out of the rest, but the movie from the HP that I really like is the "Chamber of Secrets." I love that movie out of the series! And I can deal with you not telling me the part that made you guys jump, although I am wondering what it is... Hahhaha.
from blujeans-uk :
lol, I've had the date in my diary for MONTHS! Make her even more jealous - I was one of the first at my school to read the first book, waaaaay back when I was twelve! I'd forgotten my library card that day so I hid it behind an encyclopaedia til the day after, and read it about three times before I had to give it back :-)
from julymalaise :
Wait, you seen Harry Potter this Sunday? Awesome! I didn't seen it yet, I'm seeing it NEXT SUNDAY!! Yay! I can't hardly wait.
from strawberrri :
oh it was just a hungover rushed jobbie...but better than nothing i suppose :) x
from julymalaise :
Yes, I will post the picture up with the flowers once I can, hahaha. Yes, I have your "Cast." and about Shagnasty and that MiniMe. Hahaha, go L! Wow, I'm so sorry about Paki, and you're right, that was a young age to die. But I gots to say, I read about the poop thing and I was like "Woah." Lol, was that his job? Hahaha, that must of been something that he had to drive home naked. But I hope all is well and that Paki will rest in peace. Luv ya!
from whystinger :
Just think, the damn bug was crawling around the hotel room for one whole night, under the headboard of the bed. I was pretty pissed that I missed at it 6 times. I was happy to see it the second night and squashed the piss out of the bastard.
from julymalaise :
Hey stepfordtart, hahaha. Thanks for saying happy birthday to me, I really appreciated it. Wow, that car looks tons of fun and it is from 1899? Wow, I once saw how a fire engine looked back in like 1899 and it was so puny, but cute at the same time. Is Shagnasty your ex-husband? I figure he was. And who is Paki? Just wondering, and I'm so sorry about his loss, and I wish you and Shagnasty are going through it well. L sounds like a wonderful person! I bet he is!
from portlypete :
QUOTE "SEVENTEEN DAYS!! Seventeen days since I last updated!" You're in danger of shattering your own record! Is everyone enjoying the (sporadic) sun too much to update? I know, I know I'm the worst sinner of all, but then my life sucks like a Dyson. :-(
from blujeans-uk :
Well, nobody died so it probably wasn't big enough to get into the national news! We only had it on Northwest tonight up here.
from blujeans-uk :
Definitely a big metallic crane. Big, metallic, heavy and red. Here is the BBC story, if you're interested:
from julymalaise :
I would love to pay for my ticket, but unfortunately I have no money on me...
from julymalaise :
My birthday is when it comes out and my mother said she will take me and I said okay, because we always see Harry Potter around my birthday, but since it comes out on my birthday, my mom thought it'll be cool to take me on it, since it's my birthday and I loove Harry Potter! well, my dad does not want to go because of Hershey Park and blah. So it is two feuding sides about one topic, lol.
from goodluckgold :
Hahahah stepfordtart, I love you! I'm glad you don't hate me, and yes, I guess it is good to change people's names, well only the people you hate.... lol, so you're right so they won't find you! Haha.
from julymalaise :
Hey hun, add me if you like, I wish the Altantic wasn't separating us!
from jonathan :
Hi! I too will be preparing packed lunches & shoving them out the door to school and walking the dog & putting out the rubbish & watering the veg patch! I enjoy clicking through your eclectic read :)
from ub40 :
The pooonami story caused me to laugh out loud, as for the dinasours.....they could be hiding. Worth waiting 17 whole days for these tales
from jarofporter :
sorry it's been so long - email failed to show again. i'll be sending you an email at this d-land addy for you, from my personal account, and will put "message from jarofporter" in the subject line - keep a weather eye open!
from goodluckgold :
Yeah, I know. Me and Jooj should talk. Twilight is very exciting and exhilrating. Wow, you got a new job! So it is no more slaveboy? Oh, I enjoyed your stories of him. My mother just recently got a new job, she says it's loads of fun.
from blujeans-uk :
The only reservation I have is that it's a bit smaller than the hotel function room. That said, I don't know how many people won't make it because of travelling... And if they put tables in will I fit between them in my frock, and is there space for a 'top' table... (Do we need one? I think my Dad wants one) I think I need to talk to them again but without the beer this time...
from portlypete :
From the little I've learn't about you, there's no reason to beat yourself up over what kind of person you are. I've worked for big and small companies. Big corporations (as you know to your cost) try to expunge individuality. Boooring! I never regretted (well only occasionally) moving to a small place. You just don't hear lines like, "quick, hide everything sharp - she's trying to kill me!" in big business. Every day was a riot. And skinny-dipping is the best. Bye.
from teenmommie :
<3 Thanks for being around for me(:
from whystinger :
BTW, loved the UK slang site, may have told you that before... BTW, you may have been right about that guess. I thought it was just she doesn't like me to rest my hand on her belly roll...
from goodluckgold :
I will update, but I'm too lazy too.
from randomrabbit :
It was harder than it looked actually, but I quite like Xenophobe Xsara - better than mine anyway. Though I think I may have gone to school with her - fat lass with a skin head and jackboots.
from strawberrri :
my health seems to have returned thank god. where is an otter's favourite place in the universe? otter space. ahahaha. or not x
from whystinger :
Love the slang dictionary! Excuse me while I go crimp one off...
from strawberrri :
happy birthday L! also, got in this evening and had my package from you...YAY! they fit perfectly and i love them. thanks so, so much! xx
from blujeans-uk :
Ah, it was about my lovely mum, and the person responsible for her relapse into anxiety/social phobia after she'd made such good progress overcoming it the first time. Very cross.
from jarofporter :
hey, that email never came through, even in junkmail... care to try again? i'd appreciate it!
from onlyemma :
Haha! It's only because it was a belated gift! Otherwise (and you can tell by my uncontrollable night eating) it would definitely have been devowered by now. I don't deserve your praise!! x
from ub40 :
Happy anniversary....A whole year. Pleased as a pleased person about the job too....Congratulations. Start planning that holiday, you certainly deserve it.
from whystinger :
She is probably just vain and was primping for herself... because she is recently married... but who knows?
from goodluckgold :
Wow, stepfordtart, your friends are creative. You know what I love about those puppets? I love how Mr. T is just randomly there, hahaha. I so totally dig it!
from marzipanmind :
Heh, glad I'm not alone on the shite cutesy emails opinion. Why do so many otherwise-intelligent women forward them on?! Oh and regarding older people who can't use computers, I have - rather embarrassingly - quite the opposite problem in my field (publishing). The older editors are VERY familiar with computer software and have taught me, Little Ms Gen Y, quite a bit! PS Really liked your Es Ee Ecks minimum-age rule of thumb. I'll have to bear that one in mind for when I eventually unleash Marzipan Spawn upon the world.
from strawberrri :
the songs on it aren't the problem - it's mainly indie stuff, which is what i like anyway. however, he gave the cd a title which is so cringeworthy that i have only shown my housemate and i can't believe i'm actually writing it out on the internet: "Music To Walk Canals By". aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh. xx ps. your package should be redelivered on saturday now...looking forward to it!
from jarofporter :
all of the above, as far as new reads go - anyone interesting! *waves*
from life-my-way :
Here a CSA, there a CSA.... I've been meaning to write and say that our CSA is Community Supported Agriculture. Yours is, I suppose, Child Support Agency? I learned yesterday that it can, sadly, also be Child Sexual Abuse. Maybe there are even Clever Slithering Animals or Clearly Sleazy Attorneys...who's to say? More CSA veggies come tomorrow--skweeee.
from blighty :
Ps I tried to drop in on life-my-way, seeing as how I am really 'murcan, but she is locked. Don't suppose you know her well enough to ask her to drop me a line...just how does this work anyway?
from blighty :
Well little did I know that the purchase of the trampoline was going to snowball on me. Ben has helpfully produced a plan of the garden - including such new and asofyet unpurchased items as a basketball hoop, skateboard ramp and bar, stowable tennis net, springback cricket stumps, football goal AND for the asofyet non-existent shed at the bottom of the garden, a stowable home gym, boxing punchbag and stand, and foldable indoor table tennis and pool/snooker table. So not a lot then. Give me strength and bring on the end of half-term. xx b
from strawberrri :
haha, well dating randoms can be quite exciting, though i'm probably rubbish at it too. i get quite nervous beforehand (meeting the teacher bloke in 2 hours exactly. eek). a good test to work out if you fancy someone is to ask yourself the question 'can i picture myself giving him a blowjob?' if the answer's no then it's not gonna work out :D btw i have a package waiting for me at the post office - i'll pop in and get in on tues...yay! x
from lonelywife :
my dearest stepfie, hello. i'm still waiting for the good news that you found a stellar job. it WILL happen. :) i'm actually in a 'situation' right now. wow. we definitely need to catch up. i'm hoping things will get better for me, but i'm tired of fighting. life is beating me.....'cause she's a bitch. i'll chat soon. promise. xo
from lonelywife :
my dearest stepfie, hello. i'm still waiting for the good news that you found a stellar job. it WILL happen. :) i'm actually in a 'situation' right now. wow. we definitely need to catch up. i'm hoping things will get better for me, but i'm tired of fighting. life is beating me.....'cause she's a bitch. i'll chat soon. promise. xo
from blujeans-uk :
Every five weeks? Bloody hell... Mind you the girl seemed surprised that I'd last been three and a bit months ago ("That's aaaages!"). I thought it was pretty good for someone who only usually goes once every year or two! But that's the problem with short hair as you probably know. It grows out so quickly and I've not figured out how to do it myself yet...
from manfromvenus :
Hey there! Thanks for asking... the interview went well and later that day I was offered the job. Awaiting formal notification and a start date, but: somebody wants me! How bizarre! Now, I only hope that the strange, disorganised people don't irritate you too much, and that you decide to offer them a probationary period as colleagues... fingers crossed for you!
from mrbilly :
I know what you mean re: trying not to drown. Everybody else is effortlessly swimming lengths like it's going out of fashion, and after each length of the pool, I'm left clutching onto the side of the pool gasping, waiting for my muscles to stop aching before I try to swim back! It's quite amusing. Especially today when a girl who couldn't have been older than 8 was swimming three lengths for every one I was doing!!
from life-my-way :
Here in the colonies (to avoid confusion?) we call our year 1 by a letter--K (kindergarten, I mean, what are we, German?). So John, too, has been in school a full 8 years as of today but will enter 8th grade in the fall (and turn 14 in December). We should, I believe, be appointed transatlantic education ambassadors by our respective countries--I'll write Obama at once, he's quite sensible, I'm sure he'll agree.
from life-my-way :
He is 13 and approaching 8th grade at warp speed. I'll pass on the congrats. Hello to your 13 year old from mine!
from fuck--that :
I just dove into your diary for some time and have to tell you that I think you are completely fabulous! I'd be flattered to think that I'm like you at all!
from mrbilly :
Thanks for the double-note. Coraline was actually okay, for a kid's film. If you liked Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride (two of my most favourite films), you'll like it. It's quite dark and has a kind of sinister undertone when you think about it, underneath all that Hollywood gloss. French and Saunders are in it and are ace!
from mrbilly :
Dudette - don't worry your pretty little head. Username is staying the same, but the page may go a little crazy whilst I move my old entries there... if it keeps saying I've updated when I haven't, just ignore it!! xx
from portlypete :
You lost me on that one so I had to google it. I must now squash this rumour most vehemently, but without seeming to protest too much. If you'd seen me you'd know: I am a lost cause.
from artgnome :
So true. I must say your lovely blond pixie hair cut helped to inspire me. :)
from blujeans-uk :
Lol! Yes, tis true, I am not a great mocking bird. Nor am I good at telling when someone is being sarcastic. I think that part of my brain is broken or something... Oh - also had the delights of foo-sliceage the other day. Well, more like holepunchage, but still not fun!
from whystinger :
I wasn't saying funky long middle toes were sexy... just that they were supposed to indicate extra testosterone, which means a higher sex drive. Other than the toes, her feet are pretty nice. The regular T on the other hand has great toes - like yours, properly arranged. I do hate nasty, funky nails.... ewwwwwww
from whystinger :
Yes, I am in a bad way... hornyier than a three peckered billy goat and I see opportunities EVERYWHERE! But the neighbor, well I have seen that for six months now... and get the same feelings each time.
from geekboy61 :
No passwords, unfortunately -- or perhaps fortunately. I'm now blogging exclusively on wordpress, at Come visit and leave a note! I need to remember to check out my D-land buddies more often; thanks for reminding me.
from ub40 :
Morning you. Still here, off there in the morning. Fantastic entry, some great photo's thanks a million for sharing.
from wilberteets :
Thanks for the nice note! No offense taken and I'll be sure to check out that family's website. Thanks for the info and the compliment.
from starkitten01 :
I think it's more the fact that she lied to both of us and figured we'd never find out, til the in-laws began pressuring her to do the ceremony that she hadn't, herself, been planning on doing. Then to tell us basically "deal with it and figure out who's going to do what" just moments before, and then we looked worse next to *one* god father.. that was just unforgivable in my eyes. I still have yet to figure out, also, where I fit in exactly seeing as how I am not religious, nor am I rich. So... Hmm. LOL! Anyway, glad to receive your note, love your journal! : )
from portlypete :
I was going to say I'd not seen that much hair since I unblocked the shower - then Tom turned up and took off his hat. I listened to all the samples on his site. Good stuff.
from strawberrri :
yes, i'll try anything once! to be fair, the salmon wasn't terrible, but the texture was a bit squidgy and strange (i sound like such a fussy ingrate). the lolly i tried had the most horrendous aftertang. i love lidl plain yogurt though - that with the strawberries is my favouritest breakfast :) your current entry rawked by the way! (sorry to hear about your job though :*( ) xx
from wombaby :
Love the photos, excellent entry!
from ub40 :
Hiya you, hope you are all right and redundancyville gives you some breathing space to work out where and when you are going. Note the diary is a tad quiet and as I'm off to NY this week, would really appreciate a bit of an update ...PLEASE...pretty please
from elliestuff :
Happy Mother's if..I know. Wishing lots of positive thoughts going your way for a great future.
from ub40 :
Hiya you....Hope you are all right. Given recent restructure here, I think of you frequently and hope you are still smiling and being philosophical. Don't feel 100% as bloods are a bit out of kilter and so treatment being reviewed...Bah! Bad timing....Still off to the Big old Apple and sod it!
from portlypete :
Don't be put off. Think of all the tax you'll be saving. See, there's always a bright side! As for playing with the kids, I've found there's only so much free time you can take before you want to start climbing the walls. Still, I'm confident you'll make it through.
from fuck--that :
I read your entry about losing your job and I thought, "Wow! That's who I want to be!" I love your attitude, and it sounds like it might be a blessing in disguise. I'm definitely crossing my fingers for you1 You're fantastic.
from blighty :
Would that be the Travelodge near the Harvester, with the pub you wait in? Hmmm. If so, could have probably bought you that beer on a number of occasions.
from blujeans-uk :
The ceremony will have to be in a catholic church so that narrows one bit down, and when we've got a date for the church we want we can think about reception places. It's a bit of a shame we don't have a garden cos a hog roast sounds like great fun!
from blighty :
We lurrve Paulton's. Have been going there for years now. Ben is nearly too cool for it, but takes some evil thrills taking me on the rides. We always stay in Eastleigh when we go (I think we've stayed in Eastleigh about 6 times now!) Small world.
from life-my-way :
Thanks for asking! It's life and pw onthesly. I, too, am impressed with the way you handled the difficulties at work--nicely done. Best, K
from ub40 :
OMG-You should be sooooo proud of how well you have managed all this-Really sorry to hear that you are going to be out of work.....BUT often things that happen become a blessing in disguise. Best wishes and take care girlie
from portlypete :
Welcome to the, not very select, world of the unemployed. I had the same feeling of elation as you when the ****s I worked for sold the company from under us. This feeling was only tempered by the thought of the squillions they were pocketing from the deal. I sincerely hope that this will be a heavily disguised blessing. From what I can judge, you're a very talented person who deserves a lot better than Twat inc. The galling part is that total incompetents like Dolores get to keep their well paid positions. Good luck with the job hunting.
from goodluckgold :
Ohmygoodness, Leonard is so cute!! And yeah, he does look like Zac, but Leonard is awesomerrrrrrrr. Yeah, I saw a pic of him when he is older, yeah he has bad hair. That's cool you acted in Shakespeare plays, was it fun? Sammy
from wombaby :
Thank you! That is what I'm telling myself. I did better than I expected to, so I'm pleased anyway.
from portlypete :
Thanks for that. Measuring is for wimps anyway. Still can't get over hearing my aunty's two-timing.
from portlypete :
I'm thinking of Cambozola cheese stuffed chicken wrapped in Parma ham, with Parmesan cream sauce; two puds - some kind of take on Eton mess and something chocolatey. Haven't decided on a starter - a fishy dishy maybe? All suggestions welcome.
from goodluckgold :
Sounds loads of fun helping out like that in a play. I would like to be in a play, one the Shakespeare's plays (Not Romeo and Juliet, it is too tragic for me.) Maybe like Much Ado About Nothing or something like that.
from goodluckgold :
Oh I always thought Lady Gaga was from the U.K. I love that joke, though. Anyways, oh! Now I get why Juliet married Romeo so early, but come on, couldn't they wait a little bit? Just at least like three days, but after all THEY are MADLY in love. Yeah, I will tell you if I am starting on Macbeth and Hamlet soon, I've been trying to look for my Shakespeare books I have in my house, they're in my basement somewhere. I have "Much Ado About Noting.", which is one of the comedies from Shakespeare and "Midsummer's Night Dream." which is also a comedy (?) Hahhha, I don't know. I gotta look for those two books, pronto. Love yas, Sammy
from stevedabear :
Nice entry! I've been in the same situation ! well, i dropped my dads watch in to my wee below me! For some reason or another he'd left it on the side and i decided to play with it (the watch that is) and i dropped it.... I had the grace to give it a good clean though. All the best
from strawberrri :
thanks...i felt like shit for two days but been feeling tons better every day henceforth. ah. now just need to get rid of the 'in a relationship with gaz' thingy on facebook and await the comments from people whose none of their fucking business it is :D x
from goodluckgold :
Hola stepfordtart, I enjoyed reading your entry and it was cool! Lol, you and you girls are doing a few spring-cleaning stuff in your houses? Awesome, same here. Jooj has a lot of stuff plastered on her walls, it's very awesome. Hahha, totally loved the Lady Gaga joke, is Lady Gaga from the UK? Sinzerely, Sammy
from shot-of-tea :
Haha! Our's is exactly like that, except much worse, and more drunk, and with a lot my hysterical laughter.
from goodluckgold :
Hey stepfordtart, Yeah, my goal is to read all four of them. Romeo and Juliet is very easy to read, yeh, I am reading the version where it translates those words. Like happy means "Lucky" there, so yeah. Thanks for telling me I am smart. Martin is pretty awesome, Terrance is a dumbass! I know you never like him! lol!!!
from blujeans-uk :
Twas inspired by Jamie but not his exact recipe (and I bought the stuff from Tesco...) Actually came out very well! I just buttered them, smothered them in custard and bunged it all in the oven. Bit cheaty but very tasty!
from elliestuff :
Hey...its so nice to hear from you..Oh you can print it off if you wish..I do have more of the story actually at this link I am slowly getting it over to my diaryland one .... well, it has been a bit slow as of late..I know, I've been working on a few other things & sometimes, the idea just has to haunt me write. Acutally, I have a few fiction blogs..a YA one who has a bit of "skins" influence as well..sort of someone from skins meets someone from hanna montana..actually, though, they are orginal characters, but if I could see them on the screen, well, Nick Hoult wouldn't be bad in the picture. & then I help out with some Hollyoaks fan fic..however, its slash fan fic, but these 2 are in the realm of pg-13. Hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend. A little chilly here in the mid-west. Rain on the way.
from geekboy61 :
Thanks for the Easter wishes -- the mood around here is definitely lighter thanks to the lowered bill. That was about half my unemployment for a week!
from strawberrri :
ah i don't mind really if people want to offer any sage words of wisdom. it's just a few people have been saying i should just bite the bullet and break up with him, 'why haven't you done it yet?' etc. anyhoo, my dad got me an easter egg which has another easter egg inside it and inside that three truffle eggs. YUM!!! happy easter! :) xx
from portlypete :
Ornithic retribution came this morning when I opened my curtains to find the windows had been well and truly strafed overnight.
from ub40 :
OMG! Texting a testy text- to the person you are moaning/bitching about...I blushed on your behalf, having done the exact same thing on one bitterly embarrasing occasion, which I had pushed to the deepest recess of my mind, until you wrote about it! How you wish you could recall that message....Hope Easter is relaxing
from for-tart :
Hey, Tart. What's shaking?
from geekboy61 :
I know you left me a note (thanks!), but, having seen you as one of Serenaville's favorite reads, I had to come check you out, as I have thought the world of her for, oh, about four years. I'm glad I did. Luuurve yer stuff and I'm adding you as a favorite so I don't miss one scintilla of breathtaking news.
from shot-of-tea :
It's conclusive that the 'veruca shoes' are a no then, party feet it must be. I often go barefoot when leaving clubs, but inside the actual place we are going it's a bit trampy and, I imagine, sticky on the floor. Of course I shouldn't wear nice shoes there anyway because someone is bound to spill something on my foot and I will throw a hissy fit of mammoth proportions. And thank you, I'm going to see if my stepdad can steal me a new memory stick but if not I might take you up on your offer and save myself some pennies :) As long as you don't send me filthy letters and photos once you have my address ;)
from vanoonoo :
thank you! I remember seeing the pic (I must have clicked on the link at the time) so I was looking through your recent posts trying to find the one with the pic instead of looking for the one with the link! They are so fab that I had to share them with a work colleague and couldnt remember the name of the company - but I think they have now got two new customers! Slightly more recent update yesterday ;) will try to be a good diaryland poster in days to come :D Vx
from whystinger :
Actually I do say "shag" in conversations. It sure sounds better saying "I'd sure like to shag Teresa" rather than saying "I'd sure like to (fuck, ball, bang) Teresa..." doesn't it? I guess it just sounds better sometimes... maybe I am channeling Austin! Anyway here, shag has a double meaning - you can shag (fuck) or shag (dance). Shagging (the dance) is "low country dancing to the likes of Jimmy Buffet. Plus, if some woman overhears you, you can lie and say "I was not being vulgar - I want to take her to Spanky's by the beach on Saturday night for the Shag dancing... LOL
from vanoonoo :
stepfiieeee! please help. I am fairly sure you posted something about some super fab suspender belts but now I can't find it! Was it you? Can you send me a link please please please? Vx
from strawberrri :
31 when i was 13? nooo waaay man! as for the having a brother called adam're not a sarah too are you? for some reason, and i've no idea what, i thought you were! x
from mrbilly :
Thanks X
from for-tart :
Great! Then we will see you next Spring. Let me know if you need the name of a local booking agent.
from for-tart :
You should get Lou's management to set him up with SXSW nest season. We have an empty bedroom.
from clumsiegirl :
Heyo. You've been a lifesaver recently! I've been reading your older posts as I'm all laid up with a stupid, stupid back pain thingy, and I love your writing. I also love reading posts, blogs and such by Brits, your slang is so much more fun and more clever than ours (nw us). Thanks!
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, I can't wait to see the pictures! Here is the lentil stew recipe: Also, Sarah would like your Yorkshire pudding recipe, if you don't mind. Love, Johnny
from ub40 :
Aww thanks....You are sooo right. Flossie is 16 going on 17 (hmmm a song is in there somewhere me thinks)...Just don't like her keeping secrets....BUT then she doesn't have to really does she? Hope all is well in your neck of the woods
from blujeans-uk :
Aha.. Thanks for the heads-up :-)
from ub40 :
There are one or two potential jobs, problem to consider is are you out of the frying pan into the fire?....How's your poorly back? Better I hope
from portlypete :
Peoople who would sympathise if you had a "sniffle" or some such, DO tend to find bad backs hilarious. I have a friend who is a bear of a man - he makes brick shit-houses look jerry-built. He can hit a golf ball further than anyone I know (usually in the wrong direction, although that's neither here nor there - in fact it's usually in the water: ha). Anyway, suffice to say he's a big, strong lad. He was in agony with his back one day. Asked how he had sustained such a painful injury, he said he'd done it bending to pick up a tissue. You had to see the funny side. Hope it's better soon.
from wombaby :
Co-Codamol + Voltarol = Wonderful! It's like floating in a fuzzy little cloud. I'm impressed by your ability to make sense; there are reasons why I haven't updated properly in a while and the list does include those two lovely drugs. Hope you feel better soon.
from blujeans-uk :
I'm sure they'll be better when I stretch them in a bit...
from whystinger :
I had better check my entry, because I will be driving, so the powdery epsom salt crystals will be in my car...
from whystinger :
I knew you hadn't forgotten. I figured you were busy, as I have been very busy too, trying to catch up (and doing it!). I know the fast food has salt, but the grease adds lots of calories, because the weight takes quite a while to come off. My theory - salt retains the water and by the time it comes off, the grease has added fat... :(
from mrbilly :
LOL! I wish! No I work for a bank in their risk control unit. As you can probably imagine, it's not pretty!
from shot-of-tea :
I think he definitely appeals to silly young things such as myself most, but there were all sorts of people to see him last night (though the men all looked as if they had been dragged along by wives and girlfriends). R dpesn't really like him either, though I think that is out of jealousy because he could never attract me by wearing leggings a la Brand.
from stevedabear :
You're quite right, I also shouldn't complain as i hardly find the time to make the effort myself these days. all the best
from goodluckgold :
Thanks stepfordtart, Lol, you saved the day! And I made peace with the person and they fogave me, thank god.
from strawberrri :
haha, can you imagine: "alright love, fancy going to the flicks when i'm out in three decades?"! x
from englishsucks :
thank you ♥ i dont blame you, my diary isn't too exciting and doesnt have a lot of positive entries there. my life is going downhill but im working on going uphill. thank you for the note, you just made me smile after long hours of crying and frustrating....anyway. im glad you unlocked your diary again. :)
from joistmonkey :
My job? Well, I do have a rather swanky job title - I am a 'Quality Officer' (actually, the head honcho where I work calls me a 'Quality Manager', which sounds equally funny). I work at a large laboratory which tests food, both chemistry/nutritional stuff (i.e. the calories and minerals n'that which is on the label) and microbiological stuff (both to prevent food poisoning and get better food safety, and also to help shelf life trials etc). I'm responsible for quality. Doing audits, validating methods, inspecting other sites, running practical competancy exams for the staff, general dogsbody stuff at times. Basically since the lab staff and lab managers priority is to get everything done as quickly as possible, I'm there to make sure it's also done to a high standard.
from teenmommie :
THAT'S BRILLIANT! hah! They always said i was influential in school! hehehe. Go on and get one! It's lovely. Especially well, if you're getting it more for yourself than anyone else. you can get it done in white ink if you want it slightly visible and not completely invisible. After all, the avid club-hoppers have pointed out how unlikely it is that I'd go clubbing. Or you could get your own uv light and stare at it in the bathroom. hahaha
from goodluckgold :
lol, hahhaha, I knew you weren't really interested in Terrance. To be honest, he just irritates him and Andy is the better man in the end, I mean at least he talks to me a LOT and he isn't afraid to talk to me around his friends. Lol.
from goodluckgold :
I guess it is!! Hehehe.
from for-tart :
As irritating as sand in a bikini bottom?
from teenmommie :
hehe nice question! well actually, it's done in UV ink. It's not one of those that I'm planning on letting everyone see. So right now (it's a couple of hours from it being a week old) the scabs have come off and it's completely invisible to the naked eye(:
from annanotbob :
Thanks - I know I'm being stupid and that it will pass. Are you free at all over half term? xxx
from whystinger :
(damn fixed pc) as you pointed out, I did not make her (M-I-L) cry...
from whystinger :
Thank you. That helps me, as the tears are a weakness. One sometimes tries to be a big bad mo fo and a womans tears can pierce his heart. As y
from blujeans-uk :
I'm not very good at hair. I used to keep it in a very utilitarian ponytail. Got my first proper hairdryer only this year. Went out and bought some mousse and this pasty stuff cos it's what the hairdresser used, so I'm hoping I'll get the hang of it soon...
from goodluckgold :
You're lucky, we didn't get off today, but when it snowed the other day, I did!!!!
from mrbilly :
Ha, no I'm not a brain surgeon or anything worthwhile... but because I missed Montag I had to go in otherwise I would probably need to go in over the weekend... urgh.
from tater-fay :
We were in London (only for a few days..that is all we could afford)..we spent a lot of time in Ireland..Mostly I was on "the continent"..
from blujeans-uk :
less/fewer, sat/sitting... I could go on and on. It's a pet peeve.
from whystinger :
Honi has the coffee filter that is cleanable. I have the old one. Around here, most all you can find is the white ones, which doesn't make much sense to me. Shit! Reminds me, I forgot to go get coffee today. I did get my data back and maybe my computer
from shot-of-tea :
I'm still cackling away at the spreadsheet comment, which is no good thing when I am supposed to revising for some mock exam, but ah well what can you do. I reckon I should come and work in your office in Slaveboy's place, and we can share our bitchings about Condom Cows and the like.
from strawberrri :
ta! bournemouth is lovely isn't it?! it only took us an hour and a half to get there from north london (gaz drives fast!) so not bad at all really. i would love to go back there when it's slightly more seaside-esque weather. and also eat a harry ramsden fish and chips on the beach, with lashings of salt and vinegar *drools* x
from ub40 :
We also have a new person who sends the exact same sort of e-mails as you mention....I was in sitches at such an exact description ....if only I could describe situations in that way. Made me howl with laughter...So thank you
from blujeans-uk :
Aldi and Lidl wines taste better than their price tag suggests... I lived off them during my student years. Only bought my first 'more than a fiver' bottle when I got my first grown up paycheque (ooh exciting!)
from goodluckgold :
Cadbury World seems fun! I went to Hershey Park last year for a school trip, it was fun and it's really cool!
from goodluckgold :
Oooh! Thanks for the website! I'll check it out. I never knew they had a amusement park.
from goodluckgold :
Is it really the best-selling brand of chocolate there? Hmm.... cool! And you have a point with thinking of chocolate when I look at him, hahahaha!
from goodluckgold :
Hey! I'm glad you're back! Yeah, Imma tell my parents about Kev, but lately he hasn't sended any new messages, which is a very good relief to me, hahahaha!
from blujeans-uk :
I think this is for infection control or something like that. So not only will it be stinky runny poop, it will be stinky runny highly contagious poop. Even better!
from strawberrri :
ooh is that definite about feb and march council tax? cos that would be great if it is - we're paid up for jan (jenn and i had a horrendous �180 each of bills this month) and i'm out in feb anyway, even if it is into a cardboard box on the street (i jest)! x
from goodluckgold :
from whystinger :
Hey, has someone tweaked your template? I forgot what other words of wit and wisdom I was gonna leave...
from annanotbob :
Oh how I miss you and your tales from the palace of many sins. I hope all is well with you and that you're not sinking into gloom and despondency at Twat Inc. Hugs xxx
from mrbilly :
Hi, it's outwalking. Diaryland won't e-mail me my password so I now have a new username (rolls eyes). Sorry. :/
from elliestuff :
Happy New Year..hopefully, I'll get to Kale's tale soon.
from goodluckgold :
Have a Happy New Year, stepfordtart, and lol! Don't worry, your computer will okay later! Hahahha, Sammy!!!!!!!
from ub40 :
Wonderful costume....Clever clogs!! Have a great Chrimbo
from goodluckgold :
Stepfordtart, hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
from goodluckgold :
That is so awesome!! Lol! I know so many people who have their birthdays in December, it's all so weird!
from blogreader :
I would love to see a picture of your tree at work. It sounds.. interesting!
from goodluckgold :
Hello stepfordtart, I am glad your youngest daughter had a great party!!!! That was cute with her Princess Leia harido!! When was her birthday? Yesterday? Just wondering because my dad's birthday was yesterday! He turned 41! Hooray! I also liked the cake, it looked Yum! My dad's cake was cool, it was a Carvel Ice Cream cake shaped as a snowman, but it was kinda plain, but he loooooooooves it,so yeah. Sam
from strawberrri :
age schmage! it's really not important. i know shit loads more now and am a much better person than when i was 17/18 (as my godawful archives will atest to). you're old enough to be my older sister :D x
from whystinger :
Yes, it was very cool to hang with the band. Since it was so long ago since we saw each other, I was the long lost brother, lots of hugging, hand shaking and such. It was truly good to spend time with Robo. We were neighbors and good friends when I lived there. We ate many a meal together. I didn't get her card, but did get her email address. I do remember that she wanted copies of the digital pics that I took of her and some of the band... so maybe that is all. She also lives 1,000 miles away and was visiting, so unless I get her before the 18th, I will run out of luck. I did email her some pics and she thanked me and said "keep in touch" but who knows... The one band was a bit in awe of my friends, after all, they were there in the beginning of Punk and especially Horror Punk. They wanted to get some things signed, but didn't want to be uncool... so they creamed their jeans when I called my friend over to sign some stuff for them. All of a sudden the cameras came out and they were pretty happy. I have to say that Jerry was pretty cool with his fans. Lots of his outfit was tossed into the crowd and they all signed ANYTHING and everything that they were asked to, including some sloppy chicks boobs. All in all, it was fun.
from whystinger :
If you are confused, then think how I am feeling! I am not moving back in. I have considered it, so that maybe I can get the house back, but then I would be there and she would be "working" on me non-stop. You are right, I have put too much thought into this. I am secretly hoping that the couples therapist will get her a diagnosis and maybe help her accept the divorce. I do believe that she is sincere in that she wants me back in the house, but I am not convinced that she will change. Oh she will act like if for a while, but it won't last. I remember how she was still nasty as fuck up till the day I left. She says it is a wake up call. It was, I believe that. I just don't believe that she will change. Besides I want that young woman I met at the concert ;)
from indpndnt-ter :
Standard white for me :) I adore callas! Too bad they're so flippin' expensive, I'd have them in the house all the time!
from barefootruby :
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I'm always terrified that someone I know will see me going in there - I want to pull a hat down close over my head and wear dark glasses. When I first came to Chigley I lived next door to Asda - it was Gateway then.
from barefootruby :
Tesco jalfrezi was quite good - but not as good as a proper Indian restaurant. I've never tried the Asda one - but then I don't really like Asda. Not the one in Chigley, anyway.
from goodluckgold :
Yup, dodgeball is a real sport we play in gym, it's fun! And I love the Dodgeball movie, it was so funny!!! With Ben Stiller!!!! hahahaha, I love dodgeball, it's fun to take your anger out by pelting other people. Sam
from goodluckgold :
Hello, I'm glad Treacle's play turned out well, and yeah it does get annoying when other people don't stand up to clap. My mom and dad always do everytime they see me performing in the chorus. Sam
from ub40 :
Poor L, the "big food bin" made me laugh out loud! Half a pig, or a cow or something?
from blujeans-uk :
I know. I think I'm just being impatient. And I know I'm still young, relatively, but it just feels right (no italics in notes or that would have been in italics). I don't know if I'm just being influenced by the fact that both my parents and his parents were married young. Mind you, little surprise bundles of 'joy' may have had something to do with that. Nowadays I don't think many people care. Our grandmothers would though... But over dinner the other day he said 'When I pop the question' so that means it's no longer an if and a one day, but a when. That felt better. Sorry for rambling x
from goodluckgold :
Yeah, that's the reason why they coping off my work cuz they jealous that I know you and that you are good at math! Hahahaha just kidding! I am so angry at my computer, I just was going to send you the orginial message I made of this and it completely shut down the internet and I hadn't had a chance to click the done! button before they ever happened! *Sob!* You totally make my day and crack me up, seriously! Thank you for doing that! Yeah, I need to slap Terrance, gotta talk some sense into that little boy..... Sam
from whystinger :
Aw, come on now, you know that I really love Nigella! I need to see if that recipe is in my Nigella book. Another book I need to take from the old house. God, I love her... I think she is so hot....
from blighty :
Please make my costumes. Puh-lease. The worst one was the bloody tinman from the wizard of oz. Blech. Too late for the angel this year, but I will be back when the drama production is launched in the spring.
from whystinger :
Piss on the points, that is why I have 35 extra points, but I do suspect that the shrimp curry will be pretty reasonable as far as points go. I also think I may change it up a bit and possibly use a different cheese, like monterey jack cheese... and you must be my lil' sis's age. No wonder we get along so well... Hey how do you want me to I.D. the recipe? name or diary name? Stepford Tart's curry....
from whystinger :
Piss on the points, that is why I have 35 extra points, but I do suspect that the shrimp curry will be pretty reasonable as far as points go. I also think I may change it up a bit and possibly use a different cheese, like monterey jack cheese... and you must be my lil' sis's age. No wonder we get along so well... Hey how do you want me to I.D. the recipe? name or diary name? Stepford Tart's curry....
from whystinger :
Bitchin' entry my Dear. L looks cool holding those biscuits too. I love the knitting on the statuettes... You are full of solutions to all sorts of problems...
from goodluckgold :
Omigosh! I gotta bake for the holidays also, like I had this brownie mix sitting in the kitchen for like ages, but it's still good, but I wanna make brownies though. Hahahaha! Good idea dressing up the statues! Very clever! Sam
from whystinger :
Aye, she is a fine young lass... seriously!
from goodluckgold :
hahha thanks!
from goodluckgold :
yeah, I would ask a buddy that, but I am fine with my template now, but I don't want my computer to have a virus again so yeah, but I'm fine with me, but I like your template, it's cool!
from blogreader :
You have a lovely daughter!
from goodluckgold :
Hello stepfordtart, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I don't really know why it is called Black Friday, but all I know is that people act really crazy that day and act like it's the end of the world because like every store has sales. Hahahaha! Hope you have a very lovely day! Sam
from ub40 :
Great photo's of Jooj. Hmmmmm lady bits being reworked......People pay for that sort of thing don't they?
from enfinblue :
Great! That's funny about the photobucket links. The last one works for me. Oh well! Glad it will work. I'll see if I can scan the directions and email them to you in a few minutes. :)
from enfinblue :
Sorry, how about this one:
from enfinblue :
Hopefully this link will work :) :¤t=hippiehat.jpg
from enfinblue :
HI stepfordtart. It would be my pleasure to help out. Unfortunately, I have never made an ear flap hat, but I do have a Kim Hargr3aves pattern for one from Row@n magazine 30. The magazine is fairly dated and so the only picture of the completed hat that I could find online is this one, from someone's knitting blog: I'll take a snap of the pic in the pattern book and will see if I can send you a link to the photobucket picture. I'd be happy to copy the pattern out for you and send it along, if it suits your needs. There is also a site called "knitty" on which all sorts of hippie (and not :)) free patterns are posted, so perhaps that might be a decent place to look as well.
from bornearly :
Oh - just found your comment from a while back asking about our guitars. I sometimes miss the comments if they get put in later... (I wonder if I have a notify feature...) anyway I play a Lowden and also an American made guitar called a Franklin. I don't think that luthier is making any more these days. It's 28 years old and has suffered some wear but I love it. I also have a little Avalon I'm trying to sell... My bandmates play Avalons (we endorse them) and Chris's mandolin is a Gibson.
from bornearly :
It's early for me, too, putting up the tree. But I had reasons for needing more sparkle in my life! And what with the new living room, it seemed in keeping. :)
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, I like knowing that someone cares about my family and my brother. Webb had another seizure today but we are trusting God with him and the Lord will never make us ashamed of that! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving which is a holy day we celebrate in our country thanking the Lord for his help. Sarah Grace learned some new praise and worship songs on the guitar and we are looking forward to some surprises she has for us. We also have sweet potato souffle tomorrow. That is a great treat for a feast day. We boys call it "heaven" in our house because it is so delicious! Thank you for caring and taking interest in my family! Love, Johnny Caker Allen
from strawberrri :
i get paid on the fifth bastarding working day of the month! but at least that means i have until a week friday to ignore christmas (apart from next thursday's festive misadventure!) seeing as i'm adopting your financial school of thought :) i am getting quite excited about this party now! xx
from goodluckgold :
Hey stepfordtart, yeah I guess you're right, but it was so sad. I feel really bad for my aunt, she was so close to that kitty. I'm gonna miss Muffins. I'm sorry about your pet. It's must be hard losing a pet, I can't imagine how it feels. Sam
from tater-fay :
Thanks sweetie (for caring enough to read back in my entries about my sister being murdered)...Still hard to believe sometimes (and then my mom died of cancer 10 months later)..I used to think "FUCK! What did I do to deserve this?" But I realized that did me no good. I've done tons of healing since this all happened, but of course, time heals no wounds and you never REALLY get over it!
from goodluckgold :
Hey stepfordtart, I know pulling hair is for sisses, I agree! punch them in the face and run like the wind! hahahaha! Sam
from wombaby :
Well put!
from raven72d :
I have missed hearing from you...
from goodluckgold :
Hellooooooooo, thanks for saying yay for my A's, haha that rhymes!!! Anyways, yeah I am pissed off too. I really wanted to see Harry Potter also on Friday. So not fair. And okay, I'll tell you how good the movie was when I go, I promise! TA-TA!! Sam
from barefootruby :
Where's Lydd? I've been to St Mary's on the Isles of Scilly - I don't think they come much more basic than that!
from ub40 :
Stress busting advise.....Stay off work, go cash a cheque, make a birthday cake and post the pics. Really sorry to hear you are so stressed sounds horrid. Look after yourself. Hugs and stuff
from goodluckgold :
Wow stepfordtart, you're so good at math!!! You should definetely be a math teacher, hahahaha, that'll be the best! Hey, wanna trade places? You will be in my math class while I be at your work? I'm just joking with ya! And I am glad you liked my note, everything will be all right, all right!!! Hahahaha, Sammy
from wombaby :
Sympathy! I used to shake when stressed too. But don't worry too much about the dentist - it'll be over in about 10 minutes probably. All the NHS ones seem to do is count them. I find reciting pi in my head helps. Poetry might work better for more normal people.
from goodluckgold :
Oh, stepfordtart, I hope things look up for you in the future and I know it will, I hope everything that has to be clear up is cleared and I hope your daughter's birthday will be just fine. Have a nice day. Sam
from tater-fay :
Well, Ya learn something new every day (the difference between "minced meat" and "mincemeat" pies..I'd like the recipes for both, I think! Thanks:)
from bornearly :
Oh -- (read the other note first) -- the "he only stalked me for a few months" was tongue in cheek -- things read differently from the way they sound in the air! -- as opposed to your year-long stalker. :)
from bornearly :
No offense taken whatsoever. We were very much parted when he departed. No love left to lose. He only stalked me for a few months while his sanity was going south and he was drinking himself into oblivion - and he did respect the subsequent restraining order. Very sad end, but necessary for some reason. I do believe in things after this life, and in longterm lessons, so in the end I think he's okay.
from goodluckgold :
Hey stepfordstart and what do you mean about stupid question? It's not stupid, we do talk, but once he is around his friends he doesn't talk to me, I don't know I guess he is shy to talk to me around his friends becuause I guess they'll start teasing him because I think they know he likes me and I like him because they always smiling when they see me and he looks like he is blushing when he passes me with a friend. But we talk about stuff we like. He likes Michael Jordan shoes, he likes rap mostly 50 cent and other wierd rappers I never heard of, he likes football, but i don't know what team I guess the Eagles, considering that we are in Philadelphia, hahahaha. Yeah, and I tell him what I like too so yeah lol
from for-tart :
Check your Diaryland email.
from whystinger :
You did a great job with your research! You get to do some air sex!!! I couldn't belive it. Just like something out of Beavis and Butthead... (the air sex)
from wombaby :
We're doing Oh Happy Day in choir (also a gospel choir). I fucking HATE it, it's grim!!
from blujeans-uk :
They're up :-) well, some of them. Previous entry. x
from luvmyducks :
I'm pretty sure that "working with twats" is the one thing that unites all of humanity. Thanks for the note!
from marzipanmind :
It could just be the way he (Mr Irons) has chosen to read the audiobook ... he speaks in a deep voice that simply drips with disdain, very much like Professor Snape. Apparently he played Severus Snape in a comedy sketch based on Harry Potter, and he and Alan Rickman played brothers in the Die Hard films. But mostly, I probably see such similarity because I don't live in the UK :)
from strawberrri :
hehe, well i am freelance and available at very reasonable rates should you ever need anything typed up in a split second! :D i got to write 'cunt' in court today. several times! it's spelt KUPBT in steno shorthand though...not quite as amusing x
from elliestuff :
so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Did someone say shagging..oh, always up for a good shag..I don't mean a haircut.
from whystinger :
Actually, we use shag sometimes here. Especially here in the Low Country, Hilton Head, SC, Savannah, GA and all... Shag is a dance style sort of like the hustle, and also is horizontal dancing... boy could I use a shag, and not the first one!
from strawberrri :
no, you're not! i edited them after your comment so that there was a description of who/what they were! i was just too lazy to do it first time round :) x
from barefootruby :
Chigley fireworks are at Lakeside. Sorry if this is a bit late - only just seen your tag
from teenmommie :
you're an absolute darling, doing regular check ups on me!(: I'm doing alright I suppose. It's the eighth again, but it doesn't feel as unbearable as the last month. I think I'm on my way to being alright again and not well, being drenched in regret and all that.
from whystinger :
Now that put a big fuckin' smile on my face... thanks, I needed that!
from strawberrri :
ahh, that is actually jenn! we look fairly similar though - i get away with using her cineworld unlimited card :D i am in the long black and white wig (and gaz has the alien coming out of his chest!). not to blow my own lidl trumpet but it was one of the greatest parties ever!!! x
from goodluckgold :
hey stepfordtart watcha doing?
from goodluckgold :
Definetely! I wanna make some!
from button-maker :
An hour a day can be enough to do nanowrimo. (This is for-you-only). I've unlocked my journal for the month, but I'll be locking it up again, when I do, the username is "read" and the password is "me" Just thought I'd let you know that. I appreciate comments a lot. My moral support is seriously lacking in my life. I'm always seeking direction... Nifty looking sound system there. I bet it does a lot.
from barefootruby :
I didn't really think about Trumpton or Airport for some reason. Well, originally I was going to go from Chigley, and get train direct to Trumpton and get someone to collect me from the station. Then I remembered there are 4 trains an hour to Basinghole, so less chance of a wait at Waterloo. I used to travel from Basinhole regularly - in the days when you could get a reduction on company car tax for business mileage, it was worth driving there. Now I prefer to walk to Chigley and get the fast train that leaves just before 7 and gets to Waterloo just after 8.
from blujeans-uk :
Our freezer is teeny. It's not even a freezer, it's a freezer box that only holds three bags of stock and a tay of turkey mince. Occasionally it can accommodate ice cream. And it doesn't close unless you wedge it shut with something. Pixie ears are amazing! I have two friends (half-norwegian twins) they look like tinkerbell with the loveliest pixie-like ears. But I can see how top ear piercings may look odd. I used to have four in my right ear, three in my left and a lip stud. Had to take that out in 2nd year and two of the ear ones closed up when I forgot to put all my rings back in after a professional exam. Wow this is a long note...
from goodluckgold :
ohemgee, stepfordtart, that apple filo pie looks deelish!!!!
from strawberrri :
oh my god, i am so looking for a trumpet when i next go in lidl! it's such a great shop and the little pumpkins were brilliant. though some of the drunk people tried eating them raw...maybe not the wisest move :D x
from blujeans-uk :
Should never have tried that three course meal gum from the strange dude who smelled like chocolate...
from ub40 :
So how was the holiday from work? Was the ice skating fun?...Haven't done that for years myself, but used to quite enjoy it...Don't think there are any local places here and I'd probably break my neck now!!!
from caker :
Oh Mrs. Sarah, I am so wordless from all the wonderful gifts you gave me! I've never had such a happy birthday in all my life. I didn't even know you knew about it! Please quickly go read my journal again and see what I added to the bottom of my entry! You didn't have to do all that for me but I'm so glad to know you were thinking of me and I love it! Love, Johnny Caker
from for-tart :
Is there any other way to carve a pumpkin? Well, up until this year I used my penis and a buck knife.
from lonelywife :
hello sarah! i'm sorry i haven't been on lately. things are...interesting. i still am not sure what i'm doing, but i'm trying to figure it out every day. how are things with you, l, and the girls? hopefully all is wonderful. hope to hear from you soon. lots of love. xxx
from blujeans-uk :
Me Voy was the reason I bought the album. That, along with Suave by Calle 13 and the spanish version of Hips Don't Lie were the theme songs to my summer 06 when I was in Panama with Mario (officially doing my elective in tropical paediatrics. Unofficially, bunking off and having a six week holiday in latin america!).
from blujeans-uk :
There were two, by Julieta Venegas, a mexican singer. They're called Me Voy and Limon y Sal. I tried out Me Voy using a tab I found on the internet but one chord didn't sound right. I don't know if it was the tab or if I was playing it wrong. Going to give the other one a go when I go home again next weekend.
from wombaby :
Well it made me smile so it was not in vain :-)
from tater-fay :
ha ha! I can really see the family resemblance between L and his father, which is cool:)
from for-tart :
It's 8:30 pm. Do you know where your knickers are?
from teenmommie :
Thanks so much for your note, it really meant a lot to me. It was awfully awfully sweet(: Thanks so much. (shit i'm starting to blubber and sound like a moron. I'm sorry!) But really, thanks(:
from wombaby :
The studio has socks on?
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Wow! The pork tenderloin was delicious. I especially loved the mushrooms. I have a very good recipe for pork tenderloin that I will share with you, too. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, How much sherry goes in the sherry sauce for the pork tenderloin? Pork tenderloin didn't go on sale but Sam's has it for $2.88lb. and we were tired of waiting for a sale so we bought it anyway. Love, Johnny
from whystinger :
Thank you, I really appreciate your comments and support... I wonder if I will be reduced to a blubbering idiot...
from goodluckgold :
lol stepfordtart you're on yay!!!!!!!!
from barefootruby :
I put a convector hearer in front of it, and hacked it with a wooden spatula. Until the wooden spatula broke, when I hacked at it with the remains of a wooden spatula. i have sued hair dryer before, but am always a little wary of holding an electrical appliance and sticking my hand into somewhere with dripping water. Oh, and hot water never works - steam just condenses and makes the ice even thicker. I have considered de-icer before, though.
from goodluckgold :
hey haha! really? omg and yeah i think he likes me, even thought like I beat him up, he still like wants to torture me lol so you're right, he really wants my bootay lol
from whystinger :
I thought I commented on Ah Ha... I guess I didn't. Loved the video... liked the old song and video...
from vicunja :
Thank you for giving me the all clear ;) That meant so, so much to me. I really did think I was losing it. And maybe I was, but you're quite right - there's nothing abnormal about my reaction to the sleep deprivation coupled with the unhappy baby. I's just too tired to see that. Thank you also for taking the time to leave a note.
from wombaby :
Wahey :-) welcome!
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, I love the pictures from Blackpool! Thank you for sending them. Mom laughed hard at Disco Atlas. That was her favorite and mine. Mr. Lou looks different from the CD pictures. He looks like Moses now. I'm going to Florida tomorrow. Love, Johnny
from barefootruby :
Love the name Chav Ville!!
from barefootruby :
Hello neighbour - small world or what! There are probably enough clues in my diary to work out who I am (or where I can often be found), and what part of Chigley I inhabit. Pop by and say hello if ever you see me. Probably goes without saying that what goes in DL stays in DL ;-)
from barefootruby :
have just emailed it - if you don't receive it, ask Smash!
from whystinger :
She's pissy and pouty now and is not talking to me very much... which is sort of nice...
from smokefree99 :
As serious as I ever get. *grins*
from smokefree99 :
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still trying. *1/2 smiles*
from caker :
We're on together right now, too! Lol!
from caker :
ARRRGGHH, Haloscan isn't working! This is what I wrote to you: Did you know we were on Diaryland at the same time today? That happens sometimes when we are checking if anyone new has come by. I gets lots of people from lots of places.... like you! I was supposed to be doing math (Ha! Ha!), so I couldn't write back then. Also, I noticed goodluckgold writes notes to both of us. How about that? I loved the video you sent me of Blackpool! So did Richard and Georgi. Love, Johnny
from elliestuff :
sorry to take so long to get back to you..bro. sal was the fellow who got ellie out of the handcuffs..hope that helps.
from goodluckgold :
YAY! GEORGIA! Aww phoeey i was going to say India, but then I was like nah, it's prbably another country name so I couldn't think of it so i was like nah lol
from ub40 :
Not a million miles from you funnily enough.
from ub40 :
Great piccies of Blackpool.....thanks for sharing
from portlypete :
Ta for the note. Glad you had a lov-er-ly time the day you went to Blackpool. I really liked the pool sculpture.
from goodluckgold :
heloooooooooooo is your daughter's name is Gerogia!? And I don't know what to guess for your other daughter hahaha you made me think a lot about this!
from for-tart :
Is petrol really $9.50 a gallon there? That's almost as much as booze! Are you paid in pounds or euros?
from goodluckgold :
hey and lol that was funny what you said about ur daughter and what's her name? and i hope u have a good weeeeeeeeeeek!
from goodluckgold :
hey! I love your diary its freakin awesome!! How r u? Hope everything is good wit u
from acaldwell :
dont go by that visitor map, its in beta and what i think has happened is that i need to update it, and they want money for that! i have to find a new visitor map i suppose, but i see you in sitemeter every day!!!
from caker :
I did get your email and you know how much I love your emails! We think the second to the last picture of Sarah Grace looks like Princess Diana peeking shyly through her bangs. Love, John
from blujeans-uk :
Mm, thank you. That feels much better x
from singledadguy :
:::plinkplinkplink:::: HEY!!! Anyone in there??? :D UPDATE!! :P
from elliestuff :
Its good to see I'm not the only one having problems cooking. & I've learned to never ask what the plot is in an X-rated movie.
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Will put up comments on my diary and took down the broken Guestbook! They took down the Guestbook site and I lost all my friends comments. I wish I could have copied them first. Johnny
from tater-fay :
WHAT? You pretended to be L on your own diary? FREAK! Just kiddin' totally fooled me (and maybe others as well) and it was really funny and well done. What other personalities can you pull out of your ass? :)
from caker :
What is Beef Jalfrezi, and is it spicy? Love, Caker
from caker :
Ohhh Nooo! Boo Hoo, Mrs. Sarah! Butterbeans are very delicious. Maybe you've never had them like they ought to be, or you had the wrong kind. They should be cooked slow with a little bit of fat back which some people call salt pork. They aren't too soft, but soft, and not too salty, but salty, and they make a sort of gravy that tastes sooo good on rice. I don't want to believe you wouldn't like them if I made them for you! It is a special treat for us! I'm up late reading a book about Columbus to Dad. It is 10:40pm here. Uh-Oh! Good-night. Love, Johnny
from whystinger :
I am not making excuses for her, but I belive part of it is the unsecure BPD in her, but she does seem to be horribly homophobic. Like when she told me "I really like Melissa Ethridges music" and I mentioned that Melissa was gay. She stopped listening to her and gave me the CD. Isn't that just bogus as hell? What does the think will happen? Some lesbians will beat my ass, tear off her jeans and fellate her? I think there was more there that she was pissed about. I can't wait to get out. I need to make an appointment with the Lawyer... for next week.
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Please tell Mr. Lou that I listened to his CD tonight and I especially love "Always," "I Never Said," and "The Thing About Sarah." I know I would love "The Thing About Sarah" even if it wasn't about you! Love, Johnny
from whystinger :
Thanks! I am not sure what variety the mums are, just bought them from an old guy out in the country who runs a gas station. Oh, I would love to share some herbs... I used to grow that too long, long ago... :)-
from caker :
Let me try this again.... Will and Sarah Grace were born within a twelve month period, but not the first twelve months of my marriage, as I originally stated. Have I got it right yet? Am I pursuing the truth of this historical fact to everyone's boredom? Nevermind. Ahem, Mandy
from caker :
Caker's mom here again-- I should never leave notes after a long day of menopause because I forget punctuation AND I forget that my own son, Will, was born 9 mos/6 days after my wedding day, and Sarah Grace was born 10 mos after his birth. That is NOT two babies in the same year! Maybe it just seemed that way! Ha. Mandy
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, I trust you on the math with the gas prices. We were just stunned. Dad is in finance and he will explain our differences when he gets home. Mom knows your health care is different but Dad knows more about it all. Gas went down and then up because of the hurricane. BTW, I sent you a note on Sarah Grace's graduation announcement. We had extras and they are very nice. I didn't want you to think I was expecting you to come all the way from England to Irmo SC for a graduation last July! Lol! I thought you might like seeing it, but my marker didn't write easy on the cotton paper. It looked kinda messy. Love, Johnny
from caker :
From Caker's Mom- $9/GALLON????? Are you sure you did the conversion right? Jeez Louise, lady! How can you go anywhere? Of course, I felt less sorry for you when I read you have a sports car. I brought a brand new Porsche to my marriage and had to sell it the first year. We were too poor to pay for the insurance and repairs. We had two babies the first year so bye bye Porschy-Poo. YOU can always sit in the driveway and look cool! I on the other hand, have a Dodge Ram 15 passenger van.... "cool" is but a memory.... boo hoo....
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Just so you know, we didn't mail the magazine yet. First, we had a sickness and then when Hurricane Ike hit Texas, it caused our gas prices to go up to $4 a gallon so Mom is going to town for everything tomorrow. We have a 15 passenger van that uses a lot of gas. Love, John
from blujeans-uk :
Maybe just a snipsy bit...
from strawberrri :
i believe it is called the lincolnsfields centre and it's not a bad way to spend a couple of hours (esp if you like hide and seek!). have you been to knebworth house? that's about half a mile from me! x
from blujeans-uk :
Can you believe there are people who actually CHOOSE to be Dr DREs? Although, having said that, they're all surgeons so they'd probably say 'It's MR Dre, thank you'...
from ub40 :
Hiya there. Hope you have a lovely birthday.
from bitterwineuk :
:) Men can be silly, luckily I'm with an ex chef now so there shouldnt be any such mistakes in the kitchen. :) Thanks for the notelets on kiddies names, Sophie was our first choice and still Matthews and bf's favourite but is now my LEAST fave for the same reasons you mentioned. I'm trying to talk round a Lauren or Amy and I love the name Lewis! Decided I liked that more than ever after our scare the other week and found out it means "fighter" so it sort of has a good ring about it. Have a great weekend Stepfie!!!
from blujeans-uk :
No, no special Macs, just a plastic apron, rubber gloves (twang!) and plenty of KY...
from singledadguy :
Yah it wasnt that the was the reason I got upset. It was that I have no money to send my boy to school with.
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, I love your stories! You can tell me stories anytime you want. I love your poorly blanket, too! It looks so homey and your daughters looked lovely and not too poorly. The red eye kinda looks scary, though! lol! Love, Johnny
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Please do send a picture of The Poorly Blanket! I asked Mom this morning if I could ask you for that. Also, thanks for the recipe. Love, Johnny
from strawberrri :
oh yeah, totally. some beards are great and i love a bit of stubble. but big beards....uuuuurgh! have a look if you so desire :D x
from goodluckgold :
oh you're welcome and I will change the he to she i m sorry about that! lolz sorry I get messed up
from whystinger :
What is a tosser? Is it like when we call someone a jerk-off or handjob over here?
from blujeans-uk :
It's been so long since I've seen Dangermouse that I can't remember what he sounds like... I may have to YouTube it.
from goodluckgold :
hey wasssup? And yes your are right it is fun to make all over the world and I adore England and imma freshman so i m like 15 lolz and Josie and the Pussycats is cool ur right I love it! And sureu can add me and no i don't mind the cursing its fine
from ub40 :
Morning S. Flipping 'eck are you sure that's a frisbee thingy? Everything is so much bigger and posher in that there South! Hope slaveboy tales the errrm advise on his performance on the chin.
from caker :
P.S. You forgot to send me the tenderloin in sherry sauce recipe, and I forgot to sign my note. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
I'm still learning to crochet. I have about a foot of scarf made. I can needlepoint and cross stitch though. The way I'm sending my article to you reminds me of how Eli Cash sent Etheline Tenenbaum his clippings in The Royal Tenenbaums. There's not much more than what I wrote in my journal; I just wanted you to have it. We all want to get us a poorly blanket, too!
from whystinger :
I don't know what really made me search for Legs tonight. I have been thinking of nice legs and hit a search for "leggs" and found a few nice pair! I think snooped in the diaries and saw your "or click back to look at my boobs" and of course, I clicked back. Hey, do me a favor??? Could you send (email) me your recipe for minced beef and onion pie? It sounds great!!!
from piginawig :
An actual diarylander passing by! I am honoured! I've tried to persuade my own sisters to move to Bruges, but they're not having it. Bah!
from bridrinkspee :
Ha, no, I'm not left handed. Why do you ask?
from whystinger :
Hey! Great idea. Let's see those long legs... cuz leggs are on my mind tonight. Oh and yes, my Birthday comes soon, oh so soon.
from strawberrri :
i wish i could claim owership of that joke but sadly it's not mine! i stole it from someone on the b3ta website. it is ace though :D x
from strawberrri :
i was totally shocked and starstruck. you don't go to the beach expecting stephen fry! i saw bob holness on a beach in devon a few years ago too, who is obviously much cooler ;) i don't know about that football thing you mentioned but did you know there are only three football teams in the uk with swear words in them? they are scunthorpe, arsenal and fucking manchester united x
from caker :
Did you know SC is the second largest peach producer in the US? We love us some peaches! Bet there are some great recipes in The Southern Living Cookbook I sent. Georgia is #3 and California is #1.
from lonelywife :
s - thank you so much for your call. it meant very much to me. it's been an awful day. i am at my mom's. i will call you tomorrow. i think it is a 5-6 hour difference. thank you again. lots of love. x
from missbabybump :
Hey lady, yeah I think I shall be going for Lily, and I'll try to describe in detail the "look-of-fucked-offness" in my friends' faces perfectly for you, and failing that, I'll take a photo and post it! hehe...thanks for reading a bit...Hannah xXx ps: great tits!
from strawberrri :
ta! i don't think i will be actively seeking it out but will have a gander at reactions. i prefer my meals to stay stomach-bound! x
from strawberrri :
thanks! the dog was alright - stank a bit but we were drunk so fairly tolerant of him. somerset is just the nicest but i wanna go away somewhere again. i've got a taste for holidaying and 2 days is just too short! x p.s. how bad IS two girls one cup? i am fearful of googling but very curious! i have seen tubgirl and goatse if that gives you an idea of my tolerance for nasty internet things :)
from whystinger :
No updates in 7 days???
from ub40 :
Morning S. Hope your break from work is fun. We have booked to go to Morocco
from elliestuff :
sure... email: [email protected]
from elliestuff :
thank you so much for the notes. hope your August isn't too hectic. thank you for reading.
from kellbelle :
OMG just read the note posted before mine. I dated a guy who played the lead in My Fair Lady in high school. I was a minor part. He used to sing that song to me all the time! Anywho... the shoe thing must be in the air because I cleaned out my shoes last night. Getting rid of a BUNCH. My feet grew when I had Julia :/
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Right when I saw your note, I looked up "On the Street Where You Live" on You Tube. I liked how the man said he would wait for her outside even if it takes weeks! We own "My Fair Lady" but we have to find it for me. The Big Four watched it when I was a baby, I guess. I don't have a favorite musical yet, because I haven't seen that many. I guess Phantom and CATS are my favorites for now. I look forward to the pictures. Love, Johnny
from strawberrri :
hehe. the only reason i didn't take a bath towel was that it wsn't soft enough to my liking. and i did ask groom's mate 'do you reckon they would miss this flatscreen tv?' but decided against it in the end. might have been a different story if they didn't have my card details! x
from ub40 :
Morning and ty. That entry now deleted, as I have a grip again although perhaps all I needed were some crotchless drawers ...and a Siouxsie CD to pick myself up. Much more fun
from bholles :
I have been reading your diary. I am Poolagirl's sister. I just read.
from kellbelle :
My God woman you look so fabulous. I would say I wished that I looked as good as you do when I'm THAT old, but *sigh* I believe I'm older than you. LOL
from strawberrri :
hiya, indeed i would be flattered! i have seen you in a few people's notes and suchlike and you seem like a very nice lady so i will add you back :D x
from tater-fay :
hahahaha. Rice-a-roni AND hand jobs..truly BOTH "A San Francisco Treat!" (Only I don't live in San Fran)..yep. Oh, and Larry would (and has) used a level to put up curtain rods.
from kellbelle :
If you wait it should send you all automatic like :) No need for clicking.
from whystinger :
She just isn't interested, I think. One of the BPD traits is they tend to see things in black and white terms, so her view of sex may be very narrow. I agree with you, there IS many things we could do... Oral, manual... the list can go on and on. She won't even let me use a vibrator on her.
from kellbelle :
If it weren't for those sisters of equal rights, you probably wouldn't be able to tell your hubby (or any man) to fuck off... so I'm thankful for at least THAT much out of the movement ;)
from elliestuff :
Thank you so much for reading. I do appreciate it. Hopefully, its not toooo off the wall for you. I just thought, it would be kind of interesting to take a turn like that in the story. I had started the HOST and I still didn't get the "alien" idea in the beginning ..all these voices talking as the main characther is on the table. I felt at first it was these personalities in her head. But in this case, I thought it more along the lines of maybe they could be angels. Maybe they could really be doctors. Maybe she's in a coma somewhere just hearing voices. I know, a lot of maybes.
from lonelywife :
s - thank you for being my far away friend. i need this. and who knows, maybe someday i'll visit and we'll laugh and talk and drink. :) these are the thoughts that keep me going. thank you. much love, g xoxoxoxoxox
from outwalking :
Hi, it's "dannyzuko", this is now my new username. =)
from ub40 :
Go you and your rant! YAY. I totally hate car washing, grass cutting and tip visiting. See them as errrm blokey type of jobs. Why? I'll never know, but I always resent doing them soooooo much!
from annanotbob :
I could never be mad with you, you big silly. Love xxx
from shot-of-tea :
I don't know why I always feel the need to leave you a note rather than just comment you when that is a million times easier and you probably prefer it or else you wouldn't have the darned comment thing in the first place but ANYWAY - I too loved Mamma Mia. The audience were just as entertaining as the film itself, though I couldn't help but take part in a massive cringe extraordinaire when everyone cheered at the end. Lovely though. Also, as a checkout girl, your thirty-pound weekly shop astounds me. In Shamansburys that would get you a box of cereal, some Walkers crisps and maybe some washing up liquid. I hope you go Tescos, says I.
from newschick : new diary is unlocked...i am now enjoy!
from singledadguy :
HAH!!! I see you over there :D ->
from blujeans-uk :
It is horribly real and scary. I had to watch Scrubs when I got in and pretend my job was like that so it didn't seem so bad...
from shot-of-tea :
Ah no, I see where you're coming from completely. Like those families who pretend to be religious just to get their children into 'better' religious schools. We never had enough glue sticks in our school though, so that is proof that Godly schools are not all that and a bag of chips.
from shot-of-tea :
Hey sexy momma, I like the specs ;) I bet auntie Janet is quite a hottie really. I do hope she was called Janet... Oh and my sister is quite religious really. Not religious enough to avoid having a baby out of wedlock (TUT I say, TUT!) but religious enough after years of our dad dragging us to church to feel that it's the right thing to do I suppose. I'm just a tad cynical about everything. Some Mormons came to my house and tried to convert me the other day, I was quite afraid.
from beotch :
I just saw your note from waaay way before! Sorry I never replied, how rude. :)
from becomingmoms :
thank you very much! i can't wait! it feels like such a long process... i've told others its like having two pregnancies, one for the conception and then the obvious one =)
from ub40 :
Your glasses picture looks great.....Are yours vari focals too? Mine are making me a tad seasick thingy today, but pressing on with them, as two people have said they make me look intelligent....Think that was a complement, but maybe they meant I am thick as sh** and these do a good cover up jobby
from manfromvenus :
Wow, that little question of yours took a lot of answering. In fact... have I answered it to your satisfaction? Hope so.
from ub40 :
OMG! Don't go there. I tried a sip of the miracle diet stuff today and perhaps makes you bulimic. It's like very sweet tasting cod liver oil. She cracked by tonight.....just taken her to Waitrose and bought healthy grub and told her what to make for lunch tomorrow and I'll cook tea.....The "superstars" can have that rubbish....L will get into her posh frock by Chrimbo by eating properly
from kanyooceemee :
that would be fine. thanks for the prayers..we definitely need all we can get right now.
from singledadguy :
hey... send me an email... I have a secret for you... im [email protected]
from stevedabear :
Unfortunately i can't confirm to you what guitar it is as its owned by a friend of mine. The picture comes from a warm summer night a couple of years ago now. We havn't been having many of those this year in England!
from singledadguy :
Sooo... i posted to mine accidentally but... Its Adara's third baby. Her (about to be) middle child is 3! Can you believe how good she looks before this one??!?!?!
from kellbelle :
I can't leave comments in Haloscan either :( Not to laugh at you falling, but I fell about a week after my 40th birthday last January. I still have the scar on my arm where I wiped out. Fortunately, no one saw me fall and I wasn't seriously injured. Pretty cool scar though... I tell people that I got a tattoo on my birthday and Carl made me get rid of it... thus the scar ;) Oh... and your balance goes as you get older becaue your body slows down on hormone production. Estrogen. Fun times.
from annanotbob :
It won't let me leave another comment, bastard haloscan - it will pay you know, in the end. Some people leave loads of different ones - STOP - end of rant. Big hugs and happy weekend darling girl xxxx
from elliestuff :
speaking about rising to occasions..well, I'm with someone..who always does that when he's sick.
from elliestuff :
Thanks so much for reading. I really appreciate it. Love the feedback too. Here's wishing you a swell weekend.
from manfromvenus :
Hi, buddy. I already thought you were (erk) 'cool' before I knew about your delicate handling of the thing with Barry and Sarah. But to quote John Steakley (who?) 'You are what you do, when it counts.'
from singledadguy :
awww... DAMN! Heh... its interesting to note however that you were able to make him "rise to the occasion" even though he was sick, as well as the other pertinent details which are... quite rousing as well. :D
from ub40 :
Hiya.....Thanks for the drug advise - sod Lemsip, I'm on the codeine now. Whatever the hell I've got is draining life out of me!!
from singledadguy :
Heh... soo I seem to have leaped over several hrudles :D... I would like to remind you what you did to a particular individual early on in your diary... <<<< that one is what made me dream :P But yes I am feeling EXTREMELY good about now. And thanks for signing the map! :D
from singledadguy :
A man can dream cant he??? :D You have a wonderful looking family... i got thru a lot of your archives... ill dream though about the toys and the mild S&m thru a cold :D
from singledadguy :
Absolutely its ok :) and I shall do the same. Its too damn bad you live across the pond! :D Ron is a nice guy... some of the time. Depends on what he's been doing recently. Or who for that matter. Im reading your archives btw... sooo if you dump the current "shag" do you go for slightly younger guys? :D
from singledadguy :
Having read the entry, I must say... you totally fit righ tin with the weekend's crowd! :D COME TO CAMP!! :P jk! I like the diary. Thanks for the read!
from shot-of-tea :
Here is a tip from a yout of today: this "slashed-to-the-minge" sort of dress is what we like to call a 'gashflash' outfit. Though, come to mention it, I don't suggest you ever use it around any young people because whilst me and my friends may find it funny, my friend said it in front of her yout boyfriend and he said "That is disgusting. I bet Claire thought of that."
from ub40 :
Hiya....It'd be an honour....Hope you've had a nice day and done more than sit in front of the computer
from ub40 :
Hmmmm! So you're job hunting, now I know where there is a job up for grabs....How do you fancy moving Northwards?
from caker :
Did you get my email? I'm not sure which address to use. I sent it to one I think is not your work. Love, Caker
from for-tart :
I am taking your advice and will not be at work tomorrow. No need to stress my self out. Besides I still have 5 weeks of vacation time on the books to burn. By the way, nice hat!
from indpndnt-ter :
Awww... thanks for the note! And you're right, I thank my lucky stars every chance I get that my name's not on the mortgage. What I forgot to blather about was I do have money coming in. I'll have to wait a bit for some of it, but it's mine for the taking. Woot!
from lannylee :
S, Re: the shoes they do go up to a size 6, cos' that's what I am - go get yourself some now!!!! L x
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, It's weird thinking about you not having the Fourth of July. I know you have the day, July 4, but not the holiday. How do you make your garlic sauce for fish and what did you cook for your parents? When we have fish, we just sprinkle it with Emeril's seasoning or Old Bay. I like most all fish, even fishy tasting fish. My mom doesn't. I'm one of those guys who likes a lot of food. I'll try anything. I've always wanted to have a dish with the whole fish on it, head and all... like in No Reservations. I'd even be man enough to try monkey brains! I should be a food critic/chef. Did you ever see Ratatouille? Anton Ego is the food critic and my middle name is Anton. How about that? Love, Johnny Caker
from tater-fay :
Oh, and I wish I could pull off wearing a hat the way you did at that wedding! That fucking rocks!
from tater-fay :
I can't remember what sort of flowers they grow, actually! All sorts, I guess. It was dark when we were stumbling around so I couldn't see anything!
from ub40 :
Hiya you....Hmmm spelling and moi? I can spell....just hopeless at typing and far too lazy to check my typing. As for bra fitting!!! Can you begin to imagine how difficult it was to "get your tits out" (for the girls)....Grrr and blushes! However, what I was wearing size now.....are poles apart. Soooo get a town they don't know you!
from ub40 :
Thanks for the great advise....I was slowly self combusting. Meeting organised for next week. Love all your photos they are brilliant.
from elliestuff :
You are by far the best journal writer I know. Actually, my diary is fiction, bordering on horror/fantasy..something like that. Thanks much for checking it out.
from for-tart :
Gigging at 15? There is much to learn about Stepfordtart. And BF as well I suspect.
from elliestuff :
So much in a diary. You know how to cover everything..and very well, I might add.
from artgnome :
I'd love to paint you tart, dear. I do commission work and I will ship it to the UK. :)
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Thank you so much for making an entry for me to read. *waving back* I saw all the pictures and you looked very beautiful in that pink. My sister loves that color, too. Your family looked very well dressed and that church looked like a castle! I also heard your song and I loved it! Are y'all famous because I would buy your CD. It was all very exciting. Thank you for sharing it with me. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Thank you so much for making an entry for me to read. *waving back* I saw all the pictures and you looked very beautiful in that pink. My sister loves that color, too. Your family looked very well dressed and that church looked like a castle! I also heard your song and I loved it! Are y'all famous because I would buy your CD. It was all very exciting. Thank you for sharing it with me. Love, Johnny Caker
from dannyzuko :
Oops sorry I forgot to do the Notes thing! It's done now xx. If I knew what Haloscan was I would do it, but I'm one of those 'got the internet in 1996 and hasn't moved on since' type of people. :/
from whystinger :
Well, her cooter smells like stale piss at times and the cat put some piss smell on me... I remember when she smelled pleasant. I also wonder if the cat has a problem and pisses on himself.
from ub40 :
Thanks for sharing.....great piccies and loved reading about your honeymoon. CONGRATULATIONS
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Sarah Grace said you can use white sugar instead, but we use sucanat or Rapadura because it still has the molasses in it (you can't taste molasses... just tastes richer) because it is better to help regulate blood sugar. We have a bunch of diabetics here in America because people mostly eat refined foods with the healthy part taken out. My mom laughed hard at your note but I didn't get what was so funny even though she tried to explain it to me. Love, Johnny Cake P.S. Thank you for being interested in me.
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Sarah, Sarah Grace said you can use white sugar instead, but we use sucanat or Rapadura because it still has the molasses in it (you can't taste molasses... just tastes richer) because it is better to help regulate blood sugar. We have a bunch of diabetics here in America because people mostly eat refined foods with the healthy part taken out. My mom laughed hard at your note but I didn't get what was so funny even though she tried to explain it to me. Love, Johnny Cake P.S. Thank you for being interested in me.
from caker :
"(I think that probably sounds better than 'Mrs Stepfordtart'!)" I can't stop laughing! Johnny Cakers mom, Mandy P.S. I'll be sure John gets your note. Still laughing.
from caker :
Dear Mrs. Stepfordtart, Yes, I would be happy for you to put me on your buddy list! Don't worry, I'm not allowed to read other diaries on here but my mom let me see your pictures from Greece. "I think to myself.... what a wonderful world" was playing in my head. Love, Johnny Cakers P.S. Your daughters are pretty.
from lonelywife :
you all are COMPLETELY beautiful!!!! congratulations! can't wait to hear the wonderful details! much love and hugs. g
from blazingstar :
I meant to ask for a password days ago! Could I have one, please? Hope nothing's wrong...
from ub40 :
Awww...You all look bloody wonderful. Congratulations girly. Hope you had a ball
from tater-fay :
Please oh please send me a password: [email protected] :)
from ub40 :
Totally support your rant re petrol's insane. The hen night photo's are the bog roll veil.
from ub40 :
Oh Bow...LLOCKS! You are all locked up. Hope all is well and best of luck with the wedding. When you are unlocked again, please would you gis a nudge
from jenniesblog :
Have a great wedding!
from piltdownman :
What? You send me a note and don't even let me read your diary? that's okay... from perusing your other notes you're getting ready for (or, depending on the timeliness of your notes, recovering from) your wedding. First of all - Congratulations. Secondly... if you think it would be proper, please forward your magic words to allow me access to your private writings. Thank you. Congratulations again!
from ub40 :
Morning S...Hope you are getting suitably excited about your forthcoming special day...can't wait to see the piccies
from shot-of-tea :
Aha that's brilliant. My dad once told me that in his nun-run school, whenever he'd be talking to a girl in the corridor, a nun would bellow down in her thick Oirish accent "Ann-Marie! Get away from that boy, he just wants to make you pregnant!" Except I suppose sometimes they didn't yell Ann-Marie. I doubt that was everybody's name. Or even one person's really.
from nextdoortome :
Thanks you always make me feel braver. You're a good friend.
from whystinger :
The other stuff: lawn, turf, grass, sod (sod farm = grows sod) not as many nicknames...
from whystinger :
Ok, yes... grass, pot, maryjane, mj, cake, weed, green, oregano, reefer, blunts, doobers, doobie, burn one. Forgot the rest...
from peggeylc92 :
hee! I loved your explanation of Smores!! That makes perfectly good sense.
from ub40 :
Hiya Steppy...The wedding build up is getting exciting, although the thought of a vomit filled diamante handbag is slightly less appealing! Hope you have a great hen night and you take a huge handbag
from whystinger :
Grass, um I wish. >:D Hope you two have the happiest wedding!!!!
from lonelywife :
hello dear! it is so close! :) i'm incredibly happy for you. and you know, when it's over....the relaxation is fantastic! :) you and bf *husb.* :) will be able to live life happily! :) we'll talk soon! i'll send you an e-mail! xo
from nilliem :, this means, with the date line and time zones...we should be partying about the same darn time?? Hypothetically, if I called you, I could just yell 'Happy Wedding' and be good at both places? Cool. ;)
from indpndnt-ter :
I did wear the yellow heels and got all kinds of wonderful compliments... and discovered muscles in my hips I didn't know I had. 3 1/2 inch heels will do that... yow...
from for-tart :
Better a working penis than a working link.
from raven72d :
And how is life?
from for-tart :
Hey soon to be Bride, what's up?
from serena :
haha yeah, shitbag is a pretty good word to describe how he's acted towards me in the past. i don't know though, i'm thinking i can handle him this time, and be prepared for any bullshit he may try to throw at me. only time will tell, i guess.
from for-tart :
The dentist did poke me with sharp pointy things. And I have to go back in three weeks to have a temporary veneer replaced. My mouth needs Jack Danials. Purely medicinal need.
from lonelywife :
my heavens.....! your wedding is so close. i am so happy for you and part of me wishes i could be there! :) how are last minute plans going? i hope you and bf and kids are well. would love to hear from you....if not, i understand! will talk to you soon! :)
from bitterwineuk :
:) I have no problems with people who do literally drop the kids off or pick them up in the way you said about with work etc, it's those that have time to park outside 40 minutes before the kids are due out just to get a good parking space that get my goat. I just don't understand it. :)
from nextdoortome :
It's not my song, although I sing it. It's a new one I've been hearing over the rtadio lately great tune I love it.
from lannylee :
Thanks, i've got til June to find one, so i'll just need to shop around!
from lannylee :
Ahhhh, well they're Red, and to be fair politics isn't my thing & i'm don't really have alliances either way, but i'm very proud that my mum was 1 of the only Red seat gains in the country!
from serena :
of course it's okay! i just hope i am interesting enough!
from lannylee :
Hi - thanks for your msg - weather was predictably sh1t up North as usual, just waiting for the votes to be counted to see if my mum won her seat, so keep your fingers crossed for us! I'll let you know how it goes. LL
from chaosdaily :
I was planning on going there, but I'm going somewhere else. I'll let you know when I get there!
from ub40 :
Brum without shopping. Poor you. Let's hope the people you are speaking to are from the WM's as they may not understand a word you are saying. Hope it goes well
from serena :
nope, if you notice when i've been a user - it's been pretty much since the beginning of the site. and i've never used or had the need for another one other than the one i have. sorry!
from for-tart :
Yes, the same son. He may be too smart, like an evil genius. An evil genius who likes combustion.
from summerroll :
That's why I don't fuck around with karma!
from whystinger :
Tis but one of the reasons I am prepping to leave... thanks.
from summerroll :
Do you really think I would take a picture of that!?! No fricken way. You'll just have to take my word. And let me just point out that every person I passed yesterday would take a quick glance at it and then try not to make contact it while I was in their presence. But it's gravitiational pull was so intense, they just. couldn't. stop. staring. Que horrible!
from kellbelle :
I love sqeeeeeeeing happy entries!! Err... of the written type.. um... well.. not pornographic in nature but ... well.. ok I'm done :)
from kellbelle :
A colposcopy is done when they detect "abnormal" tissues, usually after a pap smear. Fun stuff. I know all about them and won't go into detail why they do them here either. LOL If you want more info shoot me an email. :) xoxo
from whystinger :
Stepfie: thanks for the links... after reading one, all I can say is "HOLY SHIT!"
from dannyzuko :
Hi thanks for stopping by and checking out my diary - just returning the gesture... I'll be back to read more later! x
from ub40 :
When I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum in the US I bought a card that says the following: "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Tarde Unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." Your entry reminded me of the sentiment of this.
from kellbelle :
Bless you for having the courage to talk to him! Sometimes it's not only the ones calling out the obscene things, but it's those who stand by and allow it to happen. You just scored some respect points (as if you didn't have enough all ready) in my book! xoxo
from whystinger :
So tell me about BPD. In fact, tell me about stalker a bit too, are there specific entries I should read to learn about him and others to read about BPD?
from whystinger :
Excellent entry and I can actually see the pics... Is that you? You are pretty sharp!
from for-tart :
Hey, it's 9 pm. Do you know where your For-Tart is?
from shot-of-tea :
I like painting backdrops, could I possibly have your job? And whilst that is a fine suggestion you've given me, my friends will know that it is not possible for me to have any air ogf mystery and just say "Ugh you LOON, why are you dressed like a hobo?"
from twoturtles :
I WAS POSSESSED! Andrew logged in under my account, I presume to find the reason why some of us aren't showing up in the Recent Public Entries. Go ahead and disregard any strange posts like that. It's not me. ;)
from tater-fay :
Aw man (lucky you, having a sister with a house in Bruges, whether you can go or not!) I really liked Bruges..I like Ghent (or Gent) the best for some reason, though, as far as Belgium goes. Antwerp just didn't do it for me so much. Never been to Brussels...not much interest in it.
from tater-fay :
hahahahahaha....At "Taste of Amsterdam" they at least could have had a snack bar that sold bitterballen (which are these awesome Dutch snacks) and well: bitter BALLen? Yea, you get it!
from twoturtles :
My dearest, your package came in the mail today and I have to tell you that you made my daughters freakishly happy. We have little bits of paper and stickers all over the house. The card you sent is beautiful and Kyle's talking about framing it, hahaha. So, thank you for thinking of us.
from whystinger :
So, Stepfie, we are on at the same time according to the new layout... wish I could I.M. you...
from enigma1111 :
Lurk, lurk, lurk! That's me sneaking around.
from ub40 :
Sooooo....You are famous. Hope it went well.
from enigma1111 :
Have a nice weekend!
from shot-of-tea :
It cost a fiver! That is not the sign of a girl with money. My pinky does stick out a bit when I drink though, so maybe I am a bit posh.
from kellbelle :
Tell BF that change of mind is important when trying to quit! it takes more than 12 weeks to change ANY behavior and smoking is a very hard one to change. good luck!
from whystinger :
I loved your last message! Yes, she was pissed over the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes - they had basil and garlic in them, which the recipe called for, but she is a pain in the ass... Good luck with the stopping of smoking. It will be difficult, but really worth it. I have been smoke free for almost 13 years now.
from shot-of-tea :
I have, for some reason, dyed my hair the colour of a rich tea biscuit. Or maybe it's more digestive. I don't really know. Have a fun fun few days at work ;)
from enigma1111 :
Dammit, I am dominating your notes, sorry!
from enigma1111 :
Ahh, the muff dive. I still like going around with my face unwashed just to get a whiff of heaven every now and then during the day. That is why I have a goatee. Jeez, I'm all wound up at work, thank alot!
from enigma1111 :
My wifes abilities may not have forced me to grip the headboard, but have you been accused of killing BFs braincells with your skills?
from enigma1111 :
'Ahem' Not wanting to put pressure on you but now that I used up your archives faster than a crack whore uses up a ball of crystal meth, I need a
from enigma1111 :
Hey, if I left a note every time I peeped in on ya I'd dominate this area, must leave room for your other fans!!!! And yes, I think I have caught up, I am free, yipee! I so agree with your relaxation techniques, cough, cough! :) What do I do now? Actual work?
from enigma1111 :
I have more of a drive these past 10 years...I'm not sure what to give the credit to, ahh, who am I kidding, it's all the wifes doing she, as all you girls do, can play me like a cheap willing toy. Love you all for it! :)
from enigma1111 :
One more evening or two and I should be free of your archives!!! Freedom!!
from enigma1111 :
Lol, trying to relieve some blasted congestion with the Vapor Rub, nothing naughty and daring like you! lol
from enigma1111 :
I get British humour very well, my Dad was born and bred up in Redcar (North England. He's a huge Boro fan. BTW, the best comedic movies are British ie: Full Monty, Snatch, Lock Stock and Smoking Barrels etc etc. I think thats why I get a huge kick out of your archives. I'm glad we never met in a pub as the ale would probably spew out of my nose evry time you opened your mouth to say
from enigma1111 :
Your archives are killing me LOL. Stop me from reading them please!!! People at work are starting to think I'm 'Special' and are walking on eggshells around me 'cause I'm chortling for no reason. Yes, I used the word 'chortle'.
from whystinger :
They are similar here - there is no box for cash stashed under the mattress. And yes, I do have a small stash or "pouch."
from enigma1111 :
I think my next entry will be a tribute to boobs. Boobs eliminate the need for stress reducing activities like meditation or yoga you know!
from shot-of-tea :
Sadly not. We've had a few people be all "Woo, I'd come!" but realistically they wouldn't get the deposit in by the end of the month and then actually want to come enough to fork out the remaining three hundred plus spending money. Damn our foolish blocking out of everyone else as we all amused each other enough. Damn it indeed.
from whystinger :
I am still laughing about her asshole... a 19" asshole taking up the whole screen, oh my! What is it with everyone taking nasty pics... I should have let boob chick send me a pic of her boobs and maybe of her "starfish."
from kellbelle :
C would never tattle. It's just my insecurity. I'm a freak that way. C's a good hubby.
from kellbelle :
I bet you're a rockin teacher... um... of voice... and um... yeah I totally meant voice teacher! ;)
from raven72d :
The TMI entry... Very, very, very few people should ever be photographed naked. Six-foot, starved, teen Estonian and Brasilian models make up most of the list. And no one male should *ever* be naked on camera. Any porn ("pforn") photos that look like wife-swapping magazines c. 1976 are just...*wrong*.
from raven72d :
I loved the original Sloan Ranger Handbook (and the Preppy Handbook, of course). Those shaped my shopping habits for a long while. Still do, probably. I loved the Mitford U v. non-U article and lists... I always imagined "serviette" was a kind of s/m submissive rent-girl.
from ub40 :
OMG! Laughed out loud....Makes for great reading....Thanks for that
from enigma1111 :
Read even more of your archives!! Are you a professional comedy writer? If not you should consider it!
from tater-fay :
Cillian Murphy DOES like a department store mannequin! You really hit the nail on the head with that one!!
from enigma1111 :
Thanks and you are now added. BTW, I am laughing out loud at work reading some of your archives....Someone poisoned your whiskey?!? LOL
from enigma1111 :
Found your diary through whystinger. Funny funny. Hope you don't mind if I add you to my favourites.
from tater-fay :
Some places I go and I order a "steamer" (sometimes it is listed on the menu that way) but most places I go I just say "Can I have a hot almond milk?" ha ha. I cooked bacon again today and managed NOT to burn myself...RIGHT ON!
from for-tart :
Your new single malt sounds unique. I went through a cigar and scotch phase a few years back. Now I have returned to bourbon and ....
from kellbelle :
I so wish I could leave comments, but Halo doesn't like me. The song is FABU!!
from raven72d :
At least it's not cheese-fried beets...
from whystinger :
I was just looking for someone to hold me accountable for getting an attorney, but you are so right, he is bitter and that is coming out... Show the slave boy some old high heels of yours and leave them in the office. See is he wants to try them on ;)
from raven72d :
I'd be terrified of curry weetabix.
from ub40 :
I totally misread Big Cook ...Little Cook. Oh well it is early, for a Saturday
from whystinger :
What a picture, a steam pile of shit, with steam coming off of it with a cherry on top... NASTY!!! Oh, the new slave is gay? You can bribe him by offering to let him shoe shop with you or borrow some of your pumps...
from tater-fay :
Hi there! An almond steamer is basically steamed milk with almond flavoring in it. I love them. Depends on whether you can tolerate warm (or even hot) milk. Some people gag at the idea:)
from shot-of-tea :
If your twelve year old can handle the (sort of comical) spurting of blood when Sweeney slits their throats, then hell yes she'll like it. I would have liked it at that age, but then I always was a little morbid. Anyway it's all just so pretty and tuneful and there's Johnny Depp AND Borat, what's not to love?
from whystinger :
I would surely like to see you in the pencil skirt, stockings and silver pumps with red stitching. Sounds pretty hot if you ask me. the swap meet is like twenty five acres of land with many booths of car and truck parts some very old and such. they also have a car corrale, which is were you can bring a car and sell it whole. it will be a good time for a gear head like me.
from for-tart :
The bowtie may be tied or undone, but the blonde on the arm is mandatory.
from dandydandy :
Ha! I haven't seen any falling down or badly doing. Besides, even if you were, you would make it funny and entertaining.
from shot-of-tea :
Haha, oh god yes. They always exclaim "Girls don't say cunt!" In fact, the shock it produces is probably why I use it. I'm such a sensationalist. Pwaha.
from twoturtles :
Ahhh! See, since I've never seen Doctor Who, I wouldn't recognize that it's a spinoff!! I can't wait to tell my dad. He's a TV trivia nerd. He'll love the anagram too! THANKS!
from twoturtles :
I don't think Torchwood and Doctor Who are the same thing. I think the "current" Dr. Who is a remake of one from the 70s. All I know for sure is that it has a really funky theme song...
from for-tart :
It is something you say when playing craps and are in need of an eight.
from whystinger :
Oh, I add a ton of garlic too!!! I had found a can of chick pea paste, so I made the can into hummus and used about six cloves of garlic I think... it was pretty good
from for-tart :
To answer the question about the son, lets just say fire was involved. And friends who could not keep quite. We did get the situation resolved as best as it could be. As long as he can stay out of future trouble.
from ub40 :
Hulloooooo you!!! Are we getting a post NY update? If not, pleaseeee say why not. If we are, please hurry as it has been a while. Hope you have far better weather than me....We have wild gales and have?????? Sun and swimmimg cossies???????
from whystinger :
Oh, I can assure you that she wasn't hitting on me, that she wanted to sell me some stuff. She was definitely trying to make a sale, by using a bit of teasing... I am old enough to know when I am being sold something. "Oh you gotta try this cologne... (spray, spray) Oh my gosh, it smells sooooo yummy on you... you really need to buy it..." Still, it was fun and made my day, especially since she did it in front of Honi. She was good and practiced and very smooth.
from ub40 :
Yikes!! What was I thinking of? LOL! Hmmm I think I need to go back to school. Thanks for that, hope you are well
from azzweepay :
The left pants leg gets one leg. The right pants leg gets a leg and a half. ;^)
from for-tart :
I asked for the link LAST YEAR to BF's build-o-rama. You must have been busy with royalty. Happy New Year, Lady S.
from whystinger :
I hope you are feeling much better. Regarding your note, you heard that before on the last time we left. Chubbles seems to have that pattern. We go away, we come home, he is loving and won't leave my alone, then after he gets his fill of affection, BITES me for "abandoning" him while we are out of town. Thank God, he has calmed down by now.
from shot-of-tea :
As with all Will Smith films (well alright, this and I Robot) there is a Will-Smith-exercising-and-showing-off-pecs sequence in which he does a bit of topless flexing. But that is rather it. I would advise you more on whether or not to go and see it but a TERRYS CHOCOLATE ORANGE has just found it's way into my grubby hands and frankly, I must not distract myself.
from star-rose :
Hello. Yeah it was nasty. What was even more pathatic though was the fact that he stated in his little note (and he was little btw!!!!!!) was that he wrote "I'm 49 years old, and I know thats out of your age range that you listed". So then, WHY THE HELL WRITE ME?! Even though I was bored to death when I placed those ads, I did state I only wanted to hear from guys ages 18-30 (I was like 20-22, at the time) Anyways take care :)
from lonelywife :
okay...first of all, treacle is so sweet! second, have a wonderful, loving christmas! i hope to "talk" to you soon! xoxo
from ub40 :
Hope you have loads of fun this holiday and that 2008 is the best year yet
from newschick :
that was a class entry. what is the product of your company? i live in ireland and shop at argos all the time!
from ub40 :
OMFG! You have SLA's and bloody KPI's too!!!! I thought it was something akin to Santa! A total bloody fairytale that only I had heard of....but obviously not of the NY type, as that's politically akin to suicide.
from shot-of-tea :
"its your minge, and what you do with it is entirely your own affair" Excuse me for a second while I piss myself inappropriately (for surely it's always inappropriate unless you're in a designate toilet/drunken pissing alleyway). AND the Cha Cha Slide is fun for all ages, of that I am sure. CRISS CROSS! Everybody clap your hands...
from laces-untied :
Did I EVER ^_^
from laces-untied :
You'll never guess what I got yesterday... ^_^
from mel-is-dvash :
I read the articles through (the dr. gave me to read) and at no point do they say anything other than that the berries (particularly blueberries) are good for neurological problems -- I simplify of course. I assume fresh would be best, but as that is not an option, ... may I say thank you very much? I hope things are going well and life is treating you kindly.
from azzweepay :
I got the micropore and left you a disturbed 'thank you' on a podcast on my blog. Thanks again!
from whystinger :
snack joint snack or joint snack... Hmmm, back in the day, my joint snacks could be very weird indeed. Like a can of stewed tomatoes or a jar of bacon bits, or cheese melted and burned in a pan and scraped off and eaten... Trust me this was a breakfast sandwich
from whystinger :
Cold = Jaws of death - works for me lately... Interesting, he manipulated her with the letter. Get her to wake up, or she will be unhappy like me...
from ub40 :
Thanks for the advice....It's soooo tempting, particularly after a glass too many of vino!! As for doing it....the fireworks would put the biggest hole in the ozone layer it could bring about the end of the world. In addition, her caller display allows her to choose not to answer the phone when I ring...which is how all this started..Hope you aint working too hard
from bitterwineuk :
Oh My God! Salmon Pink. Is that colour still not bloody out-lawed on this planet? I do hope I don't have nightmares about this now.
from smedindy :
Oh my GOD! That must be holy HELL to drive through!
from bitterwineuk :
whether he likes a present or not, he's still a cunt ;)
from for-tart :
Your UFO has convinced me to shop for a RC helicopter this Xmas. I remember having a flying helicopter when I was young, bit it was attached to a wire and only flew in circles.
from whystinger :
No, I don't often use that expression, but that plum jam really just sounded good!!! Two of Honi's friends make home made jams and jellies and they are really very good... I usually use the term "it was pretty fucking yummy... or pretty fuckin' good" but am trying to be a bit more civilized...
from whystinger :
The plum jam sounds rather yummy!
from shot-of-tea :
Itchy bumoles are actually one of the banes of my life (along with buttons and er, Patrick Swayze) so I choose snot anyday.
from whystinger :
Well, I still have all my limbs thankfully... as far as the runny nose or itchy bumhole, hmmmm, if the runny nose isn't a cold or allergies, then I'll take that. I sort of have that now with my allergies...
from ub40 :
Hiya you, glad life is busy...hope it's fun too. Glad you are unlocked again...assume you survived the trawl!
from for-tart :
I have let my gardening skills plummet the past few seasons, but my aunts keep gardens and orchards. And I am not above using farmers markets to supplement the canning process. Cheers, Princess S.
from whystinger :
Congratulations! Sounds like you were abso-fucking-lutely FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
from shot-of-tea :
I that case, it was nearly passing out. Definitely nearly passing out.
from azzweepay :
I must admit I'd never heard of micro pore and had to google it. It sounds like it might do the trick. Plus it would be less expensive and freaky than a sports bra. Better looking than you expected? You were expecting Gollum? Fortunately I don't look like him. Unfortunately I kind of sound like him.
from for-tart :
Happy Halloween, Tart. Tell BF and kids to listen for ghosts and goblins tonight.
from shot-of-tea :
Damn right. Good luck with the play, o crying one.
from whystinger :
It was a bit disturbing at first. You cut a nugget and the water is GREEN and you notice the turds are EMERALD GREEN and you think "What the fuck happened to me am I sick or poisoned???" then you remember that damn green velvet cake that stained your lips... I laughed my ass off after figuring it out...
from for-tart :
Are you Martha Stewart? Every desert you describe sounds fantastic.
from artgnome :
Thank you for your note of encouragement today. It was very sweet of you!
from janeygodley :
thanks for your great comments. Janey
from shot-of-tea :
It sounds fair, but that would mean you get Johnny Depp. I am just not down with that.
from for-tart :
I'm not sure where we vacationed 11 years ago, I will have to ponder that. Egypt it was not. Maybe Nevada.
from shot-of-tea :
JAMES MCAVOY! I demand you go and watch Narnia and perve (some might say, in a slightly wrong way) on the goaty beauty of Mr Tumnus NOW. That sounded more aggressive than I meant it, for which I apologise.
from ottodixless :
A lot of people seem to look at my diary and assume I'm a girl. Maybe I write too much about kitchen utensils. Or just because most people on DL are girls. It's not as if I'm posting about ovaries all the time. And I am letting a friend write my Facebook profile, but only because I hate Facebook, and all it currently says is "Most of my friends are librarians" which is apparently too boring.
from ottodixless :
Please don't give me a chinese burn! It's a secret! I don't really want people talking about me, well I don't really care about it too much (as long as people don't tell me that they're talking about me, which is what started this whole topic). I may refrain from letting readers of my diary write me a profile because most people seem to believe I'm a woman or something equally strange.
from whystinger :
Ah, the next Partridge family band...
from azzweepay :
Yeah, I'm a real pussy about playing golf in cold weather. It doesn't bother me to play in the rain, but I get no joy out of playing in the cold. A lot of people around here will play if the courses remain open. I typically won't play from the end of November til we take a golf trip down south in the middle on March.
from ub40 :
Hiya you. Thanks for the notes of encouragement.....I've been a lazy tart in replying. My CV and letter are finally done....How can two pages take nearly 10 hours? ...Now I'll do some exciting houswork! Keep on writing your diary, it makes me laugh soooo much
from raven72d :
Zeppelin sex is always worth imagining.
from teachin-usa :
I don't think you read her - she's not on your list anyway. If you read her you would know because she wrote about it on her site. So much angst everywhere!!
from raven72d :
I've always been broad-shouldered and deep-chested, which I've hated all my life. I want that gaunt, elegant, almost spectral look-- I want to be able to wear good suits, and I dislike any look that suggests blue-collar...
from raven72d :
I'll keep it out of my eyes...
from raven72d :
And what else has been happening with you?
from whystinger :
try whystinger"at"
from raven72d :
Okay-- I will try that on my eyes.
from whystinger :
Here's a picture of Swiss Tony... I can't seem to find that pic. Also, got a recipe for the cauliflower cheese? and thanks for the squeeze hug
from whystinger :
You know, I never really looked at her hands. I have looked at a lot of women and see lots of REAL women with raggedy hands... so maybe this is a woman or perhaps it is a tranny. I got the pic from a friend of mine, Chickpea981 who created the template. she usually has pretty good taste in women, so it is probably a woman. If it bothers you, I am up to replacing the picture. Got a good one for me to use? LOL
from startafresh :
he's a shift worker, 1 wk earlies 1 wk lates. Still a tosser though!
from janedoe0 :
Hi Stepfie!!! I have moved my blog to a new site, and I would LOVE it if you kept reading! As will I. Please email me if you would like my new adress! [email protected] Thanks!!!!
from shot-of-tea :
Look at you leaving me all of these lovely notes and me being all lazy and never getting round to answering back! Shame on me,shame. I am in great need of new clothes but don't think I'm quite cool enough to deal with charity shops yet, I have an unnatural fear I may be wearing someone's death clothes. I am very mature.
from whystinger :
NO! use the stuff you put on cuts and such. The stuff for hair is MUCH more harsh!
from whystinger :
Oh Stepfie! I totally agree with you. She needs to do more than just save up, she needs to kill those old bills. How long does she think she needs to carry them? BTW, sounds like we both had less than... uh, birthdays.
from ub40 :
Hullo there in the South....Please assure us the recent birthday hasn't sent you into some sort of silent decline. It's sorta gone a bit quiet in this 'ere diary of late young lady.
from raven72d :
I expect many things of girls--- and cleverness and wit are right up there with lack of underwear and sharp hipbones and cheekbones at the top o' the list.
from for-tart :
I am an equal opportunity drinker and have a fondness for most spirits.
from raven72d :
I'd expect a lovely slave-girl to be verbal and articulate--- slack-jawed compliance is worse than opposition.
from janedoe0 :
Hahahahaha! Yeah, I know EXACTLY what prase you are talking about. :) It is quite rude here. LOL Pleasure to have updated your Vok-abulary!
from princesse69 :
The man in the last pic is my DAD! 2 shirts is his style, hehe...
from for-tart :
Friend, with you as a teacher, I may soon wake up with a British accent. Thanks for the tips on life in swine town.
from azzweepay :
Are you an avid gardener as well as working in the industry?
from whystinger :
I was an idiot and should just put the switch plate back on...
from cherryjjones :
Just took a mini-holiday walking alongside your green and gorgeous river. I am so jealous. Your snaps make me homesick, and I'm not even British.
from bitterwineuk :
I;m not here to take the piss of your spelling, but say wankiong out loud and it sounds sort of like an oriental name. :D
from whystinger :
I need someone to drink the Black with... She no longer drinks
from whystinger :
41??? Shit, youre practically a baby still... I am six years older for a few days then I will be seven... so you are a Virgo too? You must be a pain in the ass like me.... On a serious note, A very happy birthday to you!
from peggeylc92 :
Happy Birthday, Dear!! And the problem is--it's a Thursday. The next Thursday birthday you have, come visit me! That should make it less craptacular. Theoretically. Hugs, Pegs
from raven72d :
Chicken soup in cozumel... Always a bad idea.
from ub40 :
Congratulations on being so bloody show off! Sadly (for me) you look even younger in your pictures. Bah humbug etc etc
from whystinger :
I should really email this, but here goes... BTW, I used to live in Pittsburgh, PA (Mars, PA actually) and have been in and around Ellsworth several times. My paternal grand parents immigrated from Poland. The met in America and there was a 12 year age difference in them (Grandmom was younger). That Grandad died when I was three. My maternal great grandparents came to the US from the Ukraine. I know more about Poland than the Ukraine. So I am a Pollack and a Ukie, I guess that makes me a Pukie.... LOL!!!
from for-tart :
Such a quick reply. I feel indebted.
from bitterwineuk :
Ah... that doesn't surprise me at all! All the best women (ie, sexiest, funniest, strongest, sassiest and wittiest - not to mention those who are most obsessed with underwear) are all born in September. x
from ub40 :
You'll never be discovered as being "just a mum"....there are far jucier bits of gossip to be discovered.....all that scandal would keep "them" distracted for days...and they would then forget what they were attempting to discover and give you a huge big pay rise
from raven72d :
I want to sing "Just A Gigolo"... And I suppose I do envy anyone who might be found valuable as an escort. The term "copping off" sounds far too chav for me. I'd prefer...Docking The Zeppelin...or...Parking The Meat Truck.
from shot-of-tea :
Aha, that is completely okay IF it is okay for silly little immature people as myself to add you. I think this should all be mutually okay. Excellent.
from startafresh :
nope, it doesn't sound good. But that's how I'm seeing it and enjoying it just for what it was haha. ;)
from raven72d :
Aha! I hope you received the password...
from re-dream-me :
thank you!
from raven72d :
Salt and pepper prawns are key. And your diary is a lovely find.
from smedindy :
BTW - You have been linked in my essay today. Bring your glam thinking cap!
from for-tart :
My job is white collar, air conditioned. One might even say pampered. The problem is there is no challenge. I do not thrive on competition but I do need work that keeps my mind occupied. There are no calouses on my hands, but at times I consider going back to manual labor. The problem is I am five years and six months away from a lifetime pension. It would be a foolish move to quit now. My plan is to slog along until the magic date appears and then be a fisher/sailor/pirate/galley wench.
from for-tart :
Fuck! Of porneia.
from for-tart :
I did not realise the passion you put into viewing porn. TWO screens and 1000 watts? I bow before your magnificent, if somewhat sticky altar or porneia.
from whystinger :
Oh, almost forgot. The kitchen peeking. A friend sent me a link from their kitchen cam...
from whystinger :
Lord (Lady) What a GREAT entry. I am still chuckling about it... BTW, I posted a pic of the house, sort of old and run-down, but still cool.
from for-tart :
If nothing else, reading you is motivation to learn another language. I now need to research Pip, Hob, Rual Dean, Chuffed and Bollocking.
from liquid-mojo :
lol. please indulge in my layout responsibly and know when to say when. =p
from princesse69 :
Aww...thanks for the t-shirt art tips honey. I really like your idea of doing handprints. I think the kids would get a lot of fun out of it too. :)
from for-tart :
Pennsylvania is yankee land, but the war has been over for 142 years so I will not hold that against your family. Unless your last name is Grant. Then we will have to duel at sunset. With boomerangs.
from for-tart :
My apologies. Then I have your permission to use the work eurotrash at will? God Save The Queen!
from for-tart :
I need to question you on an important issue. Some of your entries state that you obtain your whisky by the pint. I am aware beer is sold by the pint at pubs, but I thought you Europeans prayed to the Metric god. You know, 375ml, 750ml, liter. What the hell is going on over there?
from whystinger :
I either don't see or can't find the pictures. Sometimes I can find the builder stuff... I knew or could guess what plan A was;) I was wondering what boring plan B was... of course I am a nosey bastard... and I hope I don't smell of cat piss...
from ub40 :
Thanks for your advise re sis-in-law....It made me laugh out loud....I will rehearse saying the F word out loud in the mirror....without ducking and in an assertive tone!! Love your photo's both on this site and your other....and 'cause of your other site, photobucket came to mind first. Trust me though, 246 snaps of USA/Canada took a bloody age to upload!...PLEASE keep your must be the funniest on the whole of diaryland, your observations on life make me laugh out loud so often. Take care
from for-tart :
Is is 93 degrees Fahrenheit (33 C) with 50% humidity. An Expy is a Ford Expedition. I will place a couple of beers in the freezer this evening and get the job over with.
from emperorincxt :
i have two friends who were dating for three years, until last night. Now Im talking to both of them and playing monkey in the middle. I vowed to do this NEVER EVER again but, I just cant stand to watch people hurt while I have information that can help. So I say Ive jumped in head first.. because I have, without a lot of thought about the consequences to my friendship with each of them. and it may turn out very very badly. so, um, cross your fingers for me!
from whystinger :
Remember Stepfie, that I keep my sanity by writing about her bullshit. It wouldn't appear, but I am usually a happy and positive bloke... (if I remember the terms my old "mate" Andy used to say...)
from ub40 :
I hope you had more joy with Chigley old Bill, than I had a few years ago with our local (most unhelpful) Constabulary!! Flossie stuff there to read now.
from emperorincxt :
oh I think we just had enough of those lesions, etc. last year.. that weekend there was MUCH drunken riding of a nine year old girl's bicycle (she was not in attendance to the weekend) and subsequently one friend got cuncussed and there were several lumps and abrasions. This year, I didnt get as blotto as I wanted to, I was too tired. and yes, we do still call them hickeys!
from whystinger :
You are a tart indeed! but you make me feel much better;)
from janedoe0 :
Ha! When you said R1100 I knew something was up, as we are only paying R800 per night to stay there. New correct link is in my entry, it's not numer 124 Laguna la crete. But number 16. :)))
from whystinger :
Oh, we went alright and she made me sorry for it!
from whystinger :
Sounds nice... all of it. Isle of Wight. We sort of have that here, where I am. Spelled differently. about the snoring. Buy some foam ear plugs. I use them when Honi snores and they work great!
from whystinger :
Hey Stepfie! Yes, you can buy raw peanuts and boil them yourself, or you can buy them. The best are from little roadside stands where they put them in little brown bags...
from princesse69 :
Hello lovely. Yay for the fortnight off work!! Enjoy it as much as you can. I wish hubby could get that much time off work in one go. I hope the weather picks up for you so you can spend lots of time down the beach. I'm trying to think what's on the south coast. Is Cornwall to far for you to go? Maybe a few days spent in a quaint B&B with BF perhaps? Or a dirty weekend in Brighton?
from whystinger :
I am trying to get her to use a joint account just for the household bills, like you and your bf. Of course she is not very nice... that is why I am in counseling. I guess I am too stubborn to let go without giving it my best... Hey, lemme know when you are drinking scotch again. Maybe I will join you and text back and forth:)
from pimlico :
Ah yes. The Trauma Diet - I know it well. The trouble with my Panic Youself Slim routine is that I seem to be eating vast amounts of carbohydrates and I'm now starting to fret that I'm putting weight on despite feeling as though I'm losing it. Cue more panic. Still, the rate I'm going I might be a size 8 by Christmas. Or possibly a size 30...
from pimlico :
Perhaps Bugsy Malone is big with the Baby Goths...
from emperorincxt :
thankyou! these pills are supposedly curing me, but they are REALLY hard on my stomach.. so I still feel like crapola, BUT Im done them as of tommorrow afternoon, so hopefully I will be right as rain then!
from whystinger :
Well, we did talk about it, but she never told me her likes and dislikes till after we married. In retrospect, I think she was a bit ill back then and was working to manipulate me to marry her and I was dumb enough to fall for it. I remember asking what she liked - everything felt good. Later on, that changed. I think she had some hang ups and didn't like to talk about it, same reason she won't apply the lube to herself - either I have to apply it to her or me... once in a great while, she will apply it to me, but NEVER her. Some facts were definitely hidden from me. She is also not adventurous (sp) with some things. She likes the more straight bang.
from ub40 :
Hi there, thanks for the message. I really worry about her lack of food intake too, but the hospital have her on 8 Fortisips a day (like food suppliments) which she tolerates and she is gaining the required weight I'm told
from emperorincxt :
heya thanks for the encouragement(sp)! Im actually sorry that the few new readers had to find me in a time like this, I promise my diary isnt all about him, and wont be for much longer.. ((hugs back))
from janedoe0 :
I promise I won't say anything on the other one! lol Yeah, we're going on drives but I think it'll be safe enough! :)
from janedoe0 :
*Throws hand up in the air* And says: 'You see what we have to live with here???' No really, I laughed my ass off at that one too! And um, I don't want to sound stupid...but ah...who's diary is the other one? Yours?
from betchy :
I just came across you randomly, and have spent the last 20 minutes laughing my arse off (not good really as I'm pretending to do work, and usually transferring drawings of windows onto a computer screen isnt that hilarious). Anyway, hopefully its ok, but I'm going to add you to my faves. If its not, let me know and I'll take you off. Thanks for brightening my incredibly-dull-up-to-this-point morning xxx
from whystinger :
Ohhhhhh Yeahhhh! I got to smell that at the high school reunion... It smelled just as good as I remembered it and tasted as good too. Almost made me want to have a cigarette
from ub40 :
Thanks for your note, I feel a whole lot better that somebody else thinks it's a bit on the "tight arse" side. Believe me they are far from poor!! Hope the other exciting diary is progressing well
from whystinger :
I LOOOVE Nigella! I was so disapointed when she re-married! LOL I just think she is SEXY. Big nose? me too, so who cares! If truth be told, If I look at the actresses, then I find that I really like the ones closest to my age! If it wasn't apparent, I don't really care for Jessica Simpson...
from janedoe0 :
Hi there! Yeah, it's so cute. They're going fishing again this weekend, they're almost like a little married couple! lol :) Have a good weekend!
from whystinger :
I do think Katherine has a nice body. I like the part she plays on Grey's Anatomy... Of course I have no idea what she is really like. I don't know why I like Rachael Ray, but I find her attractive. I am not always attracted to just the hotties and not just to tits... If you want to see more of my tastes, check out Nigella Lawson. I seem to like the women closer to my age, but at the time Jessica's b'day was in the paper. I also like Marg Helgenberger, Janine Turner, Rae Dawn Chong, Jamie Lee Curtis, Geena Davis, Lita Ford, Diana Krall and others. Of course, they are only fantasies... they are actors. I do appreciate much more that just the looks. A good looking person with no personality is pretty dull, don't you think? Same thing with a few other things. I seem to favor shapes, but not just certain shapes like big boobs. Sometimes I love the shape of a woman's shoulders, her legs or even just her eyes...
from bitterwineuk :
:) laughed so loud at first paragraph. Matthew has a "daddy draw" of clothes. Things daddy buys, mummy hates but he wears them when we know turdface is gonna be around. x :)
from ub40 :
This 'ere diary is funny as hell...thanks for letting me peek
from whystinger :
I think I knew what you mean, but I worry someone will think I am objectivizing women. I don't really do that. I do look and love women and their curves. I wanted to learn to draw because I LOVED THE SHAPES. Also, an old flame always breaks my balls about that - but I need to remember that we managed to remain friends for over twenty years after we went out separate ways. She still knows how to push my buttons... Be good! But if not...
from janedoe0 :
I think you are one of the coolest mum's I ever met, or, er, read. Whatever. :) I think you're cool and your daughters are very lucky! lol. And the pics you posted are so nice! I'm impressed! I do hope that cold clears up soon. It's horrible feeling that way. BF should really spoil you until you feel better!
from bitterwineuk :
I had a strange dream with you in it last night. I was having a weekend away staying at your house. You felt sorry for me only going out with wankers so you tried to set me up with some bloke you knew and it turned into a really dirty dream with you shouting if we have to shag in your house, at least do it quietly. Hahaha. God knows where that came from... Hope the cough is better darlin. x
from startafresh :
:) to your comment. He KNOWS that I am only interested as a friend now. He's just used to getting what he wants. Sadly for him, so am I. hehehehe
from janedoe0 :
Oh, so that's how they do it over there!! LOL!! And that's a cool summer house! :)
from moonfaeryy :
I did a google search, and I found these, which are what I used. There is another peppermint back chip out there, and I wanted to make sure you knew which was the correct one! Good luck, I hope you can find something! I know when I got them, they were $2.00 a bag. Hugs!
from janedoe0 :
Hi, yeah, so tell me, do you guys do a bbq SA style? Because of course you know, that's the only way! I had a friend that was in London for a year, and he was so desparate to braai, that he started burning bedside tables and such. :) I hope that cold gets better!
from janedoe0 :
Hi there! I started to read your diary as soon as you left me the note, and I started at the beginning. I've still go a ways to go, but I LOVE it so far, and I'm flattered that a good writer like yourself would want to add me!!! I'm definately adding you! hugs
from nakedbarista :
I would LOVE if the problem was that simply with the people on my street. It's a small town, though, and in the 4 years we've lived here, we have not been able to make a friend anywhere, through any avenue. This town is just that shitty.
from whystinger :
I just can't help but finding the attractive parts. I am not looking as "objects" but looking at people and notice the attractive things. But then again, I also appreciate the shapes, curves and such. I am a frustrated, talentless artist-wanna-be... I like to draw if I practice, but don't make the time...
from princesse69 :
Just to reassure you kerfuffle was said in the ironic sense! Your comment did make me laugh though. I had a peeky at your builder's pics and I praise you for putting up with all the mess. Though it is nice to watch lots of burly blokes at work. When are you hoping to finish it all?
from for-tart :
Actually, I had to make a revision on number two. It has been a while since I ran the joke through my feeble mind. I had listed the next to the last line on that joke. If you want the complete jokes, let me know.
from for-tart :
Hey Tart, It's rabbitwister in a new venue. Sparked by your request. I decided it may be worthwile to try this again. Feel free to stop by and cringe at my thoughts.
from annanotbob :
Thanks darling - I'm OK now I've managed to climb out of the self-pity hole. Hope that fucker's leaving you alone. I'm not an advocate of violence, but it doesn't seem inappropriate for the boys to go and frighten him into fucking right off. He's got to be stopped. Big hugs you darling girl. Give me a couple of weeks and a calm place at the other end of a fast drive is at your disposal, should the drilling or whatever comes next start to get you down xxx
from bitterwineuk :
you're ok mate. Wouldn't have written about it anywhere if I was that bothered or paranoid about what people think. Loved that link by the way. Laughed out loud when it flashed up "Keith Chegwins Dirty Bottom" as repulsed as I was at the time. hahaha
from bitterwineuk :
well.... actually.... ;)
from peggeylc92 :
you are an inspiration and proof that I'm being *totally* *reasonable* in my actions. And if they don't like it, they can stuff it!! (But I don't think you are waaaay older than me--I refuse to believe it.) xo-peg
from bitterwineuk :
I've switched that stupid Map. It was crap. Gone back to the site I use on myspace since the last one tracks you automatically but it appears outside of US they will mark you anywhere in the country you are. For example, I first logged in with my CO postcode and was told I live in Harrogate. I mean... Come on, that's north! :) Should be tracked better now and they tell you the towns without having to search on the map for them. Much better.
from awittykitty :
Your comments seem to be missing. Sorry about the row with BF. Meds can have an effect on your emotions. My pain pills cause depression for instance. That's quite an unexpected side-effect. Glad you patched things up.
from bitterwineuk :
yes, FUCKING smocks, anyone over a size 6 (let alone 16 like me) looks pregnant in smocks and they are so eugh... the floral prints??? Fuck off, it aint the 60's and the colours?? I'm gonna die before I wear any of that shit
from princesse69 :
yeah the bath bombs are the petal sort. my SIL gave them to me to use as she doesn't like them. I don't mind them so much, it's the glittery ones that get everywhere. Hubby dislikes them all as they clog up the plughole. Hope you have a lovely weekend darling. I read your going to Ikea-are you planning on buying anything big? I love Ikea, you get a lot for your money. Pity Hubby hates driving there. Have fun at the party too! x
from pimlico :
Ah, I'd love to have biceps. The bingo wings are good for frightening people too, though...
from kellbelle :
Thanks for the note! Is your email somewhere here in Dland? If not just pop me a note at kellyseiler5 at charter dot net. I'm looking for a mix of veggie and meat dishes, but not too much beef. Some guests are not vegetarian but eat low amounts of red meat. So chicken or something would be good :) It's going to be pretty casual, about 6 people. Thank you so much!
from liquid-mojo :
if i get lost with "the donkey" i'll be sure and let you know. :)
from liquid-mojo :
eMule huh? I'll have to research that rather soon. ;)
from annanotbob :
Hiya hon, hope all is good with you. I'm gonna be heading past yours at some point over half term, twice in fact, as I'll have to come back, I spose, groan, mumble. I have no idea when, but are you around at all or is it all work?
from liquid-mojo :
I lean much more towards the "casual" in my "buisness casual" environment, so me wearing a suit and tie tends to totally throw people off at work. But kudos to you for being such a snazzy dresser in the workplace. ;)
from mel-is-dvash :
I believe I've heard the title 'A Short History of Tractors In Ukrainian,' but I don't know anything about it. I do love new books almost as much as I love new music - I don't know that I'd have anything to share back, though. So there it is, a clear, unconfusing yes-or-no answer. Don't you love that? :-)
from startafresh :
thanks for the floral advice but these were from a GOOD florists and already had things wound around them. I did think "what the heck is that?" but left them on so I've learnt something new today! :)
from missspunk :
HEY!!!Thanks for the note, its been hectic as you can tell. Hopefully I will keep up with things better now that I have a little more time. Nope we did not have fish n chips, not even sure what we had the first time we ate in the house. I think it was Kentucky Fried Chicken as everyone was busy painting and stuff we had about 8 people so we just picked up something easy. Thanks for the read and the well wishes. Hope all is good with you.
from pimlico :
Oh the joys of remembering "yoof" subcultures of yesteryear. We also had some "smart casuals" (surely a contradiction - as far as I can gather it involved wearing proper shoes with jeans instead of trainers), "crusties" (who weren't really crusties - they just wore patched trousers or skirts with tiny mirrors on and liked The Levellers and joss sticks) and "Grebos" (God knows what that involved. Possibly t-shirts and Pop Will Eat Itself). x
from bitterwineuk :
I have my comments working but when I tried to check some earlier it came up this site is unavailable so it could be playing up still. Had to laugh at note below :) it was "townies" "goths" "peasants" or something else with my age group. Can't remember now but everyone was catagorised.
from pimlico :
I have heard the term "kackers" before. Someone I used to who would use it. According to Wikipedia, the word "chav" comes from Romani. When I was growing up it was either "townie" or "casual" x
from f-i-n :
What a cool image: the glass-fruit tree!
from pimlico :
Thanks for the foot based sinus advice. I will give it a try. Smocks are pretty rubbish. I accidently bought a long-sleeved one in Primark because I thought it was a fitted dress/tunic type thing. I didn't bother trying it on and was a little annoyed at the tent-ness when I got it home. That's �8 I'll never see again...
from dinosaurorgy :
I changed the font.. does that make it a little easier on your eyes?
from liquid-mojo :
I actually used google, but it might as well have been the "Dictionary of Obscure UK slang". I swear, every time I read your diary I pick up new colloquialisms from you. But I take that as a good thing, for the purposes of my cultural enrichment at least. :)
from pyroguysr :
I noticed that you were one of Tony's (T85225) friends. Perhaps you read his blogs about his battle with cancer. I'm sad to report that he succumbed and passed away this week at age 49. He was a good online friend of mine and will be sorely missed. I left some details on his D-land diary notes.
from annanotbob :
zoomzoomzoom sounds best to me - no hurry as I have to reassemble my brain cells first xxx
from annanotbob :
That would be really helpful, thanks xxx
from re-dream-me :
natalie imbruglia!? that is the best compliment ive recieved in ages! <3 lol thank youuu
from princesse69 :
When I was a kid Fab lollies were my absolute fave!! If the ice cream van was round our way I'd always go for a Fab. I haven't had one for years though. Maybe next time in Tesco I'll pick up some. I didn't know they were low in cals so thanks for the tip! x
from pimlico :
Stand-up is an emotional rollarcoaster. Even though I wasn't pleased with last night I suspect I'll still give it another go...
from pimlico :
The world needs more velvet capes!
from bitterwineuk :
yes it was "Lewie" except he's called "Lewis" now. How anti-rock does that sound now??? And the dog... Don't think even I would consider him anymore. :)
from pimlico :
Know what you mean about some of those foodstuffs. I feel the same way about salad cream. I wonder how the pink custard would travel. Do you have a special secret ingredient to make it go pink?
from pimlico :
Those slow eater kids often become slow eater adults. And they have lots of fun in restaurants, no doubt. Mmm pink custard. I haven't eaten any for 20 years but could really go for some right now...
from princesse69 :
I just had to come by and say your last comment really made me laugh. Have a super weekend! x
from smedindy :
I forgot I sent you the address. And I can't even use the excuse I was drinking. Sigh...
from xontopright :
im like ready to leave this computer in 3 min so i dont have much time, was wondering if u'd visit my page and leave a note so i can remember who u r and add u later peace
from jenniesblog :
Happy easter
from annanotbob :
I liked it a lot - but I like a lot of crap. Hope you're having fun xxx
from prohibited :
Meh. I still can't post comments either. Getting the BF to try and sort mine out this weekend. Have a good Easter weekend! x
from jenniesblog :
I will have to buy some steel toe boots. Put him in his place.
from prohibited :
Ok, spare key is under the flower pot! Just remember I'm the younger, more gorgeous, more sensible one of the two. The comments thing gets N0rton co complaining about a violation or somethingorother. No idea if it's the comments oe me laptop crapping out.
from liquid-mojo :
I'm not sure if I'll be able to help you with any of those. I'm only good at eating chocolates, not writing about it. I only know how to kiss in French and as for shoes, well I'm a guy so you know how that goes. I only feel the need to buy a new pair if the one I'm wearing is falling apart or if there's some last-minute wedding reception I have to attend. =p
from dandydandy :
Gosh I feel like such an ass that I have missed your engagement announcement! Congrats, congrats, congrats!
from laces-untied :
::mops at eyes:: Congratulations, Stepfie!!! I'm so happy for you both, I can't even keep my eyes dry. And he sure know how to make a proposal!
from liquid-mojo :
no random calls and texts from cool people. I think you have to pay extra for that. ;) though they do tend to be good conversation pieces at social gatherings and such. ;)
from bitterwineuk :
Looked at that entry you said about, Even more so like Darren there. next you'll be telling me Smashy plays guitar in a *real* band, hahaha. :)
from nakedbarista :
Yep, all by myself. I'm part of a group on Flickr called 365 Days, where you take one self portrait every day for a year. That was yesterday's self portrait.
from dandydandy :
I hope my entry didn't offend you. It isn't an easy place to work.
from nakedbarista :
Funny thing about this picture is that I had JUST enough time to grab the guitar, plop my happy butt on the floor and situate myself before the camera clicked. The ONE THING I didn't do was check the position of my left hand, so there's my thumb, poking up there in all it's glory. Bleh... I promise, I try really hard to keep it tucked down because I have small hands to begin with. I need all the help spanning frets as I can get. But thank you for keeping a look out for me! If ever I need some help, I'll certainly take you up on that free tip offer.
from liquid-mojo :
the rx-8 is sexy. i like those half doors in back so that non-contorsionists can get to the back seat. =p
from liquid-mojo :
reefer? what't that? *innocent whistle* ;)
from smedindy :
The one named after YOU, of course!
from laces-untied :
I received (and thoroughtly enjoyed) the for receiving the licking, not so much, but I'll chalk it up at least partially to "extenuating circumstances".
from lonelywife :
why do we have so much trouble? :) i hope you can find it. have a good day (or evening)! lonely
from lonelywife :
Thanks for the thoughts. Did you get my e-mail a week or so ago? Hope all is well with you.
from bitterwineuk :
hehehe, I might have actually been done exactly 4st if I hadnt eaten so many biscuits this week and had a rather embarrassing thing to stop me exercising normally. But that's done now and I am back to normal but yes, that scrawny bitch is she and I would rather remain 3 1/2 stone overweight than look like HER. Still working on myself like ever, but gone from a size 24 to 16-18 is one hell of a body boost even in bollocking winter months when jumpers make me feel as wide as my house. :)
from liquid-mojo :
well then, hey! ;)
from bitterwineuk :
Luckily, I watch YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, so all of that made sense. lol. :) I am also a serial dieter and having lost nearly 4 stone since last May I do eat well most of the time but I have been too lazy all winter and as soon as the weather perks up then we all eat nicer lighter meals anyway. Can't wait! Becca
from peggeylc92 :
come chat in the chatroom!!
from peggeylc92 :
ooohh!! add away!! and wish me luck that a) I find a sitter for tonight and b) the evil duplicate cues in the script don't throw anyone off ever again....
from peggeylc92 :
oh, it's so nice to find a kindred spirit!! If I wasn't across an ocean etcetera from you, I'd insist on meeting halfway to drink & tell stories....
from liquid-mojo :
it's funny because i could probably get away with saying the exact same thing about myself.
from liquid-mojo :
Don't worry, you won't get a phone call saying that you will "expire" in 7 days. At least not from me. ;) I love scary movies, especially the ones that actually scare me like "The Exorcism of Emily Rose".
from ottodixless :
Hi. I am intrigued by the idea of your homemade Baileys, and I've almost run out, so if you could email the recipe to otto at (or any other address of mine you have), then purely in the interests of science I might try it. (But I'm not growing a beard.)
from laces-untied :
GRAAH! Turns out my email was turned off :( I fixed it though, so if the message gets returned, it's safe to resend.
from nakedbarista :
For as much as the story depresses me, I would love it if, the next time you're there, you could get pictures for me of the Titanic memorial. I'm morbid like that.
from hedgehoggy :
People saying 'quim' instead of 'pussy' is funny. Is it that well known or am I just a great starter of good sexy slang? 1 hour and 19 minutes is without music for I have no stereo in my car. My mind, however, is stuck in the 80's with Debbie Gibson, Paula Abdul, and Winger. "Can't get enough of you, baby!" Wish I looked as good as Kip Winger if I grew my hair long..........
from ottodixless :
Wow, I'm surprised people still grow crystals, when they could watch them on the internet or something. My mum (who did geology at uni for a while) had a rock polisher but I never got to use it because it was apparently too loud. I guess with Durex's range of products you don't really need to polish stones, just spray something on them to make them all silky-smooth.
from summerroll :
Good to know about the Vicks. Obviously I didn't try it or there would have been a nasty, tear-filled note awaiting you (and a very embarassed visit to the quim doc). :D
from lonelywife :
hope all is well with you. things here are 'normal'. i'm looking forward to one of your updates. love, lonely xo
from ottodixless :
Thank you for the putdown. I think you have to practice the aloofness. "Do I get the job?" is not aloof.
from nakedbarista :
Your cafes have cheese fries? I knew I was in the wrong country. Ours just have books and biscotti. Well, this particular one has beer also, so, you know, the important things in life.
from t85225 :
Hey there... hope all is OK on your side of the pond? DId BF get some huge juicy recording contract and now you're supplying all sorts of floral arrangements to the recording and performing industry in some skewed version of 'cash for honors'? That must be it... what else would keep you from your adoring fans?
from lonelywife :
i hope you are having a lovely holiday season that is filled with love and happiness! xo lonely
from summerroll :
You're right! I forgot all about the pastries and sandwhiches. They have those huge, deeply chocolately sinful brownies. Might just have to stock up on those. Leave it to you to see the upside of things. :D
from aheartstring :
hello! im not sure how i found you, actually...but i love reading about your misadventures! & feel free to lurk me as much as youd like :D haha
from summerroll :
It was waaaaaaay too thick to be chicken noodle soup. It looked like a fricken Thanksgiving meal that hadn't been chewed or digested in anyway. It was gross. I was just glad it didn't have that overwhelming vomitey smell or else I would have had to add to it.
from nakedbarista :
That sounds like a plan to me!
from t85225 :
8 days since an update. Ponders... did the lost voice morph into fused and unusuable digits? (I hate to type with my nose as well... you'd be forgiven) Or did she go out looking for that spandex spanking dress... and find it. (in which case... why weren't we all invited??? )
from bitterwineuk :
Matalans too far out of town and horrendous this time of year but I've seen some pretty decent stuff in Peacocks lately and New Look. :)
from nakedbarista :
I'm in southern South Carolina. It's supposed to be in the upper 70s all week. I have no idea what that converts to in celcius. Sorry! It's fun to be this warm until you walk around on Christmas morning in shorts and a t-shirt. It just seems so wrong.
from prohibited :
Wah? You sent me an email? Oh nooo. I haven't received anything.. oh I wanted to know how to put on eyeliner. *pouts* Thanks for the gesture, I'm just sorry I can't send it back to you so you can continue 'Stepfie's Make-Up Lessons'. I wonder where that went...
from t85225 :
k... I looked for am email addy and since I can't find one, I'll put this crap here. I can't say I've ever read a 'here are my kids and I having fun' entry before and really been compelled to read the whole thing, but I have now! You so rock! :) (btw, I didn't want a smoke once while reading it... thanks for the encouragement AND the fist-stab-thingy!)
from f-i-n :
happy turkey day
from nakedbarista :
My only regret is that I didn't get a picture... sigh.
from hedgehoggy :
Fun to look at? I'd say it might be a bit scary when a girl's 'brown eye' winks back at me.
from dandydandy :
You are very right about the live music in the front yard. I just tend to cringe initially after the sun goes down. I think it must come from having lived with musician(s) most of my adult life and having to be the one who answers the door to the noise complaint while the band practices. :) And yes, my ex is a musician--I've lived the whole life of gigs and practices and recording studio time and tempermental drummers. Ha.
from bitterwineuk :
Still no email, whats up with hotmail lately? I have not recieved one mail in inbox or junk for 2 days. Not even all those annoying ones you get sent. I'm getting annoyed with it. If you email me at: [email protected] to see if that works. Then I will send you details of my private diary if you want it. :)
from bitterwineuk :
I never got your email hun. I checked junk mail and everything but not a thing. :( Becca ([email protected])
from prohibited :
Course not, I secretly love it when I get added to new people!
from sopeculiar :
I've never hit anyone with a frying pan, though I'd like to think it would make an echo-y "bong" noise...
from bitterwineuk :
where are u in the UK missy?
from hedgehoggy :
The woman on your left is Keira Knightley from the movie, King Arthur not Angelina Jolie. I love Angelina but, for some reason, I respect her more for being a mother. There's just something off about saying you'd wanna shag someone rotten that has several kids that are paraded around. Not that mothers aren't shag-worthy. Say, don't you go both ways? Who'd you wanna spend a day exploring various holes? Jessica Simpson? Britney? Joan Jett? Nina Hartley?
from annanotbob :
Gah! OK now after evening with Russell Brand. Thanks xxx
from bitterwineuk :
Of Course, I don't mind you adding me back. I was only so amused by the toilet roll as I am a Tesco slag and only see what Tesco's sell. I've never seen it in there so I was overwhelmed. Hahahaha.
from f-i-n :
I would gladly swap places with you. It's too hot here.
from mel-is-dvash :
Hello back atcha. And dashing off to bed. ;-)
from hedgehoggy :
Oh, I laughed and laughed at this entry. Having a problem with finding glue? Boys have a lot of issues, especially musicians. Should have grabbed the clueless lad and ordered him to eat you out behing the pub. Good punishment since guys don't want others to know they do 'the deed.'
from guilty-heart :
LOL! You're so good for me, Tart! Except he doesn't really know a lot of Jims...almost all of his friends are Amandas...see my panic?
from hedgehoggy :
Huh? Are you talking about hair underneath? I know it's hard to get out but the smoother the pussy the better the licking. A small bush is fine since that's fun to run fingers through. Did you know that as you age your asshole darkens? "Look! I can tell how old you are, dear! Must be 40, eh? This 69'er sure is fun!"
from skibigsky :
Love the Lou Stonehill stuff - very 'easy on the ears' - in a good way (not in an elevator music sort of way). I think a new CD will be finding itself in my collection. Just for giggles, here is the spouse's very rough (i.e. not mixed) stuff that he did. He's got one of his old band members mixing it, and he's going to redo the vocals on a few songs, as this was VERY rough. But it's good to hear him singing again. (But for the record, we did have two guitars in the house - they just didn't have enough strings on them to make them playable! *grin)
from serenaville :
Uhm. Dahhhling. E-mail addy?? Be a love, and give it up to me? You know you want to. Yes, you want to quite a lot, don't you? Cheeky tart. More's the reason to love! *Mwah!* ;D
from hedgehoggy :
10-year-olds in thongs? That's what we deal with in the States. The sexing up of little kids is just too out there for me. And they wonder why pedophilia is on the rise. Dumbasses! When I was little, I was much too scared of girls seeing the color of my undies. Little cartoon figures found on mine, although sexy now, weren't the sort that sent girls for a good wank in the public loo. Now, I can't seem to keep my undies in tact because my girlfriend rips 'em off because she insists on seeing the bits.
from mel-is-dvash :
There is a mail-order company called Decent Exposures which makes bras to order for reasonable prices. They are in the U.S. I use them and so does my older daughter, we have been very happy with them. I don't know what shipping might cost, as I have them sent to my sister (in the states) who mails them along. Oh, yes, they have a website. Good luck!
from ottodixless :
Hi. I'll let you enjoy gigs vicariously through me just as long as I don't have to enjoy Jeremy Clarkson for you. He's all yours. But SLF still are top punk-jumping up and down music.
from hedgehoggy :
Well, ma'am, that is a fine auto-mo-bile. I'm sure there will be some fancy maneuvering when applying your sex tricks in it. Are there going to be rules for some time that are to help it stay as nice as possible? No smoking? No popsicles? No bodily fluids to be spilled?
from nakedbarista :
What did you think of Pensacola? Beautiful beaches, huh? My hubby was stationed at the Naval Air Station there. I loved the beaches, hated the entire rest of the town.
from annanotbob :
Glad you liked the book - I love it, especially the characters and how they come to grow on you xxx
from hedgehoggy :
Knew that. I just prefer Gary Jules's version so much that it haunts me from time to time. Of course, the movie, Donnie Darko, using it in such a strategic way helped. Read a lovely mag article on one of the reasons women shouldn't get sloshed with guys. None of them want to see her pull up her skirt to take a giant horse piss. Of course, I saw one aim at the wall while I held her purse. Somehow, I think you are laughing.
from nakedbarista :
No, no no!! You're way too fabulous for Mary Kay. It's for us old hags that need to cake on three inches of make up to walk out of our bedrooms in the morning : ) It's just a bunch of make up and skin care stuff. Like Avon.
from hedgehoggy :
Happy late birthday to you, too. I must admit to a curiousity over this USB record player. Heard of 'em but never seen one.
from dandydandy :
I'm hoping for a little extra cash soon too! Did you check out those shoes? If I had a reason to wear shoes like that, I definitely would. Every. Day.
from annanotbob :
Re your comment about the photo - all I can say is good, he should be scared. Just dropped S at Heathrow, had a big cry then a cream tea on way home. Now ready to LIVE MY LIFE at bleeding last... Hope you are well and looking forward to seeing you on Sat xxx
from hedgehoggy :
I once farted for over a minute straight. It's simple. Really. All you have to do is eat out in places that serve food that is very salted (cheeseburgers do this for me). Your stomach should be completely woozy by late night. Sit back and watch how the toots just come out. Tell your hub to brace himself because it's gonna need to be timed. I'll bet many conspiracies will be debated as to how a little asshole needs attention.
from ottodixless :
Also, I hope you're ok just now, and soon able to eat soup with lumps in it.
from ottodixless :
Um, thank you, I think. I try to be interesting in my diary, if nowhere else.
from annanotbob :
Commiserations on the job front, sounds vile. On the other hand, hog roast sounds fab and so pleased BF is going to stop being a cunt, bless him, eh. Thanks for your note xxx
from lonelywife :
glad the fight is over and didn't last too long. i'll hope for a wonderful new job for you. also, will be curious about what BF said....when you're ready to tell. had a good day today(!). i like it when that happens. take care, lonely
from lonelywife :
not nosy, just knowing that i need to talk about those kinds of things! :) it's dark blue, sweatshirt material and it has the dark side of the moon 'logo' on it. it says pink floyd across it in cut out letters. it's quite cute. :) thanks for asking!
from hedgehoggy :
Only the under 10s? Just what does a girl need to do to move up to the 30-year-old Luis Vuitton crowd? Never. Anyone that knows all the versions of the Scooby Doo theme songs is cool with me. Just don't pass out or I'm pretty sure a certain 'musician' would find the top of your head as a nice little place to rest his weary balls. I've got the feeling that has happened to you before after much pleading.
from lonelywife :
hi stepfie....i'm not doing well, but i really thank you for asking. things are not good here. i don't really expect much else. i sincerely hope you and the loved ones are doing well. xo lonely
from nakedbarista :
All this time I thought the Decemberists were British, hahaha.
from f-i-n :
A slut.
from f-i-n :
A chongo (or female chonga) is Miami slang for hoochie.
from badbadzoot :
transatlantic dumbass answer #496: I don't *&%$## know!!! haha! Well, in all seriousness, I believe the "gift table" at the wedding is for those who did not attend bridal shower and/or wedding shower, because if those cheapskates think they can get away with it, they've got another thing coming to 'em!! And my guests will eat and be HAPPY with whatever I feed them dangnabit! much love xoxoxo
from hedgehoggy :
Yeah, the Mentos thing has been around for a long time. Some do it to music while others hope to make their explosions the biggest ever. Reminds me to ask if you've ever seen Peter North (the porn star) and his, uh, "explosions." Oh, I laugh at this.
from dandydandy :
Oh I'm so happy to have a club! You know, it's so awkward and uncomfortable when people gawk and stare when having the realization that I'm cooking from scratch. HOWever, I know from reading your diary that you are a much, much better cook than I. If I could hang about your kitchen and learn to make the dishes you serve up it'd be heavenly. I tend to stick to homey comfort foods--although I do admit to making them really, really good so that people fall all over themselves. Eventually I'll hear through the grapevine that so-and-so said I make the best whatever and it feels pretty good to be able to do something nice with confidence. So, even if I do get weird looks from time to time, I won't ever stop cooking from scratch. Good lord, I've gone on enough about this! Maybe I should just go write an entry, eh? Ha.
from annanotbob :
Hiya. Home again, pissed off again, yawn, moan, drone etc. It was great (and weird) to meet you and lovely BF. I was going to email you the pics but don't want to send them to work without checking that it's OK. Do you mind if I post them on my diary? I'd still like to get really pissed together one day... Love xxx
from badbadzoot :
ah hahahhaa! I forgot they don't have *ahem* "fluff" in Great Britain. It's called Marshmallow fluff and its basically melted marshmallows that is spreadable and filled with lots-o-sugar. Combine that with peanut butter that is filled with lots-o-sugar and we have a winner!!! *ding ding ding*!!! It's very good. I should send you some. I'm used to eating it with peanut butter as a sandwich, but Mr. B just recently used it in pancake batter, which was surprisingly good. Cheerio! Er- yeah, I won't say that again.... ;-) much love xoxoxo
from stepfordtart :
Hey Guys! Im locked up for a bit. Dont worry, you're not missing anything, no excitement, nothing to see here, move along please. Back soon s x
from awittykitty :
html lesson #1220. A bullet is achieved by typing the letters li inside of these: < >. I love making long lists with many bullets, thus cementing my utter and total dorkdom. Enjoy!
from summerroll :
The last paragragh had nothing to do with my life. It was in reference to "The Hills", the "Laguna Beach" spin off. They are both MTV reality shows about extremely rich kids with "real lives". I don't know if you get those over yonder, but the shows are so stupid they make me laugh.
from awittykitty :
sorry to hear about your car, my dear. Cars have absolutely no sense of good timing.
from nakedbarista :
I'm back to the old password now!
from tiaris :
Just get a one-piece with a nice tunic cover-up. Trust me. Wear something like that to an office function and they'll be talking about the clown outfit until your holiday party. ;-)
from lonelywife :
you've been quiet. is everything okay? things are okay here. okay is good. :) xo lonely
from hedgehoggy :
Very rare, a girl that admits to swallowing. There are a few others and generally they are very open in their sexuality. Why not? I admit to swallowing girl spunk so more power to us. If you can, get ThinkingXXX as it's a great documentary on porn stars. Plus, they aren't shy on the nudity since you'll get plenty close-ups of schlongs.
from summerroll :
Ha! That's cheap for us; the Bahamas is a 30-45 minute flight from here, and the hotels are super in-expensive (so are the drinks and the food). So it really is like a country get-a-away for us. But if Cornwall has white sands, blue waters, and clear skies, I'll trade.
from hedgehoggy :
Since when did you live in the States and then decide to move out to THERE? That's quite a move to deal with a Teddy Graham addiction. 2 boxes for only $4! Get your tits out for the lads over the 'Net and maybe they'll send you some.
from annanotbob :
Well thanks for that honey. I've attempted to install it, but I've been having a post-first day back at work spliff and may have fucked it up a bit. I will have another go tomorrow. Hope things are good with you xx
from lonelywife :
thinking of you tonight and hoping all is well! take care, lonely x
from badbadzoot :
ha! thanks! I'm still in the dark as what is going on with my comments, I read through the forums at Haloscan but there were no real solutions, so I posted another query. Hopefully someone will help me out! And those super secret comments are just other readers laughing at me because I said FUCKTARD! GAH! There I go again! ;-) much love xxxxxoooo
from f-i-n :
Apparently lisa simpson isn't the only one:
from hedgehoggy :
Well, jizz is good for a girl's skin so why not? Good grief, how many times does a girl have to drop the soap? This seems to be a great time for clumsiness.
from badbadzoot :
oh my gosh... another person, warcrygirl, has the same problem. And I've checked and double checked my codes and they're right. I've got my commenting through, I think I shall post an inquiry on their message boards. Because that is just weird! sorry about the commenting problems dear! much love xxxxxooo
from hedgehoggy :
Why did your note make me feel better and laugh at the same time? Wish I could say, "Shaddup willya?" like that.
from nakedbarista :
Those do exist, and we have one in town here called Sonic! They're heavenly. Maybe we'll need to go there for dinner so I can get you pictures, LOL. We had several of them back home in Ohio. One was staffed strictly by the local college boys... heh heh...
from f-i-n :
I am still trying to figure out those math problems. I am math-impaired. Maybe you can find the answer! Until then, feel free to add me. I will add you back!
from annanotbob :
Love and hugs to both of you xxxx
from badbadzoot :
hahahaha! Mr. B wants to be a musician, I guess I'll have to keep my eye on him! But not let him eat it...... and I am going to take full advantage of your offer... I will e-mail you soon with details! yayness!!!! ;-) much love xxxooo
from annanotbob :
Nice to hear from you honey bun - hope you're well hugs xxxx
from nakedbarista :
Yes, diets do suck. Last week our friends invited us over for dinner and had *inhales* steak, hot dogs, steak kabobs, steak and shrimp kabobs, ribs, homemade potato salad and baked beans. I couldn't eat a single thing so I sat around and watched everyone else eat. The thing that bothered me the most, though, was everyone saying "Nikki, are you sure you don't want to eat? This steak is FANTASTIC!" Of course I wanted to eat it, but those are SO many calories!!
from hedgehoggy :
Ha Ha I think you'd wear out my little brother to the point that he'd start asking for tea and just collapse. Plus, I think you'd totally dominate him in a game of checkers but that's just going off the subject. Let's hear some "White Wedding" now, y'all! "It's a nice day to...........START AGAIN!"
from summerroll :
No shame in asking. Target is one of those "super" stores, like Walmart (don't know if y'all have that one either), that sells everything like groceries, clothes, shoes, cleaning supplies, furniture, beauty & pharmacy supplies, pet supplies, electronics, games, camping gear, ect. Whatever you can think of, most likely they have. And, everything is several dollars cheaper than it normally would be if you got it at a regular drug store or grocery. Check it out: or
from lonelywife :
poland....the one thing that i am truly anticipating. we went last summer as well. we are working with habitat for humanity. we will be building a house for a mother and daughter that live in terrible conditions. i can't even call it a house. the girl has sight problems and will probably be blind soon. she actually volunteered to do other habitat work! it will be such a wonderful project and i can't wait to be there. and the country is really beautiful. right on the baltic sea. how are you? xoxo lonely
from summerroll :
Thanks for the note. Nice to know that you're thinking about me. :D Makes me feel all special and stuff.
from annanotbob :
If you're not careful I'll get a microthang and post a photo of me wearing it. That'll shut you up, I promise! I liked the silent sex tales - reminded me of times past....
from hedgehoggy :
Who's Bella Donna? Is this a porn star or are you just giving me a pet name? The only reason Ron's in porn is because of 9.75 inches. I don't know how girls can enjoy being with him but he's such a nice guy. One of my friend's got his autograph. Big fake boobs have got to go. How about all those gangbangs? I hate 'em, too. It's gross to see a girl with cum all over her face, dripping down, and then she's smiling.
from dandydandy :
Oh Stepfie, you know distance doesn't mean squat. Take for example the fact that I have visited Ireland and Smash hasn't. Hehehe. Get your little butt over here so that we can all have a few together! Ah shucks, if that won't work, I'll grab Serena and drag her across the pond to see you. Deal?
from hedgehoggy :
I forgot about your little quip. I've heard of it before on married people heading to the fridge after seeing what's in bed but all that slipped my mind. Funny. It's funny the uses of semen in porn these days, eh?
from annanotbob :
A case of mistaken identity, I fear. We have neither Bourne nor Langley in these parts. Though I wouldn't be averse to seeing BF play, one of those days when I've got my groove back xx
from annanotbob :
and I'm starting from where? Glad you're back tho' - sad lack of porn in my other reads, not to mention my life. Boo hoo etc xxx
from lonelywife :
thank you, thank you for understanding. i keep hoping things will be better here, but no such luck. i honestly love my husband. but i really and truthfully think that he doesn't love me. this really bothers me. i want him to love me. but sometimes (most of the time) i wonder if it's too late. thank you so much for your note. it was really needed and appreciated. xoxo g
from summerroll :
I don't know what I would do with all that power. I envy you, oh queen of the supplies!
from guilty-heart :
ROFL! Well, I won't be pooping them, either! You are uber-cute - and I dig the Bullshit Baffles :)
from summerroll :
You're a lot blonder than I expected, but I definitely see where the "Stepford" comes in. BF must be very happy!
from hedgehoggy :
Okay, you came out pictures exactly as I thought you'd look. No, that's not a bad thing as anyone that takes the word "Hump" and does it as much as possible is good.
from lonelywife :
hope your holidays are wonderful! xo lonely
from smashthegas :
Additional, though the last comment formatted funny the hyphen IS a part of the email addy :)
from smashthegas :
email me the links dear... I also need your email anyways cos I don't think I ever procured it. mine is travis-jamesATblueyonderDOTcoDOTuk Ta love, glad to see ya back!
from annanotbob :
Writing this before I've read your update so I may be back. I started Priv. P on Monday night and knew someone was going to die but thought it would be Tommo going over the top. Then at the school on Tuesday I was flicking through one of the kid's English book and saw some work on the novel. I turned a page and there was this big heading - The Execution of George. I'll admit it did give me a turn, but not as much as poor Jooj. It was a wicked world and still is for many poor sods. I keep wishing I could recommend some books for Jooj - I will when I spot
from annanotbob :
Well, that's the private sector for you! My eldest went to a private secondary where they read ALL the options for literature GCSE - Far From the Madding Crowd, Jane Eyre, Lord of the Flies, etc etc etc, while I dragged my lot through Mice and Men. It's a different world.
from lonelywife :
thanks for your note. :) things are slowly, but surely getting better. i'll keep you updated.
from ottodixless :
Hi, thanks for adding me. I look forward to reading more of your diary.
from dandydandy :
What a kind thing for you to say! Thanks a heap!
from queenoftart :
It HAS warmed up a bit hmmmmm ; )
from lonelywife :
thank you for the note. things are not good here at my house. there are court orders, etc., etc. my husband's ex-wife is f***ing evil. i really hate her. court....etc. i'm so upset. i feel as if i'm at the end of my rope. please just think of me every once in awhile... how are things with you?
from smedindy :
Hey, madam. shoot me an email, if you would!
from guilty-heart :
LOL, wouldn't that make the best stripper name? Or maybe a line of lingerie? I'm not surprised you don't know my Ultimate Fighters, it's kind of a stretch to call them 'celebrities,' but you haven't seen The Punisher or Terminator??? You are missing out!
from candoor :
decided on a note instead of a comment this time, just cuz... so for no apparent reason I wish you love and happiness and something fun, whatever it is, make the next thing you do more fun than you ever thought it could be (even if that means doing it slightly wrong and having to re-do it, just cuz :)
from annanotbob :
I know, but I'm deeply traumatised by that being the extent of my desire - to snuggle up with Fern Brittan - where have I gone wrong???? I've been reading and I loved what you wrote about taking XXX to hospital and staying with her. xx
from annanotbob :
Thanks for your comment about posh-boy. I'd forgotten all about him and went back to check, which reminded me how much I like writing - I'd kind of lost touch with that. A defective memory is a source of endless surprise. I'd forgotten my lovely red jacket once belonged to someone else and had just incorporated it into the general (dunno where this sentence is going, sorry...) I've read loads of your diary too but I just have a big sense that I like you, with a hint of countryside and a sense of gigs being in there somewhere. Apart from the unforgettable celeb thing and that fucking bloke on smedindy's - this has gone on a bit, but have a good day or night, whenever you read this xxx
from smedindy :
I think to get stats you must have Gold! (Gold! Always belivin' in Gold!...sorry...Spandau Ballet attacked me.)
from hedgehoggy :
Ha Ha! Freeballin'? You are the first girl I've ever heard tell me that a guy going commando is such a taker. Interesting. As for more questions to about a pic of yo' hair? I'm curious as to blonde, brunette, or redhead. We got fuck-me-pumps but no head to go with them. Now, that sounds funny since we both enjoy giving head.
from dandydandy :
Oops! Sorry! Vince is an American actor who does lots of comedy. He was in Wedding Crashers, Starsky & Hutch, Old School, Anchorman (small role) and most recently The Break-Up. Ha! Don't know if that helps you or not!
from crayon :
Nah, just don't like knowing she's sad.
from crayon :
It's the least I could do for her.
from hedgehoggy :
I can't imagine how it would sound! How many speakers? I've got 5 but lost the sixth until I find it. Geez, doesn't all that just make you wanna act it out in the studio? Big screen, big speakers, and time spent in porn star heels.........time well spent.
from dandydandy :
Oh golly, it is so terribly difficult for my overworked brain to come up with some kind of fantasy that goes beyond..."we went out for a bite to eat, returned home, got it on and fell asleep." I do believe you, Tart, will be much better in the fantasy arena than me! But perhaps this meme will get the gears in proper working order again. Ah well, I'm glad I have at least one reader who promises not to laugh! :)
from hedgehoggy :
Oh, I love funny stories on pussy farts! In America, we call them "queefs." Just something more to enjoy while being with a woman, for us men. No, I'm not the boyfriend as I live in a country run by a complete idiot.
from smedindy :
OH! I get it now. Heh! Dumb ol' me. Anyway, I promised Smash some mix CDs and this takes care of them. As for a REAL soundtrack - well, if things thing gets big then there's a possibility that Smash could be a-callin, since he's the auteur and we're just the hired help!
from smedindy :
I've got it all under control, ma'am. 99 tunes for "Rockin'" and they all work! Thanks, though - I may have to see if he's got some rarities that I want / need!
from annanotbob :
Hmmm. Interesting. Any little ponies nearby?
from annanotbob :
OK, I'll admit it. I went searching for British diarists! I've got lots of great American buddies, and some fantastic young Brits, but... well, you know how it is. Good to 'meet' you.
from hedgehoggy :
Never heard of Sleepy Hollow!?! *shudders* The horror! The horror!
from annanotbob :
Hello, just found you and added you, hope you don't mind.
from smashthegas :
And yes you do need the hyphen in that addy, my last notes formatting was a bit fooked. xxx
from smashthegas :
Hey dear, just saw your gbook entry. try emailing me at travis-jamesATblueyonderDOTcoDOTuk My other one sometimes goes a bit funny.
from hedgehoggy :
Whoops! The zombie flick was the other 'Tart's. My bad. Let's just get the spanking over with. *bends over*
from summerroll :
Hey! No more apologizing! I love your notes because they are sometimes strange, but they always make me laugh. Keep em coming!
from hedgehoggy :
Dear me.........I just cannot fathom a large squirt on a woman's face or dress. The curtains? Now, that is a different question altogether but will make Martha Stewart cry. Will you please tell me the name of the zombie flick? It's been weighing on my mind because I know I've seen it and I know it's not Re-Animator.
from smashthegas :
Aww thanks for the kiss, ST. *mwah* back. Smash xxx \m/
from nakedbarista :
Yes, they're definitely not pink and tealish. They're more like brick red and a dark sage green. Oy. *shakes head at teal* I gotta get a new camera.
from hedgehoggy :
Fine by me as I totally agree on the use of the word "quim." Cute little word, no? I'm guessing that you're quite the tongue user, too, eh? I'm always open for more tips even if I have a tendency to make her thrash all around. The climax is a dazed look in her eye and drool. Sexy? Quite.
from summerroll :
I didn't think it was insulting, I thought it was hilarious and I laughed my ass off when I read it.
from lonelywife :
stepfie, thanks for the hi. things here are good. just pretty busy with classes. hope all is well! xo lonely
from summerroll :
I don't know what the hell it means either, but I'm leading towards "National Public Radio". Although, "'Normous Penis Radio" does have a much better ring! :D
from smedindy :
The URL is your address:
from smashthegas :
to make your homepage show up in the comments, where it says url just type and as for email, when you click on an email link, just make sure that the address looks as it should. some people have a (remove this) or some smiliar message in their email address to stop internet spammage. Hope this helps... smashxxx
from serenaville :
Gracious. Thank you, so very much, for adding Serenaville to your faves/buddy list! Happy thanks as well, for your kind comment. It's always a thrill to be found, and read regularly. I'm quite warmed. Rest assured, I'll be raiding your entry closet as well, at first opportunity. How could I not, with such an intriguing diary ident, and so many favorite diaries in common? Pleased to have you in The Posse, and looking forward to learning more about you as time passes. Take care! -Serena :)
from lonelywife :
happy anniversary, dear! xo lonely
from lonelywife :
as i was on, your update showed up! this must happen often! :) keep an eye on the fairy/corpse... xo lonely
from masherdude :
Hey congrats! You are now in your very own online soap. Go to my smash diary and click on the tatoo image on the right of any entry, and ye shall be transported to the first episode! Don't gorget to add "masherdude" to your faves to see when its updated. Loves ya! smash
from lonelywife :
:) just silly american football! :) thanks for the note!
from summerroll :
I mean no offense. I call everyone who's a year or more over than me "old", and my 24th b-day is in 9 days (yay!). Anyway, when I say his age is starting to catch up with him, I mean that he's starting to look his age considering when I first met him, I wouldn't have thought that he was over 25, yet it was only a couple months before his 30th. It's kinda scary how age just sneaks up on you.
from smedindy :
Andy Rooney is a curmudgeonly essayist on the US TV Show "60 Minutes" so it's lost on you. He always goes, "Did you ever notice about..." and then spouts something really trivial.
from lonelywife :
hey stepfie! thanks for the notes. and i will be interested to hear the nightmare story, and yes, i'm sure i will relate! take care, lonely xo
from smashthegas :
\m/ \m/ \m/ there ya go babe! smashxxx
from summerroll :
Hey! Thanks for braving future wrist injury by leaving me a note and adding me as a fave. I'm glad you did because I've been looking for a new, interesting diary to read. And YAY! for great sex (especially since I'm not getting any right now).
from smashthegas :
Nah its not locked now babe. I just locked it while I did the html necessary to add you babes as my posse! Smash Central is now open for business! smashxxx
from slinkycurtis :
Thanks for your sympathetic views on the time one needs to poo, but now I would love you to turn your sympathy towards the poor, dedicated but slow worker who is being forced out of his job - check out the diary and make sure you get everyone with an ear to visit soon!
from smashthegas :
LOL Yeah thats true most people use biblical references to talk shite, but my friend H just made an innocent remark and I was sat there thinking "hmmm" but asked her what it was, and she told me without any sanctimonious bollocks cos shes great. The other biblical reference was from a fucked up old trout friend of my aunts, so I just countered with "you don't get this sort of corny crap when your religion is fucking, monkey spanking and alcohol. you should try it, it might loosen you the fuck up." I was pissed at the time but I don't think I'll be getting a christmas card... smash xxx
from smashthegas :
I just thought of something else. Surely at 6'7" I qualify to be a foul mouthed BIG fucker? Discuss. smashxxx
from smashthegas :
LOL Oh don't apologise. I took it as a compliment. And yes of course you can add me as a favourite. I will affor dyou the same courtesy, and then read some more of your diary... hehe. Foulf mouthed fucker signing off now.... smashxxx
from lonelywife :
ireland was beautiful. wish i was there instead of here! hope all is well with you. x
from smedindy :
Well, did you get 86'd? Did you get the ziggy? Are you out on your ass and on the streets? Any other obscure American slang I can throw at you? Inquiring minds want to know your job status!
from lonelywife :
thanks for reading. thanks for the comment. i have greatly enjoyed reading your diary. i will be stopping back. x
from moviegrrl :
{{{HUGS}}} how horrid honey. I'm going to add haloscan comments to your page today (as per mine) so that people can comment on individual entries - after that I'll leave well alone! kisses - you too are top banana - and if at all possible get that arsehole reported to the cops...
from hissandtell :
Fuck, you're brilliant. I'm just loving your writing (Ben Dover indeed! One of my husband's heroes!) - and what's more, you say "twat" and "shite" a lot! Thanks so much for reading; I shall be back with my tongue out, salivating for more of your delicious naughtiness. Love, R xxx

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